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I am so glad that you don't run a business


I'm so glad I don't care what you think. It's not worth €5. Not a chance. Steam World Dig is less and Child Of Light will be less this Thursday. It's an ancient game(it's 30 years old) that takes very little effort and I've seen from loads of forums that the majority of people feel the same way.


And I'll tell you another couple of things. You are without a doubt the most partisan person on this board. You can't discuss anything rationally. It's always Nintendo's way or.......no that's it. There is no other option. Not with you at least.


Were you glad I wasn't running Nintendo when they gave away a full retail game with Mario Kart 8? €50 @Serebii Pick yourself up off the floor for that one. Did you ever hear of a goodwill gesture? Instead of rubbing your pennies together you miserable Scrooge.

Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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Why would/should they give it away for free? It's the first time it's been released on the VC and their is a hunger to play this game again. Of course they should charge for it.


Dude, it seems like you want everything for free or as cheap as chips. You calling Serebii a Scrooge is quite ironic. How about you loosen them purse strings a bit.

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Why would/should they give it away for free? It's the first time it's been released on the VC and their is a hunger to play this game again. Of course they should charge for it.


Dude, it seems like you want everything for free or as cheap as chips. You calling Serebii a Scrooge is quite ironic. How about you loosen them purse strings a bit.


That's a ridiculous thing to say. I've bought plenty of Wii U games. In the last while I've bought Smash Wii U, Bayonetta 1+2. Both the Collectors Edition and the First Print Edition. Not to mention worthwhile games on the eShop like Shovel Knight. I'm buying 2 more on Thursday. So what was that about loosening purse strings? If it's worth having I'll buy it.


Duck Hunt plain and simple isn't worth €5 in this day and age. They overcharge for a lot of their eShop and VC games. SM3DW is on sale this Thursday and it's still £35. That's not good. Hunger? I've lost my appetite for duck with that price tag. I suppose duck is generally expensive.

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More often than not you complain about the prices of stuff. Captain Toad was a recent example of this.


Personally I think a little over £3.00 is fine for Duck Hunt. Its an absolute classic game and can't wait to play it after all these years.


At the end of the day Nintendo are a business, something which I've pointed out many times before. They are in the business of making money and clearly the NES games are priced right, otherwise they simply wouldn't sell and a rethink would be in order.

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Captain Toad was overpriced. It's called a budget title. £30-35 is not a budget price. It's a very short game.


You don't need to point out that Nintendo are a business, I'm well aware. It was a suggestion as a present for Christmas. They took a far bigger hit on the MK8 giveaway. Are the games selling? We don't know in what numbers the VC games sell. We only know their chart placement. Nintendo don't always get the price right. The very console we own in this discussion is the wrong price. If they were doing things right they wouldn't be in such a bad place,

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Captain Toad was overpriced. It's called a budget title. £30-35 is not a budget price. It's a very short game.


You don't need to point out that Nintendo are a business, I'm well aware. It was a suggestion as a present for Christmas. They took a far bigger hit on the MK8 giveaway. Are the games selling? We don't know in what numbers the VC games sell. We only know their chart placement. Nintendo don't always get the price right. The very console we own in this discussion is the wrong price. If they were doing things right they wouldn't be in such a bad place,


14 hours is a short game?


I do agree the console itself was and maybe still is priced too high for the mass market. Of course this was just one of the many factors that has caused the Wii U to struggle the way it is.

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There's a very simple way of putting VC prices into perspective...


Can you get the US version of Duck Hunt for cheaper on eBay?


Doing a quick search just now, the answer is no. The cheapest copy is roughly twice the price at £7.99 (and that's the inferior PAL version, with no instruction manual) - not to mention that the game doesnt work on modern HDTV sets, nor does it come with any of the Wii U VC features, is second hand and features much worse image quality by virtue of low quality composite being the very best video you can get out of the NES.


Ergo, it is actually very good value :)

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14 hours is a short game?


I do agree the console itself was and maybe still is priced too high for the mass market. Of course this was just one of the many factors that has caused the Wii U to struggle the way it is.


14 hours wouldn't be bad but I've heard a lot shorter completion times than that and that there's no challenge until the very end. I've seen numerous 100% completions in 6 hours. I've heard that figure mentioned in some of the reviews too.



There's a very simple way of putting VC prices into perspective...


Can you get the US version of Duck Hunt for cheaper on eBay?


Doing a quick search just now, the answer is no. The cheapest copy is roughly twice the price at £7.99 (and that's the inferior PAL version, with no instruction manual) - not to mention that the game doesnt work on modern HDTV sets, nor does it come with any of the Wii U VC features, is second hand and features much worse image quality by virtue of low quality composite being the very best video you can get out of the NES.


Ergo, it is actually very good value :)


Good points.

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I have numerous copies of Duck Hunt in standard Pal and Mattel published variants, I dug out all of my NES carts while testing out my Retron 5 and yes it would work on the machine plus it would look lovely with the HD filter as well but alas I still wouldn't be able to play it properly without the zapper; even then that would be ignoring the 'death grip' connector issue on the ports for NES, Megadrive (to a lesser extent) plus certain SNES games with the larger PCB's installed. (I'm working on making some pass-through carts though) :)


So having a modern version of Duck Hunt that works with Wii Remotes and various gun shells is an absolute dream, it's something I've waited for a long time and I can't wait to whack down less than £3.50 for it - or free if Nintendo give us some review codes being that it's nearly Christmas... not likely though :indeed: - then break out my trusty pair of Hand Cannons that I've had since House of the Dead Overkill so I can blast away digital ducks for hopefully years to come! :D

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14 hours wouldn't be bad but I've heard a lot shorter completion times than that and that there's no challenge until the very end. I've seen numerous 100% completions in 6 hours. I've heard that figure mentioned in some of the reviews too.


I'm calling bull on 6 hours with 100% done, especially first time through it. The final bonus stage takes 20 mins alone and that's if you do it first time, which is very unlikely.

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I'm calling bull on 6 hours with 100% done, especially first time through it. The final bonus stage takes 20 mins alone and that's if you do it first time, which is very unlikely.


This is main game game 100% in 3 hours 17 minutes. It's easy to say(reviews and forums) but seeing is easier to believe. I know this doesn't include the bonus levels but some of those are artificial padding.




I'll try to find the bonus levels 100% on Youtube.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCMY6XCI2Y Bonus [Level 1-4] 21:10


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK33x1fPniU Bonus [Level 5, 6, 9 and 10] 13:41


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCFiNvaGHQ Bonus [Level 7, 8, and 11] 16:11


Anyway you get the point, it can be completed in under 6 hours.

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I said the first time though. If you ain't using a guide then Its highly unlikely you could do it. Most levels need to be done at least three times. There's a secondary objective for each stage that doesn't become known to you until you first finish the stage. Then there's the diamonds to find.


So, yeah, first time through not buying it. Afterwards definetly, especially if you look at the time trials where some levels can be finished in under ten seconds.

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This is main game game 100% in 3 hours 17 minutes. It's easy to say(reviews and forums) but seeing is easier to believe. I know this doesn't include the bonus levels but some of those are artificial padding.




I'll try to find the bonus levels 100% on Youtube.


You'll get gamers that are able to blitz through the majority of games in a short space of time. Is the actual game designed to be completed by the average gamer in 3 hours? The answer to that would be no.


Super Metroid can be completed in such a short space of time and is quite famous for that. But, it's still taken me a hell of a lot longer to do that due to being stuck at certain points, dying over and over, not knowing the layouts off by heart, etc.


Either way, I try not to get hung up on game length. It's not really that important in the grand scheme of things and especially not with gaming. The most important thing imo is whether you personally enjoy the game or not. Gaming is seemingly an expensive hobby (or a way of life to most of us) but it's also got excellent value for money in terms of replay value or the fact that you are interacting with a medium and achieving something that you can't really do with books, film or tv.


I agree in some ways that the game should be eShop based but thankfully we're reaching that point in the industry where a lot of games can be downloaded digitally and are also packaged for retail distribution. So, the choice is there. Now it just comes down to price. If Nintendo feel that they've set the correct price of it and if people are willing to pay it, then that's that. Looking on Amazon, £28 seems like a decent price. £25 territory would have been an excellent price and there may be deals every now and again where it reaches that. GAME have the download code for £29.99. Not too terrible, imo. I wouldn't pay it because I don't want the game, but I can honestly see certain fans going for it at that price.

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3:30 for a speedrun? I read somewhere that the record for The Last of Us (love that game) was around the same. :eek:


I personaly don't care about the time it takes to finish games by the way. I care more about how long it keeps me enjoyed. In the case of this game I see that being a very long time as it has some sort of pick up and play feel.


But don't know, I'll get it somewhere in january I think.

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How can speedruns be used as evidence on a games length... This is getting weirder by the minute. Hero is an experienced gamer, he's finished it 100% and it took 14 hours, I'd imagine most of us would be around that figure. £30 for that is great value. If you care about such things. Ive always said I'd prefer a quality short experience.


Other than sports, online, open world. Do many games last longer than this?


As for VC games... I do think a tad cheaper would be better and force people to buy more games. But you can't begrudge them charging that for it. Just wish they'd do more VC sales! I'm buying duck hunt.

Edited by dazzybee
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Where did "speedrun" come out of? You've all latched onto that word. Maybe he is an experienced gamer but is he speed running? The other guy too? These aren't speerun videos. They're 100% completion videos.


At a guess, though, part of the gameplay in Captain Toad is working out the puzzles. The person who did the 3 hr 17 playthrough will have worked out the puzzles in advance, not thought them through as he or she made the video. It's like Zelda: Twilight Princess - I thought that was a long, taxing game on my first playthrough - it took me about 55 hours - but after becoming familiar with the puzzles could do it in 14 hours.

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Looks like we know what's probably gonna hit next week in Europe :)



Good news: F-Zero GP Legend and Fire Emblem : The Sacred Stones are coming reaaaaal soon to the EU eShop.


No idea for the exact date, but since Nintendo's already sending out review codes for those... shouldn't be too far off ;)


I'm more than OK with this! :D

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