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Metal Gear Solid I-V for WiiU (Petition)

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Never. Going. To. Happen.


Kojima is a Sony fanboy and he dislikes Nintendo. If they wanted to do a Nintendo game they could have done two things:


The HD collection on Wii, just not in HD. Market place of 100 million, that would have been a good call.


The HD collection on Wii U for launch. Not a lot of effort needed, easy port, launch title bonus that usually guarentees high sales over the life of the console.


They did neither. It won't happen.


As a final point, as MGS V is going to multiplatform and on the 360, the fact they're ignoring the Wii U shows their disdain for Nintendo. But as I've said a thousand times before, Konami were the bomb in the 16 bit era, since then they had gradually declined.

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But as I've said a thousand times before, Konami were the bomb in the 16 bit era, since then they had gradually declined.


This. Konami is a mere shadow of what it was in the 90's. All they do is pump out shit these days. IMO, they might have fallen even lower than Capcom, altough there sure are some ducks leading that company too.


Oh, and Konami also had a better logo in the 90's.

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I saw this thread title and pulled an expression similar to this:




Then saw the thread poster and did this:




This is neeveeeeer going to happen. Ever. We'll be lucky if we even get a single MGS game on the WiiU, let alone a collection of the five. You've got more chance of waking up as a Nigerian woman with purple mudkipz for breasts than this happening.

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I saw this thread title and pulled an expression similar to this:




Looks like he just witnessed someone throw a half eaten keebab in the bin.

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Yeah, Kojima does prefer working on the Sony hardware. Which is fine, I mean he found most of his success on their platforms and has a good relationship with them. Some developers prefer certain hardware to others.


The PS3 is getting the Legacy collection with contains MGS1-4 with other extras as well. The 360 isn't even getting this, so a Wii U port is even less likely.

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Yeah, Kojima does prefer working on the Sony hardware. Which is fine, I mean he found most of his success on their platforms and has a good relationship with them. Some developers prefer certain hardware to others.


Such a better way of saying that than "Sony fanboy"

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More chance of Hitler invading Britain than that game being released. Sorry.

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Oh FFS... I actually thought this was some news (although I was dubious about the V in the title).

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I'd consider myself a Metal Gear Solid fan but that's almost entirely down to the first game in the series on PS1 as it remains one of my favourite games ever :yay:


I've cleared Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater but neither were anywhere near as amazing and I'm yet to jump into Guns of the Patriots, even though I have it sitting within reach right now.. and I've just picked up the box and kinda fancy playing it now :heh:

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I think the best we'll get is Twin Snakes on the virtual console.

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I've only ever played the first MGS, I think I bought the 2nd one remade on Xbox, but the 360 is too wank to actually play its old games. Not being bothered to dig out the crystal brickshithouse, I resigned myself to leaving the game on the floor somewhere in my house. It was a while ago and it's not there now, I presume my dad probably has it in his garden. Getting to the topic at hand though - I'd probably quite like to see it happen - but then again I know I'll probably never find time to play them either. How about we stop begging for remakes of everything all the time and petition for people to make awesome original wii u games?

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As much as I would like to see that happen. I highly, highly doubt it.


I've played all the MGS games apart from Guns of the Patriots, but all that's changed now. Finally started last night.


So far I'd say that Snake Eater (MGS 3) tops the lot by far. In fact, it's one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Played a veeeery small amount of the PS2 original, but I finally played the entire game when the remake, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D came to the 3DS and in my opinion that was the best version for me when used with the Circle Pad Pro.


After I finished that I played the HD collection on the 360, but the changes that the 3DS version brought, namely crouch-walking, made it the far superior version. The 3D effect was also great too.

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I played Twin Snakes... wasn't for me.


The codec scenes bored me to tear and I didn't really like some of the OTT violence.


Interestingly (or not), there are rumours that they want to remake it yet again.

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So far I'd say that Snake Eater (MGS 3) tops the lot by far. In fact, it's one of the best games I've ever played in my life.


I enjoyed Snake Eater a lot on PS2 and have been considering going through it again on 3DS as I actually already own it. However, I really don't like the opening section of the game and it always puts me off playing it even though I know it gets much better!


It couldn't even touch the original Metal Gear Solid for me, though.. I just love that game so much :grin:

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What about it? It's a list of Wii U and 3DS franchises, and MGS was released on the 3DS.

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What about it? It's a list of Wii U and 3DS franchises, and MGS was released on the 3DS.


The 3DS one does not count becuse the Wii U wasent out then and the Miiverse leak happend at Wii U launch

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The 3DS one does not count becuse the Wii U wasent out then and the Miiverse leak happend at Wii U launch


Then why is Soul Hackers (a 3DS game) there?

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Then why is Soul Hackers (a 3DS game) there?


I mean Metal Gear Solid 3D came out in 2012 and Soul Hackers came out this year

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I just called Kojima and asked him about this. Dude said no. Even mentioned the petition.

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More importantly where's metroid from that list :p


Becuse Nintendo wants to announce it near the release date

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So far I'd say that Snake Eater (MGS 3) tops the lot by far. In fact, it's one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Played a veeeery small amount of the PS2 original, but I finally played the entire game when the remake, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D came to the 3DS and in my opinion that was the best version for me when used with the Circle Pad Pro.


Like you, I think Snake Eater is the best one and it's also one of my favourite ever games. The relationship between The Boss and Snake is fantastic and what you/Snake have to go through to get the truth was brutal.


The Boss has to be one of the best female characters in a video game. She was smart, strong and independent, without coming of as a feminist. Nor did she need to wear skimpy outfits to get the gamers attention. Truly one of Kojimas better creations.


Another thing that made the game great were the boss fights. I think only the Fury fight was weak, while the rest were amazing. The End and The Sorrow "fights" were so well done.

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