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Wii U General Discussion


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I hope Nintendo get the last laugh on EA. While I like some of their games, I despise them as a company. I'd love to see them lose all their licences, fall on hard times and desperate to release their games on Nintendo platforms. Only for Nintendo to tell them to go do a run and jump.

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Yeah, the Origin reason is the most common theory that gets floated around. It would just be nice to get some official confirmation from someone. I imagine it will all come out eventually though.

We never will. They just spout the bull that


“Nintendo was dead to us very quickly. It became a kids IP platform and we don’t really make games for kids. That was pretty true across the other labels too. Even the Mass Effect title on Wii U, which was a solid effort, could never do big business, and EA like Activision is only focused on games that can be big franchises”.



Using Mass Effect 3 as a reason why when it was an almost year old late port, released after Mass Effect Trilogy for the other consoles, at a higher price to the trilogy. EA are scum

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We never will. They just spout the bull that


I don't mean from the company itself rather an employee who leaves and then tells the story. The company themselves aren't gonna say squat.


EA had a good run last gen with games like Dead Space, Dragon Age, Mirrors Edge and Dantes Inferno but the sales weren't there so they resorted back to their usual practices. I can't blame them, I mean they are a business after all.


A lot of people give them grief over their yearly sports games and things like Ultimate Team but if people are willing to buy them and spend money on such things ( they make a killing on UT ) then fair play to them. They are essentially giving the masses what they want.

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Using Mass Effect 3 as a reason why when it was an almost year old late port, released after Mass Effect Trilogy for the other consoles, at a higher price to the trilogy. EA are scum


Fair play to them, they pulled out of supporting a pretty bad product that was obviously going to make them little money. It's basically toxic to nearly all third party devs, not just them.

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Fair play to them, they pulled out of supporting a pretty bad product that was obviously going to make them little money. It's basically toxic to nearly all third party devs, not just them.


That's the thing. People get all up in arms over the shoddy support from EA but Ubisoft gave it a good go and didn't get the sales they were after. I would imagine these companies would also have to believe that they could make some moolah from the console and if that wasn't going to be the case then why support it in the first place?

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That's the thing. People get all up in arms over the shoddy support from EA but Ubisoft gave it a good go and didn't get the sales they were after. I would imagine these companies would also have to believe that they could make some moolah from the console and if that wasn't going to be the case then why support it in the first place?

It's just silly really. Anyone with a shred of animosity against a company in it to make money needs to take a long hard look at what they're arguing. If the money was there they'd be there. The money is not there, because Nintendo fucked up when they made the console, and are bad with third party relations. Those are the reasons to blame, not EA.

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Fair play to them, they pulled out of supporting a pretty bad product that was obviously going to make them little money. It's basically toxic to nearly all third party devs, not just them.

This was before it was "toxic". They went in with half-arsed or very late ports at full price and expected them to sell, then when they didn't, they blamed it on the userbase

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This was before it was "toxic". They went in with half-arsed or very late ports at full price and expected them to sell, then when they didn't, they blamed it on the userbase


It was toxic from D1. The price, the specs, the name, the audience. No one was going to waste resources making expensive games on something that was flagrantly a gamble. They knew that there were Wii owners who probably never played these games, so they tested whether they would buy the ports.


PS4 and X1 show that people will buy re-releases. The problem is the console and audience, not the games.

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It was toxic from D1. The price, the specs, the name, the audience. No one was going to waste resources making expensive games on something that was flagrantly a gamble. They knew that there were Wii owners who probably never played these games, so they tested whether they would buy the ports.


PS4 and X1 show that people will buy re-releases. The problem is the console and audience, not the games.

Hindsight is 20/20

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Hindsight is 20/20




The specs were known from D1. The crappy name was known from D1. The fact the Wii trailed off and lacked a lot of good third party support by the end of its life was also known, yet here they were continuing the Wii brand.


The reason people like me didn't jump on board when it was launched was not an act of clairvoyance, believe me!

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The specs were known from D1. The crappy name was known from D1. The fact the Wii trailed off and lacked a lot of good third party support by the end of its life was also known, yet here they were continuing the Wii brand.


The reason people like me didn't jump on board when it was launched was not an act of clairvoyance, believe me!

Well good for you, then.


I jumped in and it's not toxic. It's the best console I have ever played on, including the PS4.

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They could go to them and ask their opinions on how they want a console built, like the other two have done.


I agree but what can they do now with the console that they have? Only plausable suggestion that I can see is to chuck money at them.

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I agree but what can they do now with the console that they have? Only plausable suggestion that I can see is to chuck money at them.


The Wii U is dead in the water, if that news about Assassin's Creed Rogue is true.


How about investing more in a network of their own global studios? Nintendo need to invest for their future. It's because they didn't that they are in this clusterfuck now.


Iwata pulling back from Western devs was a travesty, and is the first thing that needs to be amended.

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Didn't the original reveal of the WiiU mention it could operate multiple store fronts for digital distribution?..........we've never got that so you can only imagine that one of those stores would have been Origin

(can't find anything on that but i'm sure i remember that being said/shown on a slide during its initial reveal)


the name will always be toxic to public perception, its confusing, they should have gone with numbered Wii2 or a different name! hell Wii2U would have been better

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I agree but what can they do now with the console that they have? Only plausable suggestion that I can see is to chuck money at them.


I think the 3rd party support for Wii U is pretty much done. What they need to do is get prepared for the next console by working with 3rd parties to see what they want out of a console and how best to accommodate them.

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The Wii U is dead in the water, if that news about Assassin's Creed Rogue is true.


How about investing more in a network of their own global studios? Nintendo need to invest for their future. It's because they didn't that they are in this clusterfuck now.


Iwata pulling back from Western devs was a travesty, and is the first thing that needs to be amended.


That's pretty much it.

The WiiU isn't going to get a huge surge in sales now. The market who wanted the Wii have moved on, so they should start preparing things for the next generation.

In the mean time, they should just aim to get back on board the fans that they have lost. They're the ones who will go on to purchase the future system/s and they are the ones who will be there from day 1 to get Smash Bros, the next Zelda, X, etc.


I'm excited for Nintendo's future because they HAVE to change things up now. I'm curious to see what path they take and think this will be the end of the Wii brand.

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I'm excited for Nintendo's future because they HAVE to change things up now. I'm curious to see what path they take and think this will be the end of the Wii brand.


Yeah, the Wii brand looks to have lost all of it's selling power. I wonder if they will keep the DS brand?


It will be interesting to what they do going forward. I'm just hoping they don't try to do some form of gimmick just for the sake of being different. My main worry is that they haven't learnt anything from this experience.

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Yeah, the Wii brand looks to have lost all of it's selling power. I wonder if they will keep the DS brand?


It will be interesting to what they do going forward. I'm just hoping they don't try to do some form of gimmick just for the sake of being different. My main worry is that they haven't learnt anything from this experience.

I'd rather they keep trying to have a unique feature than we just get a third near identical x86 console.

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I'd rather they keep trying to have a unique feature than we just get a third near identical x86 console.


Sorry, I'm going to call bullshit. Nobody gave a shit about that when we were all busy loving our GameCubes and SNESs. Nobody moaned about having three identical consoles then.


In fact, we loved it in some respects because the GC was a powerhouse. An absolute animal of a console. We rubbed it in the faces of PS2 owners when we showed off the water effects on Wave Race, or when Resident Evil 4 looked the best on that system compared to the others.


I'm not sure where this mentality comes from that Nintendo NEED to be different. The games should be the difference, not necessarily the system. The games were the difference back on the NES, SNES, N64 and GC. It's only since the Wii where they decided to go down the "less powerhouse, more user input" route that fans have changed their tune.


Even with the GC stuff, that was in spite of Nintendo causing confusion/trouble with their usage of those small optical discs and the same with the N64 era with the carts when the world wanted CD. A "special" feature doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a "special" system, as is completely evident with the WiiU.

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Sorry, I'm going to call bullshit. Nobody gave a shit about that when we were all busy loving our GameCubes and SNESs. Nobody moaned about having three identical consoles then.


In fact, we loved it in some respects because the GC was a powerhouse. An absolute animal of a console. We rubbed it in the faces of PS2 owners when we showed off the water effects on Wave Race, or when Resident Evil 4 looked the best on that system compared to the others.


I'm not sure where this mentality comes from that Nintendo NEED to be different. The games should be the difference, not necessarily the system. The games were the difference back on the NES, SNES, N64 and GC. It's only since the Wii where they decided to go down the "less powerhouse, more user input" route that fans have changed their tune.


Even with the GC stuff, that was in spite of Nintendo causing confusion/trouble with their usage of those small optical discs and the same with the N64 era with the carts when the world wanted CD. A "special" feature doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a "special" system, as is completely evident with the WiiU.

So you would really be happy if Nintendo brought out a console that matched the specs of the other two and brought nothing new to the table? You don't think that'd be bad for the market?

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Yeah, the Origin reason is the most common theory that gets floated around. It would just be nice to get some official confirmation from someone. I imagine it will all come out eventually though.


Its one of those things where I would love a "tell all" book to be written on the games industry one day which actually explained a lot of this stuff. Doubt it will ever happen but I'd love to read it.

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