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Yep including re-recording all the original lines. Would be fun if they included a cutscene where he gets damaged or something and when you reactivate him he has a default monotone voice and has to pick a new one :p But no, I'm sure it'll just be "quick, nobody's looking, ret-con!"


Much bigger news though is the rumour that Year One gear is not going to ascend through to Year Two. Not only does that mean that we don't need to be that bothered about the nerf to Black Hammer since it'll be obsolete quickly anyway, but also that all that legendary gear ascending during HoW was a complete waste of time...


[edit: Cozmo has said "hold off on dismantling those legendaries" and that there will be a series of twitch shows coming up soon to tell us more]


And the new level cap is 40.


And there's going to be some optional way to explore Destiny lore in-game.


Links and info in this reddit post.


Tbh TTK is sounding pretty sweet so far. I would feel less stupid if I'd pre-ordered *cough* @Deathjam *cough*

Edited by Shorty
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Warlocks get the coolest helmets.


Think I'll delete a Warlock and roll a hunter when the update hits. The unification of upgrade materials and the smarter loot seems to indicate multiple classes is much less time consuming.

Edited by Daft
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The new trailer looked great and the info coming from Game Informer is making TTK sound very promising. Looks like I'll be re-joining the fold again come September.


Will be interesting to hear more on how the levelling now works. I'm guessing that Light on armour will account for an extra level of defence or something if XP is doing to be directly tied to it now.


Still worried about exactly how much content there's going to be. Read that there are 8 story missions for this which is less that the original presentation chart showed at the end of last year that someone snapped a shot of (IIRC, that said 12, but then it also said HoW would have a raid so) but from the sounds of that, that should be offset with the new bounties and other questlines from vendors and the Crucible. Colour me intrigued anyway.


And yeah, those 2 warlock helms in that trailer looked awesome. Me thinks I'll be putting a bit more time in on my warlock once this has released, although Solar Titan looks like a whole load of fun :grin:

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