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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Basically I'm like the chap in the picture if you imagine he has a 2/3 inch longer spine, and thus the arm reach is more at toes. If I sit back on my heels any more I will fall back, and actually did with 70kg >_< I will try to engage my chest moar and see if it helps. I think the only way I'll get better is with a whole lot of practice. I'm holding it in tight, as far as my body structure allows. I was actually trying to force it along my legs before today, it just swang out to the natural position and put a shitload of strain through my shoulders in the process >_<

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I was really struggling with my deadlift form since I started learning to do them. It doesn't matter whichways I bend, twist, sit, stretch, I CANNOT get the barbell to my legs. Its supposed to roll up your leg, like in this picture. Its *supposed* to damage your skin. The closer it is to you the less reliance you have on the wrong places (spine mostly)




It seems that I have a short femur (despite being 5ft10, 178 cm) and a long spine, so I'm overhanging more than is natural in this position, putting the bar about 1.5/2 inches away from my legs. My PT checked my form and all seems to be good, I'm keeping my spine straight, using all the correct muscles etc. So I guess I'm just a malformed freak =P I pulled a 90kg, and NEARLY a 95kg. Got a FRACTION of movement to get the full lockout.


I also managed a PB in power clean & press. Last week I did both at 42.5kg, a 45kg p.clean, and an assisted 45kg press. This week I did 2x fully unassisted 45kg p.clean/press :D I got to the last part of the press and I was struggling, could sense my pt had jumped behind me to assist, but turns out I had managed to do it all by myself. :D I genuinely felt like he had assisted!


My PT can't quite believe how far i've come. My stats are unbelievable on paper, I started deadlifting two weeks ago, and I can nearly do 95kg. About 5 weeks of clean and press training, I've got to 45kg, and in the same time I've pretty much mastered the snatch technique (a quite complicated olympic lift)


I'm just awesome =] (i think genetics may have a part to play in this, my father is a beast too)


Great effort, some great stats there. Be prepared for a slight plateau at some point soon though. Guys on /r/fitness say that when you start off lifting properly you can increase your weights massively at the start but after a few months they big gains tail-off. Make the most of this time while you still can!




I think I'm going to start doing the 'Definition' 12 week Maximuscle challenge. THe work out looks really good with a lot of compound movements.

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Starting Strength is a good basic beginner's routine, Rippetoe knows his stuff.


However not everybody is able to learn sufficient power clean form on their own so those are often substituted with bent over rows or pull ups.




Completely agree with this. Take out the power cleans and do both bent over rows and (assisted) pull ups instead.


It's a great workout for beginners.

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Did arms after work today. However some people are starting to piss me off. Blokes who wear vests and think they are massive. Another annoyance is when they throw the weights down (so it makes a loud noise) and then they look at themselves in the mirror thinking they are reyt hard. Pricks

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Did arms after work today. However some people are starting to piss me off. Blokes who wear vests and think they are massive. Another annoyance is when they throw the weights down (so it makes a loud noise) and then they look at themselves in the mirror thinking they are reyt hard. Pricks


Nothing more annoying. Even more amusing when you see their pencil legs.

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Nothing more annoying. Even more amusing when you see their pencil legs.




I never saw many guys working their legs in the gym whilst I was there. In the gym before that, there was even less. It was all biceps, chest and abs. Never saw anybody deadlift, never saw any rows, hardly ever saw squats.

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I never saw many guys working their legs in the gym whilst I was there. In the gym before that, there was even less. It was all biceps, chest and abs. Never saw anybody deadlift, never saw any rows, hardly ever saw squats.


That picture is quality.


My gym is actually pretty good for that. Lots of people doing squats and deadlifts. However, there are still loads of folk who I never see doing any leg work.


I never bother with abs. Just seems utterly redundant. Didn't really do my legs until a couple months ago either because I cycle everywhere on a fixed gear.


I did shoulders today, didn't have too much time annoyingly.


If you do a lot of squats then that should work your abs without you realising. You might find that doing squats and other leg work will improve your cycling.

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I never bother with abs. Just seems utterly redundant. Didn't really do my legs until a couple months ago either because I cycle everywhere on a fixed gear.


I did shoulders today, didn't have too much time annoyingly.


That picture is quality.


My gym is actually pretty good for that. Lots of people doing squats and deadlifts. However, there are still loads of folk who I never see doing any leg work.




If you do a lot of squats then that should work your abs without you realising. You might find that doing squats and other leg work will improve your cycling.


I don't do any form of specific abs exercise. If I hit the abs, it'll be through something else. A secondary effect. It's a waste of time really, you're much better off doing some cardio or yoga/something for flexibility, or just training other parts of your body.


Deadlifted yesterday, feeling mighty sore today. First time doing it since being ill, so it's nice to do it again. Also hit the traps again yesterday, they are aching today. Feel too tired from work tonight to exercise, so will rest and either hit the legs or chest again tomorrow. Possibly legs.


I've noticed that the backs of my legs/hamstrings are looking bigger than they have done before. I've definitely gained some mass there. It's noticeable wearing trousers for work, they're getting too tight around the legs. Downside of exercise is having to buy new clothes when your body changes.

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cheers for ze protips guize.


Since I've started deadlifts I've noticed a serious serious change in my body. My legs are bulking up. My back and shoulders are incredibly strong. My glutes are...glutey. :3


Currently on a power clean and ohp of 45kg. Working on getting that really easy and confident before I go any further. Keep on with the good form. Every time I'm going to the gym I'm doing 3 reps(?) of planking. Abysmal time of 10/8/8 last time, but it's something to work on. I used to be able to do 45 seconds no sweat :( snatches need a lot of work but they are so so exhausting.


My deadlifting is coming to a bit of a standstill. Struggling with 95kg but I know I've got it in me. 100 I could probably do with some practice and chalk. All of my current lifts are only assisted by the callouses in my hands lol.

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Dying after my first two weight sessions in a month. Back/Bis on Monday and Shoulders/legs yesterday.


Rest day from the weights today and instead 2 hours of tennis. Made up a beast of an Excel tracker to keep a record of everything I'm doing over the next 12 weeks that includes waist size, bicep, glutes, chest, weight and bodyfat percentage. Will be interesting to see how they change!

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Doing HIIT after a heavy weight session is killer. If it wasn't for a well timed blast from Survivor and Eye of the Tiger, i'd have fallen off the bike.


How do you do your HIIT on the bike? I set my machine up for that setting but it wasn't particularly great.

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How do you do your HIIT on the bike? I set my machine up for that setting but it wasn't particularly great.



I use a spin bike, which in my gym is the Lance Armstrong Models (lolz). Then I normally do a 3 minutes warm up at about 65% maximum effort and then do 8 cycles of flat out for 20 seconds followed by 20 secs at a controlled pace. I was reaching nearly 200 rpm's by the end yesterday.


I've tried it on the treadmill but it's not as effective as there's no way to program a similar routine and I can't be bothered to manually change the speed all the time.

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Do you wear weightlifting clothes? If not you ought to get some. They are fairly cheap and will reduce the amount of blisters and hard skin you get at the base of your fingers.


Going to pick up some gloves up over the weekend :)

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Feeling a bit rough today as I've got a bit of a cold going on but that doesn't stop me going to gym. Whilst I may not be able to push myself as much physically, I feel much better for going out and doing the exercise - it really helps clear your sinuses too when you're gasping for air. Managed to deadlift 105kg today, had been doing some straight and stiff legged deadlifts the past couple of weeks to mix it up a little so not done this one for a little while, and still feel there is a bit more to go yet before I'm truly incapable of lifting the thing or start jacking it up my legs... which is a sign you're doing too much anyway really.

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