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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Come on @S\.C\.G


It bad enough I know you have it but do you have to rub it in my face :p



I would have replied to this sooner but... y'know, I was busy. ;)


So I've finally played over fifty hours of Monster Hunter so I can now say that I'm officially 'initiated' and erm... perhaps worryingly addicted. :blank:


The review is coming along nicely, I should be writing up the majority of it tomorrow, I had a pretty awesome online session earlier with a full party where I got to hunt a variety of monsters and I managed to upgrade my current weapons. : peace:


Anyway, must dash I just remembered... I left a piece of meat roasting, *presses A Button* 'Soooo Tasty!' :D


I don't think I'll be playing much else for a while somehow. :p

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This may or may not come under the embargo but have you used voice chat while online, either with the GamePad mic or a headset yet?


I would have replied to this sooner but... y'know, I was busy. ;)


My Switch Axe will launch your ass so far once I get one built :D

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This may or may not come under the embargo but have you used voice chat while online, either with the GamePad mic or a headset yet?


Hmm I'm sure I can share details about that... I have been trying to use a headset but a lot of the time some of the other hunters I have played with who had headsets or at least who I could hear in mine didn't speak English so I haven't been able to yet ascertain whether my *cough*Xbox*cough* headset - with adapter - is actually fully working with the game yet but I'm assuming it is, though it hasn't really been an issue as text chat seems to actually be the preferred method of communication at the moment which doesn't bother me so much as I spent most of my teenage years playing PSO on the DC & GC, but I do look forward to hopefully being able to use voice chat with you all when it launches. : peace:



My Switch Axe will launch your ass so far once I get one built :D


I'll hold you to that. ;)

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