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Reggie - CNN interview


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It's really ironic his username is "Wii" yet he said the Wii U is the first console that has "no games that look next gen". Where were you for the Wii launch? There were original Xbox games that looked better than launch Wii games. You're detraction of the Wii must have been legendary seeing as it wasn't 'next gen'.


Please continue you're anti Wii U agenda though, it's quite enjoyable watching you fumble through a debate.


If you're going to enter this debate please have something intelligent to contribute. The Wii U IS the first next gen console to launch without next gen looking launch games. The Wii wasn't next gen in terms of graphics. Every console that launched the next generation had improved graphics. I never slagged the Wii but it would be nice not to miss out on GTA, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and all the major 3rd party releases this time around. Why did the Wii miss out on all those games?


Whose fumbling? I've every right to question the power of the Wii U. Nintendo are asking us to buy the Wii U, with no next generation looking games, mainly made of inferior ports, 1 exclusive at launch(ZombiU) besides Nintendo's efforts, hardly any games making real use of the gamepad. 3rd party support is underwhelming, not a sign of a future next gen looking game. All this with a measly harddrive and a rushed OS. The bulk of the cost of the Wii U is the gamepad. The gamepad that's hardly incorporated or using its features. Camera? NFC? Microphone?


I will buy it eventually but there's nothing exciting about the Wii U at the moment and there's alot wrong so far.

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If you're going to enter this debate please have something intelligent to contribute. The Wii U IS the first next gen console to launch without next gen looking launch games. The Wii wasn't next gen in terms of graphics. Every console that launched the next generation had improved graphics. I never slagged the Wii but it would be nice not to miss out on GTA, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and all the major 3rd party releases this time around. Why did the Wii miss out on all those games?


He has contributed something to the debate. You should read what he said more carefully. The Wii was a next generation console that at the time had games with a very simple, clean and identifiable graphical look. This style of graphics was not in any way more complex than what was previously available on the last generation of consoles. You're whole argument has lost any credibility as @Tamazoid has used FACTS to prove it false.


Whose fumbling? I've every right to question the power of the Wii U. Nintendo are asking us to buy the Wii U, with no next generation looking games, mainly made of inferior ports, 1 exclusive at launch(ZombiU) besides Nintendo's efforts, hardly any games making real use of the gamepad. 3rd party support is underwhelming, not a sign of a future next gen looking game. All this with a measly harddrive and a rushed OS. The bulk of the cost of the Wii U is the gamepad. The gamepad that's hardly incorporated or using its features. Camera? NFC? Microphone?


Snore... haven't we heard this all before? You're just repeating yourself over and over again. So just to destroy this nonsense - Nintendo produced the Wii. When it arrived as part of the next generation of consoles - it didn't present any titles that were graphically superior to titles on the PS2, GC and XBOX and certainly no titles that were superior to the 360 which had been released earlier. The Wii U has adopted the same strategy in order to keep costs down and appeal to a different demographic.


Third party support is excellent, there's 24 launch games. The gamepad is used in every game and provides off screen play - revolutionary in itself. The hard drive is expandable up to 2TB with any third party HDD (this solution is miles better than any built in proprietary HDD). The bulk of the cost is not the pad, don't be a total fool. The pad's camera and mic are used in Os functions. All nonsense now debunked!


I will buy it eventually but there's nothing exciting about the Wii U at the moment and there's alot wrong so far.


Don't bother - we won't miss your negative rants on the Miiverse when we're all enjoying our new Wii U consoles later this week!

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He has contributed something to the debate. You should read what he said more carefully. The Wii was a next generation console that at the time had games with a very simple, clean and identifiable graphical look. This style of graphics was not in any way more complex than what was previously available on the last generation of consoles. You're whole argument has lost any credibility as @Tamazoid has used FACTS to prove it false.




Snore... haven't we heard this all before? You're just repeating yourself over and over again. So just to destroy this nonsense - Nintendo produced the Wii. When it arrived as part of the next generation of consoles - it didn't present any titles that were graphically superior to titles on the PS2, GC and XBOX and certainly no titles that were superior to the 360 which had been released earlier. The Wii U has adopted the same strategy in order to keep costs down and appeal to a different demographic.


Third party support is excellent, there's 24 launch games. The gamepad is used in every game and provides off screen play - revolutionary in itself. The hard drive is expandable up to 2TB with any third party HDD (this solution is miles better than any built in proprietary HDD). The bulk of the cost is not the pad, don't be a total fool. The pad's camera and mic are used in Os functions. All nonsense now debunked!




Don't bother - we won't miss your negative rants on the Miiverse when we're all enjoying our new Wii U consoles later this week!


What a surprise! It's you, always you, spouting rubbish. It's a wonder you can say anything with the amount of lock-jaw you suffer.


I'll happily admit I'm a Nintendo fanboy.


I'm not blinded by loyalty.


Your opinion = FAIL.


All you do is come here and post nonsense.


The way you go on would lead people to believe someone in plumber's overalls and a red cap touched you up as a kid!

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That's because it doesn't have a second screen. Nothing to do with the power of the console and is NintendoLand really the best example of graphics on the Wii U? I sure hope not. Next!


If you're going to enter this debate please have something intelligent to contribute. The Wii U IS the first next gen console to launch without next gen looking launch games. The Wii wasn't next gen in terms of graphics.




Dude, seriously, stop contradicting yourself. First, the Wii U's second screen doesn't count towards "looking next-gen", now the Wii counts because it was next-gen somewhere other than graphics.


You want me to tell you something the Wii U can do the other consoles currently on the market can't? 5-screen multiplayer. The ability to play in another room. The ability to play when something else is on TV.

Instead, you're demanding to see graphics that are better than what we see already on the competition in order to prove some point whose worth I haven't figured out yet.


In general, I feel like talking about the Wii U's graphics is like complaining about a room's decoration when there's a elephant in it. I still don't see why compare 3rd party games in points as minute that you won't notice until you compare the games side by side (such as slightly different framerates) when you can play the Wii U version with the TV turned off. Or with 5 players locally. I'd be surprised if the PS4 or the NeXtbox (if they even exist) don't follow on this trend.


(That last paragraph wasn't directed at you specifically, just a general rant)

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The Wii was basically an overclocked Gamecube. There are many aspects that go towards defining a console. Yes the controls were great, revolutionary but in terms of graphics, no it was not next gen.


Anyway long story short, my point is if it's underpowered we're going to miss out on alot of 3rd party support again.

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Bloody hell I'm waking up to this crap.... I thought I somehow ended up in a different forum.


On topic:

As for the the interview, yeah Reggie handled the question a little poorly but seriously what do you expect him to say?

"Oh yeah well apparently some of the 3rd party have framerate issues" then going into some tech details bout how the devs haven't learned to properly take advatage of the system.


He's trying to "big up" his product, of course he's not gonna say something the "non-gamer" would see as a negetive.


I'm sure some MS and Sony people have made such interview errors too.

Do you think a Sony rep when asked about different between CoD on 360 and PS3 would say.... "you know what our product isn't as good as the 360's"



@Wii give up the trolling (and all you guys walking over the bridge, read the bloody signs that say "don't feed the troll")


Every thread it's like you're just trying your best to pick a fight. We get it you have issues with the Wii U, they are you're opinions you've voiced them now move on.


Get off this whole "it's not next gen" stuff cause as has been pointed out "next gen" is not defined by graphical power, it is defined by time and succession.

My son is my "successor" he is my "next generation". The Wii U is the "successor" to the Wii which was a 7th Gen console, making the Wii U an 8th generation conole which is the "next gen". That's how history will be written and be recorded. We can all agree that the Vita is pretty advanced from the 3DS in graphical ability but they are both still part of the same handheld generation, the Vita didn't start a new one.


If graphics are all you care about go spend 2 grand+ on building a power PC with an overclocked CPU that runs so hot it requires a liquid cooling system.

Edited by Mokong
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Sony does it daily when it comes to them talking about Vita sales. *shrugs*


Exactly, this is like "Can't judge Vita before it's first Christmas", pure marketing spin. I don't see how Reggie has lost credibility, it's not like he lied to investors or something illegal along those lines. Do people expect Reggie to give in depth analysis to CNN? He's on there to promote the Wii U to non gamers and a similar demographic to that who purchased the Wii in droves 6 years ago. He's doing his job of marketing spin, that's basically the role of NoA besides distribution.

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As for the 720 and PS4....lets look at this objectively. PC power would be the benchmark, build the best gaming PC possible... graphically yes it will be better than the 360 and PS3... but is it that "great leap forward"?


If either MS or Sony want to reach for that "great leap" people seem to expect they will have to exceed what a 2000 grand+ (euro) PC is cabale of.

This leads to two problems, cost of hardware: How much would it cost MS/Sony to build such a machine, how much would they sell it for and how much of a loss would they end up taking?

And given Sonys financial situation I don't think they can afford to be taking such huge losses again.... yet I got a feeling they may indeed be the ones who reach for the "leap" given how the company seems to be run more by the devs than the board. Problem 2, cost of software development, if power takes such a huge jump dev costs will shoot up. They'll then be needing to sell even more games to make a profit to stay in bussiness.... if dev costs go too high and they can't get the returns on them one by one we'll see more devs closing and the industry could be left in shambles.


We currently know nothing about either "next" system so of course I'm just speculating using PC's as a benchmark...if either MS or Sony can find a way to build such a machine while keeping costs down then I'll applaude them. But for know the way I see the "next gen" going, Sony prolly will try and continue to reach for the graphical power house and put themeselves further into financial meltdown, MS may be more conservative, they'll go above the Wii U but not greatly and will prolly focus more on improving Kinect tech than anything else. So we could be left with Wii U and 720 at similar power and teh PS3 far out on its own.... in a set up like that which 2 do you think devs would be more likely to support?



Of course I'm just speculating.... but so would anyone else on any other scenario.




The Wii U is out here in just 4 days, can we all just prep for that without dragging threads into this stupid and pointless discussion of "next gen" and what will/will not happen with PS4 720.


Live in the present, the present is Wii U, those who are getting it, get it, enjoy it, let us know what you like about it and what you don't when you have it. Those who are not getting it, just let us know your opinions on why not without dragging things down or coming off as trolls

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if dev costs go too high and they can't get the returns on them one by one we'll see more devs closing and the industry could be left in shambles.


This is why I am enjoying the articles from Not Enough Shaders, seeing more dedication to indies and seeing them enjoy bringing their games onto the WiiU is fantastic to see, considering that now Nintendo are in HD now, it's going to take a bit of time to bring out their games, with indie games it could be Nintendo's trump card when it comes to those gaps between Nintendo games.

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This is why I am enjoying the articles from Not Enough Shaders, seeing more dedication to indies and seeing them enjoy bringing their games onto the WiiU is fantastic to see, considering that now Nintendo are in HD now, it's going to take a bit of time to bring out their games, with indie games it could be Nintendo's trump card when it comes to those gaps between Nintendo games.

Yeah, Nintendo has definitely made the Wii U very indie friendly. They give the most percentage of profits of the three, they don't charge for patches, they let the developer choose the price and decide if there should be a sale. It's fantastic for them

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My son is my "successor" he is my "next generation". The Wii U is the "successor" to the Wii which was a 7th Gen console, making the Wii U an 8th generation conole which is the "next gen". That's how history will be written and be recorded.


I'm sick of reading your bullshit Mokong. What a load of crap! Your son is small, less muscular and can barely walk! You call that next gen? Come on GET REAL!

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Bloody hell I'm waking up to this crap.... I thought I somehow ended up in a different forum.


On topic:

As for the the interview, yeah Reggie handled the question a little poorly but seriously what do you expect him to say?

"Oh yeah well apparently some of the 3rd party have framerate issues" then going into some tech details bout how the devs haven't learned to properly take advatage of the system.


He's trying to "big up" his product, of course he's not gonna say something the "non-gamer" wouldn't see as a negetive.


I'm sure some MS and Sony people have made such interview errors too.

Do you think a Sony rep when asked about different between CoD on 360 and PS3 would say.... "you know what our product isn't as good as the 360's"



@Wii give up the trolling (and all you guys walking over the bridge, read the bloody signs that say "don't feed the troll")


Every thread it's like you're just trying your best to pick a fight. We get it you have issues with the Wii U, they are you're opinions you've voiced them now move on.


Get off this whole "it's not next gen" stuff cause as has been pointed out "next gen" is not defined by graphical power, it is defined by time and succession.

My son is my "successor" he is my "next generation". The Wii U is the "successor" to the Wii which was a 7th Gen console, making the Wii U an 8th generation conole which is the "next gen". That's how history will be written and be recorded. We can all agree that the Vita is pretty advanced from the 3DS in graphical ability but they are both still part of the same handheld generation, the Vita didn't start a new one.


If graphics are all you care about go spend 2 grand+ on building a power PC with an overclocked CPU that runs so hot it requires a liquid cooling system.


This is a Nintendo fan forum and we're all Nintendo fans so I get the bias but this discussion is about what Reggie said and he flat out lied. It's deceiving the general public who don't know any better. The same could be said of the tech demos. Where's that golf game or any golf game for that matter? You're defending him lying, see now that could be construed as trolling but again it's a Nintendo forum so it's o.k. and the inclination is to be a bit fanboyish.


You single me out for "trolling" but you might want to look and make comment on the abuse I'm getting from other members.


He has contributed something to the debate. You should read what he said more carefully. The Wii was a next generation console that at the time had games with a very simple, clean and identifiable graphical look. This style of graphics was not in any way more complex than what was previously available on the last generation of consoles. You're whole argument has lost any credibility as @Tamazoid has used FACTS to prove it false.




Snore... haven't we heard this all before? You're just repeating yourself over and over again. So just to destroy this nonsense - Nintendo produced the Wii. When it arrived as part of the next generation of consoles - it didn't present any titles that were graphically superior to titles on the PS2, GC and XBOX and certainly no titles that were superior to the 360 which had been released earlier. The Wii U has adopted the same strategy in order to keep costs down and appeal to a different demographic.


I'll make this clear because some people aren't understanding my point about launch next gen games on launch next gen consoles.


Saturn launched the 5th gen

Dreamcast launched the 6th gen

XBOX360 launched the 7th gen

Wii U launches the 8th gen


Sorry, I'm editing as I'm going. Anyway, the point still stands.


Every generation launch including 1-4 seen an improvement in launch game graphics except for the Wii U.


Next point I don't pick a fight in every thread.


Next, I take your point on defining generations.


Next, graphics are not all I care about. I own the Wii don't I? But if the Wii U isn't powerful enough we'll miss out on big 3rd party games again. Anyway there's nothing that can be done about the power now, it's set in stone, so we'll find out in time how powerful it is. Nintendo could be more helpful in disclosing how powerful it is and alleviate fans fears.


On your next paragraph, no console as far as I'm aware has ever matched the most powerful PC of the day or even come close. It's just not financially viable.


I disagree on the power of the next XBOX and PS. I think it'll be the opposite way around. XBOX will be the more powerful. I don't think Sony can afford another PS3. Money is not a problem for Microsoft. I think it'll launch before Sony and despite this will still be more powerful than the PS4. I could be totally wrong but I think it'll be 2014 before they're both out. There's no rush for them to release a new console yet and components will be alot cheaper by then and the gap will be too big between them and the Wii U.

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This is a Nintendo fan forum and we're all Nintendo fans so I get the bias but this discussion is about what Reggie said and he flat out lied. You're defending him lying, see now that could be construed as trolling but again it's a Nintendo forum so it's o.k. and the inclination is to be a bit fanboyish.


No I wasn't defending him, if I was i would have said "he was right" or was right to say what he did.


He handled the question poorly, yes, which I said in my post.


But I can understand why he said it....though he could have done it in a better way but the heat of the moment got the better of him.


As I said no company rep is going to say negitive things about their product even if they know it to be wrong. Its what they do they have to sell the product they have to make it sound good. I'm sure if someone looked hard enough they could find a Sony or MS rep doing something similar.


You are trying to twist what I said to mean what you want it to mean which you have done else where and is why I called you for trolling.


Again I was not defending what he said but I understand why he did it. Just as any MS or Sony rep would do the same in his position.



I'll make this clear because some people aren't understanding my point about launch next gen games.


PS1 launched the 5th gen

PS2 launched the 6th gen

XBOX360 launched the 7th gen

Wii U launches the 8th gen


Every generation launch including 1-4 seen an improvement in launch game graphics except for the Wii U.


That is your opinion on how you think generations work (dispite you forgetting teh Saturn and Dreamcast) when the accepted standard isn't that graphics or power define a generation but time and succession. The PS1 being an exception as it was the first of its line and didn't have anything to succeed. That previously a generation began with a leap in power is just how the industry worked then. At those time all focus was on power. Nintendo since the Wii have taken themselves out of the arms race for "more power" and are making graphics secondary to control and playability. It is just a sign of a changing industry.


You are trying to force your opinions on everyone else like it were a religion you were trying to convert everyone too...that is how it is coming off.

Edited by Mokong
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I'll make this clear because some people aren't understanding my point about launch next gen games on launch next gen consoles.


Saturn launched the 5th gen

Dreamcast launched the 6th gen

XBOX360 launched the 7th gen

Wii U launches the 8th gen


Sorry, I'm editing as I'm going. Anyway, the point still stands.


Every generation launch including 1-4 seen an improvement in launch game graphics except for the Wii U.


Ok, I see your argument, now, as specific as it is. However, one could see this as "this is the first generation where a leap in power isn't seen as important". Like Mokong, I don't think the PS4 or the NeXtBox will attempt leaps in power, the industry is in shambles due to unsustainable development costs, something that has affected Sony in particular due to their practices.


I can see both companies following the Wii U's footsteps and trying to distinguish themselves from the competition. Graphical power is not the way to go, here, you can't show the general populace something more powerful than what already exists and expect them to notice. Current gen graphics are already fluid and realistic beyond belief, there's no obvious visible leap like "8-bit to 16-bit", "B&W to Colour", "2D to 3D", or that massive improvement that was made to the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era, even the leap to HD and online was noticeable.


Nintendo already has the tablet and Wiimote (namely, their full support and integral part of the package), Microsoft has Kinect (something I expect to be more exploited, if this 720 exists)... I don't know what Sony will come up with, but it better be good.


Even if both companies attempt that leap, do you really think 3rd parties will flock to those and survive? And if only one company does, 3rd parties are even less likely to follow that exception.


On another point, 3rd parties have traditionally avoided Nintendo consoles due to competition from Nintendo's own games. That can't be changed.


And due to all of these reasons is why I think the point you're trying to make is ultimately meaningless.


That, and the fact that those "next gen graphics" you claim the Wii U doesn't have... don't seem to actually exist. Seriously, you're claiming the Wii U doesn't have "next gen graphics", but there's no comparison point. If what me or Mokong think will happen, does in fact happen, then the Wii U will truly have "next gen graphics" in the sense that they're the same as of the previous generation's.

Edited by Jonnas
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@Jonnas Very well made points. We don't know yet what the Wii U is capable of, I hope it's good and hope the nextbox and ps4 aren't miles ahead of the Wii U. Better chance of getting good 3rd party cross platform games. Edited by Mokong
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There's more that defines a generation of consoles than the goddamn graphics. We're at a point now where graphical leaps are going to slow down as games already look pretty damn amazing. We can expect graphics to steadily improve, sure, but more than anything it will be about how games are played as opposed to how they look.


Also, a CEO bigging something up unrealistically in an interview? I'm sure Reggie has done this before and he certainly isn't the first CEO to so it. Heck, isn't doing this kind of thing his job?

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Also, a CEO bigging something up unrealistically in an interview? I'm sure Reggie has done this before and he certainly isn't the first CEO to so it. Heck, isn't doing this kind of thing his job?


Very much so. As many have stated, he's not going to say negative things about his company or products. Which CEO would? Still, doesn't make it right though. :D


And with that I think this topic has run it's course. Many are just arguing for the sake of it now.

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