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Xbox One Console Discussion


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We think, actually, that having the content that’s yours go with you is an important thing. You could have multiple Xbox Ones, your content is yours on every one of them, and it doesn’t require that you carry discs back and forth. The disc becomes a means of distributing the bits back and forth but the content is locked to you.


What a terrible excuse.

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The connecting at least once every 24 hours thing doesn't actually sound like it will be a pain, but I really don't see the point - why on earth does it need to connect at least once every 24 hours to work? It doesn't make any sense to me, surely they could make so you can put a game in and play it?

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If I can Skype and game at the same time on one console, I'm totally on board! I loved the console and would most likely buy one (not when it's released, I wished I had that kind of money!). I'd also buy the PS4 as well at some point. I like the fact it can play blu-rays as well. Does anybody know whether it'd be compatible with Xbox 360 games?

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If I can Skype and game at the same time on one console, I'm totally on board! I loved the console and would most likely buy one (not when it's released, I wished I had that kind of money!). I'd also buy the PS4 as well at some point. I like the fact it can play blu-rays as well. Does anybody know whether it'd be compatible with Xbox 360 games?

It is not, no

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But most people have Smart TV's, Satellite and a separate Blu-ray player/Lovefilm package so may not need to go for this.


Do they? I know very few people who have Smart TVs and a BLu-ray player other than a PS3. AFAIK you can watch Netflix through the 360 at the moment, possibly LoveFilm as well?


Why are people so keen to play old games on a new console?


When the Xbox 360 came out, everyone was back to playing Halo 2 within a couple of days on the 360, but with a comfy controller.

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Why are people so keen to play old games on a new console?

I think it would just be useful to just have one box under the tv rather than two (or to get the second one out of the loft every time you wanted to play it).


It's not a dealbreaker for me, but that's why people care.

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I think it would just be useful to just have one box under the tv rather than two (or to get the second one out of the loft every time you wanted to play it).


Not to mention that the Xbox is designed to have all your entertainment needs in One box.


Except Xbox 360 games.

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Nothing, but they don't really have a choice here. The BD Drive is far too slow for the amount of RAM in use by the console. Assuming that it would use a 6x (27MB per sec) BD Drive like the PS4 (Wii U uses a 5x drive) and that 5GB of RAM is usable for games as is rumored, it would take just over 3 minutes to completely fill the RAM. Now obviously this would be far too long to wait for a game to load, so they have to require HDD installations, where you have a read speed of about 100MB per sec on average (making for a maximum load time of around a minute now, but most games will not fill the RAM fully with each load).


PS4 will require the same thing cause it's gonna be even worse there with having even more RAM to fill!




The internal HDD is 500GB and non replaceable. USB 3 is supported.




So they can reduce the amount of bandwidth being used up by huge 25GB+ downloads, reduce the time people have to wait for games to download and have a presence in retail stores (though with the anti-used games system in place, that probably wont last long :laughing:)




Because EA demanded it and yes, you'll lose access to your single player games if the network goes down. It also means that once MS eventually shut down the servers in the future, your entire XBONE collection will be turned into glorified coffee coasters!


the hdd thing is amusing... Not making it replaceable will be a headache. I hope we can on the PS4. It will be ahuge advantage.


Yeah the specs are spot on with the leaked specs everyone got.


The second hand games side of things seem fine for places like Gamestop and Game who print out new codes. Practically everyone else and especially consumers are screwed.

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Do they? I know very few people who have Smart TVs and a BLu-ray player other than a PS3. AFAIK you can watch Netflix through the 360 at the moment, possibly LoveFilm as well?


Most i know have one, they are pretty good. And the peeps i know who have Blu-ray players have a 360 or not.


And i believe LoveFilm is available on the 360.


When the Xbox 360 came out, everyone was back to playing Halo 2 within a couple of days on the 360, but with a comfy controller.


Not to mention that the Xbox is designed to have all your entertainment needs in One box.


Except Xbox 360 games.


Which is a negative point, and many people online arn't happy about this. Rumours swirling are that Sony are considering something to allow the PS4 to be backwards compatible with PS3 titles, but that's a way off yet.


And didn't the chappy who did the presentation say that even with the One, it would work alongside the current 360?

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Not sure if this will work, but it's a video about the new Kinect. I have to say it look pretty damned impressive. I know people think it's just a gimmick, but if games were made that actually used this technology well, i think it could be amazing.



Were first reveals/demos of Kinect not as equally impressive?

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Kinect 1 did not really work as advertised unfortunately, but if this one does, it will be quite impressive. It's really the games developers that need to stop it becoming a gimmick - i.e. by not using it as a tacked on gimmick in the game.


Perhaps since every Xbox One will come with a Kinect 2, games developers will be more likely to try and integrate it?


I'm all for new technology and new experiences - that part of the Xbox One i like. It's all the other things that are currently putting me off.

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Perhaps since every Xbox One will come with a Kinect 2, games developers will be more likely to try and integrate it?


I think that'll be exactly what will happen. Developers wont be limiting their potential audience anymore by creating Kinect games so you would hope that would get a rise in quality as well. Not that it really matters to me anyway, I have no interest in playing motion controlled games regardless of quality.

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I'm intrigued by Xbox 1.

Kinect on 360 was complete rubbish other than Just Dance and a proper Kinect could be brilliant, although I still think a game like Tiger Woods works and feels more realistic with a wiimote,

but some of the other Kinect stuff does look good.


500GB Hard drive seems massive compared to Wii U, BUT, the games will no doubt be huge and because they HAVE to be burned to the HD this will fill up pretty quickly.


Blu Ray is nice, but if like me you already own a separate Blu Ray player you can't help wondering how much extra and you are paying for something you don't want or need.


The 2nd hand game situation can only be damaging to Xbox 1 as there are simply no benefits to this for the consumer but plenty of negatives.


The machine will not be cheap and you will pay for it twice over with xbox live subscriptions.


My conclusions are as a multi media centre the Xbox 1 seems to tick all the boxes although you will be paying for things you already have in your house like Windows, Blu Ray, Skype etc.


As a games console it looks like a very expensive upgrade to a 360. Kinect could be the killer app and at least Microsoft have tried to innovate, unlike the PS4 which really needs to move on from the SNES prototype controller already.

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Not to mention that the Xbox is designed to have all your entertainment needs in One box.


Except Xbox 360 games.


The fact it looks like you need a cable/freeview/whatever gives you your TV box plugged into the xbox itself to get the content means you will still have 3 boxes under your TV. :)

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Not sure if this will work, but it's a video about the new Kinect. I have to say it look pretty damned impressive. I know people think it's just a gimmick, but if games were made that actually used this technology well, i think it could be amazing.




See things like this actually keep me interested. I never even got the first Kinect, but I like the look of this. The reveal yesterday should've had a lot more real footage (that TV stuff all looked pre-composed), and demos like this, a few more games and about 10% of the TV and sports.

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Giantbomb: Talking Xbox One With Microsoft's Albert Penello


Jeff: ‘I feel like going in we knew going in there would not be a ton games. I can stand to see some games [laughs].’


Albert: ‘Yes. You read the internet. When you go through this, you sort of know it's going to happen. I kind of joke ‘’damned if you do, damn if you don’t’’. When I go back and look at E3, we always take a ton of stick for that part where we want to talk about the other parts the system does. ’


Jeff: ‘Exactly.’


Albert: ‘So we said: Hey, let’s have a briefing that sort of goes and talks about our aspirations and I hope [mumbles]. Everybody was super consciences of saying that like that is not what this one [conference] was. This is about talking the overall vision, announce the name, what we’re trying to do, give some context about hardware. That will free us up for E3 to just like, nail it on games.’


(Further in the podcast)


Albert: ‘This (conference) was the part of E3 people don’t like. We took that over and made it into an event and said ‘let’s talk about what we’re trying to do and get that out of the way. And that frees us up for E3.’’

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But... now that we know part of their - evil - plans to effectively eradicate the second-hand games market, is anyone going to be really... that interested in the games?


Seriously, the only thing that could have a small chance of swinging it for me is if the rumored Rare game is something really special, and even then I'll probably just say to myself 'oh well... guess that's one game I'll never play' due to me really not wanting to purchase a console which tries to dictate what I do with my games that I've paid money for.


It makes no sense at all. :blank:

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