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inFamous: Second Son / First Light


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I've finished the game and I'm not sure what parts of inFamous 2 the plot points in the article refer to. I don't even know if this a direct sequel or based in a "modified universe" or something like that.

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- Team wants to simplify the controls; inFamous 2 actions required multiple button presses


- Absorb smoke by pressing both thumbs down on the touchpad




Nothing to get excited about yet but it's all in the playing with Infamous.

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I think that touchpad use is better than R2(?) currently used for recharging. Not necessarily because it's the touchpad, just because the button currently used has the dual function of locating power sources, too.


Or something, I can't remember the details. All I remember was that absorbing/recharging could have been done with a dedicated input.

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It was L2, so you were way out :P . Anyway, it wasn't a problem because L3 could be used to show electricity sources on the radar as well as L2. With this shitty new system, you have to take both thumbs off the analogues, so you can't even inch closer to the smoke source if you press it and you aren't quite within its vicinity.


They will change this. Mark my words.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Looks sweet, but that crosshair?


That was the first thing I noticed as well! After that though, god it looks so nice. MUST BUY! I don't get Infamous' standing as a good game but not one that will sell consoles (so many outlets saying that in articles/video features). It's definitely a problem that some PS3 exclusives have and it's an odd anomaly because these games are AWESOME!

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Think it looks awesome. Love that the Infamous style climbing is still there :heh: but it was cool how Delsin could smoke through the air vents to instantly be on top of the building. Surprised by the blindfire shooting. Did most people blindfire most of the shooting in Infamous 2? Maybe my Uncharted habits made me always aim first...

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