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Things That People Say About Games

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I was in work on Tuesday and was asked the following question by a work-friend:


"So, what are you up to tonight after work?"


"I'm going to go home and play a ton of games!"


"Oh yay, I'm a massive gamer, too!"


"I've just bought a Wii U and am playing quite a few other games at the moment on the Wii. (Think I mentioned the demo for Sonic racing, Nintendoland, a few others)


"Oh, I don't know what any of that is."


*I explain what the Wii U is, Sonic, how the other games work, etc*


"Oh, ok."


"...So, what are you playing tonight?"


"I'm playing Socks."


"...you're playing what?"




"...I don't know that game. How does it work?"


"Oh, it's a facebook game where you have to match up socks on a washing line. I play it for hours. All evening in fact."


"...I'm hungry." *eats a banana*


Yes, a "massive gamer". :p

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I've had a similar experience with people i've met. I say i'm a big gamer and they reply that they are as well. When asked what games they play it usually boils down to Fifa or CoD.


To be fair I suppose they are right. They spend an amount of time playing a game, so they are gaming. I think it's just the definition of gaming that differs which causes the confusion.


Like for me, a big gamer would be one who plays a variety of games and keeps up to date with all the news and stuff. Whereas to another person it's just someone who plays a game.

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I was watching a game show and at the start of the final round, the host always talks a bit with the finalists. He gets to a middle-aged woman and says, "so I hear you're a big gamer?"


"Yes. I love hidden object games."



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A lad I work with mailed me last month (I still have the email trail) - just off the back of the reveal of PS4 and XBONE at E3.


He is a typical COD / FIFA gamer - buying those 2 series and playing them all year until the new one comes out.


Anyway, he was asking me what I thought of both consoles and which one I wanted. I said neither. When I said that for me, the PS4 is the better prospect over the XBONE (and went on to list the reasons) he was adamant that the XBONE was for him.


For this reason:


My mates are getting Xbox's so I don't really have a choice lol


Actual copy and paste.


It just baffled me. Of all the reasons that's the biggest for siding with XBONE. Strange!

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I met a mother who thought that games are ruining todays youth and that the game industry should stop making violent games for children. The irony?

While it was true that her son was playing too much, he was playing WoW. And this was back in the day when you had to pay a monthly fee. So every month she paid a bill for him to play this extremely time-consuming game.

And of course, she bought him (11 at the time) Grand Theft Auto.

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I was watching a game show and at the start of the final round, the host always talks a bit with the finalists. He gets to a middle-aged woman and says, "so I hear you're a big gamer?"


"Yes. I love hidden object games."




That feel when you can't tell if Magnus is being sarcastic or serious. :p


Is this a genuine post? Hidden object games? Bwahah.


And then there are people that seem confused that you play games at home, and ask why you waste our time with it.


Then they suggest that you watch TV or films instead.


I haaaate it when these outdoorsy people say that, "oh, you shouldn't waste your time being inside. You should be outdoors and enjoying yourself."


Why can't I be indoors and enjoying myself? :blank:

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That feel when you can't tell if Magnus is being sarcastic or serious. :p


Is this a genuine post? Hidden object games? Bwahah.

I was being serious? I'm not sure how it came off as sarcastic.


It's like if he'd said, "so I hear you're a huge reader?" and she'd answered, "yeah, I always read the back of milk cartons."


But mostly I was disappointed because I thought she got it, you know? :sad:

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I tend to just talk to other gamers about games, it gets annoying talking to people who think less of you because of them.


Gamers themselves aren't all that great though. A lot of us moaned when dudebro gaming got more popular and drew in those people that mocked us for gaming when we were younger and now once again we look down on the more casual gamers usings apps or Facebook.

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You are pure filth. A filth wizard. Friend only to the pig and the rat.


I was being serious? I'm not sure how it came off as sarcastic.


It was just me checking. I was about 99% sure, but I thought I'd ask anyway. :D


Hidden object games. Bwhahah. I love Mario. That run and jump game. Or Sonic. that run faster and jump higher game.

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It's the people who say you're wasting your life with games and you should do things like watch TV that irk me. Hell, it's no different to sports, just a bit lazier.


You're doing something you enjoy, with your money. Who are they to say you're wasting your life?


But here's the worst one...absolute worst from my brother before the 180

"The Xbox One is a brilliant idea and those features are the future"


That's worse than those who don't get gaming :p

Edited by Serebii
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The "gamer" stigma has lifted quite a bit in recent times.


I actually love that people play so much stuff on Facebook: it means they won't say anything about our playing habits, either. They just disagree with our tastes, instead of condemning the entire hobby.


It just makes it that much easier to stumble upon someone who actually shares the same tastes. Was I ever dumbfounded when a colleague from college said he also liked Fire Emblem.

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My mates are getting Xbox's so I don't really have a choice lol


Actual copy and paste.


It just baffled me. Of all the reasons that's the biggest for siding with XBONE. Strange!

Funny you should say that, to me that seems like one of the best reasons to get a console. If he's used to playing online with all his friends, why would he go PS4 and end that experience? Just because of the price difference? Because of now-defunct DRM decisions? In the end the gaming experience is all that matters, and because of his friends, the experience he's after lies on Xbox.

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Funny you should say that, to me that seems like one of the best reasons to get a console. If he's used to playing online with all his friends, why would he go PS4 and end that experience? Just because of the price difference? Because of now-defunct DRM decisions? In the end the gaming experience is all that matters, and because of his friends, the experience he's after lies on Xbox.


Which would be fine if he hadn't had his mind made up for him.

He's a fairly intelligent guy, and he hadn't even looked into the PS4. It just seemed strange to me that he'd choose XBONE without actually looking at what else is on offer.


However, as you've pointed out, if it's all about online for him and his mates will have the console then fair play. I still don't get it though. :heh:

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The same thing definitely happened this generation. In the US at least, I see used to see posts all the time about people having chosen the 360 over the PS3 just because it's what all their friends had. In the UK, I think the same can be said for the PS3 amongst many Fifa/CoD players.

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This thread kind of reminds me of something weird I sometimes come across.


It's more or less the exact opposite.

When I meet someone who is actually a real gamer and has knowledge of the industry and whatnot, but then he/she is just, well, an unstoppable hyper-nerd with which I have trouble actually talking about stuff because he/she is just too knowledgable which makes me feel like a newb :laughing:


So I was actually really happy when I found someone who was on my level of communicating, but also very knowledgable about the industry and he opened my eyes to the likes of Journey, Limbo and The Walking Dead (the good one). Shed a tear when I met him, because up 'till then, I had never had a gaming buddy which was on my 'level' so to speak.

I named all the gems from the Wii, and he had played 'em all. Little King's Story. Check. Muramasa. Check. No More Heroes. Check.

'T was a beautiful moment :crying:




On topic.

For me it always feels slightly awkward when I have to tone-down my passion about games when talking about it with someone less knowledgable.

A recent example would be the niece of my girlfriend talking about how she had played Slender and the occasional Call of Duty at a friend's house with some more friends because it was scary and fun :laughing:

Then she askes 'And what about you, what do you play' (She asked this after I had told her that I am a passionate gamer)

The question alone 'What do I play?' has me thinking really hard as to how I should go about explaining games like Little King's Story, Muramasa, Cave Story or F-Zero.


But here's the kicker, I was actually going through Killer 7 at that time and I tried to explain it to her, but well, ....I kind o' failed at that :3


Here's to hoping I'll have the following conversation in the future one day :laughing:


So what games are you into?

I'm into Suda games.

What are Suda games?

Suda stands for Goichi Suda, he's a game developer and comes up with amazing stories

What kind of stories?

Well,......you see.....uhm......he comes up with them on the toilet, and.....

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Every conversation I have ever had about video games with a non-gamer:


"So what do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I waste a lot of time in front of the computer, and I play a lot of video games."

"Oh, what games do you play?"

I don't understand the question? I've finished 37 games this year. Do they want a list? Wait, maybe I could tell them that I just finished BioShock Infinite. That's a popular game! Maybe they've heard of that. Or do I just tell them that I'm currently playing an obscure JRPG from the early nineties? Yeah, honesty is the best policy.

"Oh, you know. This and that."

"So do you play WoW?"

"Erm, no. I don't really like playing online games."

"My friend/boyfriend/son plays... Call of Duty, I think it's called? Do you play that?"

"No... I don't really like playing online games?"



And then I feel like I've disappointed them. :sad:

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The amount of times I've heard that statement...


This is an exposure thing. The same thing happens with people over 50 who mostly don't understand adult animation. They were already "hardcore adults" (30ish area) when the concept was popularised with The Simpsons, so to them the concept is nonsensical, as cartoons are for children. The problem with games is made even bigger because, let's face it, there are way too many popular games that paint the medium in a very negative light.


Also, there's the fact that the fact that out of all entertainment forms, video games are the one with the least potential for personal growth, as the wide majority of games are just pure processed entertainment, where as the majority of audiovisual or literary entertainment forms actively explore meaningful themes. I'm not saying games are for kids, but they are definitely the shallowest and overall least mature form of media, so I can kind of understand where people would get that idea.

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What irks me is the football obssessed fans who tell you you shouldn't wast your life on games or your money....yet they buy a season ticker at around £500 a year not including the moeny spent on the drinking session surrounding the game.....


My ex was the worst, "stopwastingourmoneyonsillychildrensgamesrararararar"......this from the women who went drinking with her friends every friday and saturday, £30 a time, and bought anewoutfit for said weekend every week, easily£70-80 wasted,yet if i bought a game every two months i was wasting money.......

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Every conversation I have ever had about video games with a non-gamer:


"So what do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I waste a lot of time in front of the computer, and I play a lot of video games."

"Oh, what games do you play?"

I don't understand the question? I've finished 37 games this year. Do they want a list? Wait, maybe I could tell them that I just finished BioShock Infinite. That's a popular game! Maybe they've heard of that. Or do I just tell them that I'm currently playing an obscure JRPG from the early nineties? Yeah, honesty is the best policy.

"Oh, you know. This and that."

"So do you play WoW?"

"Erm, no. I don't really like playing online games."

"My friend/boyfriend/son plays... Call of Duty, I think it's called? Do you play that?"

"No... I don't really like playing online games?"



And then I feel like I've disappointed them. :sad:


Yeah, my goes something like this,

"Ohhh, you're a gamer, What do you play" (looking down nose)

"I like Nintendo games primarily"


"Wii, DS, Mario? All made by NIntendo"




I've had this conversation many times and once enthusiastically described my love for VG, but it's like talking to an empty mind. People just shut off. SO, I gave up a long time ago.

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Everyone's heard of Mario, though. :p


It's like, if they know someone who plays video games, then they usually bring up World of Warcraft or Call of Duty. If they don't, Super Mario is usually the only game they can think of.


"Oh, I play a lot of games."

"Super Mario?"


SURE WHY NOT. :blank:


*Not a very good conversationalist*

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