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The fact that YouTube will only allow ad-free vids to play on the Wii U browser now is pretty damn shitty. :nono:


I'm assuming this is just a way to try and force people use the app/watch annoying ads.

All vids still play on that, right? Can't test it myself, deleted that thing ages ago!


Na, Google are really pushing adverts on YouTube at the moment. Most access to Youtube is conditional to advertisements being shown - as Microsoft found out with their Windows 8 YouTube app.

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The fact that YouTube will only allow ad-free vids to play on the Wii U browser now is pretty damn shitty. :nono:


I'm assuming this is just a way to try and force people use the app/watch annoying ads.

All vids still play on that, right? Can't test it myself, deleted that thing ages ago!


If it's like what happened the last few times before, then it'll probably be fixed within the week. Until then, you can still watch the embedded versions of videos; thankfully they still work fine.

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I'm surprised they charged actually. Most devices should stand some knocks and bumps. Like @kav82 they must have considered the damage deliberate!


Not deliberate but massively outside of the terms of reasonable wear and use. Can't say I'm surprised in the least at their decision as I would have made the same call but it's harsh that the most handled bit of the console really costs that much.


Only stacks up as another question as to why Nintendo decided to design the console like this.

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I posted this over in the Wind Waker thread, but it might be more relevant here.


I haven't really been as involved in the Wii U as I was with previous Nintendo consoles, but I did love Wind Waker back on the Gamecube. So there are some gaps in my knowledge in regards to features, visuals etc. for both the hardware and software. Would this be a good time to get the Wii U WWHD bundle? I can get it for the equivalent of 250 Pounds here, which is actually almost what the basic white version costs. It does seems like a lot for just one game at the moment, so some convincing would be appreciated!
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If you need convincing buying something then you don't really need/want it. :D


You have a point, but on the other hand Wind Waker HD :love:


I was hoping people could mention the positives of the Wii U, because I don't really know all that much about all the features and so on. Basically the other things that I could do even if I only have WWHD as the only game at the moment.

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@Adthegreat The problem with WiiU is that it's full of promise but that's about it; Nintendo really have failed to offer up any meaningful use of the console, visuals, features and gamepad.

As it stands at the moment I personally can't recommend WiiU to anybody but die hard Nintendo fans. Perhaps tides will turn after Mario Kart and Smash Bros but right now the system doesn't have software to back up a purchase.

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Nice! Nintendo is getting the Monogame Framework engine ported over to Wii U!




Monogame Framework is basically the open source version (and continued version of) XNA, so PC and XBLIG games that made use of it and XNA (like Terarria for instance) can be ported to Wii U with ease now :)

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Workaround for your current YouTube troubles on Wii U


I noticed that with the new Wii U update to version 4.0 the freezing users were experiencing while playing YouTube videos has gone away. Another issue has cropped up in its place. Sometimes when playing a YouTube video (usually directly from the YouTube site), users may be given an error message stating "Sorry, this video is not available on this device."


Apparently, there is a workaround that fixes this temporarily.


If you go to the Wii U Internet Browser start page, you will see a settings tab in the upper right corner. Click that and scroll down to "Set User Agent". Change the setting from Wii U to Internet Explorer. This resets every time the browser is closed. When you try to access the video now, a Flash Player needed dialogue box will pop up but will go away. This change will allow those unplayable videos to load properly. A side note - you can change the resolution BEFORE playing the videos as opposed to getting the option after it has started as with the Wii U agent settings.


There is another way to watch videos without going into "Set User agent". To do so, all you have to do is make a little change in the URL by putting _popup after the word watch and before the question mark.

Edited by Wii
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@Adthegreat The problem with WiiU is that it's full of promise but that's about it; Nintendo really have failed to offer up any meaningful use of the console, visuals, features and gamepad.

As it stands at the moment I personally can't recommend WiiU to anybody but die hard Nintendo fans. Perhaps tides will turn after Mario Kart and Smash Bros but right now the system doesn't have software to back up a purchase.


Thanks for your opinion. It's a shame, because I was sort of hoping that I just hadn't heard of all the positives, but as it turns out there just aren't that many of them. Looks like I'll be passing on it for now.

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If people on a nintendo forum are putting people off the Wii U how do people expect the general public buy into it?


The general public are not stupid. Why should the public 'buy into' a console that really hasn't produced much in the last year? People, especially on Nintendo Forums, should be allowed to be as honest and as transparent as they want with regards to the performance of the Wii U.

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If people on a nintendo forum are putting people off the Wii U how do people expect the general public buy into it?


It's an interesting question for sure, one that Nintendo doesn't seem keen on answering with any confidence.


My purchase of a Wii U was entirely my own fault though. I have always enjoyed Nintendo's forays into new gameplay types and I put far too much faith into them making game that would justify all of their rhetoric concerning the Wii U braking new ground and bringing new experiences.


So far we have had SOME new experiences but the reality is that as an early adopter you are buying into a promise of getting the types of games/services that you hoped for. In my situation, Nintendo have not got anywhere meeting that promise and, judging by their current trajectory, probably never will.


In short, looking at the past, the present and the probable future of the console it's just not something that I want to invest my time and money in any more. For me to enjoy myself, I think it would be better spent elsewhere including more time on my 3DS.


On a serious point though, my 3DS is completely fulfilling my Nintendo fix.

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Too much of the Wii U is still empty promises imo. Those and shoddily kept release date ones, too. They're just not being proactive enough getting the fresh new experiences onto the system as far as I've seen.


Nice! Nintendo is getting the Monogame Framework engine ported over to Wii U!




Monogame Framework is basically the open source version (and continued version of) XNA, so PC and XBLIG games that made use of it and XNA (like Terarria for instance) can be ported to Wii U with ease now :)


Like this. Ok it's all well and good the engines and platforms and all of that are getting ported over. How about the games though? We need the games to be gotten onto the system.

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You know the new thing added in the new update that lets you uploaded your suspended game screen to website through the Wii U Web Browser?


Has anyone used that to upload an image to Twitter?


I was trying earlier and whenever I go to Twitter on the browser it defaults to the moblie version of the site and when I try to make a new tweet there is no option to add a picture like there is on the normal version of site and can't switch to the "normal" site?

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Too much of the Wii U is still empty promises imo. Those and shoddily kept release date ones, too. They're just not being proactive enough getting the fresh new experiences onto the system as far as I've seen.




Like this. Ok it's all well and good the engines and platforms and all of that are getting ported over. How about the games though? We need the games to be gotten onto the system.


What did we all want from Wii U?

We wanted to play the great Nintendo games from Wii in HD, which we got or are getting. A console will have a 5 year life span, so whilst we all want to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros etc right now a little patience is required, it's not like they are not coming.


We wanted straight ports of the best 3rd party releases and not dumbed down versions. We got this at launch and we are getting most of the big games this Christmas. FIFA and Tiger Woods is a disappointment to me, but we were never getting GTA5. There has always been a trade off with a Nintendo console in that for all the great Nintendo games, we will miss out on a few other franchises, but that's the same for Playstation and Xbox.


The game pad argument is plain stupid in my opinion. Nintendo has always launched a console with a new controller, the game pad has some great features, none more so than off screen play. Yes it's made the console more expensive, but it's still cheap in the grand scheme of things and certainly a lot cheaper than PS4 and XB1 are going to be. Seriously, did we really want to just see Nintendo just bring out the same controller again like Sony & Microsoft do with every console?

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