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  Hero-of-Time said:
Amazon are dodgy when it comes to preordered games, that's why I never use them. Many on Gaf often get games on the Saturday or Monday after release.


dont know why amazon refuse to send games out on the wednesday. everyone else does but they wont budge.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Amazon are dodgy when it comes to preordered games, that's why I never use them. Many on Gaf often get games on the Saturday or Monday after release.


Yeah its BS. I always get them on a Friday but I wish they would send the games on wed for once.


The plus side with Amazon is they use there own delivery vans. I ordered Layton v Phoenix Wright yesterday morning and it was delivered today on a Sunday using normal 1st class. That's impressive!!


Amazon's post very much depends on who they use for your particular area. For example, all the "Prime" stuff in my area is via Hermes and Citylink.


Both of which are a significant downgrade from Royal Mail.


Ordered the "Rainfall" games from Amazon. One arrived Thursday. One arrived Friday. One arrived Saturday. Never had a game on Monday but I rarely preorder from them unless they are super cheap.


Why does the Nintendo UK site suck so much? Half the user profile sections have been 'coming soon' since forever and the majority of times I do a new survey it gives an error.


I tried submitting a review of a product I bought recently, after receiving an email from them saying there's a £100 prize draw. Click submit, 'The page you requested cannot be found.' :wtf:


I do half my pre-orders either in-store or online these days. Sometimes you can get a few extra bonus's for in-store orders, managed to get a free PS4 starter kit with my PS4 when ordered in-store.


Amazon seem to be fine, if you order a movie. Then it arrives on release day, i guess they never learn the difference between movie and game release days.

  Mandalore said:
Why does the Nintendo UK site suck so much? Half the user profile sections have been 'coming soon' since forever and the majority of times I do a new survey it gives an error.


I tried submitting a review of a product I bought recently, after receiving an email from them saying there's a £100 prize draw. Click submit, 'The page you requested cannot be found.' :wtf:


Please understand.


So, this was posted on Gaf this morning.


Nikkei: "June will be a major test for Iwata"



* Nintendo rejected the suggestion of a Hong Kong investor that Nintendo move towards smartphone games with the observation "are there any companies that have had sustained revenue growth from smartphone games?"


* The head of a large Chinese investment firm assigned to analyze Nintendo observed that "Nintendo must leverage its intellectual property, such as its characters." As a matter of fact, a few years ago there were rumours that Nintendo was planning to open a theme park based on its characters in Kyoto, but the project has apparently been mothballed.


* These comments on Nintendo's existing properties reflect the irritation of investors who believe that the company has not found new sources of revenue.


*Consolidated profits and earnings for the fiscal year ending in March showed a loss of 35 billion yen, (compared to a 36.4 billion yen loss the year previously) representing three consecutive years of losses.


*Iwata said "only after playing the WiiU is it possible to understand its appeal. Low sales are due to the console being not well-enough known." Within the company, proposals for how to play the WiiU are being considered.


*Current cash reserves are over 500 billion yen, but whether Iwata will be given unlimited time is a separate question.


*At the general meeting in March 2011, Iwata was reappointed with 92.89% of the vote, but in 2013 he was reappointed with only 77.26%.


*This coming June will be a major test for Iwata.


I thought they were on about E3 but then read the topic further and seen that there will be a General Meeting of Shareholders in June, where Iwata could be re-elected to the Board of Directors.


Aquamarine posted these stats.


Last year his approval rate plummeted 13%.


Historical Re-election Approval Ratings:


Iwata, 2010:

Approve: 952,201

Oppose: 19,072

Approval Rating: 96.74%


Iwata, 2011:

Approve: 932,379

Oppose: 48,339

Approval Rating: 92.89%


Iwata, 2012:

Approve: 913,453

Oppose: 83,740

Approval Rating: 90.60%


Iwata, 2013:

Approve: 772,384

Oppose: 218,960

Approval Rating: 77.26%


If he doesn't get voted back on the BoD it doesn't mean he loses his job though.


With this result, Iwata won't be re-elected to the Board of Directors in June nor will he be the Chairman of the Board. This is incredibly shameful and he should retire as CEO at this point, but if he doesn't, he can still stay in power as CEO.


I believe it's up to the Board on whether or not to fire Iwata as CEO. Before they were a bunch of yes-men, but if Iwata isn't getting re-elected...they may have other plans for him (an early retirement as CEO).


But just because he doesn't get re-elected to the Board doesn't mean he automatically loses his CEO position. That's separate.


Interesting stuff.

Posted (edited)

I'm going to copy over my post from GAF too as it forms some interesting points that people, especially investors, analysts and the press miss.


Have a problem with it? Fine, but let's not start a fight


Regarding moving to smartphones

See, this I don't get. Mobile is shown to not be that big a thing. Almost all the companies who have gone mobile have had short term gains that then suddenly drop. Last year, the iOS App store made $26b total revenue. Nintendo made $6bn in revenue. For Nintendo to stay where they are, they'd have to have 22% of the iOS market. That's just ridiculous


Regarding a Wii U Price Cut

People say this, and I can see the logic, but really that would be a horrific business decision and I would call for Iwata's head myself if it were to happen. That's why the FY3/2012 numbers were so disastrous.


Think about it. At the moment, the Wii U is $299.99 with like $50 loss. Now, let's say it drops to $199.99 which makes it being sold at a loss of $150. Now, let's also say that it has a 3DS level turnaround and sells a further 11 million units in 6 months. That would make it lose $1,650,000,000. Those sort of numbers are not reclaimable through third party royalties or software profits. Those numbers are why Sony lost their PS1 & PS2 profits rapidly and why Microsoft are still very in the red cumulatively with the Xbox.


It's really a thing that would be good for the consumer but disastrous for the company.



What people seem to fail to realise, including analysts, is that Nintendo isn't in trouble.


They have had one year of net loss. One. They have projected their second, but there's a reason for that. They have been expanding and a good portion of that expansion, financially speaking. is happening this quarter. Up to Q3, this fiscal year has been much better than the two years prior. It isn't up to the Wii & DS massive standards, sure, but it's doing better and turnarounds don't happen in a day.


However, there are a few factors to factor in. First, Nintendo just had to drop $1b yen to buyback Yamauchi shares that the family had to put on the market for tax reasons. Second, for this quarter, Nintendo just shifted a further 15b yen into R&D and a further 8bn yen into Marketing. This amount essentially covers the entire projected loss. Nintendo are expanding. Expansion costs money. Spending money looks bad on the balance sheet when it doesn't have immediate recovery.


Iwata looks to the long term. Investors and analysts only care about the short term, which is why they want to jump in on the mobile bubble which will burst soon, mark my words.


Nintendo are fine. Iwata is doing well. Just because the Wii U is not does not mean the rest. Home console has never been Nintendo's main market anyway.

Getting rid of Iwata would likely either result in a) A new CEO who follows Nintendo's philosophies. Nothing changes. or b) A new CEO who jumps into the mobile bubble because the home console isn't doing well. As such, they cannibalise their one successful avenue, the 3DS

Edited by Serebii
  Serebii said:
Regarding moving to smartphones

See, this I don't get. Mobile is shown to not be that big a thing. Almost all the companies who have gone mobile have had short term gains that then suddenly drop. Last year, the iOS App store made $26b total revenue. Nintendo made $6bn in revenue. For Nintendo to stay where they are, they'd have to have 22% of the iOS market. That's just ridiculous


What is this in response to? I don't think anyone in the history of the universe has ever suggested that Nintendo should move entirely to mobile devices.


The smartphone suggestions are for Nintendo to use it for Miiverse, advertising and a perhaps couple of fun, simple games (like the Google Maps April Fools) that compliment their console and handheld releases.


It's not so much to create revenue from smatphones, but to use it to promote their own platforms.

Posted (edited)
  Cube said:
What is this in response to? I don't think anyone in the history of the universe has ever suggested that Nintendo should move entirely to mobile devices.


The smartphone suggestions are for Nintendo to use it for Miiverse, advertising and a perhaps couple of fun, simple games (like the Google Maps April Fools) that compliment their console and handheld releases.


It's not so much to create revenue from smatphones, but to use it to promote their own platforms.

Unfortunately, people have been suggesting that. Pachter suggested they shift entirely to smartphones while building their next console. Investors, analysts and press have been pushing it too. It's ridiculous.


I do agree though, things done like google's stuff is the perfect way for Nintendo to do it. It's spreading their brand and not damaging their games...if anything, it's calling attention to it, and that's good. That's what Nintendo have said they're doing, anyway. However, so many, including analysts, say it's not enough and won't be until they shift their output to smartphones as dominant focus.

Edited by Serebii
  Serebii said:
Unfortunately, people have been suggesting that. Pachter suggested they shift entirely to smartphones while building their next console. Investors, analysts and press have been pushing it too. It's ridiculous.


I do agree though, things done like google's stuff is the perfect way for Nintendo to do it. It's spreading their brand and not damaging their games...if anything, it's calling attention to it, and that's good. That's what Nintendo have said they're doing, anyway.


When did Pachter suggest this.


His said Nintendo should put some of their back catalogue on smartphones. His never said they should shift their whole focus to smartphones.


Regarding a Wii U Price Cut

People say this, and I can see the logic, but really that would be a horrific business decision and I would call for Iwata's head myself if it were to happen. That's why the FY3/2012 numbers were so disastrous.


Think about it. At the moment, the Wii U is $299.99 with like $50 loss. Now, let's say it drops to $199.99 which makes it being sold at a loss of $150. Now, let's also say that it has a 3DS level turnaround and sells a further 11 million units in 6 months. That would make it lose $1,650,000,000. Those sort of numbers are not reclaimable through third party royalties or software profits. Those numbers are why Sony lost their PS1 & PS2 profits rapidly and why Microsoft are still very in the red cumulatively with the Xbox.


It's really a thing that would be good for the consumer but disastrous for the company.


Market forces will determine if the product needs a further price cut.


If the console isn’t selling (which it isn’t) then what do they do? If retailers say they are not stocking it unless Nintendo do something to try and drive sales then I don’t see how they can’t further cut the price.


Now if price isn’t the problem then clearly the product is so either way they would be screwed.



What people seem to fail to realise, including analysts, is that Nintendo isn't in trouble.


They have had one year of net loss. One. They have projected their second, but there's a reason for that. They have been expanding and a good portion of that expansion, financially speaking. is happening this quarter. Up to Q3, this fiscal year has been much better than the two years prior. It isn't up to the Wii & DS massive standards, sure, but it's doing better and turnarounds don't happen in a day.


However, there are a few factors to factor in. First, Nintendo just had to drop $1b yen to buyback Yamauchi shares that the family had to put on the market for tax reasons. Second, for this quarter, Nintendo just shifted a further 15b yen into R&D and a further 8bn yen into Marketing. This amount essentially covers the entire projected loss. Nintendo are expanding. Expansion costs money. Spending money looks bad on the balance sheet when it doesn't have immediate recovery.


Iwata looks to the long term. Investors and analysts only care about the short term, which is why they want to jump in on the mobile bubble which will burst soon, mark my words.


Nintendo are fine. Iwata is doing well. Just because the Wii U is not does not mean the rest. Home console has never been Nintendo's main market anyway.

Getting rid of Iwata would likely either result in a) A new CEO who follows Nintendo's philosophies. Nothing changes. or b) A new CEO who jumps into the mobile bubble because the home console isn't doing well. As such, they cannibalise their one successful avenue, the 3DS


The Wii U has been nothing short of a disaster and less than 2 years in the console is on life support at best.


The handheld business is being choked by smartphones and there main source of income is seeing a drop in revenues as more and more people ignore dedicated handhelds for smartphones & tablets.


The 3DS while no way a failure fails to hit Sales targets and 3 years into the platforms life instead of hitting its prime its down year on year. With the Wii U performing so badly it’s vital the 3DS brings in the necessary revenue but it’s a struggle right now.


Iwata looks long term? The Wii U was most defiantly not a product which had long term in mind.


Personally I hope Iwata is pushed out.

Posted (edited)
  liger05 said:
When did Pachter suggest this.


His said Nintendo should put some of their back catalogue on smartphones. His never said they should shift their whole focus to smartphones.


Recently and yes he did

Probably Nintendo’s board isn’t independent or smart enough to figure out that Iwata should be replaced. On the other hand according to Pachter they shouldn’t stop making hardware, but they should concede that they screwed up with the Wii U, go back to the drawing board and make a better console and while they’re waiting, make money on software by putting it on other platforms like smartphones.





  liger05 said:

Market forces will determine if the product needs a further price cut.


If the console isn’t selling (which it isn’t) then what do they do? If retailers say they are not stocking it unless Nintendo do something to try and drive sales then I don’t see how they can’t further cut the price.


Now if price isn’t the problem then clearly the product is so either way they would be screwed.

You missed what I am saying. Selling a console at such a significant loss just to get it to sell would destroy the company. It doesn't matter if market forces determine if it needs one, it's the fact that it's not financially feasible.




  liger05 said:

The Wii U has been nothing short of a disaster and less than 2 years in the console is on life support at best.


The handheld business is being choked by smartphones and there main source of income is seeing a drop in revenues as more and more people ignore dedicated handhelds for smartphones & tablets.


The 3DS while no way a failure fails to hit Sales targets and 3 years into the platforms life instead of hitting its prime its down year on year. With the Wii U performing so badly it’s vital the 3DS brings in the necessary revenue but it’s a struggle right now.


Iwata looks long term? The Wii U was most defiantly not a product which had long term in mind.


Personally I hope Iwata is pushed out.


Yes, the Wii U failed, but that doesn't mean Iwata didn't look long-term. Newsflash, sometimes products fail. That doesn't mean the CEO isn't looking at the long term at all. All it means is that things were misread.


3DS may be getting choked, sure, but it's still doing well. It's not selling amazing DS levels, but it's selling well and to say otherwise is wrong. So it didn't hit targets? So what. That just means the targets were too high.


Also, yeah, we should get rid of Iwata and get someone like the Sony CEO who fires thousands of staff and sells buildings just to try and stay afloat for one more year. That's a great way to do business.


Iwata is the CEO that gaming needs right now. So many companies are circling the drain; Sony, Capcom, Square. The latter two embraced mobile and it has screwed them over. Sony is collapsing even though the PS4 is selling well. Iwata cares about games, he cares about his staff and he thinks in the long-term. The only reason Nintendo are projecting a loss this fiscal year is because of expansion.

Edited by Serebii
  King_V said:
I'm still trying to understand the phrase 'The Wii U failed' tbh.

Well, to this point, it has...financially anyway. In terms of output? Hells to the no

On the other hand according to Pachter they shouldn’t stop making hardware, but they should concede that they screwed up with the Wii U, go back to the drawing board and make a better console and while they’re waiting, make money on software by putting it on other platforms like smartphones.


You should read quotes before using them. Yes, it's a bit insane to say that they should ditch the entire console at this point at try again, but he never said to move entirely to mobile (not to mention that the 3DS would still be selling if they scrapped the Wii U).

  Serebii said:
Recently and yes he did







You missed what I am saying. Selling a console at such a significant loss just to get it to sell would destroy the company. It doesn't matter if market forces determine if it needs one, it's the fact that it's not financially feasible.






Yes, the Wii U failed, but that doesn't mean Iwata didn't look long-term. Newsflash, sometimes products fail. That doesn't mean the CEO isn't looking at the long term at all. All it means is that things were misread.


3DS may be getting choked, sure, but it's still doing well. It's not selling amazing DS levels, but it's selling well and to say otherwise is wrong. So it didn't hit targets? So what. That just means the targets were too high.


Yes a product can fail I accept that but I’m saying the Wii U was not a good product to take to market. There was no foresight from Iwata of what gamers/consumers actually want.


As for targets being too high and it doesn’t really matter if the 3DS doesn’t hit them, I really think your way off base.


Forecasts and sales projections are there to convince investors to invest money into the company so yes they do matter. The idea that the CEO can just make up a number and then it doesn’t really matter whether they are met or not is laughable.


If that is the case why even bother with a number. Just say nothing and hope for the best. C’mon I know you’re a fan of Iwata but to try and dismiss the 3DS performing below Nintendo’s expectations is ridiculous.


I think this post from GAF does a good job of highlighting how Iwata is most defiantly not long term or if he tries to be he has no idea on how to read the market.


He's had 10+ years to repair problems with droughts and third-parties, and he hasn't.


He had no foresight about where the casual market would go. And he's off to chase them again.


He said gamers didn't want online at a time when building an online foundation would've been most important. Nintendo still struggles with online.


He had no foresight about where the home console market would go when he gutted Western partnerships.


He had no idea that the line-up of same ol' games he's been shoveling had diminishing returns.


He thought he could abandon the Wii for two years and reuse the same brand with a modifier. Not only did this result in confusion over the product, but the brand was toxic anyway.


He bet on 3D, which got bad press for young children and seems to just be a passing movie fad every 20-30 years.


He bet on the GamePad, which had and has zero killer apps.


Iwata is incredibly short-sighted. Even when he's successful, as with the blue ocean, he has no idea where it's going.

  Cube said:
You should read quotes before using them. Yes, it's a bit insane to say that they should ditch the entire console at this point at try again, but he never said to move entirely to mobile (not to mention that the 3DS would still be selling if they scrapped the Wii U).


Did you not read what I said?


  Serebii said:
Unfortunately, people have been suggesting that. Pachter suggested they shift entirely to smartphones while building their next console. Investors, analysts and press have been pushing it too. It's ridiculous.


I do agree though, things done like google's stuff is the perfect way for Nintendo to do it. It's spreading their brand and not damaging their games...if anything, it's calling attention to it, and that's good. That's what Nintendo have said they're doing, anyway. However, so many, including analysts, say it's not enough and won't be until they shift their output to smartphones as dominant focus.


  liger05 said:
Yes a product can fail I accept that but I’m saying the Wii U was not a good product to take to market. There was no foresight from Iwata of what gamers/consumers actually want.


As for targets being too high and it doesn’t really matter if the 3DS doesn’t hit them, I really think your way off base.


Forecasts and sales projections are there to convince investors to invest money into the company so yes they do matter. The idea that the CEO can just make up a number and then it doesn’t really matter whether they are met or not is laughable.


If that is the case why even bother with a number. Just say nothing and hope for the best. C’mon I know you’re a fan of Iwata but to try and dismiss the 3DS performing below Nintendo’s expectations is ridiculous.


I think this post from GAF does a good job of highlighting how Iwata is most defiantly not long term or if he tries to be he has no idea on how to read the market.


Again, you are putting the focus on Iwata. Do you really believe Iwata is the one who set the targets? No. That's not how it works.


Also, decisions are done by the board, not by Iwata sitting on a throne dictating and so it's ridiculous to pin all the blame on Iwata.

  Serebii said:
Did you not read what I said?


Yes. You said "entirely". To me, that means "entirely" and would mean Nintendo scrapping both the Wii U and 3DS (which, from what I can tell, has not been suggested as the 3DS is doing very well at the moment).

  Serebii said:
Did you not read what I said?






Again, you are putting the focus on Iwata. Do you really believe Iwata is the one who set the targets? No. That's not how it works.


Also, decisions are done by the board, not by Iwata sitting on a throne dictating and so it's ridiculous to pin all the blame on Iwata.


His CEO so yes I’m focusing on him. He still stands by the decisions that are made and has to face the consequences for the wrong decisions.


His not he only one who needs to go as the company needs to change but his the CEO and he himself has made it known he accepts responsibility for how the Wii U and company has performed.

  liger05 said:
His CEO so yes I’m focusing on him. He still stands by the decisions that are made and has to face the consequences for the wrong decisions.


His not he only one who needs to go as the company needs to change but his the CEO and he himself has made it known he accepts responsibility for how the Wii U and company has performed.

Takes responsibility is different to saying


"Iwata is shortsighted. Iwata set projections to high. Iwata didn't see things. Iwata stole my youth" etc.


Also, getting rid of the board would be catastrophic for Nintendo.


Nintendo are the gaming company we need. One who focus on games for the gamers. Not one who try to screw the consumer with anti-consumer practices, who throw things behind paywalls, who charge microtransactions like crazy on full priced games.


As I said, so many gaming companies are circling the drain right now. Nintendo isn't one of them. The Wii U needs fixing, yes. This is not in dispute. However, clearing house at Nintendo is a foolish thing to even suggest.

  Serebii said:
Takes responsibility is different to saying


"Iwata is shortsighted. Iwata set projections to high. Iwata didn't see things. Iwata stole my youth" etc.


Also, getting rid of the board would be catastrophic for Nintendo.


Nintendo are the gaming company we need. One who focus on games for the gamers. Not one who try to screw the consumer with anti-consumer practices, who throw things behind paywalls, who charge microtransactions like crazy on full priced games.


As I said, so many gaming companies are circling the drain right now. Nintendo isn't one of them. The Wii U needs fixing, yes. This is not in dispute. However, clearing house at Nintendo is a foolish thing to even suggest.


Firstly who is saying Nintendo are not needed? They are defiantly needed in the industry but in its current form? I don’t think so. The Nintendo I see under the leadership of Iwata doesn’t excite me at all.


How do Nintendo focus on gamers any more than Sony do with the Playstation brand? Is QoL Nintendo focusing on the gamer?


Not sure where you’re going with the anti-consumer practices, paywalls etc as I would say that’s a matter of opinion but I would say a console and handheld which doesn’t have standard account system like the rest of the industry and makes the consumer pay again and again for the a digital product already purchased is about as anti-consumer as you can get.


System stability for all!



Version 4.1.0 U, available via an Internet connection, includes the following improvements:


Improvements to system stability and usability:


Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

Posted (edited)

Nintendo should definitely invest in smartphones, even if it's getting a 5-10 man team to make a Wario-ware (9 Volt games) and a Mario-Runner title. That in itself would make a LOT of money and it'd get young children seeing those franchises again. Truth be told, young children nowadays are not playing Mario when they grow up, which is incredibly sad.


Also, Nintendo's Wii U output hasn't helped them at all and it's only appealing if you are a die hard Nintendo fan like myself and others on this board. 99% of gamers will not buy a console for NSMB, Pikmin 3, SM3DL and another Donkey Kong. They may be high quality games but they are not the types of games that necessarily sell a console.


@Serebii, this comment makes you look like a blind fanboy: Nintendo are the gaming company we need. One who focus on games for the gamers. Not one who try to screw the consumer with anti-consumer practices, who throw things behind paywalls, who charge microtransactions like crazy on full priced games.


Games for gamers? Yes, hardcore Nintendo fans like you and I. But the majority of gamers I know (and not the type of gamers that play CoD, FIFA etc) have no interest on Nintendo's current output. They want new experiences and they haven't seen those yet. Also, how is not having a joint account for 3DS and Wii U NOT an anti consumer practice?! Okay, they are fixing that eventually but there is still no universal account.

Edited by Goron_3
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