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Dead Space franchise canned...

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Didn't see a party for this but many news sources reporting that visceral Montreal have been closed down and that Dead Space has been dumped.


I know the move to a more action focussed game along with the micro transactions (totally voluntary) has left a sour taste in some people's mouths but I'm surprised. I just beat Dead Space 2 and was looking forward to picking up 3 once it went cheap.

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This would seem a really strange decision!


OK so the third game may have been a mistake in terms of direction and I think it sold badly, but that doesn't mean the 4th game or something could have gone back and changed this, making it the scariest yet!


Did they finish the story off significantly enough in the third?

Surely it's too strong a franchise to let go; I'm sure annoyingly for fans of the story/series so far, there will be a reboot in a few years time! :p

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just seen it on Eurogamer (yeah i know not the best of sites....but i'm bored at work)


it just makes me laugh how they went from basically old resident evil in space, to a COD inspired micro-transaction game to please the "masses" and then lost everything the series was about.


EA are evil, they really deserve all the bad press and need to just die in a fire

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just seen it on Eurogamer (yeah i know not the best of sites....but i'm bored at work)


it just makes me laugh how they went from basically old resident evil in space, to a COD inspired micro-transaction game to please the "masses" and then lost everything the series was about.


EA are evil, they really deserve all the bad press and need to just die in a fire


Wait what?! I love eurogamer!

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it just makes me laugh how they went from basically old resident evil in space, to a COD inspired micro-transaction game to please the "masses" and then lost everything the series was about.


Fucking this. No doubt they'll try and spin it so it's the customers fault for being "self entitled" or some shit.

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Eurogamer are probably the only legit site out there. When they fuck up, they own up.


They just need to sort their scoring out. Probably best to get rid of scoring altogether. Do what Kotaku do instead.


Don't really care about Dead Space. The first was good, some really nice ideas in it, but it's all generic schlock, really.

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Replace Dead Space with Nintendo, Eurogamer editor gives the OK.. rinse, repeat.




Or alternatively, you can read down a little bit further, add two and two together and work out Eurogamer was just republishing a story from VideoGamer like most websites did in reaction to the story.


Not liking a particular website is fine, but don't go quoting select things and twisting the truth to suit your own opinion.


Disregard that, completely misunderstood the context. I disagree, but the reply above was wrong.

Edited by Debug Mode
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Or alternatively, you can read down a little bit further, add two and two together and work out Eurogamer was just republishing a story from VideoGamer like most websites did in reaction to the story.


Not liking a particular website is fine, but don't go quoting select things and twisting the truth to suit your own opinion.


The f*$k what? you could have done the same and had the epiphany I was referring to the formular in regards to Nintendo & Eurogamer amongst other sites and journalists. Eurogamer are often the the firestarters for this formular. What!

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Yeah that formula might work with Nintendo too but its the sensationalist "journalism" formula


Take emotive issue add big name claim from unnamed source and post story

eventually make retraction but on page 16 or bottom of site in an unassuming position



Go to the daily mail website, today we have;


-a 2 year old Child run over in freak accident by neighbor......the kick THEY WERE IN A 4X4 OMG RARARARAR,


-PUBLIC SECTOR rumored to be planning three months of STRIKE

etc etc


tomorrow we'll have something about a the stabbing on the bus today, only they will claim the killer once played violent video games or watched lots of online pornography


every journalism website does it

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This happens a lot with any type of news sites, the only ones not doing it are this one, Giantbomb and a very small handfull of others. Kotaku, Destructoid, Eurogamer and especially Videogamer are known for quoting mysterious shadowy sources which if im honest i dont believe exist. I enjoy some of the writers on there but the amount of made up or recycled rumours they print on a daily basis is crazy, a lot of it is educated guess work but that wouldnt make for a very good headline would it? I do personally believe Dead Space is on hold until a later date, the story is likely true but i dont believe anyone came out and told them this, they needed to up their page views and so they made it sound like they had a source, very few sites dont do and im suprised when this catches people off guard.

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