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The Keyboard Mafia

The Peeps

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I think esequiel is telling the truth. @Rummy still hasn't provided us with his key character / manner in which he investigates despite me having asked him 2-3 times.


Rummy before presented the situation that if it's not DuD then it's esequiel - I think this might be a move to try kill 2 townies, including one that is very hard for Mafia to kill. He also tried to discredit DuD's role despite the writeup and Raining pretty much confirming him to be a switcher.


Couple this with Jonnas's above response, with no defence of his character, and I'd much rather we dealt with Jonnas today. He came out about being a roleblocker far too lightly (they are usually high on the Mafia hit list) and we probably already have a switcher. Add to this that he couldn't be reached and was 'off the keyboard', I'd be much happier if we dealt with him.

Edited by Sheikah
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As for Raining, she's barely done/said anything in the thread. She hasn't 'proved' anything, and I'd highly suspect her of being an ally of yours - so if we lynch DuD we have another potential candidate too.


I have been posting!


The info I had made no sense I was told DB was a switcher. I was following the conversation, to see if I could match anything to what I had. I came in and posted when I saw that Dud said he had switched DB and himself so it made sense.

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Right, I remembered Rez asked me my key. I dont see why not reveal it: I am ctrl. I should also mention I redirected you because both you and Cube voted quickly in that lynch, it had nothing to do with low profile players (you and Cube definitely arent).


Sheikah, I came out as a redirector because a mafioso was dead, and I thought we were on the verge of finding another. I have little qualm about revealing myself if it moves the game forward. Not sure what else to say.

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DuD (4): Rummy, Esequiel, DuD, ReZourceman

Esequiel (1): Jonnas

Jonnas (1): Sheiakh


Majority is 7


PS. To re-iterate... I cocked up with Esequiel's night action so for all intents and purposes he did nothing last night (though he sent in an action and should have succeeded).

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Right, first of all, I don't think Jonnas being off the board makes him suspicious - Rummy was off the board night 1, which is why he was unsuccessful in his actions. I think off the board = jailkeep. Whether Rummy's results are accurate, and who they relate to, is another matter. I find it slightly difficult to believe that something could be switched with no-one knowing, but then, why would Dannyboy have died otherwise? I'm split over what to do. If one turns out town, does that mean Rummy's result actually related to the other?


Rummy, if today doesn't lead to a correct lynch, I think it may be worth doing your night one action again.

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Limited Internet. Redirected ReZ to Cube last night. Don't know why Cube did not reach me.


Not sure if I fully believe DuD's story, since there is something that doesn't add up. Magnus' power should've saved Danny.


When I have better Internet, I'll explain my musings better.


^ @Mr\-Paul, that can't be right - it can't be a jailkeep effect as Jonnas claims to be successful. I don't think the same thing happening to Rummy necessarily means it must be town related.


@DuD, careful who you switch yourself with tonight as Rummy may need to access certain people.


SECOND - if the same thing happened to Rummy but he says he wasn't successful, then it can't be protection either! Plus Jonnas said he had no knowledge of it happening to him. Need to read back to see whether the same thing did happen to him as it seems pretty different.

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Rummy before presented the situation that if it's not DuD then it's esequiel.


I'd appreciate if you could qualify this absolute bullshit as I never did anything of the sort.


Right, first of all, I don't think Jonnas being off the board makes him suspicious - Rummy was off the board night 1, which is why he was unsuccessful in his actions. I think off the board = jailkeep. Whether Rummy's results are accurate, and who they relate to, is another matter. I find it slightly difficult to believe that something could be switched with no-one knowing, but then, why would Dannyboy have died otherwise? I'm split over what to do. If one turns out town, does that mean Rummy's result actually related to the other?


Rummy, if today doesn't lead to a correct lynch, I think it may be worth doing your night one action again.


Agreed with all of this. I suspected it as a jailkeep but nobody came forward - looked a lot like it.

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Well I would appreciate if you would answer my question from earlier instead of ignoring it which is making you suspicious as hell.


What is your key and what is the flavour pertaining to how you carry out your action?


Suspicious? Maybe I don't answer to those I suspect of being mafia ;)


I'm an alignment investigator - the way I carry out my action is by investigating alignments. It's not a complicated role.


More to the point - why have you claimed at least two things that never happened? I never said nor implied that Esequiel would be mafia if DuD isn't, and I'm fairly sure Jonnas hasn't claimed to have reached me on Night 1.


Note that what happened to you can't be the same thing that happened to Jonnas as he claims to have been successful.


Ah, I see what you're saying now. So why is there any equating what happened to me with what happened to Jonnas? Is there relevance or significance to this?

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No -what is your KEY. And HOW do you carry out your role? Everyone has a story as to how they carry it out.


If you're outing yourself as cop then what point is there withholding this info? You are Mafia enemy #1 already. Unless there is more to this.

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Night 1 definitely wasn't a jailkeep looking at it, mr-paul was apparently successful in targetting me whereas Dedede couldn't reach/find me. From the way the PM was worded I suspected a jailkeep, but that doesn't make sense then. However I think mr-paul is telling the truth from what he's said, which now leaves me thoroughly confused on the whole thing.


As for myself, I was unsuccessful. It's a flavourful PM, so I can't be sure entirely as to the cause.


I was a success in targeting Rummy! I wasn't the one that stopped you from doing what you were doing, though. I have nothing to share further right now. I think we're waiting for a redirector/target swapper then.


I targeted Rummy but couldn't locate him...apparently this has never happened before!


I can't make any sense of that. I assumed a jailkeep, it could just as easily have been a roleblock.


No -what is your KEY. And HOW do you carry out your role? Everyone has a story as to how they carry it out.


If you're outing yourself as cop then what point is there withholding this info? You are Mafia enemy #1 already. Unless there is more to this.


Cmon man, wheres your sense of fun in the game? You had it in the Jelly Bean - why not here! What I'm more curious to is WHY my key matters to you so much - does it affect anything to do with what I've said? It makes me curious as to whether you don't have specific player targets but rather must target the keys themselves.


No -what is your KEY. And HOW do you carry out your role? Everyone has a story as to how they carry it out.


If you're outing yourself as cop then what point is there withholding this info? You are Mafia enemy #1 already. Unless there is more to this.


Cmon man, wheres your sense of fun in the game? You had it in the Jelly Bean - why not here! What I'm more curious to is WHY my key matters to you so much - does it affect anything to do with what I've said? It makes me curious as to whether you don't have specific player targets but rather must target the keys themselves.


My PM tells me that each night I may target a player and find out if they're good or bad, that's literally my power and how it works.

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It matters because I think you're lying (the then way you revealed your result was to me unconvincing), and as long as you continue to have something to hide then no one will go with your lynch.


And like I said, the biggest factor resulting in you being killed is that you have been revealed a cop. The only reason you're not full revealing now is either sheer awkwardness or because you have something to hide.

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I have a theory cooking. I think all the toggles are mafia and the modifiers are town.


Can anyone provide any information to the contrary? Eg toggle keys that are town, or modifiers that are mafia. That would be even more helpful!


I haven't yet read today's stuff but I will get to it, so pardon the non sequitur.

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Hiding my key? Ha. I hid it in plain sight!


I have a theory cooking. I think all the toggles are mafia and the modifiers are town.


Can anyone provide any information to the contrary? Eg toggle keys that are town, or modifiers that are mafia. That would be even more helpful!


I haven't yet read today's stuff but I will get to it, so pardon the non sequitur.


By toggles do you mean caps and stuff?

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Yes, that's me. I>everyone! Almost literally my flavour as a character, actually.




>implying it matters.


It wasn't rocket science folks. Who the hell throws a > around in a mafia game?!


Now @Sheikah how about you qualify your earlier claim that I somehow said or implied Esequiel was mafia if DuD wasn't like I asked?

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OK then, couple of questions


- For absolute confirmation, you are the greater than symbol ( > ) ?


- What is the flavour as to how this key investigates?


I've essentially answered both of those within the last few posts.


I'm not right now giving direct quote of my absolutely character flavour, as I don't know if Peeps will allow it - I've asked though.


Yes, that's me. I>everyone! Almost literally my flavour as a character, actually.


My PM tells me that each night I may target a player and find out if they're good or bad, that's literally my power and how it works.


^Because you'll probably still insist on being too dense to read what I'm saying.

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