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Your favourite RPGs?

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Pretty simple stuff, just curious as to what most N-Ers lists are made up of. I'll go ahead and score them while I'm at it.


1 - Skies Of Arcadia (7/10);


2 - Chrono Trigger (10/10) / Final Fantasy VI (9.5/10) / Planescape: Torment (10/10);


3 - Chrono Trigger (10/10) / Final Fantasy VI (9.5/10) / Planescape: Torment (10/10);


4 - Chrono Trigger (10/10) / Final Fantasy VI (9.5/10) / Planescape: Torment (10/10);


(this basically means I can't choose which is which between the 3 because I like them equally)


5 - Demon's Souls (9.5/10);


Edit: Late addition - Shenmue 2 (8/10);


6 - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn (10/10);


Edit: Late addition - Shenmue (8/10);


7 - Dark Souls (9/10);


8 - Final Fantasy IX (9.5/10);


9 - Monster Hunter Tri (7/10);


10 - The Witcher 2 (9/10);


11 - Pokémon Blue/Red/Yellow (10/10);


12 - Dragon Quest V (9.5/10) / Dragon Quest VIII (9/10);


13 - Dragon Quest V (9.5/10) / Dragon Quest VIII (9/10);


(same as before, not sure which one I preffer).


14 - Pokémon Silver/Gold/Crystal (9/10);


From this point on, I just have no clue on the order but here are my leftover favourites:


- Diablo 2. (10/10)

- Baldur's Gate. (8.5/10)

- Fallout 2. (9/10)

- Fallout 3. (8/10)

- Morrowind. (9/10)

- Skyrim (8/10) barely makes my list).

- Final Fantasy IV. (8.5/10)

- Deus Ex. (9.5/10)

- Fire Emblem (GBA). (10/10)

- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions. (9/10)

- Earthbound/Mother 2. (9.5/10)

- Mother 3. (9.5/10)

- Phantasy Star Online. (8.5/10)

- Xenogears. (9/10)

- Xenoblade. (9/10)




To all of you JRPG-only dwellers out there (and I know there are many of you), you MUST at least try Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate! Or if isometric just isn't your thing, The Witcher 2.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
adding some games and scores
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I love a good JRPG! It's easily my favourite genre.


In no particular order...


Skies of Arcadia

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VII

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts BBB

Final Fantasy Crisis Core

Final Fantasy X

Dragon Quest V

Dragon Quest VIII ( never did finish this though :( )

Chrono Trigger

Ni No Kuni

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow

Golden Sun

Shining Force III

Shining Holy Ark

Shining Through The Darkness


I've play a ton of others, but these are some of my favs off the top of my head.


I wouldn't class Monster Hunter as a RPG, if I did then all versions I have played ( which is pretty much all of them ) would be in my list.


I don't get on with WRPGs at all. I hated Fallout and Oblivion, despite every man and his dog loving them.


I would still like to try Xenogears, Parasite Eve and Chrono Cross, but need to sort out where to get a US PSN card and then create a US account.

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I'm going to bung franchises together on my list.


1. Mass Effect (9/10). Mass Effect 2 (10/10) and Mass Effect 3 (10/10 or 9/10 before free Extended Cut DLC). My favourite set of games.


2. Knights of the Old Republic (9/10) and Knights of the Old Republic 2 (6/10) - it's a great game but it's so unfinished I can't give it a better score. I should point out that there is no nostalgia involved in this - I played them both recently for the first time.


3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (9/10). Despite hating Oblivion, I loved Skyrim.


4. Fallout 3 (9/10) and Fallout: New Vegas (8/10).


5. Borderlands (9/10). I've not played enough of Borderlands 2 to give it a rating. My first bad gaming purchase in a very long time.


6. Paper Mario (9/10) and Paper Mario: Sticker Star (8/10). Some of the few turn-based RPGs I like. I should probably play The Thousand Year Door at some point.


7. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (8/10)


8. Fable 2 (8/10) was a lot of fun, so was Fable 3 (7/10), but not that great.


I think that's it for me and RPGs (I've checked the games listed by others so far).

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I wouldn't class Monster Hunter as a RPG


They're ARPG games, clearly. What else can they be?


I don't get on with WRPGs at all. I hated Fallout and Oblivion, despite every man and his dog loving them.


Like most people out there, you're exposing yourself to the wrong WRPGs. This new batch of stuff (like Olbivion and Fallout) is cool and immersive but from a gameplay perspective, they just flat out suck, not to mention the excessive freedom completely undermines the punch for someone who's trying them out for the first time. They look good and are full of stuff but are just very empty games in the end. I like them alot, but they're very soulless games. They feel cold and uninviting and yes, you have tons of stuff to do but doing it is almost never fun. Skyrim is alot better than Oblivion, in that regard, even though it's hardly something I'd recommend to non WRPGs fans.


Then there's the new Bioware stuff like Mass Effect, KOTOR or Dragon Age. These games are good, but they'll hardly captivate anyone into the genre.


You need to start elsewhere.

Trust me, go try out the try Planescape:Torment or the recently released Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (any PC will run them, fear not). If you want something more recent or just don't like isometric oldies, fear not... The Witcher 2 is all you'll ever need. If your PC can't handle it, 360 to the rescue. Try that sucker out, you'll probably love it.


I would still like to try Xenogears, Parasite Eve and Chrono Cross, but need to sort out where to get a US PSN card and then create a US account.


All you need is a regular credit card. Connect it to some random adress in the US (my account is in some random hotel in Baltimore, lol) and you're done.


Also, you should add Suikoden II to that list. Seriously, even though I've never played it, if GAF votes it the 17th best (6th last year) RPG ever, it's probably worth it!

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I do love the Mass Effect games ( can't believe I missed them ) but all the others just don't appeal to me. I love anime which is probably why I enjoy JRPGs more. The games just seem more story driven ( even if they are cliche ) whereas WRPGs tend to lean towards being about loot.

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I do love the Mass Effect games ( can't believe I missed them ) but all the others just don't appeal to me. I love anime which is probably why I enjoy JRPGs more. The games just seem more story driven ( even if they are cliche ) whereas WRPGs tend to lean towards being about loot.


Planescape: Torment dude. That's all I'll say. No JRPG will ever come close to it, in terms of story. It's pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to story driven games.

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I haven't really played many RPGs because it's a genre that never really appealed to me.. though I have enjoyed a few :smile:


1 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

2 Golden Sun

3 Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

4 The World Ends With You


It is, unfortunately, a genre I find difficult to classify as things like Castlevania and The Legend of Zelda could be argued to be included, amongst others.. ::shrug:

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Planescape: Torment dude. That's all I'll say. No JRPG will ever come close to it, in terms of story. It's pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to story driven games.


I don't do PC gaming. Never have and never will.


We've had this conversation before. I remember explaining this in another RPG thread a while back. :D

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My top RPGs would be:


Persona 4 Golden

Mass Effect Trilogy (2 being my favourite)


Then my other favourites:


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Fallout New Vegas

Fallout 3

Persona 3

Knight of the Old Republic

Phantasy Star Online

Pokemon Blue


Ive only really found myself in the right mindset when it comes to RPGs over the last few years so there are still a lot I plan on going back to complete that I previously started then gave up on.

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Hmm, never thought about ordering but here are some of my favourites off the top of my head.


  • Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire
  • Pokémon Black & White
  • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
  • Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
  • Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
  • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's inside Story
  • The World Ends With You
  • Inazuma Eleven
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
  • Tales of the Abyss

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I did and I don't want to talk about it....


In a more serious tone, do you flatout reject the platform or only games that were designed with a "PC gaming" mentality?


For example, would something like Phantasy Star Online 2 (I'm assuming you love PSO because it's basically MonHun: Space Colony) make you consider it if you had access to a good PC or not even that would do?


I ain't hating on you, just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.

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I never understood why anyone would completely dismiss a platform. I'd buy a voice-controlled toaster if they released a game on it that seemed interesting enough.



  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

I think you should get a Vita and play Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden. ;)


Or a PS2! Then not only would you be able to play Persona 3 and 4, but you'd also be able to play the Digital Devil Saga games, the Raidou games (well, the one that was released in Europe, anyway) and Nocturne (which I haven't played myself, but I know it's supposed to be better than Strange Journey).

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I never understood why anyone would completely dismiss a platform. I'd buy a voice-controlled toaster if they released a game on it that seemed interesting enough.


Exactly and the PC platform, for me at least, hasn't any software that makes me think its worth buying.


At the moment I've got a Wii, Wii U, PS3, PSP, 3DS and 360. I think I'm covered for my gaming needs.

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Yup, use it for checking the net and that's it.


So if I had a way for you to legally play Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate for free, you still wouldn't be interested? 'cause I have.

And as long as your PC is less than 10 years old, it can surely handle them at max settings.

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So if I had a way for you to legally play Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate for free, you still wouldn't be interested? 'cause I have.

And as long as your PC is less than 10 years old, it can surely handle them at max settings.


Nah, I have zero interest in playing them, but thanks anyway. :D

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You know what, I don't really play RPGs these days unless they have some kind of action element to them. Just the thought of going through hordes of text and attack selection screens makes me fall aslee....... *snore* Plus, many RPGs are so friggin' serious all the time. Same thing as with drama, I don't want to watch or play something where people are constantly looking like they just ate ten servings of fecal matter. "Woe is me", screw that and just give me an assault rifle or a huge-ass sword and let's do this.


Exceptions to the rule:


-Xenoblade: I thought it would a chore to play (JRPG), but bought it based on the glowing reviews and luckily the combat turned out to be much more fast-paced and seamless than you might expect.


-Morrowind and Skyrim: They're all about action, and first person view too! Tearing people three new rectal cavities with your magical powers = pretty fun. Plus there is always a huge world for you to explore out there, how cool is that.


-Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario 64 and TTYD: These games were actually fun to play. Full of humour and colourful visuals, they are the antithesis of the brooding emo RPGs where every character constantly whines about their insignificant piece-of-shit life in some two-colour dump of a hellhole world.


-Pokémon Red and Gold: When the series was still new and fresh. For some reason the modern games just put me to sleep, since it's the same formula, same monsters or even uglier new ones that look like they were painted by a monkey who was trying to copulate with a sea lion at the same time.


-Phantasy Star Online I & II: It's an action RPG with minimal story stuffing and mostly just killing beasts. Add in offline co-op and you've got a winner.


-Guild Wars 2: Ok, it's technically an MMORPG, but it's definitely the best one I've played. Just like Xenoblade innovates single-player RPGs, this one does the same for MMOs. A very fluid and hassle-free experience, although you kind of run out of skills to upgrade after lvl 50 or so.


-Diablo II: Again an action RPG with multiplayer capabilities. See the trend here?


-Tales of Symphonia: This is more of a traditional RPG, but its saving graces are the real-time 3D combat and co-op.


-Borderlands 2: A shooter RPG with online co-op? Now that's awesome.




Bottomline: Screw traditional RPGs, ain't nobody got time for dat.


PS. How do you even define an RPG today? I mean in most games you are role-playing a character, whether it's a Chinese undercover cop in Sleeping Dogs, an Italian avenger in Assassin's Creed II, or Samus in the Prime games. I think the whole notion of an RPG game is a bit weird...

Edited by Ville
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I would never consider myself a fan of the RPG genre especially, yet my holy trinity of favourite games are all RPGs.


Tales of Symphonia

The World Ends With You

Xenoblade Chronicles


what's all that about then


oh, and you could probably interchange Pokémon Red in there too given that it was the experience that started my whole gaming thing off.


Maybe I'm just a hugely repressed RPG fan.

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