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Wii U General Discussion


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Like Flink says, it's totally down to the Wii U situation. Saying it's 'my fault' is obviously bunk because it takes multiple people to argue for pages, and as the PS4 topics shows, when you have a console that's doing alright then there's nothing for people to get hot under the collar about.


Occasionally people go in the PS4 topic to express that they have nothing to play on their PS4 or that there's no great games out for it (or that the OS is shit). Unlike here, those sorts of posts rarely get more than a couple of responses because people are so satisfied with their lot that they don't really view it as valid criticism, just different tastes.

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Like Flink says, it's totally down to the Wii U situation. Saying it's 'my fault' is obviously bunk because it takes multiple people to argue for pages, and as the PS4 topics shows, when you have a console that's doing alright then there's nothing for people to get hot under the collar about.


Occasionally people go in the PS4 topic to express that they have nothing to play on their PS4 or that there's no great games out for it (or that the OS is shit). Unlike here, those sorts of posts rarely get more than a couple of responses because people are so satisfied with their lot that they don't really view it as valid criticism, just different tastes.

Actually, I truly believe that if you took a break from the Wii U thread for a while, there would be far fewer arguments.

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Actually, I truly believe that if you took a break from the Wii U thread for a while, there would be far fewer arguments.


Ha, that's rich coming from you.


Didn't someone already say that when you took a break for a while that there were actually less arguments? I believe it may have been @Rummy.

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Ha, that's rich coming from you.


Didn't someone already say that when you took a break for a while that there were actually less arguments? I believe it may have been @Rummy.

And they were mistaken as they were still there, and I even went to Ashley about it because it proved I was not the instigator of them.


Funnily enough, you were involved in them...

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And they were mistaken as they were still there, and I even went to Ashley about it because it proved I was not the instigator of them.


Funnily enough, you were involved in them...


Nobody accused you of being the instigator of being all of them. Please don't state this as it's untrue and "putting words in my mouth" (as you like to say). I told you this at the time.


Maybe I'll just ban the both of you from this thread for a while as an experiment...

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Nobody accused you of being the instigator of being all of them. Please don't state this as it's untrue and "putting words in my mouth" (as you like to say). I told you this at the time.


Maybe I'll just ban the both of you from this thread for a while as an experiment...


I am willing to take the bullet for such a wondrous thing. :p


You guys owe me.


And they were mistaken as they were still there, and I even went to Ashley about it because it proved I was not the instigator of them.


Funnily enough, you were involved in them...


You are at the heart of/the fuel of most Nintendo-related arguments, regardless of 'who started it' (ca'man, really?)

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I am willing to take the bullet for such a wondrous thing. :p


You guys owe me.




You are at the heart of/the fuel of most Nintendo-related arguments, regardless of 'who started it' (ca'man, really?)

Perhaps I am involved, but someone has to be positive in the face of people such as you.

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Therein lies the problem, I think - "someone has to be positive". Why? I'm not saying people have to be negative all the time (and no, I'm not always), but the fact you admit you have to be positive in the face of negativity shows how you will challenge negativity against Nintendo for the sake of it.


Sometimes things suck, so negative comments will be made. Like the Wii U release schedule. Or recently, the lack of circle pad support in Smash for instance. To me, that deserves a negative comment, but you then feel the need to argue and bring positivity to something when there is none. It feels like you're so insecure about negativity towards Nintendo that you adopt this role.

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Negativity is like a virus. It spreads and spreads and spreads. It sits in the back of people's heads and they start to feel it too. I'm just providing an opposing viewpoint.

If I were to not do it, then even subconsciously, negativity will be there, and this forum would gradually become depressing.


Also, do note that I didn't go into the Smash thread with positivity regarding the CPP.

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Negativity is like a virus. It spreads and spreads and spreads. It sits in the back of people's heads and they start to feel it too.


The only reason it sits in the back of your head is because you know they are right and you are insecure about it. So you say whatever obscure positive things you can to make yourself feel better, spamming up the place by causing people to be reply in disbelief that you could possibly be defending certain actions that have left certain individuals rather annoyed.


Going back again to the PS4 topic - people have gone in with negative comments like saying the PS4 lacks good games, the PS4 is too loud, or the OS sucks. Most people there do not agree with that at all and so don't feel so insecure about it that they need to engage in huge arguments. It's like if someone called you fat if you were rake thin. How could you possibly get mad about it or even feel the need to defend against such a comment?


Contrast that to here, where time and time again I see very well worded summaries written by the likes of Flink and others, that can cause people who are insecure to argue because they know, deep down, they have some very good points.

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The only reason it sits in the back of your head is because you know they are right and you are insecure about it. So you say whatever obscure positive things you can to make yourself feel better, spamming up the place by causing people to be reply in disbelief that you could possibly be defending certain actions that have left certain individuals rather annoyed.


Going back again to the PS4 topic - people have gone in with negative comments like saying the PS4 lacks good games, the PS4 is too loud, or the OS sucks. Most people there do not agree with that at all and so don't feel so insecure about it that they need to engage in huge arguments. It's like if someone called you fat if you were rake thin. How could you possibly get mad about it or even feel the need to defend against such a comment?


Contrast that to here, where time and time again I see very well worded summaries written by the likes of Flink and others, that can cause people who are insecure to argue because they know, deep down, they have some very good points.


You can also say that people aren't quite as insistent as you in their negativity and take other peoples opinions on board. Which you don't. I don't mind negativity , it's just the persistence and inability to take accept other peoples opinions that begin to really bring threads down!! It does feel like you're addicted to arguing on here sometimes.

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I own both a Wii U and a PS4 because they both offer very different games which are all brilliant in their own way.


Both machines have their positive and negative points.


I don't mind debating the lack of games, online etc for either machine but currently they are both getting good games this year and even more amazing titles next year.


Can't we just enjoy the games that are just on the horizon for now without obsessing over every detail? : peace:

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@dazzybee If I was a fanboy out for arguing then I'd spend pages arguing with you in the PS4 topic. I don't. When you said the PS4 was too loud, I told you that there was something wrong with your system. When you said there were no great games out, I'm not sure I even replied. If I did, it can't have been much.


Truth is, I am a Wii U owner and I have my criticisms about the console and Nintendo's direction. It's the people in this topic that are so insecure that when the kind of comments you make in the PS4 topic get made here, they sure as hell don't get the kind of response you get there. Which I really think is a shame.

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@dazzybee If I was a fanboy out for arguing then I'd spend pages arguing with you in the PS4 topic. I don't. When you said the PS4 was too loud, I told you that there was something wrong with your system. When you said there were no great games out, I'm not sure I even replied. If I did, it can't have been much.


Truth is, I am a Wii U owner and I have my criticisms about the console and Nintendo's direction. It's the people in this topic that are so insecure that when the kind of comments you made get made here, they sure as hell don't get the kind of response you get from me in the PS4 topic. Which I really think is a shame.

You miss the point. We're fine with negativity here and there. What's not fine is the continual and repeated negativity that comes from you and certain other posters.

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You miss the point. We're fine with negativity here and there. What's not fine is the continual and repeated negativity that comes from you and certain other posters.


And again, that's a big problem. You should learn to accept other people's views and standpoints. I don't give a fuck if my viewpoint displeases you, tbh. I am vocal about the games I like and don't like, and have expressed positivity to recent Nintendo games I have enjoyed (Animal Crossing, Xenoblade, Mario Galaxy, Pikmin, SMW3D, Zelda ALBW). When I am negative about Nintendo's hardware or strategies, for instance, you don't get to decide whether my outlook on Nintendo, or comments, are 'fine'. In fact the very idea of that is remarkably insulting.

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You miss the point. We're fine with negativity here and there. What's not fine is the continual and repeated negativity that comes from you and certain other posters.


Thing is though that most of the general news about the Wii U or Nintendo in general is negative. You get things like Resident Evil and Call of Duty not coming to the console, that issue with Smash and the extra stick and then when certain things do look positive, like the New 3DS, we then find out that we don't get it until next year.


When there is positive stuff to discuss then people will discuss them. It's been mentioned before, during E3 this place was buzzing and now it's back to reality, with a lot of Wii U owners sitting twiddling their thumbs awaiting the next release.


Don't think it's just this place either. Myself and Retro have mentioned before that even IGNs Nintendo podcast were having trouble coming up with stuff to talk about on the show. You then have Radio Free Nintendo, despite loving Nintendo, have been quite critical lately with the way things are.


Hopefully things will look up soon, what with Hyrule Warriors and a few 3DS games on the horizon.

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To focus on the Wii U for a little bit and something said earlier - there was an argument of Nintendo becoming 'me too' as if it were a bad thing and someone else mentioned the context of features that may be good/beneficial overall - such as a better online system on par with the competitive, maybe a better OS(tbh my current suggetion would mostly be that it be snappier), or in another console getting on par powerwise too.


In doing so - becoming 'me too' in that sense - what detriment is there to Nintendo or the WiiU? Surely, as mentioned, being a 'me too' in these realms is beneficial? Do any of these features actually stop Nintendo from continuing to be the Nintendo that you love, or from creating the experiences that you value from them?


(Ofc, the one argument against this might be that of dropping the Gamepad in favour of implementing these other features in its place(which I don't want to focus on) - I would however highlight there that I personally feel the actually usage of the Gamepad for real dsitinguishing gameplay has been rather limited across the console so far compared to what I expected, especially by Nintendo themselves.)

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To focus on the Wii U for a little bit and something said earlier - there was an argument of Nintendo becoming 'me too' as if it were a bad thing and someone else mentioned the context of features that may be good/beneficial overall - such as a better online system on par with the competitive, maybe a better OS(tbh my current suggetion would mostly be that it be snappier), or in another console getting on par powerwise too.


In doing so - becoming 'me too' in that sense - what detriment is there to Nintendo or the WiiU? Surely, as mentioned, being a 'me too' in these realms is beneficial? Do any of these features actually stop Nintendo from continuing to be the Nintendo that you love, or from creating the experiences that you value from them?


You're right, it was me who made the comment that Nintendo should become 'me too' in certain aspects. It makes a heck of a lot of sense, really. Zechs replied that Nintendo shouldn't become 'me too' generally, saying software like Splatoon was original and that they should keep doing stuff like that. But I don't argue that - I do think Nintendo make some good software; becoming 'me too' just in a hardware/OS/networking sense won't stop them from making those same games. In fact, the games will be better.

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@dazzybee If I was a fanboy out for arguing then I'd spend pages arguing with you in the PS4 topic. I don't. When you said the PS4 was too loud, I told you that there was something wrong with your system. When you said there were no great games out, I'm not sure I even replied. If I did, it can't have been much.


Truth is, I am a Wii U owner and I have my criticisms about the console and Nintendo's direction. It's the people in this topic that are so insecure that when the kind of comments you make in the PS4 topic get made here, they sure as hell don't get the kind of response you get there. Which I really think is a shame.


Maybe you're just not good at debating positively, even for the ps4 :) Also, you can't really argue there isn't many games for the ps4 so have nothing to say! I'm (semi) kidding, stop typing an angry response!


The thing is, I don't know anyone on here that doesn't have issues with the Wii U. I think most of us know what is wrong with it. I think people object to the subjective debates that we have over and over and get nowhere (nintendo going 3rd party, mobile etc) and also repeating the same thing. Yes nintendo doesn't get 3rd party games, we know this, it isn't going to change, why keep going on about it? Yes some people don't like the gamepad and wish it wasn't there? We've exhausted the discussion etc etc Just a lot of negative repetition that gets a little boring.

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I never said Nintendo shouldn't improve various things, such as account system and online infrastructure. I fully support that.


However, don't forget that a large number of home gaming's biggest innovations came from Nintendo. Yes, the GamePad may have been a mis-step (I personally believe it is the greatest thing to come to gaming in a while, but that's for another discussion), but that doesn't mean they should just stop being creative with their hardware.

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The thing is, I don't know anyone on here that doesn't have issues with the Wii U. I think most of us know what is wrong with it. I think people object to the subjective debates that we have over and over and get nowhere (nintendo going 3rd party, mobile etc) and also repeating the same thing. Yes nintendo doesn't get 3rd party games, we know this, it isn't going to change, why keep going on about it? Yes some people don't like the gamepad and wish it wasn't there? We've exhausted the discussion etc etc Just a lot of negative repetition that gets a little boring.


People go on about it when there is something new, and sometimes the same arguments get repeated as there are slightly different developments or different members involved in the debate (or their opinion has changed). With regards to new negative info, people always react to things they didn't know, even if they expect it. Every time it's announced that game X isn't coming to Wii U people are going to complain, maybe less and less as time goes on as it becomes more expected that games won't be supported. That said, when there is a great game released people will comment about how great that is, too. I agree with HoT that the state of the forum is a reflection of the current situation.

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There are arguments all the time because there's nothing new to talk about. There's barely any news, there are hardly any games; nothing changes, everything is stale. So it's got to the point where even the arguments have gotten old. There's actually nothing new to argue about, that's utterly bizarre.


I don't like Microsoft and the Xbox, but I could still gave a great discussion about them. Nintendo have committed the cardinal sin and have become irrelevant and uninteresting.


I'm waiting for them to have an epiphany, to get the fight back in them. To take risks. But I'm becoming less and less convinced that they can actually do that.

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You say Pachter isn't wrong?

Nintendo's got a ton of cash, they're not going away. (Bankruptcy is) not possible. Nintendo still has not figured out online multiplayer, though Mario Kart now has multiplayer. Nintendo hasn't really ever figured out anything digital, though there are Pokemon trading cards going digital for the first time. I read about Mario Kart DLC about a week ago, and it had never occurred to me that there had never been DLC in a Nintendo game before. That's mind-boggling to me. They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there's no desire internally to actually learn from others.



Everything about that paragraph is wrong.

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