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Brighton to open gender-neutral toilets


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At first I was all like 'yeah, this is cool' but then I do kinda agree with the points of the betterness to having seperate toilets. I'm not much of a public poo-er, so I'm not fussed, but I can see others being. Not to mention the always forever queue at the ladies compared to the swift through-traffic(no puns) at the gents. I don't mind it in quieter places maybe, but if it's gonna take over the world then maybe it might get annoying.


This. This, everytime. Whenever I have been to the toilets at St. Pancras International, the queues for the women are huuuuge. It's ridiculous.


Anyway, I imagine the toilets would be their own separate cubicles with their own sinks and probably a dryer. That way, it's safer, you wouldn't have more than one person in there at a time and it would possibly save the awkwardness of men and women in the toilets together. At least, that's what should happen.

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I'm in two minds about this. Guys do tend to sprinkle when they tinkle. Euw. Also, some don't flush. Issues that don't exist in ladies toilets.


@Fierce_LiNk I hate having to queue for women's toilets when the men's toilets are free. Seriously, you're in and your out. What else is there to do?!?

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I'm in two minds about this. Guys do tend to sprinkle when they tinkle. Euw. Also, some don't flush. Issues that don't exist in ladies toilets.


Sadly they do exist in the toilets at my work. Those toilets won't flush if someone has just gone right before you... so you often find surprises in those toilets, eww. And I have found many a hair or urine drop on the toilet seat... people should clean up after themselves, urgh.


But yes, I imagine those problems would get even worse if the toilets were shared. I don't mind sharing, but I think it would just make things worse. I don't think men will want to put up with our horrendous queues. =P

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Whenever I have been to the toilets at St. Pancras International, the queues for the women are huuuuge. It's ridiculous.


No nazi intended, but the grammar of this sentence made it sound like something much more sordid was occuring at St Pancras :D


I'm in two minds about this. Guys do tend to sprinkle when they tinkle. Euw. Also, some don't flush. Issues that don't exist in ladies toilets.


@Fierce_LiNk I hate having to queue for women's toilets when the men's toilets are free. Seriously, you're in and your out. What else is there to do?!?


I have it on numerous female authorities that they do occur! No poo though, I also have it on good authority that ladies don't poo.

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I'm in two minds about this. Guys do tend to sprinkle when they tinkle. Euw. Also, some don't flush. Issues that don't exist in ladies toilets.


@Fierce_LiNk I hate having to queue for women's toilets when the men's toilets are free. Seriously, you're in and your out. What else is there to do?!?


I feel that us men must be missing a crucial component in this whole going to the toilet business. Women seem to make it into an event in itself. Also, groups of women. Groups?! A toilet party. What is this?


No nazi intended, but the grammar of this sentence made it sound like something much more sordid was occuring at St Pancras :D


Yes, it makes me sound like I'm some sort of women's toilet pervert. I don't go to St. Pancras often...I don't just go there to lurk around the toilets and admire the queues. That's weird. He...he.

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oh man queues?! now that is something i really hate as a man you only ever see it at busy places (after a film, a sporting event) and even then its quick turn around. But women's loo's are forever queued up because they are inside chatting about who did this, who said that etc? you'd think the women in the queue would think "hmmm must remember not to talk so much as it means you queue and i hate this" only they get inside and still talk and create a queue


I do not want to have to be in a queue for a toilet ever i hate it! in fact i might take up public defecating when i hear women chatting in the adjoining cubicle! i'll stop chatting and people having to queue!


good lord i didn't have a problem with this before but now, queues are evil

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But women's loo's are forever queued up because they are inside chatting about who did this, who said that etc? you'd think the women in the queue would think "hmmm must remember not to talk so much as it means you queue and i hate this" only they get inside and still talk and create a queue



How much time do you spend in women's toilets?

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I rarely hear women chatting in the loo...


The queues aren't because of chatting (cause like at St. Pancras, no one chats there but the queue is always huge), it is just because it takes a lot more time to get our business done. We can't just whip it out like men, it takes a bit longer. =P

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I rarely hear women chatting in the loo...


The queues aren't because of chatting (cause like at St. Pancras, no one chats there but the queue is always huge), it is just because it takes a lot more time to get our business done. We can't just whip it out like men, it takes a bit longer. =P


It's not a case of just finishing up and then zipping straight away! Major drippage...

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How much time do you spend in women's toilets?


:laughing: all the time when i'm in drag :p


none really, i'm going off reports from my girlfriend; she disappears takes three times as long as a bloke and the excuse is always a queue, and if she goes with a friend *whistles* i should take a 3DS on nights out for those occurances.

Other than that its my personal experience of seeing the queue out the door, night clubs and bars are a particular place a bloke will see said queue if they share the washing area, 7/10 times there are women queuing and/or women talking outside about the toilets being full


Then i've seen it at department stores (the aptly named "Browns" in York being most recent) where there was a queue out of the door


its why men wonder what goes on in womens toilets, or if they are some sort of additional luxuries in them because they(women) take three times as long as men.

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I rarely hear women chatting in the loo...


The queues aren't because of chatting (cause like at St. Pancras, no one chats there but the queue is always huge), it is just because it takes a lot more time to get our business done. We can't just whip it out like men, it takes a bit longer. =P


My girlfriend gave this reason as well. She also said that women tend to wash their hands properly whilst men don't. To be fair to you females, I do occasionally skimp a little on the old hand washing.

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The following is how i would classify toilets:


Mens (from experience): Like stepping into the shallows of the Ganges at Kumbh Mela, this could possibly be the foulest place on earth. Hold your breath for as long as you can, and try not to touch anything that doesn't need touching. However, no queues, in and out in (hopefully) one breath.


Womens (i'm imagining): Like having a tinkle at the perfume counter in Selfridges. You could eat your food off the floor, and there are flowers and pretty things to look at everywhere. However, you'll need something nice to look at when you're stood in the queue for the next 4 hours.



The whole gender neutral toilet sounds like it will just be the worst of both worlds.

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