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The Cell Games 1: DIH Mafia


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Yeah it's been a long time since I did a write up, I don't know why I made the first one so information-juicy.

However, the overly detailed write-ups really made life difficult for us.

There's also that write-up where I didn't appear for some reason

Too detailed writeups/not enough in writeups... there's just no pleasing you kids these days.


;) It'll be better next time I promise, if ye still be up for it.

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Thanks a'plenty for EEVIL - despite my initial absence I think the flavour did a really good job of giving people room to lie about characters (specifically the buu/kirby lie) by having a vague description and (as far as I saw) no character investigators - unless that was Magnus Peterson.


I always find it hard to play as mafia and concoct a true deception so find similar issues of "wiggle room" with most mafia's. One thing I would say was maybe a few too many alignment investigators - Me, Rummy and Dohnut - especially when there's a booster flying around.

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I think this was a brilliant game, and whilst a mistake might have been made with the first night's writeup being too detailed; I think it played a really important role of getting everyone talking. Rather than numerous 'I have nothings' we all had something to go on, even if that was the case. It was a brilliant kickstart catalyst to activity, though yes it did give a bit too much of an advantage to the town on that day, and lost the the mafia a member quite early on.


Despite this, I think the mafia played brilliantly, I was actually rooting for them to win by the end. Was in pretty constant contact with Jon Dedede outside after I died, was interesting seeing it from both sides. If I was town, I don't think I'd've suspected many of them, even knowing who was mafia reading the marcamillian/dohnut debate made me suspicious of them both too!

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I didn't mind the idea of more than one alignment investigator; whilst it pegs others with immediate suspicion after the first, having more than one(albeit even if one's dumb) helps because the investigator is usually prime target for killing; I liked Marc's role of a providing the information to a third party, as it shields him somewhat. I think more than one investigation power was balanced by us having alternate powers, so we wouldn't all neccessarily be investigating at the same time etc. The random theme helped stop character judgements somewhat, and overall I really enjoyed watching the game even after my early death.

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Fun game, but yeah, we were fucked by the first write up which spelt out that Cube was the killer. I think we played quite well though, I enjoyed my role and enjoyed the play I made to get Peeps lynched by saying he had removed a vote on Cube's lynch, where in reality Dedede's vote didn't count against mafia. If Magnus had been lynched after an evil investigation from Dohnut, we probably would've won. I'm also really sorry to my team-mates that I couldn't put the effort required in for the last two weeks as I was on holiday in America with limited access to the internet.


Anyways, well done to the victors, and on to the next one!

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I was completely out for myself Jonnas I would have fought to save anyone.. I was just prolonging the game to steal the win :D


I can't believe I managed to talk everyone out of following the alignment investigater like they're so used to. I tried saving the Peeps too and did actually negate my vote to save him, but a confusion between me and EEvil caused some to moan that the lynch never happened so EEvil gave the lynch.


Trying to halt lynches and appear good was hard work.

Great game and a great role for me. loved eeet.

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I promise next time it'll be sexier with regards to writeups.

Good news, everybody.


Great game. Thanks, Murray. I enjoyed myself muchly. Although, I didn't care for my power - like it was said above, I wasn't killed because I posed no threat. Well, swings and roundabouts, I guess.


Fantastic. On to brighter things!

Perhaps... bur I can't give everyone super kewl powers. Anyways, based on the randomness of the characters a power like yours would be rather useful in clearing things up.

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I enjoyed this a lot! Especially as things started getting really confusing a few day phases ago. I started suspecting all kinds of people, and had post a lot of write-up analyses and character lists just to figure things out in my own head. Yvonne's early posts, before he died, helped a lot. Especially for clearing Jimbob and for making me suspect Jon Dedede. I think without the write-ups being so detailed we would've found things very difficult, but I can see why the mafia were frustrated by them. Still, they were unlucky. I was completely convinced that Magnus was evil with my investigation, but the town did well not follow my investigation. In the end that was the turning point - had he been lynched, the mafia would've had majority next day I think.


Still, I'm really happy with the game, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sorry for bitching on the last day, EEVIL. I was just eager to see whether we'd got things right.

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With the test vote thing I just put it in because I assumed that was something people did if they intended to change their vote later without looking like they've flip-flopped on a stance. I'm still a bit new to this and I didn't get what it actually meant/was only something people did in jest...but yeah even counting that the majority hadn't been reached with my +1.


I ran with it because I hadn't properly checked my role where the wording said my vote didn't count against other mafia members and I thought it applied to all mafia including myself.


Anywho it's not something I'll run with in future games now :blush:

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