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Just a thought but does anyone else think that Bungie should have perhaps reversed the rank levels needed for buying weapons and armour from the Vanguard/Faction vendors?


Been thinking this for a while now as Bungie have more or less put levelling passed lvl 24 behind all the rep and mark grinding so why not have that as the Level 3 purchasable rather than the weapons. More or less saying this out of annoyance at the amount of grinding I need to do to get legendary weapons when I've already gotten all of my gear to that stage, with an exotic chest piece, but I think it would make more sense seeing as there's no point me buying gear now as I've already started maxing out the upgrades on them so it wouldn't be necessary to downgrade to start that all over again but only have legendary special weapons and am hating the grind to be able to get anything other.


Pretty much got the max amount of Crucible marks I can hold at a single time but can't buy any weapons :blank:


Ahhh, who knows, maybe I'll get lucky with the decryption of a Rare primary weapon engram one day :indeed:

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Unfortunately it appears that once I have completed the days bounties and heroic daily story there isn't much left to do in the game :(


Once you've done your daily bounties and the daily quest, that is about 2 hours.


I wish every game had me coming back each day to play it a minimum of 2 hours.


Got some gloves from the raid, so need to level that up plus farm more materials.


Also, great team work with the raid yesterday. Took us about 2 and half hours to finish it.

Posted (edited)

One thing I think Bungie could do is patch in something useful for the D-Pad to do, something like this...


Up - switch Subclass

Left - cycle Primary weapon

Down - cycle Special weapon

Right - cycle Heavy weapon


It's such a pain in the ass going into the options menu to change weapons!

Edited by Kav
Once you've done your daily bounties and the daily quest, that is about 2 hours.


I wish every game had me coming back each day to play it a minimum of 2 hours.


Got some gloves from the raid, so need to level that up plus farm more materials.


Also, great team work with the raid yesterday. Took us about 2 and half hours to finish it.


I love the idea that the more times you do the raid, the more stuff you get that lets you rinse the raid next time.


There's quite a lot to do in a day given that most people only have a few hours to spare on weekday evenings. 10 bounties (plus whatever events bounties there may be), the daily heroic on L28 and a daily public event. Then whatever exotic weapon bounties you have, too.


I often find I don't complete it all in the hour or two I have in evening session during the week. And that's if you don't choose to do stuff on another character too to get more ascendants.

One thing I think Bungie could do is patch in something useful for the D-Pad to do, something like this...


Up - switch Subclass

Left - cycle Primary weapon

Down - cycle Special weapon

Right - cycle Heavy weapon


It's such a pain in the ass going into the options menu to change weapons!

I actually think this is a necessary limitation. If you could switch damage type so easily a lot of challenge would be lost.

I actually think this is a necessary limitation. If you could switch damage type so easily a lot of challenge would be lost.


But it's so annoying especially when you have a load of exotics as you can only equip one. Meaning that you have to go in the menu whilst risking being shot at.


To be honest I've never thought of it like that... I guess it does add a level of planning to the game rather than allowing you to destroy everything. Same goes to how you lose ammo when you switch weapons - makes it seem more like a design choice than a lack of thought.

To be honest I've never thought of it like that... I guess it does add a level of planning to the game rather than allowing you to destroy everything. Same goes to how you lose ammo when you switch weapons - makes it seem more like a design choice than a lack of thought.


Probably the same way it adds to the level of planning of the game when it constantly disconnects you and throws you out of the fireteam. ;)

Probably the same way it adds to the level of planning of the game when it constantly disconnects you and throws you out of the fireteam.

While I think quick weapon changes would make the game more manageable I can see why they've done it. In their last game, Halo, they only let you have 2 weapons at once. I think they're just being a bit too mindful about not letting you be too powerful.

Posted (edited)
While I think quick weapon changes would make the game more manageable I can see why they've done it. In their last game, Halo, they only let you have 2 weapons at once. I think they're just being a bit too mindful about not letting you be too powerful.


This is true and a good point. I think it'd be good, and not too overpowering, if they let you assign one more of each class of weapon to the D-Pad.

I'd like to be able to switch out my sniper for something a little more close combat fairly readily, that's the main one for me.


I'd kind of like something like so...


My main set-up:

Auto Rifle

Sniper Rifle (Exotic)

Rocket Launcher


Up - switch Subclass

Left - Shotgun (Exotic)

Down - Fusion Rifle

Right - Machine Gun (Exotic)


This way you'd have to manage your Exotics carefully still but it adds a little choice to alleviate some of the hassle of swapping weapons.

In my example, if I wanted to swap to my Shotgun I'd have to swap out my Sniper first, likewise with the Machine Gun.


So it'd be similar to how on a Zelda you have a vast array of items but you can assign some to certain buttons but if you want to change them you'd still go into the menu. At least then you don't have instant access to too many weapons... no?

Edited by Kav

I guess that would work, but maybe with a timer (similar to holding square to interact with things) to equip new weapons. That way going into the menu in a cumbersome fashion is gone, but they've still got a handicap to reduce overpowering.

I guess that would work, but maybe with a timer (similar to holding square to interact with things) to equip new weapons. That way going into the menu in a cumbersome fashion is gone, but they've still got a handicap to reduce overpowering.


Yeah sounds good to me, that way you can still have the chance to dodge enemy attacks. Compared to getting attacked whilst changing weapon in a menu screen in the middle of a fight.


I quite like running and hiding in order to switch things out in the inventory :p feels like I'm actually coping under fire. And really how long does it take, 2 seconds? Less?

I quite like running and hiding in order to switch things out in the inventory :p feels like I'm actually coping under fire. And really how long does it take, 2 seconds? Less?


For me it's enough to break the feeling of being truly immersed in the game, that irks me. People moan about looking at the Gamepad from the TV on WiiU breaking immersion but this is worse, especially so because it's fiddly.


Also, you do have to find cover to change, leaving you teammates without you, however briefly... I don't want to leave those guys man!!! Haha


The game is designed so you have to manage your weapons encounter to encounter, which is great because it encourages different styles of play. Otherwise why not just include a weapon wheel and the ability to choose between 27 guns.

The game is designed so you have to manage your weapons encounter to encounter, which is great because it encourages different styles of play. Otherwise why not just include a weapon wheel and the ability to choose between 27 guns.


Encounter to encounter is great, sure, but sometimes you want to be able to switch out a weapon for use quickly, particularly on boss fights. For example, fighting Phogoth in the Summoning Pits, I'm usin my sniper to hit his weak point and then the Wizards come, I'd like to be able to switch out to a fusion rifle to take them out. To do so it's fiddly.


Sometimes I'm playing and just fancy switching weapons frequently because that's the mood I'm in, it'd be nice having that there as opposed to having to go into the menu to do so.


I get why they've not done it, all I'm saying is that I'd prefer it if they did it another way. The last suggestion I think seems a fair one I reckon.

That you can change weapons shows it's not something they don't want, just the way you have to do it (even when not in battle) irks me.


Weapon and class switching is a bit of an issue in a firefight on the PS3 as the more enemies you have, the longer it takes for you to

1. reach the actual menu screen

2. load up the actual things you have your inventory.


Many times I have been killed while making the switch that I just expect it now. So basically, I would be all over this dpad class switching.


Sounds good, trying to do it on my todd at the moment but not sure how well it's going to go! Shall we say 9:30?


It's only the Earth strike but I'm pretty shit :heh:

Sounds good, trying to do it on my todd at the moment but not sure how well it's going to go! Shall we say 9:30?


It's only the Earth strike but I'm pretty shit :heh:


Yeah sure, 9:30 it is!

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