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Sorry if asked before .

Could anyone recommend me a wii I hard drive with external power source ? I don't know much about them I'm looking to pay no more than £60



Here you go


External Powered. 2TB. £58. It's what I will have shortly, many friends have and I think a few people here have it, too



Nintendo even recommend it on their site.

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2TB seems a bit excessive doesn't it? Are people really planning on installing over 200 retail games on their console?

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Plus, if third parties come back, you will need it for all those patches

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I can taste the bitterness in this post.

Well it'll never happen anyway :p


Seriously though, it's quite likely that the HDD will be compatible with the Wii U's successor, so you may as well go all in right now.


Besides, smaller ones are a similar price.

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Well it'll never happen anyway :p


Seriously though, it's quite likely that the HDD will be compatible with the Wii U's successor, so you may as well go all in right now.


Besides, smaller ones are a similar price.


The warranty of the HDD will probably still be valid too when the successor is launched. ;)


But yes, for that price and size, it's a good deal.

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I refuse to buy a HDD but eventually I'll be forced to. I'm trying to sell my download code from MK8 and buy a retail version instead. Why? Nintendo done f###ed up again and released a pitiful HD, that's the why. Wii was a disgrace too, 512 MB. Pffftt! I'm forced to scavenge because they're stingebags. Wii U didn't cost me €370, you can throw another €80 at least on top of that when my fridge is full. /rant.

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I can taste the bitterness in this post.


Haha, QFT. There is so much right with the other consoles compared to the Wii U that he's clinging the to the one festering, irrelevant bone there is left and won't let go.


Seriously though, it's quite likely that the HDD will be compatible with the Wii U's successor, so you may as well go all in right now.


Tbh, I would be absolutely fucking amazed if Nintendo didn't include at least a 500GB hard drive on their next console. They're dirt cheap now and they have no excuse.

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Is there a cheaper option, that someone has used? 2tb seems unlikely to ever be filled I think 500gb would be perfect.

In the next console nintendo will probably require it to be formatted for that console with no way to keep or transfer your wii u purchases. :blank:


I am about to need one but would ideally spend less than fifty quid.

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Is there a cheaper option, that someone has used? 2tb seems unlikely to ever be filled I think 500gb would be perfect.

In the next console nintendo will probably require it to be formatted for that console with no way to keep or transfer your wii u purchases. :blank:


I am about to need one but would ideally spend less than fifty quid.


I got 500Gb for 30/40 range, not powered though.


btw, looking at the Wii > Wii U transfer, I think Nintendo may well require the HDD to be formatted for the Wii U's suyccessor, but it would salvage the games/save files first, just tie them permanently to the U successor and make it unusable with the Wii U.


Or they may surprise us all..

Also If I had a bit more spare money at the time, I would have bought a larger HDD.




also with:


to power it from 2 USB ports.

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Apart from any games worth buying, small hiccup that.


In the short term, yes. Once Destiny gets here in September, the line-up for the other consoles is great. October should be excellent and it's only going to get better in 2015. Basically, the new systems haven't even got started yet. So, it's a bit of a daft statement to make. In your opinion, maybe.

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Apart from any games worth buying, small hiccup that.


It's all relative. I hopped between four PS4 titles earlier, while my Wii U hasn't been touched since MK8.


As long as there's something making you happy.

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Haha, QFT. There is so much right with the other consoles compared to the Wii U that he's clinging the to the one festering, irrelevant bone there is left and won't let go.




Tbh, I would be absolutely fucking amazed if Nintendo didn't include at least a 500GB hard drive on their next console. They're dirt cheap now and they have no excuse.


'Hi, we're Nintendo'


I'm joking. A little bit.

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In the short term, yes. Once Destiny gets here in September, the line-up for the other consoles is great.


Well done them. Just what modern gaming needs, another shooter.


October should be excellent and it's only going to get better in 2015. Basically, the new systems haven't even got started yet.


And yet Nintendo were torn to pieces for the lack of games in its first year.


So, it's a bit of a daft statement to make. In your opinion, maybe.


I was only replying to the original daft statement by @Sheikah.


I'm not saying things are all rosey on the Wii U, far from it obviously, but I just thought I'd have the nerve to stick up for Ninty in what's been pages and pages of complaining and bitching about every little thing they've done wrong. Again, not saying the complaining isn't warranted or justified, I just wanted to give a different view.

Edited by Ronnie
Automerged Doublepost
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There's nothing daft about what I said, Serebii really does pick on the smallest inadequacies if it can be spun to favour Nintendo.


Saying what you did though just makes you appear very out of touch. Both consoles have some very good games, something I know from owning both.


And yet Nintendo were torn to pieces for the lack of games in its first year.


A piece of advice; you might want to go and look at how much good software the PS4/X1 will have had by the time its first year is done. Far more than the Wii U had, for sure.

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And yet Nintendo were torn to pieces for the lack of games in its first year.


Here's the games I have on the One.




Not pictured are Marvel Lego Superheroes ( brother has it ) and digital titles Max: Curse of Brotherhood, Halo: Spartan Assault, FIFA 15, Killer Instinct, Another World and Gucamaelee.


I have yet to pick up the likes of Crimson Dragon, Valiant Hearts, Child of Light etc.


You will then have the likes of Destiny, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo 1-4, Dragon Age Inquistion, Assassins Creed Unity, Diablo 3, Alien Isolation and a bunch of others all arriving within the first year of the consoles life. This isn't even going into the digital games arriving before the end of the year either.


No issues with games droughts here and it's quite a diverse lineup.

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Well done them. Just what modern game needs, another shooter.


Ah, this one again.

Alien Isolation, Destiny and Evolve are all "shooters", yes. However, they couldn't be further apart. One is very focused on creating detailed environments, harsh atmosphere and tension, another is an mmo-style story-driven epic and Evolve is based on working together as a team and communication. They couldn't be any more different. What's more, they are all new IPs that feature new characters and settings that aren't familiar with gamers already, with the exception being Alien Isolation I guess, which uses part of the film's licence as the backdrop, but is a new entity in itself. Then there's also the likes of Drive Club and Assassin's Creed, both of which look brilliant.


And yet Nintendo were torn to pieces for the lack of games in its first year.


That was maybe fourth or fifth on the list of things that they were torn into for, behind the expensive price point, poor hardware in comparison to its competitors, bad marketing, poor image and an extreme lack of ideas behind how to use the controller. (maybe sixth or seventh then)The difference is that the system was released at the end of 2012, we are over midway through 2014 and all of the above still apply.


I was only replying to the original daft statement by @Sheikah.


I'm not saying things are all rosey on the Wii U, far from it obviously, but I just thought I'd have the nerve to stick up for Ninty in what's been pages and pages of complaining and bitching about every little thing they've done wrong. Again, not saying the complaining isn't warranted or justified, I just wanted to give a different view.


In the past, I would have stuck up for them, too. I stuck up for them during the Wii era because Nintendo did give something back and they had part of the answer with the Wii remote and games such as Galaxy, Other M, Sin and Punishment 2, Punchout, etc. However, the tipping point for me has come and gone and I recognise that they have just as many faults as positives. So, I've started to look elsewhere and I admit that there are just as many great other games on the other systems, probably more than I had anticipated.

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There's nothing daft about what I said, Serebii really does pick on the smallest inadequacies if it can be spun to favour Nintendo.


Saying what you did though just makes you appear very out of touch. Both consoles have some very good games, something I know from owning both.




A piece of advice; you might want to go and look at how much good software the PS4/X1 will have had by the time its first year is done. Far more than the Wii U had, for sure.


I actually did an analysis of releases in the general sales topic along these lines. It was based on number of releases though, rather than quality.


If you look at the first five months of launch (so Nov 2012-April 2013 for Wii U, Nov 2013 - April 2014 for the others) we get the following:


Wii U 49

PS4 59

Xbox One 42


Now I'm aware there is a small margin of error here (the consoles released in the same months, but at slightly different times, chances of Wiki problems) but I think if you look at the numbers, the consoles are in line with each other.


No particular console has any more of a (edit - launch) drought that any other particular console. The numbers between them are negligible.


More stats fun here: http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1676970&postcount=2660

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