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The Jelly Bean Mafia


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Heh, I overlooked that. Yeah, it makes no sense at all to go to such lengths to throw doubt on an alignment result based on it being unconfirmed, yet say that the green bean is totally confirmed.


Earlier on he was eager to exclaim that I must have taken a rare bean. I don't know why someone who was town would say something so clearly inflammatory to the Mafia. And of course, the Mafia would want to know if I had a rare bean since that'd make me a threat to them.


I'm happy to Vote: Rummy. His behaviour is totally off for a townie.


Exclaimed? You mean I asked you a question and you answered? Yeah I did. Inflammatory? No. Why is it even inflammatory to the mafia? I've already stated, and as my action indicates, it was baseless. Don't blame me that you're too predictable at a mafia.


As for last night, I used the same bean as ReZ, took the same action, and for some reason it's me vs him? Good times.


I'll let the people vote with their beans, it matters not to me. This is the most obvious day 2 I believe I've probably ever seen lol.


Also total lol at 'totally off for a townie' - you wanna say that about the last two games I was in? You wanna say that given I never play two games the same? Yeah. That's me. Totally off for a townie in a game that's unprecedented. Hahaha.



Come on everyone, I'm clearly the biggest villain here for corroborating a bean that protects against kills. VOTE FOR ME.


Classic Jimbob (Tactic)!


Were you fed the bean or did you eat one of your own? I'd like to know what colour such a bean was if it was your own. Don't fancy eating one of those myself if I have one.


You took a bean from the bag, didn't you?



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Different people have different opinions and different styles of play.


It could be argued that you wanting this lunch is you wanting the day ended quickly, killing all conversation and moving the game to night to bring about the next kill?


Am I mafia too now for having a different opinion?

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that isn't conversation that is a repost of already posted claims..

people can infer info from people's behavior and responses, however ending the day stops this.. lynching Rummy or anyone else stops this, No Lynching stops this.

The day is not stale. This disagreement between you and Rummy could yield more info than a bean color or a target (it probably won't now I've had to spell this out).

Use the day.

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There's plenty of votes left till majority, the day is not even close to ending prematurely. Votes need to go on or else a lynch doesn't go through. Do you want all days to end without a lynch because a lynch ends the day prematurely?


People aren't all going to vote immediately when there's 10 seconds left. We put them on now and if it is going too fast we remove them. It's like you're trying to be antagonistic.

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I dont see the point in voting for rummy at the minute, there is no info at all. Lets move on a day and see then.

no lynch


Stop this madness! It's far too rational, get on the wagon!


Different people have different opinions and different styles of play.


It could be argued that you wanting this lunch is you wanting the day ended quickly, killing all conversation and moving the game to night to bring about the next kill?


Am I mafia too now for having a different opinion?


I think he rather wants this lunch too. Maybe he had a red bean or three that made him excessively hungry?

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I'm not at all but why did peeps vote? why did drahkon vote?


In my experience Rummy is cagey and I would expect this behavior from him. Sheikah is a snow plow I would expect this behavior of him.

Diageo I'm not sure at the moment.

These are just initial impressions, they'll change as the game goes on.

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Anyone arguing I want to kill conversation after the post I did before would be quickly dismissed. :p


An excessive info post does not a townie make! I've seen such plays from the BM(beanmaster, of course) himself! I know I Know, this isn't what is being levelled at you by mr-paul, so do not feel the need to respond and point this out to me. I wholly appreciated your post, at least.



Do the beansfolk truly suspect me? I understand pressure votes, hoping a bean or two might pop from their pod of info...but I am lost as to what this beanery truly is!




(I have been on the fermented bean juice. It is quite unbeancoming. It may have made me a few beans short of a stalk but I assure you that I am no lima bean)

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I mostly voted to show off my double vote tbh, but I do suspect Rummy. His rantings aren't out of character but I don't see why anyone wouldn't want the town to have the bean information. At least this way everyone has the same information and the mafia don't have any advantage.

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Iv looked over all the previous posts. As far as we can tell everyone bar animal has said what they did. We cant disprove any of it yet, until such time as we can disprove people i can see no way in furthering discussions. All we have at the minute are baseless accusations so il stick with my no lynch and wait for the next day to be more fruitful.

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Personally, I am of the opinion that lynches move the game forward. They don't kill discussion, they create more. Lack of lynching is what kills discussion.


Then again, I do feel bad for lynching Rummy simply for showing his opinion on how to proceed.




Vote: No Lynch


It is early enough for us to afford this option, I believe.

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You know, if other people suspect Rummy they could do something about it. A wrong lynch isn't going to end the game at this stage.


A thought for tomorrow - we should be wary of people revealing what they did late in the day. People can wait until everyone else has said what they did, including which players tracked who, then may be free to concoct whatever story they want.

Edited by Sheikah
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I mostly voted to show off my double vote tbh, but I do suspect Rummy. His rantings aren't out of character but I don't see why anyone wouldn't want the town to have the bean information. At least this way everyone has the same information and the mafia don't have any advantage.


I didn't say I didn't want the town to have the information at any point, I merely posed potential situations and things that could happen; which I felt should be considered and discussed before we went forward. However, the people spoke, and revealed their beans. It's not as if I haven't done the same.


Baseless? If we listened to Rummy we wouldn't have the wealth of information we have now. That's an active stance against town progress. That's not baseless. You're baseless. This whole cave is baseless.


Sigh sigh sigh. See above. It's an unprecedented game, I wished only to have a bit of discussion before we jumped into everything too quickly.


You know, if other people suspect Rummy they could do something about it. A wrong lynch isn't going to end the game at this stage.


A thought for tomorrow - we should be wary of people revealing what they did late in the day. People can wait until everyone else has said what they did, including which players tracked who, then may be free to concoct whatever story they want.


THEN! I shall reveal whatever I do tonight as soon as I can tomorrow, happy? If physically possible, I will even be the first post of the day. Happier?

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