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Pocket Card Jockey (eShop)


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Anyone else pick up the full version today?


I already transferred over my save data from the demo, and retired that horse to the farm.

Got a new horse now that actually looks a bit like a Pokémon (it's yellow with a orange mane :heh:) and it's also doing very well for me so far. :)

Looking forward to its retirement so he can get it on with my first horse, and create a new super horse! :laughing:


I'll be getting it next week when I get paid.

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Here's the QR code for my retired horse from the demo version:




If anyone has a QR for a male horse, please post it.


: peace:


I'll be getting it next week when I get paid.
Good stuff. :)




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Edited by RedShell
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Hmm. I think this game is a bit too hard to start with. Even after 3 hours of gaming, I still can't figure out how to win best, even though I'm quite decent at the solitaire part of the game. The Giddyap button thing is basically too complex and the tutorial was too deep and too quick, it threw everything at you at the same time. It would have been better to pace it out a bit, not letting me go to "real" races so soon. Also especially the START-solitaire is a bit hard as it seems that it values speed over 5-star which is a shame as the card layout is random and you thus cannot be truly good at it. I like the regular solitaire better.


However, I do like the game and the concept overall, it's really fun and challenging. I'm still on my first real horse after First Run was brutally taken from me by the previous jockey! I chose Blingin' Kid who has now matured and I actually won my first Mature Race with quite a margin.

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I still haven't a clue how the points system works. I figured the more points I have then the more enthusiasm my horse will have. I had 350+ at one point but it only converted into just over 50 enthusiasm, whereas I've had a lower amount of points yet got more enthusiasm from them. I don't get it. :confused:


I had a cracking race before where I stayed in the best zones, stayed on the best part of the track, had perfect on the Solitaire side of things and still ended up getting beat. Very annoying!

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Hmm. I think this game is a bit too hard to start with. Even after 3 hours of gaming, I still can't figure out how to win best, even though I'm quite decent at the solitaire part of the game. The Giddyap button thing is basically too complex and the tutorial was too deep and too quick, it threw everything at you at the same time. It would have been better to pace it out a bit, not letting me go to "real" races so soon. Also especially the START-solitaire is a bit hard as it seems that it values speed over 5-star which is a shame as the card layout is random and you thus cannot be truly good at it. I like the regular solitaire better.
I found the best thing was to spend a while reading the tips section, as the tutorial does indeed try to cover quite a lot at once.


As for the start solitaire, I think being quick to select a card grants you a better position on the track (and higher comfort zone) while taking longer and choosing a better card will get you more initial unity power.


I still haven't a clue how the points system works. I figured the more points I have then the more enthusiasm my horse will have. I had 350+ at one point but it only converted into just over 50 enthusiasm, whereas I've had a lower amount of points yet got more enthusiasm from them. I don't get it. :confused:


I had a cracking race before where I stayed in the best zones, stayed on the best part of the track, had perfect on the Solitaire side of things and still ended up getting beat. Very annoying!

Enthusiasm is also determined by the length of a course. Longer courses make it more difficult to increase enthusiasm, so even a higher amount of energy can end up getting you less.


I've also had quite a few races now where everything has gone perfectly (the horse at the end even pops up and says so) but I've still lost. It's just part of the game, there can be a pretty high element of luck to it (which makes sense really for a game involving cards and horse racing :hehe:) I think it's also a way of encouraging players to get into the breeding aspect of the game to gradually obtain better horses.


Anyway, I'm still absolutely loving this, just can't stop playing it! :D

It can be frustrating at times, sure. And the slowdown can be catastrophic! (Seriously, what is it with Game Freak and bad frame rates on 3DS? Can kind of understand it with Pokémon, but with this... an entirely 2D game. So weird. :blank:) But yeah, it's just such a silly concept, and so charming that I can't help but be entertained.

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It can be frustrating at times, sure. And the slowdown can be catastrophic! (Seriously, what is it with Game Freak and bad frame rates on 3DS? Can kind of understand it with Pokémon, but with this... an entirely 2D game. So weird. :blank:) But yeah, it's just such a silly concept, and so charming that I can't help but be entertained.


I haven't experienced this. Are you playing on the regular 3DS?


Thanks for the tips, I'll go read the manual for once.

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I haven't experienced this. Are you playing on the regular 3DS?


Thanks for the tips, I'll go read the manual for once.


I'm on the original 3DS and I'm also experience slowdown at times. Baffling as it's hardly pushing the hardware. Game Freak really do suck!


@RedShell yeah, I guess you're right about the luck aspect. I guess I prefer my games to be based on skill rather than chance. Nothing more frustrating than playing perfectly but getting punished for it.

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I haven't experienced this. Are you playing on the regular 3DS?
The original XL model. You playing on New 3DS then?

If not, I'm surprised you haven't experienced any slowdown at all, as it's pretty common. :hmm:


@RedShell yeah, I guess you're right about the luck aspect. I guess I prefer my games to be based on skill rather than chance. Nothing more frustrating than playing perfectly but getting punished for it.
Yeah, I know you're not really a fan of luck based elements in gaming, so can definitely understand the frustration.




Just had the most epic race with this horse!:

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He was running out of stamina on the final stretch (only had 3 heart cards available) I waited until the very last moment and then used the whip to bring him level with the rival and then into the lead (by literally a pixel :o) just before the finish line! :yay:


It seems like being patient on the final stretch can really pay off. ;)

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Got this yesterday! Great game! It's got that "Just one more go" factor.


Although, this needs to be said...

What is up with that GLORIOUS music they use for the G1 cups!?


Broadcast Yourself


And don't get me started on the Farm music, it's way too elaborate for what is basically a menu.


Broadcast Yourself


Anyway, @RedShell, don't want you accidentally causing inbreeding, so here's some of my horses!


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Got this yesterday! Great game! It's got that "Just one more go" factor.


Although, this needs to be said...

What is up with that GLORIOUS music they use for the G1 cups!?


Broadcast Yourself


And don't get me started on the Farm music, it's way too elaborate for what is basically a menu.


Broadcast Yourself

Yeah, that G1 track is ridiculously awesome!

The entire soundtrack for this game is just legendary! :yay:

I particularly love these tracks:





So good. :awesome:


Anyway, @RedShell, don't want you accidentally causing inbreeding, so here's some of my horses!


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Hehehe! Thanks.

Although I do not approve of the naming for the second horse. icon13.gif:D


Here are some more of mine (excuse the names, I can't help myself :heh:):








Currently racing a 3 star horse that is very good indeed! ;)

Will post the QR once it retires.


Anyway, I'm so happy this game eventually got released over here. This is a prime example of why quirky Japanese game design simply cannot be allowed to die. :shakehead

Game of the year so far for me. :smile:

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Currently racing a 3 star horse that is very good indeed! ;)

Will post the QR once it retires.

And here she is: :D



I get the feeling 3 stars is the max, but currently breeding that one with another 3 star horse, so will see what the result of that pairing is.


Anyway, got 13 trophies so far (8 to go) and am halfway through the puzzles (getting a lot of duplicate pieces now though) so still quite a bit to do. :)

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These are my two best retired horses.






I still don't have any two star horses despite breeding from pairs of one star horses. Not sure if I'm missing something or just unlucky? Seem to be getting decent stats anyway just from training.


I am slightly worried that I've missed a special horse. Chose one of my own juniors with good stats over it thinking it would be there next time and then not seen it since. :hmm:

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I still don't have any two star horses despite breeding from pairs of one star horses. Not sure if I'm missing something or just unlucky? Seem to be getting decent stats anyway just from training.
That's strange, have you tried using the Game Freak QR codes? I guess there's an element of luck to the breeding aspect of the game too. :blank:


I am slightly worried that I've missed a special horse. Chose one of my own juniors with good stats over it thinking it would be there next time and then not seen it since. :hmm:
There's quite a few that I've never even seen in my game yet! I always seem to just get the regular horse, the fire one or the cat one. ::shrug:

Thinking I might have to try and get hold of some different horse type QR codes, in order to get those ones appearing in my game. :hmm:


Anyway, I've now completed all of the puzzles, so can finally start buying/making use of the items from the store. Should help with some of the more difficult G1 races. :)

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I wonder if the stars thing is to do with breeding from other peoples horses. I've only scanned the one code in as my farm is full and I don't like letting go of my old horses! Will have to give it a try. I've seen people on other forums saying they can't even get one star horses which would fit if they are only breeding from their own...


The horse I missed was one I haven't seen anywhere else yet.

From the same owner who gives you the fire horse, it was black with flaming mane and tail

Really wish I'd taken it as it was a cool looking horse! These are some codes for some other special horses if you want them.








This one has some good skills you might want to breed from




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I wonder if the stars thing is to do with breeding from other peoples horses. I've only scanned the one code in as my farm is full and I don't like letting go of my old horses! Will have to give it a try. I've seen people on other forums saying they can't even get one star horses which would fit if they are only breeding from their own...


The horse I missed was one I haven't seen anywhere else yet.

From the same owner who gives you the fire horse, it was black with flaming mane and tail

Really wish I'd taken it as it was a cool looking horse! These are some codes for some other special horses if you want them.








This one has some good skills you might want to breed from



Cheers for the codes. :)


Going by this guide for the Japanese version, there are 10 special horse types in total, and I've only discovered 3 of them in my game! (forgot about the posh one with a bow tie :hehe:)



I do have the ninja one in my farm though via a QR code, and will also be able to add the Elvis style one now, thanks to the code you posted above. icon14.gif But they clearly don't appear in the album unless you've raced them yourself. :hmm:


By the way, seeing art and screen shots from the Japanese version on that website reveals a few changes to the European game. The GO! button in our version has a picture of a whip on it in the JPN ver. And that Elvis horse has a cigarette in its mouth on their game too! :heh:

Goddammit, I hate when they censor humorous stuff like that. :mad:


Anyway, looks like a couple of horses may have been completely redesigned for the European version, as the type you mentioned doesn't seem to be on the list in that guide. :hmm:

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Anyway, looks like a couple of horses may have been completely redesigned for the European version, as the type you mentioned doesn't seem to be on the list in that guide. :hmm:


Actually, I'm racing with that one right now, @VsPhoenix's description is spot on. It's totally killing it at the moment, definitely my best horse so far.

It actually managed to get to triple digits stamina! Will definitely post the QR code once it retires.

The Elvis style horse was definitely my worst one, won't even dignify this board with it's god-awfulness! Amazed I managed to win even one G1 race with it. It clearly didn't like being called "Moist"


I've not actually bred any new horses yet, every time I finish with one horse, another new design comes along. I have won at least 1 G1 race with every special horse so far, maybe that has something to do with it?

Or it could be because I've not begun breeding stuff yet...


Anyway, got over half of the trophies and am one puzzle piece away from completing 2 puzzles. The reward you get for finishing them better be worth, considering how much dough I've been spending on it.

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Actually, I'm racing with that one right now, @VsPhoenix's description is spot on. It's totally killing it at the moment, definitely my best horse so far.
Yeah, but it's not in the Japanese version, that's what I meant.

Or rather it is, but it just looks different. ::shrug:


It actually managed to get to triple digits stamina! Will definitely post the QR code once it retires.

The Elvis style horse was definitely my worst one, won't even dignify this board with it's god-awfulness! Amazed I managed to win even one G1 race with it. It clearly didn't like being called "Moist"

What, more than 135? More than the legendary Big Beaver!? :grin:

Surely not. :hehe:

But yeah, QR when it retires please. icon14.gif


I've not actually bred any new horses yet, every time I finish with one horse, another new design comes along. I have won at least 1 G1 race with every special horse so far, maybe that has something to do with it?

Or it could be because I've not begun breeding stuff yet...

I think you could be on to something there, because once you do start breeding there are always Jr. horses in the list on Growth Mode, and it seems the only way to remove those from the list is to select them as your next horse.

Pretty annoying if they are indeed preventing more of the special types from appearing... :nono:


Anyway, got over half of the trophies and am one puzzle piece away from completing 2 puzzles. The reward you get for finishing them better be worth, considering how much dough I've been spending on it.
Hmm... :woops::heh:
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Actually, I'm racing with that one right now, VsPhoenix's description is spot on. It's totally killing it at the moment, definitely my best horse so far.

It actually managed to get to triple digits stamina! Will definitely post the QR code once it retires.


Well, I was gonna post the QR Code of this horse, but then the next horse had better stats and an absolutely amazing skill combo, so I'm gonna post that instead.


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Auto-Draw is amazing! And combined with Speed Draw, you have no excuse to ever run out of time!


I'm now racing on the 10th and last special horse.


I won't spoil it, but let's just say I'm amazed the thing is even allowed to race.

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Managed to skip straight to three star horses breeding from Big Beaver. Thanks @RedShell !






The second horse is ridiculously fast, just annoyed I messed up a couple of her training races so shes not maxed. Still powered through the last few trophies to complete my trophydex.




The music for the final King's Gate race deserves a special mention as it is particularly epic.


Now I just need to get those missing horses, which looks like it will be a bit of a chore.

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Wow, impressive!


I've only just now started to actually win some of the G1-cups, even though I've been playing for 5-7 hours. It's embarassing but I just didn't have any luck at all often and I didn't buy stuff from the shop which was a huge mistake! Now I've got the first fire horse (named it Ponydash) and that has sure improved things A LOT!


Still really enjoying it, it's so much fun (when I'm winning and once the game is understood).


Edit: Hm, I'm now seeing those slowdowns as well, even on New 3DS. That's totally unacceptable, Game Freak!

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I've never been a fan of solitaire so was giving this game a miss until a few weekends ago I spotted @Hero\-of\-Time on my friends list playing the full game. I figured if he's forked out for the full game I can atleast check out the demo. I fired through the demo twice and seeing as I still wanted more, I got the game. It's incredibly addictive. I'll be scanning in these horses the next time I'm playing - gotta get em all, right? I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between Growth Mode and Mature Mode (the horses ages, yes) but I'll figure out the finer details and min-max my horses as time goes on.


I know there really shouldn't be any slowdown either but I love it when it happens. It makes it feel all the more intense to think the 3DS can barely keep up with the final corner chaos of runaway horses and horse enthusiasm levels skyrocketing for the home straight! Especially with the music.

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