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Pokemon Wii U (Wanted / Why isn't it happening?)


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Black & White changed that a little. During your Elite Four challenge, it gets interrupted by story stuff.


That's literally the smallest change, ever. I remember being shocked when I played it simply because they had actually bothered lol.


The current formula is great and has been since day 1, it sells loads and not evolving the series much keeps costs down so it's clear to see why they aren't keen to revamp everything. It's similar to Zelda in a way and more so the NSMB series.


I'll still buy the games day 1 of course, but there is still a lot of undiscovered potential in the franchise.

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That's literally the smallest change, ever. I remember being shocked when I played it simply because they had actually bothered lol.


The current formula is great and has been since day 1, it sells loads and not evolving the series much keeps costs down so it's clear to see why they aren't keen to revamp everything. It's similar to Zelda in a way and more so the NSMB series.


I'll still buy the games day 1 of course, but there is still a lot of undiscovered potential in the franchise.

Don't worry, X & Y is being classed as an evolution, so...

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#juststealingideas more like it. :heh:


'Fine tuning' ideas ;)


I dunno why it is so hard for people to understand why Pocket Monsters is called Pocket Monsters.


Because the characters fit them in their pockets, not us. Smash Bros ain't called that because you should beat up your brothers.


Doesn't make sense? Don't care! :heh:

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I don't want the main series to change at all, but I do want a good console game too. I mean it wouldn't hurt trying right? They already took the risk of "damaging the pokémon franchise" by releasing so many spin off series like pokémon ranger, pokémon mystery dungeon, pokémon rumble, pokémon trozei, pokémon snap and so on and so on. All those titles didn't ruin the pokémon image, so I don't see why releasing a WiiU title would hurt it. It doesn't even matter if it's classified as a main series game or as a spin off game. People just want something like colosseum, but well done.

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I don't want the main series to change at all, but I do want a good console game too. I mean it wouldn't hurt trying right? They already took the risk of "damaging the pokémon franchise" by releasing so many spin off series like pokémon ranger, pokémon mystery dungeon, pokémon rumble, pokémon trozei, pokémon snap and so on and so on. All those titles didn't ruin the pokémon image, so I don't see why releasing a WiiU title would hurt it. It doesn't even matter if it's classified as a main series game or as a spin off game. People just want something like colosseum, but well done.




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@Serebii why is it so hard to see that some people want more from the series than that?


A chance to see Pokémon gloriously animated in an expansive console adventure, packed full of side quests.


It would be like if Mario was still a 2D side scroller, Zelda was still a top down adventure... people would always be wondering what if, and the potential for the series in this HD era.


Personally I just look at Pokémon X and Y and see Pokémon Black and White, except with more 3D elements. But I mean look at those textures and jaggy 3D models. I know Pokémon in it's current form on the handheld isn't necessarily about the visuals at all, but still, it doesn't mean you can't imagine what it's capable of being!


I don't know whether it's because 2D handheld Pokémon is such a part of your life that it scares you to think of change for the series or something? But it's really Nintendo's only franchise that hasn't been done justice on a Home Console.

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@Serebii why is it so hard to see that some people want more from the series than that?


A chance to see Pokémon gloriously animated in an expansive console adventure, packed full of side quests.


It would be like if Mario was still a 2D side scroller, Zelda was still a top down adventure... people would always be wondering what if, and the potential for the series in this HD era.


Personally I just look at Pokémon X and Y and see Pokémon Black and White, except with more 3D elements. But I mean look at those textures and jaggy 3D models. I know Pokémon in it's current form on the handheld isn't necessarily about the visuals at all, but still, it doesn't mean you can't imagine what it's capable of being!


I don't know whether it's because 2D handheld Pokémon is such a part of your life that it scares you to think of change for the series or something? But it's really Nintendo's only franchise that hasn't been done justice on a Home Console.

Even if it was on a home console, that doesn't mean they'd do realistic graphics. They went for a stylistic choice with Pokémon X & Y. They always have said that if they were to go 3D, then they'd make sure it'd be fully stylised, as it is in X & Y.


As for "jaggies". Let's look at other 3DS screenshots, note that they too have "jaggies". They always look better when being played.


As for 2D handheld Pokémon being "part of my life", if that was the case then I'd be pissed and complaining about X & Y, because it's not 2D at all

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Even if it was on a home console, that doesn't mean they'd do realistic graphics. They went for a stylistic choice with Pokémon X & Y. They always have said that if they were to go 3D, then they'd make sure it'd be fully stylised, as it is in X & Y.
I don't want realistic graphics? where are you getting that from?

From the very start of this thread I've used Ni No Kuni as a beautiful art style for a console Pokémon game




Or they could even use the Wind Waker engine in some form if they're not going to put it to good use.


I just think there's so much scope and potential on the home console these days, look at the size of the worlds they're able to create in game like Skyrim or Xenoblade! They could create a vast Pokémon region (I wouldn't want it open world though, more a progressive style, but maybe ultimately open world come the end of the game), and you could travel to islands on your Lapras, Wind Waker Style, or need to get somewhere fast, pull out your Charizard and take to the skies etc... travel on foot or on the back of your Rapidash [/insert favourite Pokémon] it could be glorious! and ultimately so much fun! Using your Pokémons abilities for side quests. Towns, Ports... Battling wild Pokémon, Gym Leaders, walking out into a vast Colosseum for the final battle. A real Pokemon world to fully integrate yourself and get lost in!

Edited by Retro_Link
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In our flat, we have an original GameBoy, a GameBoy Color, Advance, Nintendo DS, DSlite and 3DS.


The only Pokemon game I will play is Pokemon Yellow. Looking at what Nintendo has done since then (not really counting Gold and Silver), they have missed huge opportunities for change. I regard it on the same sort of level as Animal Crossing, where Nintendo seek to do the bare minimum instead of changing their approach and improve the series even further.


People are not asking for extremely realistic graphics or huge FMVs. What we simply want are what the originals offered but on a much bigger and grander scale. A better narative. More subplots. A fully-blown RPG about Pokemon.


I remember playing Wild World on the DS and really connecting with it. "I can't wait to see how this looks on the next Nintendo home console," I thought. It looked the same. Played the same. Was the same. "Maybe the 3DS version will prove it." In a very minute way, you could possibly argue that.


EA often get called out on their reluctance to change their franchises up. You can't call out the likes of Fifa without equally implicating games such as New Super Mario Bros. or the Pokemon series. They deserve it.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I mean this in no disrespect at all, but comparing pokémon X and Y footage with WiiU games is an overstatement. I know the games aren't finished yet, but the overworld does look pretty sloppy and just very much reminds me so much of pokémon black and white. I'm not a "graphics whore" at all, and I don't think all games need super advanced high realistic graphics, on the contrary! But I do believe the WiiU is capable of doing more for the pokémon franchise than the 3DS does (from a graphical point of view)


Look it's not like I would expect another main series game on the WiiU, as I already stated in my previous post. I want something NEW for the WiiU, something that uses the unique abilities of the system to make a better game. Pokémon X and Y is a natural progression of the series, and although the graphics might be in full 3D this time, it still is the same grid based overworld with the same battle system. And I don't have any problems with that, it works great on portable systems. I just would really love it if the developers found a way to take the pokémon experience to the WiiU without making it another kiddie game. And something like Ni no Kuni does look very tempting. I mean if so many other studios can make portable and console versions of their games, there must be a way to adjust the pokémon franchise to make it work on home consoles without losing the typical "main series" on the portable systems.


It's not like I'm expecting game freak to dramatically alter the main series. I just wish they tried something new (yet hardcore) for the WiiU, unrelated to the main series.

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I loved @Ramar's idea of using the GamePad as a Pokedex to scan Pokémon for information, and maybe scan the area for hidden wild Pokemon etc...! And of course you can have your Pokémon moves and stats etc... mapped out on the gamepad to keep the screen clear.


Out of interest @Serebii can you just watch this review for Ni No Kuni with an open mind, and see if you think something like that could work for a home console Pokémon?...


Review: http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/9g5ua4/ni-no-kuni--wrath-of-the-white-witch-review

Edited by Retro_Link
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I don't want realistic graphics? where are you getting that from?

From the very start of this thread I've used Ni No Kuni as a beautiful art style for a console Pokémon game




Or they could even use the Wind Waker engine in some form if they're not going to put it to good use.


I just think there's so much scope and potential on the home console these days, look at the size of the worlds they're able to create in game like Skyrim or Xenoblade! They could create a vast Pokémon region (I wouldn't want it open world though, more a progressive style, but maybe ultimately open world come the end of the game), and you could travel to islands on your Lapras, Wind Waker Style, or need to get somewhere fast, pull out your Charizard and take to the skies etc... travel on foot or on the back of your Rapidash [/insert favourite Pokémon] it could be glorious! and ultimately so much fun! Using your Pokémons abilities for side quests. Towns, Ports... Battling wild Pokémon, Gym Leaders, walking out into a vast Colosseum for the final battle. A real Pokemon world to fully integrate yourself and get lost in!


Nail. On. Head.

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I just think there's so much scope and potential on the home console these days, look at the size of the worlds they're able to create in game like Skyrim or Xenoblade! They could create a vast Pokémon region (I wouldn't want it open world though, more a progressive style, but maybe ultimately open world come the end of the game), and you could travel to islands on your Lapras, Wind Waker Style, or need to get somewhere fast, pull out your Charizard and take to the skies etc... travel on foot or on the back of your Rapidash [/insert favourite Pokémon] it could be glorious! and ultimately so much fun! Using your Pokémons abilities for side quests. Towns, Ports... Battling wild Pokémon, Gym Leaders, walking out into a vast Colosseum for the final battle. A real Pokemon world to fully integrate yourself and get lost in!


All this, which is the kind of thing I was getting at in X/Y thread. I want a genuine world to explore. Not a set bunch of routes with a million and one limitations, some imposed by current hardware and some because they refuse to move past the decisions enforced by previous hardware limits. I don't want to look up and see half a dozen trainers stating perfectly still waiting for me to cross their path - it looks stranger the less the games require us to use our imagination.


One thing I would like to see as well (this oes whether console or portable) is for all the Gym Leaders to actually be powerful and not just around the level you are supposed to be at that point in the game. If they are supposed to be the best of best outside the elite four, I'd like to see some evidence of that. They should be more than just a key to the lock of the next couple of routes.



Saying XY is delivering the console experience we want is somewhat misleading. It could have been accomplished on a Dreamcast - online as well. It's delivering the console experience we wanted 10 years ago when we would have accepted the bare minimum 3D world and ok visuals just for the chance of having it... which is what we are getting so far.


Colosseum had some faults, but it wasn't a bad game. Throw in some routes to link locations,with wild obtainable creatures, and a few more Gyms and you're most of the way to the full single player Pokémon experience... except with a half decent story for a change. You could also move in more than 4 directions too. It was as if they were only given the budget to make 1/3 of a proper game and they did the best they could.


But times have moved on and we know the home machines are capable of so much more and can deliver a world that a portable like the 3DS can't - not just graphically, but from a gameplay perspective too in order to deliver the ultimate Pokémon experience.

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As many people have already said, it's not especially about graphics but being part of a vibrant Pokémon world that's exciting. When I look at shots of Pokémon Snap, I just think how awesome it would be for a game to look like that where you could travel on foot and collect PKMN.





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