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Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)


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Have you seen the factory in the cutscene yet? I absolutely loved seeing that.




I have indeed, it was an awesome moment for me too seeing all the badniks being made, they have really pulled out all the stops for the fan service this time! :D




That was the longest shift at work in a long time, I was pretty much thinking about playing this game all the time I was there, I'm back there again for most of tomorrow as well :hmm: but I'll be playing it a lot tonight and definitely a load more on Saturday night plus Sunday. :)

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I love platformers and I have Wii u now so I should get this.


I actually don't really like Sonic games though...too fast and I am crap. So I am interested that it sounds a bit slower?


You should get it, at risk of hyping things up it's the best Sonic game I have played in a long time... not that Colours and Generations weren't good, they were amazing titles but Sonic Lost World is basically the perfect culmination of gameplay ideals combined with a brand new control/exploration system that works far better than anyone could have expected. :)


It's still Sonic so it's still fast - very fast on some acts - but controlling everyone's favourite blue hedgehog is now a lot more manageable while still providing a more than adequate level of challenge within the game design.


I'm on to the second Zone now and things are showing no signs of slowing down, everything just keeps improving! :D


But for now I must sleep, truly tired after today but I will ensure that I arise early tomorrow - well today - so that I can play before work, then after... my weekend properly starts as does the 'real' play-session. : peace:

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Did your review copy come with the NiGHTS into Dreams bosses?


Sadly no... :( we might try and get into contact with Sega about that but for now I'm assuming that they aren't including the bonus but perhaps it is in there somewhere, doubtful though as it's dlc.


The main game continues to surprise and delight, cleared the entire second Zone now including all red star coins - trust me you will want to collect them all - the 'food' stage that we already knew about in that set but it is just one act and it makes more sense in context.


Will play more later but *sigh* now for work... :/

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Right, I didn't get up quite as early as planned but anyway, today is the day that I play the frakk out of this game! :D


I'm onto the third Zone now - I'm being pretty thorough in exploring each act - and the game is still throwing in new elements, it's even starting to really feel like Sega's own take on Super Mario Galaxy in a way, really good in any case. :)


Hopefully will report back with a big update later. : peace:

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As promised update time! :D


Will be putting stuff in spoiler boxes from now on in case anyone doesn't want to know what kind of acts are in the third area onwards...


Tropical Coast, feels partially inspired by Super Mario Galaxy as you platform between planetoids guiding giant fruit into blenders which then spew forth a fountain of juice that carries you to the next planetoid, underwater on-rails stage very good more freedom when changing rails.



Frozen Factory, control Sonic in a snowball! I found this act to be particularly enjoyable, lots of attention to detail as when you roll the 'snowball' over rings/red star coins they stick to it, then you obtain them when you pass through a star-post :) there's a casino stage complete with pinball tables :hehe: plus a part that's reminiscent of Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2



I'm just about to tackle the fifth area now so I will report back again a little later. : peace:

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Hey @Cube I was wondering about something...


I had a go on the 3DS demo version of Sonic Lost World at Eurogamer Expo and I felt that the levels felt that they dragged on for a bit too long. One thing I really love about the old Sonics (and what I feel about Lost World Wii U) is that all the levels felt short and sweet, never outstaying their welcome; but Sonic LW 3DS seems to have longer levels than the Wii U one from what I've seen and did feel a bit dragged out from what I played of that demo...


Do you feel that the 3DS version's levels are too long for your liking?

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As you wish @dazzybee ;) coincidentally I was planning on talking about the parkour system anyway so here goes...


How it basically works is as a general rule if you see a wall then you can run along it by approaching at speed with the stick pointing in the desired direction, when running side on you can keep jumping to other walls to keep the momentum going so you can travel quite far, If you're running up the wall then Sonic will keep going until he reaches the top - providing it's not really tall - and will then grab the edge if you can climb on top of it which happens automatically so long as you're holding onto the right trigger.


Incidentally as you will be holding onto that particular trigger a lot as it also makes you run faster, if you happen to 'fall' off the edge and then suddenly think 'oh shi...' then try to turn back in the direction of the edge you would normally have fallen off in all other Sonic games and most other platformers, here Sonic will actually grab onto the edge thus almost eliminating the majority of accidental deaths. :D


This makes the parkour system the single greatest innovation not just in Sonic games for the past decade or so but for the platform genre in general.



Again this has been improved dramatically, for a start you will lock onto enemies/springs/etc that you are close to but if you wait an extra seconds then you will get a double lock for certain enemies which will take them out instantly but even better than that you can lock onto many enemies at a time and then, with a single homing attack, take them all out in one go! Also some enemies you kill in this more standard way while others you can lock and then use a kick attack to either finish them or knock them into another enemy '2 for 1' style. :awesome:



That'll have to do for now, I have much more to talk about but it's time for work again now so the next update will come probably late tonight as I will possibly have finished the main story by then, we'll see... anyway until next time! : peace:

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What's the spin dash like in this game? Is it like the boost from Generations/Colours?


Similar perhaps, but better... that's one thing I miss with these mostly 3D Sonic games, not being able to hold down and press an action button to charge the spin-dash, that was one of the best things about the original games; I'm over it though as the move still works well enough. :)


Although for the 2D sections I'm slightly disappointed that it doesn't give you the choice of using the d-pad instead but it's understandable given the nature of the game.


I've been really busy today with work etc so I haven't had a chance to play it again yet, but rest assured that as soon as I've finished grabbing a quick bite to eat I'll be on it until early tomorrow morning! :D

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360 degree gyroscope controls.



You can use the D-pad in the 3DS version. In both the 3D and 2D levels. It's actually more useful in some of the 3D levels.




Looking back, I'm quite surprised at how long the levels have been - only two were less than 10 minutes on a first play (it didn't feel that long), with some approaching 20 minutes.


The last one I played I actually ran out of time - luckily the only punishment is the loss of a life, you carry on from the next checkpoint with another 20 minutes (I then suddenly realised what I had to do, and it was fairly quick to finish it from them).

Edited by Cube
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Annnnnnd... I've beaten the game! :D


I finished it right after watching 'dat Nintendo direct which featured some nice footage of it, I was thinking in my head as I was watching 'Yep, I've been there and there...' etc literally finished every stage, explored every route, grabbed every Red Star Coin and let me tell you; it is very worth your while getting them all but I won't say why. ;)


Even the two-player mode is a blast, I got my brother to play all the stages and we had fun with it, some of the 2D races make it feel similar to the split screen multiplayer of Sonic 3... except here the screen doesn't split as player one has the gamepad, it's a simple thing but it makes a big difference. :)


Trust me when I say that this is easily the best Sonic game that I have played since the original Megadrive classics, I feel that strongly about it.


So time attack is all that's left to do oh and of course... finish the review, it will be written up well before it is due, you all have my word, which is as true as Sonic is blue. : peace:

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Trust me when I say that this is easily the best Sonic game that I have played since the original Megadrive classics, I feel that strongly about it.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear! And I trust your judgement :) Everything I've seen looks spot on - gameplay, art style, powerups. Music seems pretty decent too.


Looking forward to the review!

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