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The Red Dwarf Mafia


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Which one of you had that power?


Bob, the love virus. Was quite surprised no one picked up on Magnus having the used vial on him later on. I was also surprised you didn't remove your vote on Magnus after I joined in with you. :p


And true Yvonne but you still lynched him and he wasn't Mafia. Also now you know when I called your inactivity into question it was a ruse since I was Mafia. I wasn't trying to cause offense by the way, and really wasn't expecting you to take it so when I commented on your inactivity.

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I'm not bothered by mislynching, it's a necessary part of playing as town - if you always wait to have concrete evidence, games end this way more often than not.


Also I am not offended but to be honest it was that move that made me change my mind about your alignment, so it might be worth a rethink for use in future.

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True but you lynched a double voter, which was a major pro-town lynching power.


It seemed more like the turning point for your thoughts about me was thinking that I was Rimmer due to some info you got. Although I was actually Queeg. :P Before that I was in your top list of townies.


I don't think it's too bad/suspicious to highlight inactivity or changes in behaviour, DuD was the first to point out that I wasn't causing too much trouble. Commenting on inactivity seems more town behaviour anyhow. Also I was half hoping to be a bit suspicious so the alignment investigator would target me (I could either protect myself or have bob make me appear good).


If we're dishing out advice I'd say you aroused suspicion when you said you were sure I was Mafia but then voted the person I accused. I couldn't work that one out, it was really weird.

Edited by Sheikah
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A nice game, though I was really dissatisfied with my own performance and level of participation. It's not the first game I've neglected due to busyness, yet I keep falling into the trap again, thinking I'll surely find time to play. Evidently I don't. :heh: From now on I'll only play in mafia games if I know I've got the time to really immerse myself in the game.

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A nice game, though I was really dissatisfied with my own performance and level of participation. It's not the first game I've neglected due to busyness, yet I keep falling into the trap again, thinking I'll surely find time to play. Evidently I don't. :heh: From now on I'll only play in mafia games if I know I've got the time to really immerse myself in the game.


I have a lot of respect for that. Hope to see you back in games soon.

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I don't think I need any advice thanks


Not bad, but you still got bob wrong.


I'm not saying your powers of deduction aren't wrong. Hell, most of the good main dwarf characters were good anyway so it was pretty easy by that respect to deduce townies. Its just the way you went about expressing your views and vote switching which meant that no one ever joined you when you tried to lynch me.


Also at one point you said that whether or not I was Mafia or not would have little sway on whether you voted for me. This was a massive mistake I thought. You were publicly voicing that you would let personal reasons/dislike of me affect your vote. People are hardly going to join in on that.

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I think all of us as Mafia played pretty well and chose good targets. We were pretty sure we could have done it without any losses but Jimbob made a late and unannounced nerfing to my role that only applied for the night where we killed Holly which meant dannyboy was spotted by Cube, and then lynched. This made us very mad. But then after that Jimbob told us we could use the luck virus to do some pretty spectacular things, like making it so anyone who targeted one of us would die. This game became pretty unusual at that point.

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While my interest in this game was casual at best (dying early again, apparently Jimbob's games do that to me :heh:), I did notice bob played a very good game. Dude had me fooled.


Also, the other game, I remember saying Jimbob shouldn't make offhand comments and opinions too often, as he should remain neutral.

Well, that now extends to the videos and references he kept posting in the middle of the day, as people are going to see them as an event, or as a relevant message.

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You do realise Animal wasn't town right, and had his own separate agenda? Additionally his lynch saved us from lynching Moogle, who was more in our interest than Animal as Moogle was suspected as the polymorph? This was one of the games when I felt more of the town were actually on the money, but we didn't have enough activity from everyone to make the impact.

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Cheers guys, but i genuinely had no idea what i was doing the whole time - it wasn't an act! As far as i know i didn't even lie at any point...


I was terrified someone was going to ask me what i had been up to one night, but no one did!


I didn't really know what sort of information Town got in those PM's, so i wasn't sure i could have replicated it if asked...


Thanks to Jimbob for writing it all, it was good.

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Really really enjoyed this until the point I died, thanks for a great game Jimbob! Characters choices were great, powers were great, it being so inventive does make things more interesting and more tricky!


I got totally confused with the whole toast thing, thinking the chef and toaster were the same player, hence why I was trying to implicate Dohnut. Turns out I should've gone after him regardless! The fact that I thought he gave out toast, and when I tracked him he had targeted bob, who said nothing bad happened to him, made me ignore him more than I should've, didn't consider they were on the same team!


Jimbob, like Jonnas I think maybe you need to refrain from commenting too much, although it didn't really effect the game (apart from when you pointed out who needed to send in targets!)


Making Dohnut mafia was defo the right thing to do, although maybe he shouldn't have had a double vote? The mafia could control someone to kill? And I'm slightly concerned about this:


I think all of us as Mafia played pretty well and chose good targets. We were pretty sure we could have done it without any losses but Jimbob made a late and unannounced nerfing to my role that only applied for the night where we killed Holly which meant dannyboy was spotted by Cube, and then lynched. This made us very mad. But then after that Jimbob told us we could use the luck virus to do some pretty spectacular things, like making it so anyone who targeted one of us would die. This game became pretty unusual at that point.


This makes it sound like the mafia could make up any condition to help themselves win. I don't mean to sound bitter, as they played well, but really? I'm guessing this is what let there be three kills on the last night. If there had been the standard one, I reckon another mafia would have been lynched and the game would've been in the balance a lot more.


Anyway, well done guys :) Whose game is NEXT????

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This makes it sound like the mafia could make up any condition to help themselves win. I don't mean to sound bitter, as they played well, but really? I'm guessing this is what let there be three kills on the last night. If there had been the standard one, I reckon another mafia would have been lynched and the game would've been in the balance a lot more.


Anyway, well done guys :) Whose game is NEXT????


They only needed to succeed in the night kill(which they would have, as Dave was dead) to win due to Dohnut's double vote as majority would have been 4 the next day, only I didn't realise it when I was talking to cube about the Magnus lynch. It was lost as soon as yesterday ended!

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I was right about the whole controlling thing! Although, if I didn't know I was town, even I would have suspected me of being the killer.


I had my suspicions about a few - except bob! Well played, sir. How could anyone suspect a man named bob? - but without being able to gather information I had no evidence from myself, only hear-say from others. Also, spending so much time defending myself meant I was too afraid to push on anyone else.


Sad as it might be, it may have been best for the town if I had been lynched early on! More information.


Anyway, superb game. I had a lot of fun. Thanks Jimbob et al. Godbless and see you next time.

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You do realise Animal wasn't town right, and had his own separate agenda? Additionally his lynch saved us from lynching Moogle, who was more in our interest than Animal as Moogle was suspected as the polymorph? This was one of the games when I felt more of the town were actually on the money, but we didn't have enough activity from everyone to make the impact.


He couldn't kill you guys and his presence was one extra head away from Mafia majority. To be honest Moogle was also neutral and you would have been better off if you had killed Moogle since Animal had a double vote. Moogle's presence could have been seen as a threat for you as Cat since killing you and the other main characters would have resulted in an extra juicy bonus kill for the Mafia.


Well played for not suspecting Magnus for a second though Rummy. Better than most townies there.


@mr\-paul you are dead right. The revelation about the improvement to the luck virus came after my role was nerfed and us resulting in telling Jimbob he bad basically wrecked our game.


Cheers guys, but i genuinely had no idea what i was doing the whole time - it wasn't an act! As far as i know i didn't even lie at any point...


I was terrified someone was going to ask me what i had been up to one night, but no one did!


I didn't really know what sort of information Town got in those PM's, so i wasn't sure i could have replicated it if asked...


Thanks to Jimbob for writing it all, it was good.


So...will you play EEVIL's game now?

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No, because Animal was working AGAINST my best interests by nerfing my abilities, whilst Moogle was working in favour of them by needing me alive. If I'd lynched Moogle(on the evidence he was polymorph and I didn't believe) Animal still posed a risk(admittedly he'd already got to me though, so it's a moot point) but lynching Animal meant I possibly still had Moogle looking after mine and EEVIL's, if Moog knew he was Kryten, best interests. My leading of the Animal lynch was mostly selfish, and optimum play given the information I had. Also the luck virus and last night's deaths were still irrelevant, you had a majority with you, bob and dohnut's double to hit the 4 for a lynch/day end. There's always unknown information and chance involved, but Animal was definitely the better lynch than Moogle given he could Duane me!

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Yeah he'd already got you by then like you said. The lynch was therefore more revenge and suspicion and still made you worse off in the end. I'll admit Animal didn't help by lying and being pretty quiet all day.


I still think Moogle revealing his win condition was dangerous since the Mafia knew they could kill him indirectly by killing off the main characters.


Second: A town role blocker could also work against you if they targeted you but that doesn't mean they're Mafia.

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He couldn't kill you guys and his presence was one extra head away from Mafia majority. To be honest Moogle was also neutral and you would have been better off if you had killed Moogle since Animal had a double vote. Moogle's presence could have been seen as a threat for you as Cat since killing you and the other main characters would have resulted in an extra juicy bonus kill for the Mafia.


Well played for not suspecting Magnus for a second though Rummy. Better than most townies there.


@mr\-paul you are dead right. The revelation about the improvement to the luck virus came after my role was nerfed and us resulting in telling Jimbob he bad basically wrecked our game.




So...will you play EEVIL's game now?


Can you expand on the nerfing, other than you turning from a protector to a tracker (my role)? Is there something I'm missing?

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What would have made it a little more interesting, would have been to split the 4 players Moogle needed to remain alive across town and mafia. It was a kind of a kill 2 birds with 1 stone situation with Moogle, nerf the 4 players and he'd go.


To be honest, i thought this game went a lot better than my last one in the Happy Days mafia. More balanced, more cunning and overall not over-powering either side as much as i did before.

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