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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Good morning gentlemen. I must apologise for my absence of late, a plethora of weekend engagements drew me away.


I will say my night actions were successful.


N1 one I target Marca, a truely vile individual with a certain ponchaunt for the noose. His character I question not, but his motives instigate a lynch I suspect may bring him success in the court. What say ye @Marcamillian?


Vote: Tales answers must be forthcoming.

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I'll count this as a vote, as it looks like you just forgot to put "Vote:" beforehand.




Vote Standings

Tales (6): DuD, Animal, Dannyboy, Magnus Peterson, Herojan, Rummy

Rummy (1): Marcamillian


Majority is 11


Ahh, indeed I did. Thanks.


What say you, @Tales?

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A point made and taken, but if I were allied with the queen would I have revealed literally everything about myself? No, I'd be hiding for much longer than this.


PS.. I'm totally mafia honest - It's a quote so you have to believe this


Fine sir try as I might,

No disguise quite matches one worn in plain sight.

The game of bluff and the double could be debated all day,

I believe you are good and were born this way.




N1 one I target Marca, a truely vile individual with a certain ponchaunt for the noose. His character I question not, but his motives instigate a lynch I suspect may bring him success in the court. What say ye @Marcamillian?


You may see a great many things whilst skulking at night;

I am a man of deception, you won't see me quite right;

I am what I am and I do what I can,

I'm popeye the sailor man



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Well I don't believe that. We'll discuss this further in the coming days! Ftr I am Grant Yura and I have a dog.


Vote:Tales doesn't look like a response is coming anyway.


That dog sounds like a win condition :p please tell us more.


If Tales doesn't respond by the end of today, I'll stick a vote down too.

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Fine sir try as I might,

No disguise quite matches one worn in plain sight.

The game of bluff and the double could be debated all day,

I believe you are good and were born this way.





You may see a great many things whilst skulking at night;

I am a man of deception, you won't see me quite right;

I am what I am and I do what I can,

I'm popeye the sailor man




The art of deception may mark you as a villain,

But after my investigation, you claim your identity remains hidden?

If not evil, then are you in fact good?

An ally of the queen, if I am not misunderstood.

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What do you think I have to say? There's 23 pages I haven't read. All I can say is that I'm not mafia(you know what I mean) I some lord from Eastern Europe who can redirect by hypnonizing and the person I redirect doesn't know about. I haven't redirected anyone, just one failed attempt.

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Vote Standings

Tales (9): DuD, Animal, Dannyboy, Magnus Peterson, Herojan, Rummy, Cube, Jon Dedede, Jimbob

Rummy (1): Marcamillian


Majority is 11




How long do we have until the end of the day?


I don't think discussion has stagnated, but I do feel the day has been going for a while now, so I'm setting the deadline as "tomorrow afternoon (unspecified time)".

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What do you think I have to say? There's 23 pages I haven't read. All I can say is that I'm not mafia(you know what I mean) I some lord from Eastern Europe who can redirect by hypnonizing and the person I redirect doesn't know about. I haven't redirected anyone, just one failed attempt.


Can you reveal your targets from last night?

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You saw through my lie,

For the nooseman am I ;

upon the gallows have I spent many a day,

I pass no judgement, I just did what she say....d


she has fallen from grace now let her hang from the rope,

Without her the rebels will surely lose hope


So the claim of a thief was but mirrors and smoke?

Good sir, do you think this charade is a joke?

Though deception and lies are our fair trade and stock,

I ask that ye no longer this Court will mock!

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I've not really been paying attention for this day (back at work, looking at car stuff, tiredness), so I'll just post my thoughts in bullet points:


- I targeted The Peeps, found out he's getting parts for a flying machine.

- My initial instinct is that he has a separate win condition. My PM specifically mentions that he needs parts from other court members to "reach his goal". Sounds suspicious as fuck to me.

- Not sure what's going on with ReZ or Tales being mafia. I put the vote on ReZ in the previous day, but I'm confused why we're now going for Tales and not ReZ, from what Rummy said yesterday.

- I don't mind putting a vote on Tales, but I feel slightly uncomfortable putting it on as it'll be the deciding vote. I'll do it if we're certain he is mafia scum.

- What's the deal on ReZ? We saying he's mafia now or not?

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I've not really been paying attention for this day (back at work, looking at car stuff, tiredness), so I'll just post my thoughts in bullet points:


- I targeted The Peeps, found out he's getting parts for a flying machine.

- My initial instinct is that he has a separate win condition. My PM specifically mentions that he needs parts from other court members to "reach his goal". Sounds suspicious as fuck to me.

- Not sure what's going on with ReZ or Tales being mafia. I put the vote on ReZ in the previous day, but I'm confused why we're now going for Tales and not ReZ, from what Rummy said yesterday.

- I don't mind putting a vote on Tales, but I feel slightly uncomfortable putting it on as it'll be the deciding vote. I'll do it if we're certain he is mafia scum.

- What's the deal on ReZ? We saying he's mafia now or not?


I'm personally less suspicious of ReZ since all Rummy confirmed was that he's a roleblocker. Doesn't prove he's not mafia, of course, but there's not really anything substantial on him as far as I can see.

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I'm personally less suspicious of ReZ since all Rummy confirmed was that he's a roleblocker. Doesn't prove he's not mafia, of course, but there's not really anything substantial on him as far as I can see.


How many roleblockers are we expecting to have in this game? There was somebody who role-blocked me on the previous night, which was one of the five that Animal mentioned and who wasn't ReZ. So, that's surely two already?


One more vote for Tales kills him. I'll do it.


Vote: Tales

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Well, Tales's suspicion is weak - but I think lynching with the numbers is the way forward.


Ftr, I now suspect Marcamillian somewhat given his arguments and apparently lies - I understand his accusations of oneself but I feel they're made with an ulterior motive. I don't believe him to be with the queen, but I would wonder if he has allegiance elsewhere.


My suspects remain ReZ and Peeps. Diageo and Marcamillian(though maybe a neutral) up next. Maybe Yvonne. All especially if the Tales lynch goes through and he's mafia.

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Vote Standings

Tales (11): DuD, Animal, Dannyboy, Magnus Peterson, Herojan, Rummy, Cube, Jon Dedede, Jimbob, Diageo, Flinky

Rummy (1): Marcamillian


Majority has been reached




"Is it true? Could it be? Our first lynch?"


"Indeed! Tales' lack of tales are most suspicious! And his story doth not add up!"


"Then lynch him we shall!"


Tales simply sipped on his glass of wine as he saw the mob forming in front of him.


Broadcast Yourself


"Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!"


"It was not by my hand that I was brought upon this Court! I was called here by villains wishing to fall upon MY favour!"


"Favour? You forget to send in targets, and tell odd stories when you do!"


"Perhaps the same could be said of all townies!"


"Your words are as empty as your alibi! The Court ill needs a villain such as yourself!"


"What is a villain?" said Tales, as he threw his glass of wine to the ground "A miserable pile of underachievements! But enough talk! Have at you!"


And thus started an epic struggle. The eleven experts threw themselves at Tales, but he endured nonchalantly. Shortly after, he'd quietly escape into another part of the room to prepare his next attack, but the mob would always reach him before he could. The process would rinse and repeat.


After a few long minutes of this behaviour, Tales had had enough, and felt done with this group once and for all.


"I have a country of my own to rule, and if you do not cease, I shall order all of you impaled! Now, if you excuse me..."


Tales escaped through a nearby window. Everybody went after him, to see where he went, but the body of the man was nowhere to be seen.


Nearby, a bat flapped its wings, and simply flew away into the distance...


Tales has left The Court (he's essentially dead). He was Lord Vladimir Teppich. He was Evil.




Remaining Players











@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson







@The Peeps



There are 19 remaining players (majority is 10)


Night 4 starts now.

Send your PMs

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Night 4 is Over


The priest sat in his room, deep in prayer. Though he was already used to European customs, his faith and rituals remained the same.


Some things were not to his liking, however. Those savages had very little regard for other cultures. A prime example would be the Gentleman who visited his room that night, interrupting his prayer, and observing some of his statues, even picking up one of them.


Broadcast Yourself


Priest Makumba finished his pray, and lifted himself to this visitor. "Please do not touch the idols. They are vessels for the spirits, and must be treated with care." He took the vessel from their hands, ready to put it back to its place...


...however, the intruder had other plans, and pushed the priest forcefully. He fell into the ground, and the porcelain statue fell with him, breaking into pieces. The statue had been broken in his care.


"N-No! N'Gola of the wind! Your vessel..."


Before the intruder could attack the fallen man, the other statues started moving suddenly. The spirits were not pleased. Voices from a forgotten language could be heard.


["Makumba! What is the meaning of this?"]


["What have you done to N'Gola's vessel?"]


["M'Zambik of the sea, B'sao of the sky, I apologize for my carelessness! I have nothing but respect for N'Gola of the winds! I would never do anything to offend you!"]


["Worry not, Makumba. We know of your devotion, and we are certain you are worthy of replacing the vessel."]


The priest froze in place, for he knew what they meant. Soon enough, his body started to shrink, just as his skin turned into porcelain. It wasn't long until he became a statue in the same likeness as the one that broke.


The other idols fell back to their rest, once the ritual was complete.


Cube is dead. He was Priest Makumba, the Witch Doctor. He was Evil.


The intruder simply observed everything with a mixture of confusion and contempt.


"...Humph! African savages!"




Remaining Players










Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson







The Peeps


There are 18 remaining players (majority is 10)


Day 5 starts now

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