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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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Couldn't believe the double bluff they did with Fitz. At the beginning you're like "omg, is he brain damaged?" then a second later it's like "haaa, we're just kidding, he's fine", then one more second later it was all "just kidding again! Totally braindamaged lolol".




But seriously, I wonder if we'll look back on this season with fondness once the main cast jump the shark and get silly superpowers down the line.


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Just watched ep2




Somehow I didn't expect it to start right where ep1 left off, thought it would skip forward a bit with the team trying to deal with the loss of the object and the 2 agents deaths.

Shoudl have ran it as a double ep last week :heh:


Enjoyed it, Fitz's breakdown is still hard to see, he's like a different person somewhat. But him helping come up with something to stop Absorbing Man was good, at least we know the old Fitz is in there.... somewhere.


Him realising the Simmons he was talking to wasn't real was handled nicely too.... was expecting a further breakdown but he seemed to just get on with it.


Coulson's "episodes" is interesting, so May knows and they are documenting it... will obviously be playing a big role in this seasons main arc.


Reina coming back was cool too and very interesting that she was able to hold the object.... and Skye's dad...very interesting, hope we see more of him next week, want to learn more...was he cleaning blood off his hands when he entered?


So are Reina and Skye's dad aliens of some kind? Is Skye half-human or also an Alien?... so when in ep1 and Skye saw the symbols on the object was that the object actually reacting to Skye?




Also the sneak peek at next weeks ep...



WTF? Why would Simmons join Hydra? WTF...... or maybe did Coulson send her off to infiltrate Hydra and be a double agent?


Hope so


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More annoyed than I should be that an ex-SAS lieutenant would pronounce lieutenant the American way :p


And the same guy then took a sniper rifle from a perfect sniper vantage point and walks up to his enemy to shoot him.


Let's just assume he was never really in the SAS since he'd be an embarrassment :p

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  • 4 weeks later...

Suprised there isnt any chat about last nights episode


So Skye is Diasy Johnson (Quake), her Dad is Mister Hyde and we got Terrigan Mists.


Shame Trip died as he was one of the few characters I actually liked but it was always going to happen, just a question of when.


Probably my favourite bit of the episode was Skye shooting Ward multiple times, without hesitation. Its just nice to see for once that we arent going to get drawn into some will they wont they crap and just yes, he is evil so she shoots him!


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That midseason finale was...WOOOOTTT


So Sky is becoming Quake, Raina getting powers too....Phase 3 has already started!


Even if Sky/Daisy (what do we call her now?) doesn't appear in Age of Ultron she should likely appear in Civil War and once the show starts to introduce more Inhumans this will likely be that catalyst that leads to Civil War...WOOT.


Be interesting to see how the Inhumans film actually works though if the origins of them are being introduced in the show what 3-4 years before the film



Edit: and who is the guy with no eyes?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Edward James Olmos joining the cast of Agents of SHIELD!







“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has just added another new face for its March return to ABC with Edward James Olmos!


Olmos will play Robert Gonzales, whose debut this spring in “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” will have massive repercussions for Director Coulson and his team.


Edward James Olmos joins Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Edward James Olmos

“Edward James Olmos brings an amazing gravitas to any role he inhabits, something we knew we needed for Robert Gonzales,” said Executive Producer and Marvel’s Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb. “When Olmos first appears on our series, everyone will have to take notice--including our favorite Agents.”


Best known for roles in “Battlestar Galactica,” “Blade Runner,” and “Miami Vice,” Olmos twice earned the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV with his work on “Miami Vice” and “The Burning Season.” In addition, Olmos earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role with “Stand and Deliver.”


"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." returns on Tuesday, March 3 at 9:00 p.m. ET on ABC. For more information on the series and the other exciting Marvel Television projects, stay tuned to Marvel.com.



This Robert Gonzales character? Is he a comics character or an original one for the show? I don't recognise the name and a quick google search doesnt give me anything


Either way hope it's a main character that might just crossover into film...would that be too much to ask? I just wanna see EJO on screen with the likes of RDJ and other Avengers :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

This definitely seems to be laying down the groundwork for Civil War. With the existence of an Inhuman training centre, mentions of the Index again, worries about an epidemic and suggestions that seem like there are plenty more Inhumans out there. On top of that, some of the agents already seem to be taking different views on the matter.


I am curious how they're going to re-explain this for people who haven't watched the show. As for the Inhuman film, from what I've read looking into Inhumans, there's a secret flying city, so I imagine the film will have something to do with that.


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Just watched ep 12




Woot for Lady Sif cameo again....will this be a regular thing every season :D


Also wasnt expecting Skyes powers to get revealed to the rest of the agents for another few eps, thought maybe we'd get a few "trying to hide and learn to control" eps first.


Also what the hell have Bobby and Mac got going on.... after last weeks ep I thought maybe they are Hydra double agents (or in the case of Bobby triple agent?) but the way they talked about Hydra this ep makes me think not....either they are working for someone else (AIM? The US Military?) or maybe they are part of some sort of mutiny that ties in with Civil War?


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I hated the way the team treated Skye at the end. It all seems so forced. And fucking Simmons heel turn is just awful.



Shit like this makes me dislike an already average cast of characters.


Season 2 is better than the first but it still isn't grabbing me in the right way. Bring on dat Daredevil next month.

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  • 2 weeks later...




WOOT Admiral Adama....erm I mean Edward James Olmos.


If I was hunter I wouldnt care if I thought EJO was a "bad guy" or wrong, I'd follow his orders just from his commanding voice.


Cant wait to see him and Coulson some face to face, I expect a great scene when that happens.


Loved the little name drops, "Avenger level powers", Captain America and the little convo bout Banner :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

Really enjoyed this weeks ep, finally getting the full story on what happened to May in Baharian was great, though I did kinda work out the twist before it was revealed it was mere seconds before it was so was still very cool and a great way to explian just why she doesnt like talking or even thinking about it.


The parts with Skye learning to control her powers were good too and the reveal at the end about Raina's powers


So she can see/dream the future? interesting....so she has become a real "Clairvoyant" :D



This whole Theta Protocal business is interesting... nice that something that seemed so not important of a line in the mid season finale has swung around to have a lot more meaning.... I did wonder at the time what Coulson was on about.


Which reminds me.... where has/have Agent(s) Koenig been since the show came back.... he(them) hasn't(haven't) been seen since mid season I think?


Wonder if this will tie in to Age of Ultron in someway (though I guess it could be more to tie in with Civil War but surely they have some sort of Ultron tie in this season.)


Looking at the final ep air dates looks like Age of Ultron should have a sizable impact on the finale.


The penultamate ep airs 5th of May (with Age of Ultron releasing in the states on 1st of May) and is titled "Scars" so that has to be placed just after the film.


Makes me wonder if the ep before it ends with a cliff hanger related to the film...though that means little for us I guess seeing as Age of Ultron will have released here just before that ep airs anyway

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Makes me wonder if the ep before it ends with a cliff hanger related to the film...though that means little for us I guess seeing as Age of Ultron will have released here just before that ep airs anyway


I wonder if we'll see any small references that you wouldn't notice without seeing the film first. Like Sitwell heading to a boat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That episode was brilliant


First of all...that action scene with Skye was amazing. Very similar style to John Wick. I loved it - I'd even say it was better than the hallway scene from Daredevil.


Also, lots of great lines, the Hot Pocket one, the conversation with Ward where he's like "We've made mistakes let's just be a team" and everyone is like "no", the "I thought your gift was spinning really fast for gold rings." joke, Coulson's sass with Gonzales.



Theta Protocol is definitely the Helicarrier. I'm curious if, after the tragic death of The Bus, Coulson will get it. They still need to explain it in the show and it would be pretty rubbish if they didn't actually show it.


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