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Wii U General Discussion


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It is and it has its own mini power-brick too, mine's always plugged into the charging stand as I very rarely use the gamepad on its own apart from when necessary. : peace:


Thanks. Was just checking as I couldnt find mine. My Wii U and the charger got unplugged a couple of months ago when I ran out of plug sockets and I just got a new adaptor so needed to find it all again.

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I was looking at the upcoming releases for Wii U and it dawned on me that my biggest grievance is the duplicity.

I'm not that bothered that as a Wii U owner there won't be a 3rd iteration of Assassins Creed or Call of Duty within the first 2 years of the console. I'm not even that bothered that we probably won't get another FIFA. I grew up in a era where predominantly you got 1 game per console and because of this they were great games.

Big Wii U games are few and far between and it's bloody frustrating that we keep getting the same genre.

Bayonetta and Hyrule both launch within a month of each other and they're both hack and slash games, we got Mario 3D followed shortly by Donkey Kong. We've got Lego City and Lego Movie, Mario Kart and Sonic Racing, Tekken and Injustice. If they had focused on making sure we had a good mix of games instead of duplicating genres we would be pretty well catered for, but as it stands I'm crying out for an F1 and a Golf game and all of I've got to look forward to are two slash em up's which don't interest in the slightest.

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I was looking at the upcoming releases for Wii U and it dawned on me that my biggest grievance is the duplicity.

I'm not that bothered that as a Wii U owner there won't be a 3rd iteration of Assassins Creed or Call of Duty within the first 2 years of the console. I'm not even that bothered that we probably won't get another FIFA. I grew up in a era where predominantly you got 1 game per console and because of this they were great games.

Big Wii U games are few and far between and it's bloody frustrating that we keep getting the same genre.

Bayonetta and Hyrule both launch within a month of each other and they're both hack and slash games, we got Mario 3D followed shortly by Donkey Kong. We've got Lego City and Lego Movie, Mario Kart and Sonic Racing, Tekken and Injustice. If they had focused on making sure we had a good mix of games instead of duplicating genres we would be pretty well catered for, but as it stands I'm crying out for an F1 and a Golf game and all of I've got to look forward to are two slash em up's which don't interest in the slightest.


It's a fair point and one that has came up in conversation before. It's a big reason why many people were disappointed when Retro announced that their next project was DKCR:TF. It was a fantastic game but it was another 2D platformer. Not that it bothers me as I love the genre but it didn't add any diversity to the consoles lineup.

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It's a fair point and one that has came up in conversation before. It's a big reason why many people were disappointed when Retro announced that their next project was DKCR:TF. It was a fantastic game but it was another 2D platformer. Not that it bothers me as I love the genre but it didn't add any diversity to the consoles lineup.

I do agree, but I think the reason people bitched about DKC was the fact it wasn't Metroid, and everyone wants Metroid even though only five people will bother buying it.

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Exactly :p


Of course, I'm hyperbolising, but seriously Metroid is not a game series that sells well, and people forget that. It'd be high budget and low results.


Prime sold several million the prime series as a whole did pretty good. It's also worth remembering that people buy consoles for games like Prime. Donkey Kong is a great game to buy if you already have the system, but few people will shell out £300 for a better looking DK game. That was the main issue people had with Retro developing DK; they were the one western developer Nintendo had to could produce a game that would make people run out and buy the system. We've had this chat before brah, I think you're forgetting ;)


This also reminds me that I need to finish Tropical Freeze lol.

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I do agree, but I think the reason people bitched about DKC was the fact it wasn't Metroid, and everyone wants Metroid even though only five people will bother buying it.


Exactly :p


Of course, I'm hyperbolising, but seriously Metroid is not a game series that sells well, and people forget that. It'd be high budget and low results.




The series is, what, 28 years old. That means that there will most likely be fans who have been playing Metroid games for almost three decades. That's a long, long time.

So what if the game doesn't sell ridiculous numbers, it still sells quite a more than decent amount, as illustrated below:




In addition to that, the games are actually really fucking good. They have included some of the best level design, character design, atmosphere and tension, sound engineering and graphics that a game has ever produced on a Nintendo console. Super Metroid was critically acclaimed. The entire Prime series was critically acclaimed and the first game in particular was one of the most iconic games of its time.


The creation of a Metroid game represents more than just "making a game to sell it". It's also sometimes about just making a really, really fucking great game. The idea of creating a Metroid game shouldn't be dismissed because "Mario will sell more" or something like that, because you are ignoring an entire following of fans who live and breathe this series. Also, what a way to get the "hardcore" Nintendo fans back on side by announcing a new Metroid game. Would have gone down a storm.

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I was looking at the upcoming releases for Wii U and it dawned on me that my biggest grievance is the duplicity.

I'm not that bothered that as a Wii U owner there won't be a 3rd iteration of Assassins Creed or Call of Duty within the first 2 years of the console. I'm not even that bothered that we probably won't get another FIFA. I grew up in a era where predominantly you got 1 game per console and because of this they were great games.

Big Wii U games are few and far between and it's bloody frustrating that we keep getting the same genre.

Bayonetta and Hyrule both launch within a month of each other and they're both hack and slash games, we got Mario 3D followed shortly by Donkey Kong. We've got Lego City and Lego Movie, Mario Kart and Sonic Racing, Tekken and Injustice. If they had focused on making sure we had a good mix of games instead of duplicating genres we would be pretty well catered for, but as it stands I'm crying out for an F1 and a Golf game and all of I've got to look forward to are two slash em up's which don't interest in the slightest.


This has been my grievance as well and the end of year releases are not my sort of games either as I rarely play hack and slash or fighting games, although I'm still looking forward to Shovel Knight when it releases.

Saying all that, 2015 is looking loads better with plenty of variety as long as they schedule them well and nothing gets delayed.

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The series is, what, 28 years old. That means that there will most likely be fans who have been playing Metroid games for almost three decades. That's a long, long time.

So what if the game doesn't sell ridiculous numbers, it still sells quite a more than decent amount, as illustrated below:




In addition to that, the games are actually really fucking good. They have included some of the best level design, character design, atmosphere and tension, sound engineering and graphics that a game has ever produced on a Nintendo console. Super Metroid was critically acclaimed. The entire Prime series was critically acclaimed and the first game in particular was one of the most iconic games of its time.


The creation of a Metroid game represents more than just "making a game to sell it". It's also sometimes about just making a really, really fucking great game. The idea of creating a Metroid game shouldn't be dismissed because "Mario will sell more" or something like that, because you are ignoring an entire following of fans who live and breathe this series. Also, what a way to get the "hardcore" Nintendo fans back on side by announcing a new Metroid game. Would have gone down a storm.

Now now, you're stretching my words. It's true it doesn't sell overly well. This is a fact. Hell, Donkey Kong Country Returns on its own sold more than all three Metroid Prime games combined (also, don't use VG Chartz :p).


It deserves to do better. All I'm saying is that it's not the system seller or game changer that people keep claiming it is.

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I do agree, but I think the reason people bitched about DKC was the fact it wasn't Metroid, and everyone wants Metroid even though only five people will bother buying it.


I think Metroid would have had surprisingly good sales on the Wii U if it was released instead of Donkey Kong, and it would have helped sell systems.


Metroid would have been a much more unique title, so it would compete less with other games. On top of that, while Metroid itself isn't a system seller, it would have shown that the Wii U would have had a more diverse set if games and would have reinforced people's opinions that these kind of games are coming.


The announcement of DK actually made me delay my purchase of a Wii U. Before that E3 I was like "OK, they're going to announce Metroid and I'm going to order a Wii U right away", after it was "I'll wait until it's cheap".

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Metroid is a game that, if done right, can make people think "This console is for me". If an impressive-looking new Metroid had been part of the early line-up, there's a good chance it could have altered perceptions of the console and attracted a completely different segment of the market. I'm not saying Metroid on Wii U would be a massive seller - it probably wouldn't now - but, alongside some other cutting-edge 3D games, could have given people much more confidence in the console.


It's also worth pointing out that, whilst Donkey Kong might sell more, the audience for it is likely to be less discerning. In other words, you don't necessarily need Retro Studios to make it. Retro are certainly not the only people who can make a good Metroid either, but they are the ones who have laid the foundations for its most successful excursions into 3D... which is exactly what we're talking about here when we suggest one for Wii U.

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Now now, you're stretching my words. It's true it doesn't sell overly well. This is a fact. Hell, Donkey Kong Country Returns on its own sold more than all three Metroid Prime games combined (also, don't use VG Chartz :p).


It deserves to do better. All I'm saying is that it's not the system seller or game changer that people keep claiming it is.


You're missing the point. Most gamers just want a Metroid game to play. It probably is never, ever going to sell ridiculous numbers because it isn't that accessible to everyone. But, that's part of the point, it's one of a select few Nintendo titles that appeals to the "hardcore", the ones who want something a bit deeper. The same type of people who buy Metroid are probably the same type who play F Zero or even Wave Race.


The point that many are making about Metroid being there is that it creates a perception that the WiiU can appeal to gamers who want those deeper experiences. Add in a serious racer like F Zero, and suddenly the WiiU line-up looks more appealing to a seasoned gamer.

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It deserves to do better. All I'm saying is that it's not the system seller or game changer that people keep claiming it is.


DKC appeals to platformer fans who may have already bought the console for Mario and Rayman.


Metroid appeals to old fans that may very well not have bought the console yet on account of there being no other such games to tempt them in yet.

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You're missing the point. Most gamers just want a Metroid game to play. It probably is never, ever going to sell ridiculous numbers because it isn't that accessible to everyone. But, that's part of the point, it's one of a select few Nintendo titles that appeals to the "hardcore", the ones who want something a bit deeper. The same type of people who buy Metroid are probably the same type who play F Zero or even Wave Race.


The point that many are making about Metroid being there is that it creates a perception that the WiiU can appeal to gamers who want those deeper experiences. Add in a serious racer like F Zero, and suddenly the WiiU line-up looks more appealing to a seasoned gamer.

Seasoned gamer? I'm a seasoned gamer and the Wii U is very appealing. You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.

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Seasoned gamer? I'm a seasoned gamer and the Wii U is very appealing. You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.


The type of gamer that has spent 28 years playing Metroid games for example, or the type that would complete F Zero GX's story mode on the hardest settings, the type that want challenging games but also want games of different varieites. It's nothing about being "insecure" with kiddy games, it's about variation. (as @Clownferret pointed out earlier). Why can't we have the "realism" (if you count Metroid as realism, which is lolworthy in itself) along with the "kiddy".


Would you want a new Metroid? A simple yes or no will suffice.

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Seasoned gamer? I'm a seasoned gamer and the Wii U is very appealing. You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.


I love how you keep missing the point yet keep responding to people.


Also, it's not about being 'insecure', it's simply because they don't care. Believe it or not, looking at a game like Donkey Kong or NSMB isn't appealing to most people over the age of 16.

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Seasoned gamer? I'm a seasoned gamer and the Wii U is very appealing. You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.


So, so far from the truth it's unreal.


You think people aren't buying the Wii U because they're afraid someone will look through their window and see them playing a game that might be considered 'kiddy'?


You must know as soon as you typed that, that it couldn't possibly be true.

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I love how you keep missing the point yet keep responding to people.


Also, it's not about being 'insecure', it's simply because they don't care. Believe it or not, looking at a game like Donkey Kong or NSMB isn't appealing to most people over the age of 16.

Sorry, I just took exception at "seasoned gamer" being used to describe people who were interested in more realistic things.


The type of gamer that has spent 28 years playing Metroid games for example, or the type that would complete F Zero GX's story mode on the hardest settings, the type that want challenging games but also want games of different varieites. It's nothing about being "insecure" with kiddy games, it's about variation. (as @Clownferret pointed out earlier). Why can't we have the "realism" (if you count Metroid as realism, which is lolworthy in itself) along with the "kiddy".


Would you want a new Metroid? A simple yes or no will suffice.

It's not my favourite, but sure, it'd be good.


So, so far from the truth it's unreal.


You think people aren't buying the Wii U because they're afraid someone will look through their window and see them playing a game that might be considered 'kiddy'?


You must know as soon as you typed that, that it couldn't possibly be true.

I do know that isn't true, because that is not what I said. Please actually learn the English language so you can actually comprehend things.


Thanks :)

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I'd take a Metroid or an F-Zero every day of the week over Wii Fit U or Wii Party U. Those games have zilch appeal to me(I think they're muck and lazy) and they've not attracted the casuals this time around. I know some people that would be interested in the Wii U if it had more hardcore titles. It takes all sorts to create a diverse library and the Wii U is severely lacking in many departments.

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It's exactly what you bloody said! Don't be so rude, telling me to learn English, when you can't remember what you just said!


You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.


'Being seen playing kiddy games'


You're saying insecure people wouldn't want to be seen playing the games by others!


Shit man, I'm not buying that Wii U, because I'm so insecure that someone might look through the window and see me playing it. I'd totally lose my street cred!

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It's exactly what you bloody said! Don't be so rude, telling me to learn English, when you can't remember what you just said!




'Being seen playing kiddy games'


You're saying insecure people wouldn't want to be seen playing the games by others!


Shit man, I'm not buying that Wii U, because I'm so insecure that someone might look through the window and see me playing it. I'd totally lose my street cred!

No, it is not what I said. You're twisting words and meaning, like you always do, in your continual harassment of me.

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No, it is not what I said. You're twisting words and meaning, like you always do, in your continual harassment of me.


*Serebii plays the victim card*


It's not very effective...


Please explain to me how you didn't just say what you very definitely did just say. I want to know in what way it was twisted.

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Sorry, I just took exception at "seasoned gamer" being used to describe people who were interested in more realistic things.


A seasoned gamer will, in most cases, enjoy a good mix of both. As a result, most seasoned gamers would be immensely disappointed with just a Wii U.


At the same time, the "kiddy" nature of the Wii U and the shortage of such games on the other platforms is exactly why it's a popular second choice to compliment their main platform.

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Sorry, I just took exception at "seasoned gamer" being used to describe people who were interested in more realistic things.




Who the fuck is talking about realism?


Let's take it back a few steps.


I said:

The point that many are making about Metroid being there is that it creates a perception that the WiiU can appeal to gamers who want those deeper experiences. Add in a serious racer like F Zero, and suddenly the WiiU line-up looks more appealing to a seasoned gamer.


(note my usage of more appealing - Would a console look more appealing to a gamer with Metroid or without it?)


You said:

Seasoned gamer? I'm a seasoned gamer and the Wii U is very appealing. You mean more appealing to the "average" gamer who prefer realism over other styles because they're insecure with being seen playing "kiddy" games.
(not sure why you start talking about realism)


I said:

The type of gamer that has spent 28 years playing Metroid games for example, or the type that would complete F Zero GX's story mode on the hardest settings, the type that want challenging games but also want games of different varieites. It's nothing about being "insecure" with kiddy games, it's about variation. (as @Clownferret pointed out earlier). Why can't we have the "realism" (if you count Metroid as realism, which is lolworthy in itself) along with the "kiddy".


Would you want a new Metroid? A simple yes or no will suffice.

(me summarising that the WiiU needs variation)


Also, you said yes to my question at the end, which fits in with what I'm saying all along. To a gamer, (a seasoned gamer - a gamer who has a lot of experience with the medium, spending season after season gaming) a console line-up looks better with Metroid than it does without.


So, not sure what you're getting at really with the whole realism thing. You must view things in binary if you consider F Zero and Metroid "realism", which is...I don't even-

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