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Could of showed Watch Dogs if its still coming?


Why would Ubisoft take time to show a game already released? Why would Nintendo advertise that they're getting a game very late? Showing at E3 doesn't really help either of them.


I wonder if you could sue Nintendo for lying about their product? You hear of crazier stories from America.


What have they lied about, exactly?


@Serebii Who's throwing money at which third party games? do tell.


They pay for (timed) exclusive content, and help out with advertising (this is why you often see adverts for games that only show one platform) - for example, Microsoft pay for timed exclusive Call of Duty map packs and help with advertising (which is why all footage before release is from the Xbox version).


Microsoft also paid EA to not put Titanfall on Sony platforms.

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They pay for (timed) exclusive content, and help out with advertising (this is why you often see adverts for games that only show one platform) - for example, Microsoft pay for timed exclusive Call of Duty map packs and help with advertising (which is why all footage before release is from the Xbox version).
Yeah that's pretty much all I could think of. And it isn't a reason the Wii U doesn't get third party games.
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But if Nintendo did help financially, they would be more willing to risk putting the games on the Wii U.


Still, just like the Wii, I see the Wii U as something that compliments another platform. I really don't care about multiplatform games on the Wii U - I'd buy them on something else anyway.

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True. It's the third party exclusive the Gamecube/Wii got that are missed.


I dont think its just the exclusives. I see it as no surprise that the Gamecube even with its low install base had an a very high attach rate (9) because it actually received third party support and got many of the multi platform games. Without third parties you dont have the library or diversity of games which gamers want or have a healthy release schedule to avoid droughts.


Nintendo historically could treat third parties like shit and it didnt matter but third parties now dont need Nintendo. They have Sony and MS to sell there games.


Nintendo basically need to start again with third parties. A whole new attitude and approach to them is badly needed.

Edited by liger05
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What have they lied about, exactly?


Everything. They lied about listening to third parties when designing the hardware. They lied about no gaming droughts. They lied about having powerful hardware that would compete with the competition. They lied about attracting back the hardcore gamer. They lied about learning from their mistakes with 3DS. I'd even say they lied about the gamepads range. And on and on and on.....

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Everything. They lied about listening to third parties when designing the hardware. They lied about no gaming droughts. They lied about having powerful hardware that would compete with the competition. They lied about attracting back the hardcore gamer. They lied about learning from their mistakes with 3DS. I'd even say they lied about the gamepads range. And on and on and on.....


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Everything. They lied about listening to third parties when designing the hardware.


Supposition. Conjecture. You don't know that.


They lied about no gaming droughts.


Things change. It's lying if they said it while intending for there to be one. That was not a lie, games just sometimes get delayed.


They lied about having powerful hardware that would compete with the competition.


Technically it can.


They lied about attracting back the hardcore gamer.


They tried. They failed. That was not a lie.


They lied about learning from their mistakes with 3DS.




I'd even say they lied about the gamepads range. And on and on and on.....


I wouldn't say so, they said the range is environmental and it is.


You're using the term "they lied" rather loosely. They were mistaken in things and failed in others, but that does not mean they lied. To lie denotes the intention to deceive, that they intentionally made a false statement, which they did not.

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They lied about attracting back the hardcore gamer.
They tried. They failed. That was not a lie.
Out of interest, how do you feel they tried at this?

Nintendo Land wasn't going to do it... Mario wasn't going to do it... and these were their two big launch titles.


Only being able to secure year old ports of games everyone had already played, presumably because they didn't give third parties enough time to design games for the console, or talk to them about what the console should be... that wasn't going to do it.


A complete lack of First Party franchises on the console that have the potential to interest 'hardcore' gamers i.e. 1080, WaveRace, Metroid, F-Zero (especially with the lack of WipeOut) wasn't going to do so.


Destroying their relationship with EA and with it FIFA, Tiger Woods etc... wasn't going to do it.


Along with not understanding what is expected from online gaming nowadays.


And seeing as we've just been talking about it, Not being prepared to pay for third party games when actually you've already lost the 'hardcore' gamer and need to do what you can to entice them back, ain't gonna do it either.

Edited by Retro_Link
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But if Nintendo did help financially, they would be more willing to risk putting the games on the Wii U.


Still, just like the Wii, I see the Wii U as something that compliments another platform. I really don't care about multiplatform games on the Wii U - I'd buy them on something else anyway.


I'm in the same boat, which is a real shame really. Nintendo used to be something i would be happy to have as a main console, but these days it's impossible to have just Nintendo. Looking at the WiiU, so far there have been 2 first party titles for it this year alone (so far) in the forms of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and now Mario Kart.


The blame for the "current" failure with the WiiU lies mainly with Nintendo, and within that it's to be blamed on Iwata. It's not to be blamed on 3rd parties entirely.


It's a real shame, many people say Iwata is to blame for Nintendo's current position, and i can't really agree more.

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Ubisoft might still bring Wii U games remember last year no Wii U games at E3 then WatchDogs was announced for Wii U this year


If we get anything from Ubisoft, I'll bet it's Just Dance 2015. :(

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it's an interesting topic, does anybody know a ballpark figure of what it costs to convert a game from PS or XB to Wii U?


I think Nintendo definitely need to throw money at the problem. If it costs EA £500,00 to convert FIFA 15 then Nintendo have to pay this to get the game on the system.


I think some of the complaints here are harsh, Wii U did launch with good 3rd party support, proper versions of FIFA & COD and new to Nintendo IP's like AC & Batman. EA are a fucking horrible company and as much as I really want FIFA and TW on Wii U I can easily see how Nintendo could have fallen out with them. Did anybody see Watchdog the other night? Kids have been racking up £1,500 on their parents credit cards buying DLC for FIFA 14. How any game could allow you to do that is bordering on criminal in my eyes and Nintendo wouldn't allow that kind of shit to go down on their consoles.


Back to the 3rd party problem, do we really know why 3rd party support is going away? Is it based on hardware sales, software sales or just the pain in arse/cost of converting

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I think Nintendo definitely need to throw money at the problem. If it costs EA £500,00 to convert FIFA 15 then Nintendo have to pay this to get the game on the system.


Agreed Nintendo need to at times pay for key third party titles. Minecraft for instance is soon to be on every platform other than Nintendo’s. The game is mad popular with kids yet Nintendo don’t have it on there platform. Just pay for a wii u version.


MH4G is being released on the 3DS. Now some MH fans will want to continue playing it on the Wii U rather than 3DS, again Nintendo should just stump up the cash for a wii u version.


Back to the 3rd party problem, do we really know why 3rd party support is going away? Is it based on hardware sales, software sales or just the pain in arse/cost of converting


I think the SW sales are the main reason. Publishers don’t leave money on the table and would put games on the Wii U if they made money but too often third party games have not sold well. Fifa, COD, NBA2K, Zombie U, AC, Splinter Cell among others just didn’t sell so you can see why third parties see no point in releasing future Wii U versions. The install base is small but even so if that install base bought games I don’t think it would be that big of an issue.

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it's an interesting topic, does anybody know a ballpark figure of what it costs to convert a game from PS or XB to Wii U?


I think Nintendo definitely need to throw money at the problem. If it costs EA £500,00 to convert FIFA 15 then Nintendo have to pay this to get the game on the system.


I think some of the complaints here are harsh, Wii U did launch with good 3rd party support, proper versions of FIFA & COD and new to Nintendo IP's like AC & Batman. EA are a fucking horrible company and as much as I really want FIFA and TW on Wii U I can easily see how Nintendo could have fallen out with them. Did anybody see Watchdog the other night? Kids have been racking up £1,500 on their parents credit cards buying DLC for FIFA 14. How any game could allow you to do that is bordering on criminal in my eyes and Nintendo wouldn't allow that kind of shit to go down on their consoles.


Back to the 3rd party problem, do we really know why 3rd party support is going away? Is it based on hardware sales, software sales or just the pain in arse/cost of converting


You're looking at a staff team of 10-15 people for a port that is easy to do. If you experience software bugs and issues, as most PS3->Wii U games get, you'll need to hire more staff which incurs costs. That's the reason why most Wii U ports were done by completely separate teams/developers. Internal ports are slightly different, but a company like Ubisoft ends up dealing with the following questions:

1. Do we hire more temporary staff to finish to Wii U version, which will incur budgetary problems.

2. Do we release the game in its current state, despite some niggling issues.

3. Do we move staff internally to help the Wii U version. These staff will likely come from PS4/XBO teams, which of course will make more money than any Wii U version ever will. With Watch Dogs, the reverse happened; they moved staff from the Wii U version to the other version to get the games out on time. It delayed the Wii U version but the damage is pretty much minimal.


3rd parties won't succeed on Wii U because the market is gone and no one other than core Nintendo fans (i.e. Us) want the console. The Wii U project lacked direction at the beginning of its project cycle and it's hurting Nintendo hard right now. With Nintendo having such a poor reputation among western gamers, there's no real incentive to release any games on Wii U as they won't sell. That said, that doesn't mean we won't see 3rd party games on the next Nintendo console, but mistakes can't keep happening from Nintendo's side.

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EA are a fucking horrible company and as much as I really want FIFA and TW on Wii U I can easily see how Nintendo could have fallen out with them. Did anybody see Watchdog the other night? Kids have been racking up £1,500 on their parents credit cards buying DLC for FIFA 14. How any game could allow you to do that is bordering on criminal in my eyes and Nintendo wouldn't allow that kind of shit to go down on their consoles.

Shame on them for wanting to make money. Nobody is forcing you to buy it and you can't defend parents that leave their credit details on these things.


The kids could have just have easily gone into the Nintendo e-shop and bought every game on there.

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3rd parties won't succeed on Wii U because the market is gone and no one other than core Nintendo fans (i.e. Us) want the console. The Wii U project lacked direction at the beginning of its project cycle and it's hurting Nintendo hard right now. With Nintendo having such a poor reputation among western gamers, there's no real incentive to release any games on Wii U as they won't sell. That said, that doesn't mean we won't see 3rd party games on the next Nintendo console, but mistakes can't keep happening from Nintendo's side.


But why doesn't that core Nintendo fans buy the games? If 6 mil wii u install base was an active userbase who bought games things would look better but they don't.

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But why doesn't that core Nintendo fans buy the games? If 6 mil wii u install base was an active userbase who bought games things would look better but they don't.


Speaking for myself here but I'd rather buy those games on a console where:

1) They run better (and therefore LOOK better on my big ass TV).

2) I can play them online with others.


I think of people are now happy to treated the Wii U as the machine to play Nintendo games and that's it. It's not really suitable for anything else given the competition.

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It's actually unreal how poorly the Wii U has been and has had it. It's a combination of abysmal decision by Nintendo, a shift in the industry and both Microsoft and Sony improving drastically year after year.


Hell, now Xbox Live is basically exactly the same as Playstation Plus I might buy an Xbox One. Who'd have thought?

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Speaking for myself here but I'd rather buy those games on a console where:

1) They run better (and therefore LOOK better on my big ass TV).

2) I can play them online with others.


I think of people are now happy to treated the Wii U as the machine to play Nintendo games and that's it. It's not really suitable for anything else given the competition.


That I understand but I still think the sales of those games are too low to put it down to people simply preferring to play them on another console.


The more successful third party games are those like Rayman, Sonic, Sonic racers as they are more like the games Nintendo produce so it seems the fanbase resonates with those titles.


Nintendo have to start producing their own sports titles, FPS, racing games, adult themed games so third parties have an audience to work with.


There is no reason whatsoever why Nintendo couldn’t get western studios to produce these kind of titles but they wont.

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Shame on them for wanting to make money. Nobody is forcing you to buy it and you can't defend parents that leave their credit details on these things.


The kids could have just have easily gone into the Nintendo e-shop and bought every game on there.


you obviously didn't see it. The parents have no choice as both Microsoft and Sony require a credit card to activate their subscription services, they keep these details and hidden within their T&C's is the fact that they can use these details to take payment for any other items. Then along comes FIFA with "just click here to get an extra item" and kerching.

And absolutely shame on then. Only a complete fuckwit could even try and justify that a game which already costs £40-£60 could even have an option to allow you to spend £1,500 on DLC.

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It's actually unreal how poorly the Wii U has been and has had it. It's a combination of abysmal decision by Nintendo, a shift in the industry and both Microsoft and Sony improving drastically year after year.


Hell, now Xbox Live is basically exactly the same as Playstation Plus I might buy an Xbox One. Who'd have thought?

As a Halo, Gears and Fable box? :p
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Probably all of the above.


yeah I figured it was probably a bit of a combination of all factors.

It's difficult to judge as there have been so few games that have released across all 3 platforms simultaneously without a downgraded version.

How well did Grand Slam Tennis and Tiger Woods 10 sell on Wii? These were two games where EA really supplied brilliant games making use of the motion technology, if these bombed then I can get 3rd parties not trying, but if these were successful then it shows 3rd parties can sell games if they don't just do a lazy port.

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you obviously didn't see it. The parents have no choice as both Microsoft and Sony require a credit card to activate their subscription services, they keep these details and hidden within their T&C's is the fact that they can use these details to take payment for any other items. Then along comes FIFA with "just click here to get an extra item" and kerching.


Stop now.


Microsoft said:

Guidance for Parents:


In order to help prevent the kind of purchases featured in the programme, we offer the following guidance for parents:


Make sure your child uses a child account

Make sure you activate parental controls and choose the right settings for your family

So that you are notified of any purchases made from your Xbox account, make sure your email address is linked with the account that has your credit card attached



Credit card details can of course be removed. As an alternative to linking a credit card to a child or teen account to make purchases online, customers may choose to use prepaid Xbox Gift cards. These can be purchased at many retailers including supermarkets.


Another case of negligent parenting. You've got a variety of options there: delete the details, create a child account, use parental settings, use gift cards.

Tell me how parents can fail at every step and it's still not their fault?


Also tell me how any video game e-shop (including Nintendo's) does not allow kids to go nuts in the same way either?

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