DriftKaiser Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 @Shorty Five vs Atheon on hard Unreal! We struggled with this part for like few hours before I left the raid because of the code baboon server problems for the last 30 mins and you and other managed beat it with just 5 guys under 8 mins.
Map Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Just tried Atheon on hard for the first time with @Eddage, got very close a couple of times but it all started to fall apart when the original group started leaving. Was good to give it a try, maxed out weapons a must on hard.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 I wonder how easy it'll be to land light gear in Iron Banner. After all the effort it took me to finally get that chestplate, I'll be slightly miffed if everyone (present company excluded) flies to 30 because the drop rate is too high. Well either way I'll probably be playing Iron Banner nonstop as I like the look of some of the gear/shaders etc.
Daft Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Aaah, of all the crap videos I've saved, can't believe I didn't grab one of this, would've been cool to see it from multiple angles. Can't believe how smoothly that one went after hours of struggling. High five for hanging back and taking out the supplicants, down below/too slow for continuing to record until I tried to investigate the lower depths in the last 30 secs :p Hanging back worked really well. Made me realise how essential it was to secure one side for everyone in the middle. Think I picked the wrong heavy weapon but I needed Icebreaker over Gjallahorn. If I just had Corrective Measure, that would have been perfect. Also, that bit where I get teleported and go blind... THAT is what you call bulling it back from the brink. You saved our asses by running through the portal and helping with the Oracles. All that with only five Guardians, too. Impressive stuff. If tomorrow yields no boots for me I am going to do the Iron Banner to try and get the Light 30 ones from there. Ditto. I think we're in exactly the same position. Got helmet, chest (3times now), gloves (3 times) and the class item (3 times). Hell, the Timebreaker twice. No fecking boots. It's frustrating because if we were missing any other piece we would be 30 now. I have exotics for every slot except the boots that don't exist. Unreal! We struggled with this part for like few hours before I left the raid because of the code baboon server problems for the last 30 mins and you and other managed beat it with just 5 guys under 8 mins. It's probably the only run that didn't have any massive glitches, either. Apart from being detained after getting teleported.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Just noticed it seems like a supplicant followed me through the portal, luckily it was inactive or that could've been the end of that.
Sheikah Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 I wonder how easy it'll be to land light gear in Iron Banner. After all the effort it took me to finally get that chestplate, I'll be slightly miffed if everyone (present company excluded) flies to 30 because the drop rate is too high. Well either way I'll probably be playing Iron Banner nonstop as I like the look of some of the gear/shaders etc. Only the new gloves/boots will be light 30 from Iron banner (not the helmet/chestpiece). Most people have probably got either the boots or gloves anyway so likely it'll only help most people get 1 piece. I'm also thinking it'll take a good while to earn them now that there's going to be 5 ranks in the iron banner.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 (edited) Ah that's a shame, I would actually like a different chestpiece, not a fan of the raid one.... (after all the effort it took to get it :p) Edited November 17, 2014 by Shorty
Sheikah Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Get yo some hard raid helmet. :p I don't think the helmet is that rare, to be honest.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Tried :p And although I do like the look of the raid helmet, I do love my exotic. Seeing the radar while aiming any primary is invaluable in several situations including Atheon and defending a flag in Control PvP. After doing the Gatekeeper and Atheon yesterday all I got was the ship
Sheikah Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 To be honest, I never find myself needing to see the radar with my primary too much because I tend to not be looking down the sights at any one time for too long. It's a decent perk but I think I'd take the helmet that gives me an extra golden gun shot. Extra super energy and spawning orbs on vex kills is a pretty sweet offset for taking the raid helmet too.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Don't you think maybe you don't keep your sights up because you can't see the radar? :p
Sheikah Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 I usually stop aiming down the sights when the enemies fairly close to me are dead. So not long. :p When I'm using my primary I think I tend to be run-and-gunning. It's more my ice breaker that I tend to spend time picking things off with.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Fair enough, but you can't beat capturing a zone on Control with your crosshairs on the door and the radar in the corner of your eye in case they come round the other way
Sheikah Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 I want a gal-a-ja-horn . Me and Xur will be having words if he doesn't sell one again soon...
MilaGi Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 jealous of that Artheon's Epiloge all i got was energies and another chatterwhite great raid once we weren't all having difficulty jumping to that platform! amazed how good the icebreaker was for me with the buffs 14000 damage on the last attack run! Is your Ice Breaker maxed out? I was only doing about 9000 with Praedyth's Revenge, but i still have a fair bit of leveling up to do with it
Eddage Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Destiny has a new update, a 2.44 GB update! Highlights include... Voice chat in strikes/team based crucible matches Difficulty scaling has been reduced for strikes with 3 players (making them easier) Public events 10 - 15% more likely to appear in all areas 10 bounty slots! Preview emblems and shaders before purchasing Full details here.
Kav Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Destiny has a new update, a 2.44 GB update! Highlights include... Voice chat in strikes/team based crucible matches Difficulty scaling has been reduced for strikes with 3 players (making them easier) Public events 10 - 15% more likely to appear in all areas 10 bounty slots! Preview emblems and shaders before purchasing Full details here. ...and it's taking a fucking age to download! This is worse than WiiU levels of slowness, haha.
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 (edited) Downloading at full 60MB speeds for me : peace: Is Iron Banner on? I would've put that in your highlights list! Edit: it's not, guess it's just ready for the weekend. 10 Bounty slots is great, means you can at least pick up all five alongside any exotics or previous days'. Edited November 17, 2014 by Shorty
Cookyman Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Hmmm might get back into this I've yet to do a raid!
Eddage Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Downloading at full 60MB speeds for me : peace: Is Iron Banner on? I would've put that in your highlights list! Edit: it's not, guess it's just ready for the weekend. 10 Bounty slots is great, means you can at least pick up all five alongside any exotics or previous days'. Couldn't give a crap about Iron Banner
Kav Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Streaming anime on my phone probably didn't help with the speed but still, 1 hour 45 minutes to get that downloaded there. What a ball-ache!
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 (edited) Some little changes to the UI here and there I've noticed. Blue icons in the bottom left and salvage missions icons look different. Edited November 17, 2014 by Shorty
Shorty Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Just been inspecting yo' gear in the tower @Blade, guess you're on your way to being the clan's next 30 if Xur has an exotic helm next weekend eh
MATtheHAT Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 Hmmm might get back into this I've yet to do a raid! I've started playing it Cooky, just hit level 21 if you fancy leveling up/gearing up for raids?
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