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Beat the final village quest! :yay:




I "cheated" and used the Kebli Bow with Awakening and Bombardier, but bollocks to that being cheating against Ala! It still took me just over 30 minutes to kill the bastard! :o

Not looking forward to farming him. :shakehead


Here's how the awards are looking now:



200 hours played and still not even half way. Game is uncompleteable! :heh:


Make sure you're hunting at night, and even then not all monsters will get you 5* commodities.

These are the ones you need to take on:


Pink Rathian






Azure Rathalos


Black Diablos

Steel Uragaan


Capturing will just increase your chances of getting the 5* items, it doesn't guarantee you'll get one. I started out capturing, but after a few times not getting the 5* commodities, I started killing 'em instead, at least that way you can get the carves too. ;)


Thanks man, im determned to create that costume out of the bumblepumpkins, its going to take a long time but it looks amazing. ^_^

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Beat the final village quest! :yay:




Well done Red :bowdown:


Almost to Mark of the Hero... just 5 more quests to polish off... but I'm kinda wanting to put it off. I want to upgrade my Lucent Narga SwitchAxe first so I can use that for Mark of the Hero and for Ala, all I need is a Cloudy Moonshard (G Rank Gem) and he won't bloody drop it for me :mad:


Thanks man, im determned to create that costume out of the bumblepumpkins, its going to take a long time but it looks amazing. ^_^


Colour me interested....

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Good work RedShell! NOW will you start playing online? :D

Next objective for me is to unlock and complete my HR7 urgent. :awesome:


Can't wait to see what that monster is like (@Mokong X\-C gave me a sneak peek at its Switch Axe the other day :hehe:) and I'm also looking forward to see what HR I jump to.

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Next objective for me is to unlock and complete my HR7 urgent. :awesome:


Just don't go doing it with randoms... set up a Call to Arms with me, Lost and Hero (plus I still need items from him anyway)


I wouldn't be surprised if you had a bigger jump then I did. Think you earn less EXP from offline hunts but you've prolly done them all multiple times anyway, haha.

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Managed to unlock and try Mark of a Hero this morning.


Got a bit unlucky, not managed to finish it yet.


1st try got dizzy early and Ivory Lagi fainted me, was only 2mins in so abandoned

2nd try, Kayamba with Pitfall Mask gets one shotted as soon as we start... my plan was to use his pitfall at the very start so that it might be recharged later when I'm doing the other two, so again decided to abandon.


3rd try was going very well. Capped the I. Lagi no issues. Other two appeared managed to control decently enough, keeping one of them between me and the other and using tactical flash bombs... had a another dizzy/faint moment but thought nothing of it and went right back in. Then later when the paintballs wore off both of them I had to try repaint them... in the process got massively comboed and fainted a 2nd time. But I was a fair bit into it now and both Brach and Los were low on stamina so figured I could still do this.


Went back in few hits later Los starts flashing, Brachy is distracted by Cha-Cha so I try to trap Los... as soon as Los gets in my trap I am about to toss the tranqs when Brach out of nowhere and from the lenght of the map almost comes in with that flying punch of his. I get up...DIZZY... Los gets out of trap and tail whips me....FAILED




Will give it a go later, came so close, should be able to do it with little stress

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Managed to unlock and try Mark of a Hero this morning.


Got a bit unlucky, not managed to finish it yet.


1st try got dizzy early and Ivory Lagi fainted me, was only 2mins in so abandoned

2nd try, Kayamba with Pitfall Mask gets one shotted as soon as we start... my plan was to use his pitfall at the very start so that it might be recharged later when I'm doing the other two, so again decided to abandon.


3rd try was going very well. Capped the I. Lagi no issues. Other two appeared managed to control decently enough, keeping one of them between me and the other and using tactical flash bombs... had a another dizzy/faint moment but thought nothing of it and went right back in. Then later when the paintballs wore off both of them I had to try repaint them... in the process got massively comboed and fainted a 2nd time. But I was a fair bit into it now and both Brach and Los were low on stamina so figured I could still do this.


Went back in few hits later Los starts flashing, Brachy is distracted by Cha-Cha so I try to trap Los... as soon as Los gets in my trap I am about to toss the tranqs when Brach out of nowhere and from the lenght of the map almost comes in with that flying punch of his. I get up...DIZZY... Los gets out of trap and tail whips me....FAILED




Will give it a go later, came so close, should be able to do it with little stress

What mastery level is your Kayambas Pitfall Mask at?

At Level 5 I think it takes just over 15 minutes before it can be used again.

But yeah, it's a good idea to give the signal right at the start of that quest anyway just for the Ivory Lagi.


Also, you should have one of your Shakalakas wear the Ultimate Mask, they stay alive much longer that way, which is obviously very handy for distraction purposes. :hehe:

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Managed to unlock and try Mark of a Hero this morning.


Got a bit unlucky, not managed to finish it yet.


1st try got dizzy early and Ivory Lagi fainted me, was only 2mins in so abandoned

2nd try, Kayamba with Pitfall Mask gets one shotted as soon as we start... my plan was to use his pitfall at the very start so that it might be recharged later when I'm doing the other two, so again decided to abandon.


3rd try was going very well. Capped the I. Lagi no issues. Other two appeared managed to control decently enough, keeping one of them between me and the other and using tactical flash bombs... had a another dizzy/faint moment but thought nothing of it and went right back in. Then later when the paintballs wore off both of them I had to try repaint them... in the process got massively comboed and fainted a 2nd time. But I was a fair bit into it now and both Brach and Los were low on stamina so figured I could still do this.


Went back in few hits later Los starts flashing, Brachy is distracted by Cha-Cha so I try to trap Los... as soon as Los gets in my trap I am about to toss the tranqs when Brach out of nowhere and from the lenght of the map almost comes in with that flying punch of his. I get up...DIZZY... Los gets out of trap and tail whips me....FAILED




Will give it a go later, came so close, should be able to do it with little stress


Ha, NOOB! :p

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Ha, NOOB! :p


You go unlock it and let us know how you fair :wink:




Anyway gave it another go in the afternoon and BOSSED IT :D


Without fainting once too :D


Used up most of my potions though... all 24 Mega Potions (10 I started with, 10 I combined mid quest and the 4 you can gather in the arena) and 5 out of my 10 remaining potions.


Does killing give mega potions on carves or normal carve items? I didn't bother checking just capped all 3.


I used my G Rank Dober Armour as it my best defence stat armour so far. Got Firestarter from food to cancel out my fire weakness (for Los fireballs).


And used my Lucent Narga Switchaxe with its lovely natural purple sharpness.


Whenever sharpness dulled to White I'd chuck a flash bomb or wait for monsters to go for Cha-Cha or Kayamba to sharpen back to purple, mainly fought with purple sharpness.



Started off with my Kayamba Pitfall mask as planned though thing didn't recharge until the end of the quest.... used it to Cap Brach who was the last one standing.


I. Lagi didn't give much problems, got him capped in like 6 or 7 mins.


When Blue Los and Brach appeared did the same as last time, used flash bombs to try keep one out of the way (cheers @lostmario for tip)... brought items to make more mid hunt too :D


Or tried to fight one while keepin it between me and the other so when the other one tried to attack it would damage the one in between us.


Again the Los was ready to cap first, that was tricky trying to get him into the trap and prevent the Brach from walking into it. At that point it seemed Brach just wanted me and Los just wanted Cha-Cha and it seemed like forever till they switched targets. Was able to cap Los this time with no surprises.


Just me and old Brach left...he knocked out my Cha-Cha as I capped Los though so it was just me and him, I needed to heal, eat some steak and sharpen which he just wouldn't let me do.


Luckily Kayamba returned and Brach went right for him allowing me to heal and stuff. I used my last shock trap to hold him still for a bit...still not flashing yet though... had one pitfall left but wanted to save that for the cap.


Figured Kayamba's pitfall mask must be recharged soon so kept spamming his signal to try get him to put it down to hold Brach still again.


Then when Kayamba finally uses his pitfall again Brach starts flashing :D


In the trap and tranq bombs away. Think I had one dizzy moment but got away (thank you Evasion+2) and not one faint :D


I feel EPIC :awesome:


Now just Ala stands in my way and being declared saviour of Moga Village... will try do him this evening (hopefully I still have time to get online too, haha)

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You go unlock it and let us know how you fair :wink:


...Now just Ala stands in my way and being declared saviour of Moga Village... will try do him this evening (hopefully I still have time to get online too, haha)


This is offline? No chance I'll be doing it then. Offline bores the hell out of me, I'll only play the game online.

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This is offline? No chance I'll be doing it then. Offline bores the hell out of me, I'll only play the game online.


Or are you just running scared of the solo challenge :wink:


You'll never earn the Mark of a Hero like that good Knight.




(this was the first result when I searched "mark of a hero" in google image search :D)

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Or are you just running scared of the solo challenge :wink:


You'll never earn the Mark of a Hero like that good Knight.




(this was the first result when I searched "mark of a hero" in google image search :D)


I very much doubt you'd find the mark of a hero quest boring, if anyone does, then something ain't right. :heh:


Nope, sorry guys, offline s just too boring. I'm still on just my 2 Star Quests. I simply can't bring myself to play it... I do find it simply that boring!

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I now join the legendary ranks of those who have succeeded in all Moga Village quests.


Alatreon has fallen to my Switchaxe


@Hero\-of\-Time were still on, I told them I finished the quest in 29 mins 29 secs... but I just realised this morning I did it faster. 29:29 was what was on the clock when I finished the quest, I forgot (in my excitement for having killed Ala) that the time it displays is how much time was left on the clock... which means I BOSSED Ala in 21mins 31seconds :D :awesome:




It actually took me 2 attempts to beat Ala, my first try even though I thought I was fully prepared (for how he acts on the Wii) I soon found out I wasn't.


1st time I used my Dober armour (for high defence, high Dragon res and used food skill to remove fire weakness) and my Barioth Ice Switchaxe.


If soloing Ala on the Wii the Ice Axe was usually my 1st choice. Ala has 2 weakness Dragon and Ice. Most people use Dragon which is fine for doing him as a group but you need to get more technical when soloing.


I found out on the Wii version that his weaknesses change depending on the "mode" he is in. When on the ground and purple he is weakest to ice, when flying and has that white glow he is weakest to Dragon.


On the Wii version unless you got really unlucky Ala would spend more time on the ground than in flying mode so Ice was actually the better choice, so I of course figured it would be this time too.


I was wrong... was not prepared for how much they changed his patterns. Not only did they add a few new attacks and tweeked some old ones but his attack patterns are very different as he seems to want to go into flying mode even more now.


This made an Ice weapon a poor choice. So I took the time to just study his moves for a bit then abandoned and tried again.


Had to choose between my Dragon Axe or my Lucent Narga Axe (no element or status), decided to go with L. Narga Axe for it's purple sharpness as my Dragon Axe dulls very quickly any advantage the Dragon element would give would be cancelled by the dulling (though I might try using it later :wink:)



Hunt went very well. Still had to keep on me toes for every second of it though. The Shakalaka's took his attention enough for me to try gather some balista ammo managed to get and use 6. And the binder is a bloody god send for taking Ala out of the air (but he still stays in white "flying mode").


Whenever he was in ground mode I'd take the fight to the front of the map where you normally fought him on Tri, when he went flying I'd run to he binder so he would have to do that flying charge attack. I'd dodge that which would leave him on top of or near the binder. Run back to binder use it (hard to miss as he is point blank on top of me) and take him out of the air. This also meant he fell where I was standing so I wouldn't have to waste time running to him I just got straight in with attacks :)


The purple sharpness of my axe did a good number on him breaking his horn fairling quickly when I got him to ground.


Oddly I never managed to knock him over with attacks though... wonder if he is more "Immune" to that in this version. Only time I had him knocked over was when I took him out of the air with either the binder or a flash bomb.




Didn't do too bad on potion usage either. Had 4 Megas and 6 potions left at the end of it. Though when Lost said the quest took him almost 40mins I was getting worried I'd run out of potions but then Ala died way earlier than expected :D


@S\.C\.G we'll have to set up a hunting day/time with yourself so we can finally do that Ala Event quest you have :wink:





Nope, sorry guys, offline s just too boring. I'm still on just my 2 Star Quests. I simply can't bring myself to play it... I do find it simply that boring!



Ah but you have High Rank weapons now, you'd be able to fly through the village quests and by the time you get the High Rank village quests (after old Ceadus) you'll prolly have a G Rank weapon. It's only when you get to the final tier (8 star) that quest could take abit longer cause of some triple hunts but I still got those done inside 12-14mins.

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Is it that ye just miss the co-op dynamic when doing offline hunts?

or are you afraid of the challenge :D


I find doing hard quests offline give more of a thrill than online sometimes. Granted you do have to go through a fair bit of crap to get to the harder ones at first but if you've been building good stuff in online you should get through the early village stuff very fast.



Finishing a hard quest online with a group is great and you feel awesome yes.


Finish a hard quest solo or offline and you (or rather "me" I guess :p) feel EPIC. :awesome:


Especially stuff like Mark of a Hero and Ala (though I did solo Ala on the Wii too, he was online only on that one, this Ala acts fairly differently too as explianed above, added to the challenge), really puts a test to your skills and how capable you are with your chosen weapon(s). Massive challenge that I wouldn't pass up :D


I also solo'd Jhen on the Wii and number of times and he was online only on that, he appears offline now too on 3U but he's gimped a bit for offline play... Ala does not seem to be gimped for offline play though (neither are the monsters in Mark of a Hero which are all G rank level...only G rank monsters in offline..). Jho was online only too on Tri I think? Pretty sure I solo'd him too.


So I do plan at some point to try solo online Jhen, Hallowed Jhen (when I unlock him), Abys Lagi and even the HR7 "Big Boss"... (not even sure if those two would be possible solo but I'll give it a go for teh challenge :D) but those would be a bit of a ways down the line, after I've finished completing and maxing out various weapons and armour. :)


I wouldn't feel like I'd done everything in the game if I didn't/couldn't beat all monsters solo




Edited by Mokong
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@S\.C\.G we'll have to set up a hunting day/time with yourself so we can finally do that Ala Event quest you have :wink:


I have more than that now that I've opened the G-Rank Quests... ;)


I'll be on tonight but will hopefully be helping my Fiance get from HR 4 to HR 6 in one night so if that happens soon and if I can manage to get her a full set of Brachydios armour then I'll be doing that quest and much more besides so I'll keep you posted.


There might be up to three of us already playing tonight - me, my fiance and a friend - but if you want to help out then you'd be more than welcome, should be on around 10:30 PM but otherwise I'll let you know when we're ready to do those quests. :)

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Finally happened this morning. Baleful Gigginox and Gigginox double battle on level 7 quests. baleful went down easily, but I hate Gigginox with a passion. there I am sat on the tube playing away, Giggi poisons me for the umpteenth time, at which point I lost my rag and loudly exclaimed "Oh I had my SHIELD up". Suprised it took me this long for a public outburst, still didn't make it any less embarrasing!! :D

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I have more than that now that I've opened the G-Rank Quests... ;)


I'll be on tonight but will hopefully be helping my Fiance get from HR 4 to HR 6 in one night so if that happens soon and if I can manage to get her a full set of Brachydios armour then I'll be doing that quest and much more besides so I'll keep you posted.


There might be up to three of us already playing tonight - me, my fiance and a friend - but if you want to help out then you'd be more than welcome, should be on around 10:30 PM but otherwise I'll let you know when we're ready to do those quests. :)


Don't know if I'll be on tonight as away most of the day, depends what time I get home at... but doubt will be doing any late night sessions (for awhile)...trying to return to normal sleeping patterns as need to be up early in mornings again




Yeah been wondering if you would have more on G Rank.... is the a G Rank Ala on your list? Was wondering if there might be one since that HR5 one can't be G Rank?


You should make a list of all the event quests you have d/l'd already :wink:


Finally happened this morning. Baleful Gigginox and Gigginox double battle on level 7 quests. baleful went down easily, but I hate Gigginox with a passion. there I am sat on the tube playing away, Giggi poisons me for the umpteenth time, at which point I lost my rag and loudly exclaimed "Oh I had my SHIELD up". Suprised it took me this long for a public outburst, still didn't make it any less embarrasing!! :D


That is awesome :D

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