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Online and Offline Friend/Relationships


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This should change now that I have a cube again!


If I want to be friends with someone I met online, I would make an effort to meet them offline anyway (where possible).


There's some separation, but then most of my social circles are largely separate anyway (animation people, (ex) work colleagues etc). Although my housemate has met Bard, Daft, Dan Dare and Razz (and maybe others...I forget).


Please tell me you got that caustic looking orange one with the gameboy adapter.


Also I find that there's a difference between meeting people online and offline, simply because when you meet someone for the first time offline, it's usually cordial and if you meld with their personality well then you can make something of it. When you "know," someone online and then meet them offline there's a bizarre series of expectations to live up to - the politics of text based communication are pretty different to talking face to face and finding out whether you have actual chemistry.


When people present a version of themselves online, the temptation is to be careful, deliberate and consistent in that vision, but in real life, people behave differently in different contexts. Because online the only space you have to get a sense of their personality is in their posts, it's weird to see what they add to the vibe of a meeting when they're not talking, and are part of the "furniture" of the interaction, so to speak.

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I think the only "online" friend I have met really is Ashley. There's probably some people I've met in real life yet I mainly communicate with online, so I don't know whether I consider them real life/internet people.


I don't think I'd be adverse to mixing up online/offline, the opportunity just hasn't really presented itself (although I think Ashley briefly met my flatmate once??? Doesn't really count.)

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Do you all remember when Eevil started leaving messages for someone (was it Mr Odwin) near the beef jerky in the supermarket where he worked. I remeber thinking that it was amazing that two 'online' people had almost made contact in the outside world.


I don't think that ever happened. :p

I used to shop in the supermarket that @EEVILMURRAY worked in, and we may have had a chat about jerky. But ... NO NOTES. That crazy.


Then I moved across to Macclesfield (I was too close to eevil), and there the story ends.

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Some of the friends I've made on N-Europe I consider some of my closest. :) Like mentioned I don't try to separate friends at all. I've found it's much easier to just take relationships for what they are instead of trying to label them. Just let it flow naturally. Consequently I don't find there's much of a difference between my online and offline persona; I try just to be me.

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