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That'll be my 3rd Exotic Handcannon, alongside Thorn and Hawkmoon.


Oh man, The Last Word can be fired by holding down the trigger and the character repeatedly hits the hammer on the gun to fire rapidly from the hip, classic Western style!


I tired it last night briefly on the Raid (second time we had to take out the gate keeper) and its pretty cool looking firing like that, and just straight away it was doing 1000-1100 damage on hobgoblin weakpoints not sure how that compares to other cannons as this is the first one i've kept but i was impressed!


its upgrades allow you to increase stability and accuracy loads, and favour hip firing so it could be pretty awesome

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Tbh I love the Vanguard handcannon and hate Thorn. I might not risk any money on TLW.


13 rounds and ultra fast reload is all you ever need in a handgun. Plus it's legendary, so you can keep Ice Breaker or an exotic rocket launcher equipped. The two things I want most from the raid are the chest armour and Fatebringer, the raid legendary arc handcannon.


I heard it's good on PvP (well, according to Planet Destiny) but less useful on PvE. If you plan to PvP then you wouldn't really need your ice breaker so it could be useful for that.

Don't have any decent arc weapons... game face I can do though!


You can also do level 30 damage output mode (also known as lucky bastard's boon). :p


Yes please!


Sweet. So 3 for 8:15PM.


Did the Raid on hard. Was getting shard-fucked all the way until Atheon. Then I got the Warlock Raid helmet and Timebreaker.


Praise RNGesus.

Did the Raid on hard. Was getting shard-fucked all the way until Atheon. Then I got the Warlock Raid helmet and Timebreaker.


Praise RNGesus.


How long did it take you in the end?

Posted (edited)

@Daft Next time you do hard mode give me a shout! I'm always about these days and need that helmet/fatebringer :D

NB: Despite being a squishy Hunter, I'm never the one that dies or gives up first when we try with the clan :p

Edited by Shorty
@Daft Next time you do hard mode give me a shout! I'm always about these days and need that helmet/fatebringer :D

NB: Despite being a squishy Hunter, I'm never the one that dies or gives up first when we try with the clan :p


Will do! Going to pick up from the Gatekeepers tomorrow if you're interested. Otherwise, fresh runs next week definitely.


You up for running Normal on Wednesday? 7:30?


Think you said you were, in that case it's you, me, Eric and we then need three more. @Dan_Dare @Sheikah @lostmario @ReZourceman And anyone else who's interested, let me know?

Will do! Going to pick up from the Gatekeepers tomorrow if you're interested. Otherwise, fresh runs next week definitely.


You up for running Normal on Wednesday? 7:30?


Think you said you were, in that case it's you, me, Eric and we then need three more. @Dan_Dare @Sheikah @lostmario @ReZourceman And anyone else who's interested, let me know?


Put me down for the raid as long as its Tuesday or Wednesday.


I can do hard mode raid tomorrow as well, when were you planning on doing it?

Posted (edited)
Will do! Going to pick up from the Gatekeepers tomorrow if you're interested. Otherwise, fresh runs next week definitely.


You up for running Normal on Wednesday? 7:30?


Yes to both!


If there's space on Tues I'll do that one too.

Edited by Shorty
Automerged Doublepost
Second week in a row I've done nightfall and weekly on my own. Apart from the weekly raid, I'm stuck playing this on my own these days.


Give me and Blade a shout, we'll do them with you!

Give me and Blade a shout, we'll do them with you!


You were both online but not playing anything so just attempted and did it on my own plus you did them earlier in the week.

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