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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Blerrrrgggghhhhh off protein >_________________________<




Today my workout consisted of:


Hang cleans - got up to 40kg. So much harder when you've not got the momentum from floor to knees. Its weird going from a clean where the bar has to be moved around you, to a hang clean where you have to move around the bar, keeping it going up straight.


Snatch balance - got up to 40kg. Bloody hell. Start with bar on back, wide snatch grip. Pop the bar up as you dive under into a squat, pushing the bar up straight. This is a proper challenge for me, I have to control my superflexible shoulders, tighten my shoulders and hold everything as rigid as possible. My rhomboids are hurting already :(


Jerk - my pt wanted to test my 1rm on this. I can confidently push press 55kg, so he was like ok, lets see if you can do 45kg. So I'm like..... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED IMMA KICK 45s ASSSS. Up to 52.5kg :D I think I can get up to 60kg, but by this point my wrists and shoulders were properly hammered so we stopped.

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Had Push Day and did about 15 minutes or so of skipping after it. I showered up and sat on the sofa, thinking "ah, you worked hard, but you're not really THAT tired?" I got up to get something and then it hit me, tiredness, boom! My body just thought "fuckit, you've worked hard, sit and eat some prawns now." So, I did.


Also, fuuuuuuuck. People on facebook are winding me up. Two statuses in particular.


"Exercise is bad for you = fact. Stick to cakes, people!"


I can see the joking side, but then she goes on to say that she did circuit training and buggered both of her knees up. Warm-ups, not even once.


The second one...fuuuck.


"Ibiza in a few days with blahblahherpaderpa (not his real name)... This time, the holiday diet hasn't even begun yet! Hand me the wine, pizza, garlic bread, pud puds and hobnobs. Life's for living, diets suck!"


Picture of said person:







There's me cutting, exercising, training hard, still looking like sheeeeet. Demoralising at times.

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People on facebook have been pissing me off annaul recently for the exact same reasons as above. Except these are fat effers who complain that they wanna look like Kate Moss then 10 mins later post a picture of their chocolate pudding. You cant have both duck!!


Btw whats "push day"?

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Packed on some weight this year so I'm back on the regular excercise wagon, been doing alot of cardio (~80km of biking/day, some rope skipping in the morning everyday and I go kayaking once or twice a week) and calisthenics. Had forgotten how good it feels to workout, I've been a lazy slob this past year, lol...

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@Fierce_LiNk Come on man, you know you've been created for greatness. You pump and lift and kick ass all day because you CAN. You're not a man, you're a MACHINE. You destroy and annihilate, your willpower smashes comments like that with its super heavyweight dick. You yourself eat bitches like her for breakfast and scrape your ass with the bones.


Just keep going, you GOT THIS mang.

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People on facebook have been pissing me off annaul recently for the exact same reasons as above. Except these are fat effers who complain that they wanna look like Kate Moss then 10 mins later post a picture of their chocolate pudding. You cant have both duck!!


Btw whats "push day"?


Push/Pull refer to the different motion of exercises. Examples of Push exercises would be Bench Press, Chest Press, Overhead Press, etc. Pull examples would be Pull Ups, Rows, Lat Pull Downs, etc.


Most people tend to split workout routines into upper/lower splits or push/pull splits. I tend to do everything in one sitting. I usually do 3 full body workouts a week.

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People on facebook have been pissing me off annaul recently for the exact same reasons as above. Except these are fat effers who complain that they wanna look like Kate Moss then 10 mins later post a picture of their chocolate pudding. You cant have both duck!!


Btw whats "push day"?


They want eet all. Some things you just have to work for.


My split is Legs/Push/Pull. Exercise 3 days and 1 day rest, so you should be working out everything twice a week during that.


Legs = squats, lunges, calve raises, hamstring curls.

Push = overhead/military/shoulder press, incline bench, flat bench, dips (can often replace one of the exercises with side lateral raises, close grip bench, or bent over raises to hit the anterior delts)

Pull = pull-ups, deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, shrugs, barbell curls. You can also add in some chin-ups or t-bar rows or dumbbell rows.


You don't have to do EVERYTHING all at once, since you're hitting it all twice a week anyway. So, what I do is focus on the compounds first and do the rest, depending on time or what area I think I need to hit. I pretty much work down that list, sometimes doing flat bench first, or sometimes doing incline first or shoulders.


I love it, though. I've seen good progress with it, it's helped with conditioning my body so I don't feel as sore as I used to and I just find it more manageable.


Sometimes you won't want to do the Pull Day because you might still be tired from the previous two days, so you just add the rest day in there and do the Pull Day the day after. No point forcing it if it's going to be a shitty workout.

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Wow!! Never even considered a routine like that.


Ive always done it per body part so for example chest day. I always thought thay what everyone did.


Is your growth a lot better this way then? How many exercises per session do you tend to do? Do you tend to do push,pull,legs. Off then repeat?

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Wow!! Never even considered a routine like that.


Ive always done it per body part so for example chest day. I always thought thay what everyone did.


Is your growth a lot better this way then? How many exercises per session do you tend to do? Do you tend to do push,pull,legs. Off then repeat?


There's lots of different ways to train. The most common way seems to be Monday = Chest (international chest day laaawl) and Tris, Wednesday = Back and Bis, Friday = Shoulders and legs or something. It works for people.


For me, I love this routine that I'm doing. When I was bulking, I was seeing strength gains that I wasn't seeing before. My bench press in particular was getting stronger all the time. Had I kept going, I'm sure it would have been even stronger now. But, there's so many things you need to look at, like rep ranges. If you're going for strength, then you'll need to sacrifice the amount of reps that you usually do.


5x5 is very popular and it was something that I was doing when I was bulking. It allows you to push more weight, since you're going for less reps. You could also go for 3 x 5. The common one seems to be 3 x 8-10 reps for an exercise. It all depends on what you're trying to do.


I tend to start with Leg Day at the start of the week, then go for Push the next day. I usually find that I'm good for Pull on the third day, but sometimes I will put the rest day in there and do Pull the day after. It's rolling, so it doesn't feel like "shit, it's Monday, must work chest!"

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Sounds all good to me.


I thought the reason why for example you focus on muscle groups was to wear them down so that they then recover.


So on a push day- doing four sets of chest press and that it will have the same effect as doing a "chest day"? Im trying to understand.

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I realised my dream is to look good naked. I mean, I look stunning now of course since I lost all the weight ages ago, but I'm not toned at all. I wish I was. Well actually I'd rather be muscle-bound than particularly skinny but beggars can't be choosers. I'm TRYING to get motivated to go to the gym regularly, but until such time (I go like once a week looool) I'm doing that 7-minute workout app on my phone. I really like it, and it feels like I'm doing something worthwhile. I can feel it in my POOR WEAK FEEBLE muscles. I'll upgrade after I do it for a bit longer.

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Sounds all good to me.


I thought the reason why for example you focus on muscle groups was to wear them down so that they then recover.


So on a push day- doing four sets of chest press and that it will have the same effect as doing a "chest day"? Im trying to understand.


In a sense, there's not a lot of a difference between a Push Day and a chest day, there's just slight variations here and there. For example, when you're benching, you're also working the triceps and the shoulders. So, instead of waiting a few days to hit the shoulders and tris again, you're grouping it to hit them all on the same day.


It depends a lot on rep ranges and how much weight you're using, too. It also depends on your conditioning. I prefer hitting my chest and shoulders twice a week but doing it fully. Really, what you want to be doing is hitting your compounds. They're the exercises where you'll hit multiple muscles at once. These Push Pull Legs routines are good because you're grouping those compounds together and hitting them more often, which will help you see strength and muscle gains if you do it all right. (eating right, resting, etc)

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Had my first run today after the injury; no problems. Ran 4.05 km in 17 minutes (time running while waiting for green at one occasion). Since there were no pain in my knee, I guess I'll ease myself back to squats now before I fully return to crossfit. Looking forward to that!


Also, getting quite good at strict pull-ups now. Think I did about 45 today before giving up (not at once, though! Did 6, then 10 push-ups, 6 more, 10 push-ups, then 5 as long as I could, then 4 as long as I could, etc. all with 10 push-ups in between).

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Did legs today.


I think im going to do my 5 day split for another 8 weeks then change into that pull/push routine. Im guessing its good to keep changing the routine anyway.


Another way of doing it that I didn't mention earlier is also incorporating the legs into those push pull days, rather than having a separate day for legs.


So, you might do squats and lunges on a push day and then deadlifts and hamstring curls on a pull day. I prefer giving them a day to themselves but each to their own.


Do what's best for you, you don't need to do this routine to see strength or muscle gains. Make take a little time to see what other routines are out there and see what you think.


I've had a little trouble with my weighing scale this morning. I stepped on it and came out at around 70.8kg. Afterwards, I remembered you could programme your own info into it, such as height, sex and age. So, I did that and came out at 69.8kg instead. Even if I did input my details, surely the numbers should be the same?

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Runners, anyone know of any cheap websites to get some new trainers? Sports-Direct isn't cutting the mustard.


I got Nike Free's from JD Sports, weren't that cheap though. Pro Direct has a running site perhaps try that.



Someone what gutted that I've had to cancel all the home Gym stuff I ordered. Turns out the logistics of having a squat rack and large amount of weight on an upstairs floor is not workable.


I'm going to comfort eat my weight in chocolate digestives to make me feel better. :sad:

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If I have space for 1 piece of equipment, what would people suggest as the best all-round thing to get? When my sister goes to uni I was thinking of getting a rowing machine and putting it in her room you see, but I'm not too knowledgeable about this sort of thing.

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If I have space for 1 piece of equipment, what would people suggest as the best all-round thing to get? When my sister goes to uni I was thinking of getting a rowing machine and putting it in her room you see, but I'm not too knowledgeable about this sort of thing.


Depends on what your purpose is, Cardio or strength training?


Rowing machine would be good for cardio, if it's weights you're interested in, get a squat rack of some sort.

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