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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Yessss for short legs! They have their advantage, I have no problems with squat depth, I can pretty much get ATG. My problem is keeping myself tight and straight whilst coming up. I'm quite new to squats so I guess it'll come with time.


I tried a new preworkout yesterday (Musclepharm Assault), was like rocket fuel during my workout, I was on fire and kicked ALL the asses. 50kg power clean and ohp x3! Threw it up like I was superman too, none of this ARGHGHGHG... nearly got it.. yay...*death* business.


Then I got home, crashed so hard I spent the next 12 hours in a borderline comatose vomiting state. >_<


Only intend to use it for my 1rm days (usually once a week) so by next Sunday it'll be completely out of my system, and I'll give it a shot with a quarter of what I used last time. I've no need for a stim when I'm only doing 50%rm or things like kettlebell swings!


I was so dehydrated yesterday from all the vom that I was drinking my weight in water today, I've done nothing but peeeeeeeeeeee.


Lesson well learned, not all preworkouts are the same!!!


I started slimming world today as well, their guidelines seem to suit me for a training style diet (plenty of protein, lower fat, moderate carbs)

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Good job, Raineeng. Strength, rawwwr.


I tell you what pisses me off: The stuff people who don't lift or don't exercise spout. For example, these gems.


"You'll get fat once you stop working out."

"You'll get bad knees from squatting."

"Too much muscle isn't good for your body."

"You shouldn't work out so much because you'll get too big."


I also got told recently that I'm getting too wide/broad...how can that be a criticism? Unless you're 2 metres or something stupid across your chest, howww? Got told today I that I walked like an orang-utan because of how I walked due to back having some width.

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I also got told recently that I'm getting too wide/broad...how can that be a criticism? Unless you're 2 metres or something stupid across your chest, howww? Got told today I that I walked like an orang-utan because of how I walked due to back having some width.


You should tell those people what Mark Rippetoe said, “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general.”


Who wouldn't want to be harder to kill?

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Another one that pisses me off is people who say they 'can't run' because their knees can't take it. I've no doubt some people have serious conditions that prevent them from said activity, the vast majority say even though they've no idea how good running is for your bones.


As someone who has suffered a pretty horrific knee injury a few years back, I always press people on why they say it and almost all the time they just guess that their knees can't take it.

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Anyone got any ideas on strengthening football kicks? I hurt my leg a couple months ago and it still feels weak when I play, so I just want some light exercise for it. The kicking motion is really strange and I'm finding impossible to exercise in the gym.


I also got told recently that I'm getting too wide/broad...how can that be a criticism? Unless you're 2 metres or something stupid across your chest, howww? Got told today I that I walked like an orang-utan because of how I walked due to back having some width.


The other day my mum asked me why my arms were so big and then said I "looked weird". Really helped my self-esteem.

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Good job, Raineeng. Strength, rawwwr.


I tell you what pisses me off: The stuff people who don't lift or don't exercise spout. For example, these gems.


"You'll get fat once you stop working out."

"You'll get bad knees from squatting."

"Too much muscle isn't good for your body."

"You shouldn't work out so much because you'll get too big."


I also got told recently that I'm getting too wide/broad...how can that be a criticism? Unless you're 2 metres or something stupid across your chest, howww? Got told today I that I walked like an orang-utan because of how I walked due to back having some width.


I love hearing stuff like that. My other favourite things are 'broscience', things that 'bros' tell you in the gym.


Such as:


- Do sit-ups to burn fat from your stomach area

- If you stop working out the muscle will turn into fat

- If you eat carbs at night you get fat

- Egg yolks are bad for you

- Your body will adapt for a program if you don't change it up.


Anyone got any ideas on strengthening football kicks? I hurt my leg a couple months ago and it still feels weak when I play, so I just want some light exercise for it. The kicking motion is really strange and I'm finding impossible to exercise in the gym.


I would guess that general leg and core work are your best bet for that.

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It's weird, I do legs and core and I can tonk the ball hard, but the general movement of the kick is hard to replicate and after having this injury I'm finding it hard to lightly strengthen.


One of the things I did years ago when rehabbing my knee was using an ankle weight on the leg whilst replicating the kicking motion. Felt a little strange at first but I did notice the difference when going back to kicking normally.

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Students on exams = quiet gym. So blissful!


My right knee felt a bit weird though, noticed it while cycling in. Hopefully just slept funny or something.


@Charlie I finally got round to ordering that powder you recommended. Would you suggest mixing it with water or milk? I imagine one would taste like milkshake, and the other would taste like a cold hot chocolate...

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Students on exams = quiet gym. So blissful!


My right knee felt a bit weird though, noticed it while cycling in. Hopefully just slept funny or something.


@Charlie I finally got round to ordering that powder you recommended. Would you suggest mixing it with water or milk? I imagine one would taste like milkshake, and the other would taste like a cold hot chocolate...


Try both and see what you prefer. Milk doesn't agree with me so I always went with water. As it mixes so well it still tastes really nice.

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Students on exams = quiet gym. So blissful!


My right knee felt a bit weird though, noticed it while cycling in. Hopefully just slept funny or something.


@Charlie I finally got round to ordering that powder you recommended. Would you suggest mixing it with water or milk? I imagine one would taste like milkshake, and the other would taste like a cold hot chocolate...


What one is that?


I get a weird pain near my ankles/ shins when I run after about 8minutes each time. It really hurts and carries on for a while even after I stop.


Could it be shin splints?

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Anyone know where I can get some protein filled recipes? Would like to spice up chicken and brown rice if I can.


-Salmon, brocolli and carrots. I eat it without a sauce but you can make one very easily.

-Chicken breasts, cut the bottom open to make a pouch. Fill with salt/pepper/chilli powder/other spices. Steam for 30 minutes. Serve with veg.

-Chicken fajitas! Very healthy if you make it properly.


I steam everything these days as it is so much healthier, and easier, than frying things. If I can't steam it for whatever reason I'll grill it in the Foreman. Frying is a last resort.

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What one is that?


I get a weird pain near my ankles/ shins when I run after about 8minutes each time. It really hurts and carries on for a while even after I stop.


Could it be shin splints?


When I had shin splints back in my youth it was just below the knee/top of my tibia. If I remember right it felt like a really dull ache.

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Anyone know where I can get some protein filled recipes? Would like to spice up chicken and brown rice if I can.


-Salmon, brocolli and carrots. I eat it without a sauce but you can make one very easily.

-Chicken breasts, cut the bottom open to make a pouch. Fill with salt/pepper/chilli powder/other spices. Steam for 30 minutes. Serve with veg.

-Chicken fajitas! Very healthy if you make it properly.


I steam everything these days as it is so much healthier, and easier, than frying things. If I can't steam it for whatever reason I'll grill it in the Foreman. Frying is a last resort.


Fajitas are a God-send. So tasty, good for you and easy to cook.

Eggs are another one. You can do so much with them. Scramble them, boil them, poach them (oh my goodness, possibly the best type of egg) or add them to the rice to make an egg-fried rice. Just for variety.

Roast chicken with veg? You could always put some small roast potatoes with it.

I'm going to grill some chicken this week and have that in a pitta bread with some vegetables.

Also, for variety, quorrrrrnnnn. I love the stuff. You can make a lovely mexican chilli with it with some brown rice.


Leg day today. My depth was good, happy with it. But, fuuuuck, my legs. Front squats and back squats...thank fuck I haven't got to do that again for a few days.

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Fajitas are a God-send. So tasty, good for you and easy to cook.


I can no longer see the word 'fajita' and pronounce it properly in my head. It's always 'fa-dge-ee-ta' and jalapenos as 'ja-lap-ee-nos'.


I blame Still Game.

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I also got told recently that I'm getting too wide/broad...how can that be a criticism? Unless you're 2 metres or something stupid across your chest, howww? Got told today I that I walked like an orang-utan because of how I walked due to back having some width.


Different sizes are attractive to different people. Some people find slimmer builds attractive and so can think you are "too big". It's not that hard to understand.


The other day my mum asked me why my arms were so big and then said I "looked weird". Really helped my self-esteem.


This is probably because she is not used to it. After seeing you with smaller arms for so long it can look odd for someone to become different. Even if it is in a good way. I recently got a haircut and my friend told me I looked weird, following that with "I like it". You shouldn't take it as a negative unless she means you look ugly. But you don't work out to impress your mother anyway.

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I can no longer see the word 'fajita' and pronounce it properly in my head. It's always 'fa-dge-ee-ta' and jalapenos as 'ja-lap-ee-nos'.


I blame Still Game.


I call them "fa-gi-tas" like vagina, to piss Ine off. :D


Different sizes are attractive to different people. Some people find slimmer builds attractive and so can think you are "too big". It's not that hard to understand.


The point I was making was that I'm not broad at all. I wouldn't say so anyway. But yes, maybe you're right.


Legs kill today, particularly the quads. A friend at work strained his shoulder by picking up a book...no sympathy was given by me.

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I do a football club which starts at 4 o'clock (as soon as lessons end) and should run til about 5. Yesterday, 4 of the Dads decided to play (as they often do) and we didn't finish til 6 o'clock. 2 hours of continuous football. No breaks, no time for a breather, no subs. I ended up playing in goal, defence, midfield, wings and up front at the SAME TIME as my team were shite and couldn't do anything. This is 2 days after leg day, so my legs felt really heavy, too.


Came home, ate tea, went for a little nap at 8:30 and didn't wake up until just now. Still so tired.


@Blade, new meal idea: Grilled chicken and vegetables in a pitta bread. I tried some with a tiny bit of bbq sauce. Oh my, so lovely.

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@Blade, new meal idea: Grilled chicken and vegetables in a pitta bread. I tried some with a tiny bit of bbq sauce. Oh my, so lovely.


Cheers! Sounds great. I will try that.


I thought id have something different than oats this morning so I had scrambled egg. I didnt get rid of the yolk though. Is that bad?

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Cheers! Sounds great. I will try that.


I thought id have something different than oats this morning so I had scrambled egg. I didnt get rid of the yolk though. Is that bad?


It's one of those highly-debated subjects that I think very few people actually know the answer to. Some say that the yolk itself can lead to high cholesterol levels, whilst some say that the yolk itself contains nutrients that are good for the body.


From what I've been reading, it's only bad if you consistently eat yolks on a daily basis, and we're talking more than 3 at a time.

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Curious to know whether people track what they do at each workout?


I use an app called Evernote, really handy for keeping track of how what exercises i've done, how many sets/reps i've done and with what weight. I find it also helps in those moments when you're not feeling like the gym at all, a quick glance at my logs and i'm fired up to go.


I really don't get people who go to the gym without an actual plan of what they're going to do and what they're looking to achieve.

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