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Battlefield 4


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LOL, funny story...


I was on ebay and thought I'd look at some of these prices. There was one going for £13...3 mins left. Why not, eh?


I sign in. I bid.




I raise it up to £21.00 for the lolz.


20 seconds left.


The bid jumps from £15 to something else before finishing at £19.08 with three seconds left. I almost had a heartache.


Believe it or not, that is the first ever auction that I have ever won on ebay. EVER.


So, the game should be here next week.



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Campaign is absolutely awful. Multiplayer is divine. Make sure you play with people you know in your squad though, it can quickly get overwhelming if you're lone wolfing it.


I bought it for the multiplayer, so hope it does turn out to be close that. There's a few people on here who have it, so will have a few games and see how that goes. Believe it or not, I've never actually been online with a shooter of this type. Never done Battlefield, Call of Duty, CounterStrike, Team Fortress, anything of that sort. FPS for me is Goldenye, Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters 2 AlienVsPredator2 on the PC and a tiny, tiny bit of the Conduit. Aside from that, nothing of note. Hmm. I'm going to get killed a lot.

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Battlefield is unrivalled as far as multiplayer shooters go, providing you're in a decent squad. If you're not playing as a cohesive unit, the thrills are still there, they're just much more sporadic and there's a ton of A to B sprinting. Other shooters can be more instantly gratifying, but you can't pull off the same unbelievable shit and go on a complete and utter tear on a giant motherfucker of a map. Fuck sake, when I get a PS4 everyone here best be up for a match or two.


And yeah Flink, you'll probably tank to start with. You have years of catch-up to do :P

I actually recommend going on Youtube to find what class set-ups you want/suit your style etc. Make sure you get the little things right, and then just try and be the best objective player you can be. That's what makes it rewarding.

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What Dwarf said. Battlefield is in a league of it's own in terms of the creative options it gives you. Take call of duty for example, the extent of what you can do really amounts to little more than getting fools in your crosshairs and pressing the trigger button. There's a good amount of skill involved, but after you've mastered being a good shot, all that's left is map knowledge.


With BF, imagine getting shot down by a tank as you sprint to a capture point. The opportunities for revenge are about as limitless as you can imagine. You could spawn in the passenger seat of a friendly chopper, parachute down with an engineer loadout and rain rocket shells down while skydiving. You could get a jet and do a strafing run. Or you could get a squaddie to locate the tank on the map, and then get the rest of your friends to sneak to it's location and unload your rocket launchers on it. My personal favourite is strapping C4 to a quad bike, riding it in a straight line to the tank, jumping off before you're in firing range and detonating the C4 right as the quad bike rolls up.


The whole fun of it is in hatching fucked up G.I Joe schemes and then seeing if they work out. I'm kind of tempted to get this for PS4. I've heard it runs like shit next to the PC version though.

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What's amazing is that the game endlessly throws you into new situations. It's about planning ahead, reacting to spacial changes when they occur, and picking the right decision at the right time. You can't beat a team single handedly, but you can pull off rambo-esque bullshit and 'turn the tide of the battle', as game trailers and box-arts love to say.


Having said that, it's also fun to idle about and piss people off with cheap tricks. Finding killer sniper positions, or fruitful gangways which when loaded with explosives rack you up crazy amounts of kills and points. Some insane stunt is just around the corner. If you're making long journeys between objectives, for example, and there's not a lot to do, the very fact that you can fire a cross-map RPG at a helicopter, and it not be impossible to connect with it, is something which you don't get in other shooters. And you only need to be successful once to be sold on it for the rest of your life. Plus, you will occasionally flank a base and be presented with about 10 bunched up targets which, if you have some explosives, an LMG, and a good position, you could feasibly have each and every one of their lives. Time seems to stop when that happens, and it seems too good to be true in the moment. It's a right lark I tell ya.


I still play the download-only BF 1943 with my mate when he comes over. There's one map that has a deserted boat at the side of the map which is of no real strategic use, and yet we go there every time to snipe anyone who attempts to capture the two central flags. Most of the time the enemy players don't even notice you when you frag them (the kill-cam doesn't reveal much in '43, unlike 3 & 4) but when they do notice they sometimes try to swim over to the boat or land on it after parachuting from a plane (our preferred method). If they swim up to it, we blow up the C4 along the gangway so that they go flying into the sea, and if they parachute onto the boat there's a cheeky little cubby hole we use, equipping the samurai sword whilst concealed ready to pounce and shank the commie shit in the back when they jog by, thinking they've got the drop on us. It's that hilarious sequence of victories - the first being the unfair headshot from a remote and pointless area of the map which doesn't even contribute to the objective, and then the second kill which just rubs salt into the wound, having pissed them off already only to exacerbate the pain when their faces (presumably) glow with excitement upon finding our nest before receiving a career-ender to the spine. It honestly doesn't get better.


I would delve into the piss-taking we get away with on the air-superiority mode but I think I've said enoough.

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Played some great games tonight with @kav82 and @Cookyman.


I think I said three words all night, I was in absolute awe of the game. That final map we played on kav...how fucking big was it?! I think we only saw half of it, maybe? Can't believe how big everything was and the variation. Driving tanks, parachuting off a huge building, hiding in a quiet corner. It's insane. Just, ahhh.


This image is very appropriate.




Definitely enjoyed it. I want more.


Also, quite impressed with the poverty PS4 headset. Worked fine on my end. How was it on yours, guys?

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It was good @Fierce_LiNk, I was hearing you crystal clear. They were some good games tonight with @Cookyman too, I had a blast, thanks guys!


I played a few games on my own too, I'm slowly picking it up as I go and ending most games positively now. Man I've missed Battlefield!!!


I've got a feeling that we can do better next time, too. If we can get more people in our squad or eeeeeven get two squads full of N-Ers, we could really do well in taking some of those objectives. It was very overwhelming though, I felt like an ant on that battlefield! Clearly the people who are playing have spent a LOT of time on that game, too...

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It gets better mate, one thing annoys me with battlefield you gotta do some grinding to get the better weapon tech so it makes it harder for newbs to get into it


One thing I enjoy doing is getting a chopper and a mate with some c4 and go hover over a vehicle, mate drops the c4 fly off, boom. Just so many ways to play the game.

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I had some good games with @kav82 on here tonight. The highlight of which was, "err...is that the cradle from Goldeneye? What's it doing 'ere then?!"


Also, fuuuuck, there was one map which basically took place on a series of islands. We witnessed a storm take place and it really looked gorgeous. I think we both stopped shooting at that point and oohed and aaahhed at the sky.


As for our performances, I described myself as the Tom Cleverley of our squad. Basically, absolutely fucking useless. Couldn't organise a prayer in a mosque kind of useless.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I had some good games with @kav82 on here tonight. The highlight of which was, "err...is that the cradle from Goldeneye? What's it doing 'ere then?!"


Also, fuuuuck, there was one map which basically took place on a series of islands. We witnessed a storm take place and it really looked gorgeous. I think we both stopped shooting at that point and oohed and aaahhed at the sky.


As for our performances, I described myself as the Tom Cleverley of our squad. Basically, absolutely fucking useless. Couldn't organise a prayer in a mosque kind of useless.


Some hilarious games tonight! That storm took my breath away, wow!


I had a few good games at the end there after such a rough start. It all started going much better for me once I took off the heavy barrel attachment and changed it to the supressor.


One things for sure, I need better map knowledge, my gun skill itself isn't all that bad, I've no problem killing people... when I see them, haha.

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All this talk makes me want to give the multiplayer another go.


Downloading a patch while I'm gone for 2-3 hours.


Will pop the game in when I'm back home. : peace:


Edit: Holy shit, it's overwhelming. :blank:

Edited by drahkon
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