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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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well i caught up with episode 17



This show is good now, so very very good!


Amazing episode i loved how it all went down, for a second i wondered if the clarvoyant and his team weren't hydra, an off shoot hydra allowed to exist as it kept Shield busy


And ward oh man i wasn't expecting that


Could it be a double blind though? i found it odd the look back at coulson, and the whole zoning out while Garret was talking, could it be an elaborate set up to get a man on the inside? if it is, was Hand sacrificed? was it a new type of Icer round? did he surgically shoot her?


I liked Hand so i'm not sure how i want this to play out, Ward would make an interesting threat, but as a double agent forced to do evil to get intel for Coulson would be as equally interesting (being a specialist...doing the hard job, getting it done? it was said a lot during that episode)


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Well, it looks like Ward is well and truly HYDRA. I thought I would hate it...but he's actually really damn good as a baddie. Well, not fully HYDRA, just loyal to Garrett, who I'm sure is just using Hydra for his own purposes, rather than being a true believer (I loved his response to the guy who shouted "HAIL HYDRA", especially as it had become a meme since Winter Soldier).


Another interesting development is Raina. She seems pissed off at Garrett and the Clairvoyant revelation, and she doesn't seem to be keen on HYDRA at all. I think she will betray them.


Seeing Coulson break like that was pretty devastating, especially as his team seems to be losing faith him in - especially Simmons. This episode does seem to support the theory that SHIELD will still operate in secret off-the-grid groups.


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Damn I that was tense, I kept waiting for the moment someone would figure out Ward was with Hydra. Looked like it was going to be during the lie detector test for a moment, shame he got away with it.


After May left I was hoping my she and Coulson had some suspicions bout Ward and that was part of a plan, was hoping when Skye figured it out May might come out of nowhere and fight Ward or something.....though even more interesting seems she's looking for Maria Hill.... I'd say we'll get a few cameos towards the end of the season hopefully. Hoping the finale we'll see Fury make an appearence at the least...maybe Hill might become a regular in season 2 now that Cobie is done with HIMYM.


Getting a bit more backstory on the Chellist was pretty cool too.


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I think that Agent Koenig actually did figure out that Ward was HYDRA, and got his mission out of him (Skye). He just didn't know exactly what to do about it (he is only level 6 and he's been on his own most of the time) - Coulson's team trusted each other, so he would need more evidence than he had to convince them.


I did notice that he let Skye easily see his tablet map, while he did it when Ward entered the room. He also looked worried when Ward mentioned the harddrive. I'm not sure what his plan was, but I think he tried to give Skye an advantage in case something went wrong (which is why he made sure that Skye was away from the footage they were getting).


Also, that panic attack she had was great, and how she acted with Ward after that.


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I think that Agent Koenig actually did figure out that Ward was HYDRA, and got his mission out of him (Skye). He just didn't know exactly what to do about it (he is only level 6 and he's been on his own most of the time) - Coulson's team trusted each other, so he would need more evidence than he had to convince them.


I did notice that he let Skye easily see his tablet map, while he did it when Ward entered the room. He also looked worried when Ward mentioned the harddrive. I'm not sure what his plan was, but I think he tried to give Skye an advantage in case something went wrong (which is why he made sure that Skye was away from the footage they were getting).


Also, that panic attack she had was great, and how she acted with Ward after that.


I like your thinking :bowdown:

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My prediction for ep 20, Skye has rigged the "windows" to show a "Ward is Hydra" message at some point.


Back a bit, did anyone else think it was strange in the Lorelai episode that he tried to shoot May after the collar went on? Now it makes sense :p


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Just watched episode 17 the other day. Shit just got real y'all.


I remember being oin the fence after the first episode, then the show started a to feel quite Buffy-ish, and I was put off, but for some reason I stuck with the show and it's gotten progressively better and better. Very happy now I stuck with it.


Ward is puzzling me, he was all about Skye, but then joins Hydra? I know he's quite loyal to his old boss, but joing Hydra and killing those people? He's been pretty much the perfect good guy up untill now, him going evil out of the blue just seems like one twist too many, for the sake of having a twist.


I'm still hoping ward is a good guy but I don't see how he can be, even if he's to be a Sheild mole in Hydra, he seemingly did just kill those other Sheild agents.


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Just watched episode 17 the other day. Shit just got real y'all.


I remember being oin the fence after the first episode, then the show started a to feel quite Buffy-ish, and I was put off, but for some reason I stuck with the show and it's gotten progressively better and better. Very happy now I stuck with it.


Ward is puzzling me, he was all about Skye, but then joins Hydra? I know he's quite loyal to his old boss, but joing Hydra and killing those people? He's been pretty much the perfect good guy up untill now, him going evil out of the blue just seems like one twist too many, for the sake of having a twist.


I'm still hoping ward is a good guy but I don't see how he can be, even if he's to be a Sheild mole in Hydra, he seemingly did just kill those other Sheild agents.

hasn't just turned bad/joined Hydra, he's been a bad guy/with Hydra since the start of the series, just we didn't know it.


Have you seen Captain America The Winter Soldier? Hydra's involvement with SHIELD is best explained there.


Ward is still the worst part of this show for me. I think he's a really terrible, wooden character.


The shows got better and better though.


Maria Hill

in Episode 20! :)

Edited by Retro_Link
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hasn't just turned bad/joined Hydra, he's been a bad guy/with Hydra since the start of the series, just we didn't know it.


Have you seen Captain America The Winter Soldier? Hydra's involvement with SHIELD is best explained there.


Ward is still the worst part of this show for me. I think he's a really terrible, wooden character.


The shows got better and better though.


Maria Hill

in Episode 20! :)


No I haven't seen CA2 yet, I'm not keen on going to the Cinema anymore, prefer to wait until the DVD. Seems i could do with seeign it though.


On Ward, why did he help Skye, beating up the Hydra guards, shouldn't he have just 'gone into hydra-mode' and betrayed her (and the others) there and then? Why wait?


I think even if Ward was Hydra all along, it does seem like a heck of a reach considering all he's been through with the good guys. That's a hell of an act to keep up. It does make his character a lot more interesting though, that's for sure.


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No I haven't seen CA2 yet, I'm not keen on going to the Cinema anymore, prefer to wait until the DVD. Seems i could do with seeign it though.


On Ward, why did he help Skye, beating up the Hydra guards, shouldn't he have just 'gone into hydra-mode' and betrayed her (and the others) there and then? Why wait?


I think even if Ward was Hydra all along, it does seem like a heck of a reach considering all he's been through with the good guys. That's a hell of an act to keep up. It does make his character a lot more interesting though, that's for sure.

Basically the team and Skye have stuff Ward/Hydra need. It'll all be explained


Actually I meant to double check that with hindsight... they were definitely Hydra agents Ward beat up were they, and not SHIELD agents and he just told Skye they were Hydra?


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Basically the team and Skye have stuff Ward/Hydra need. It'll all be explained


Actually I meant to double check that with hindsight... they were definitely Hydra agents Ward beat up were they, and not SHIELD agents and he just told Skye they were Hydra?


Good point, yeah they might have been Sheild, it would be hard to tell as Hydra were all essentially sleeper agents in Sheild, so they would be dressed as Sheild guys. They gave the impression that Hydra had taken over by then and had rounded up most of the Sheild resistance, but i suppose those guards could have been a small pocket of good Sheild guards. Then again if it was necessary to gain Skye's trust then maybe he wouldn't have had problem sacrificing a few Hydra grunts, that's probably how Hydra roll anyway.


Still seems odd he asked out Skye, would have made sense if he was still covert and wanted to spy on her for Hydra, but if Hydra was taking over overtly why bother?


Hmmmm, definitely can't wait for the next episode that's for sure.


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Episode 20...WOOT... I don't want this show to end! but only 2 eps left now... hopefully we get a good season 2 that leads up perfectly towards Avengers 2 :D



Maria Hill getting a lot of screen time, always welcome. Hoping she'll appear at least once more prolly in the season finale.


The Man-Thing name drop was just AWESOME :D had to rewind and make sure I wasn't hearing things....wonder will man-Thing ever appear on screen haha.


The scenes with Ward and Skye, tons of tension, especially in the cafe, loved it.


Fitz losing his shit when they found out bout Ward not wanting to believe it was brilliant, just pure raw emotion and disbelief, loved it.

Can't wait for Coulson and Ward to have a show down, bet Coulson goes into a Hulk mode or something with rage :D


And the final part....the revelation...... damn nice twist that... wonder what that'll mean for teh future of Coulson and Skye though?....though we never did yet find out why Skye is an 084 did we? Maybe that still has a part to play?


Hoping Fury will make an appearence in the finale in two weeks....surely it has to happen... would be awesome too if Stark might appear given Hill is working for him now...that and I just want to see how he will react to see Coulson alive...though I guess they might save that moment for Avengers 2?




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Yeah I loved Episode 20.


I am nervous it's not been renewed yet though.


Unlike other networks, ABC don't renew anything until mid May when they have chosen which pilots to order for the next season. They announce everything together in their upfront presentation to advertisers. SHIELD is pretty much a guaranteed renewal.



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I am nervous it's not been renewed yet though.


I think it will. Marvel's shows are now roughly in "real time" (i.e. around the same time passes in the MCU as the real world). As Avengers 2 isn't out until May next year, we'll see nothing of what happened on Earth in the MCU for an entire year.


On top of that, it's performing well. I think season 2 will introduce us to some of the smaller changes what will happen in that large gap.


Also, that last line was perfect. It was as though he had


just opened a strange box and found a naked Summer Glau inside.


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I was hoping for Ward still to be good somehow, but no, he's really not is he? Maybe there will be some Darth Vader-ish level of redemption at the end but he is a baddie at the moment,that said he seems more loyal to his mentor than Hydra itself.


This episode wasn't as good as 17 but it still absolutely flew by.


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So I'm not getting any virtual high fives for calling part of Ep 20 to the word? :p


I think everyone called that... just was too obvious for anyone else to type down :heh:


As a side note, just found out Simmons is a friend of a friend of a friend so I guess I'm basically famous.


Dude create a fake con and get your friend of a friend of a friend to invite her and the rest of teh cast :D

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So I'm not getting any virtual high fives for calling part of Ep 20 to the word? :p


As a side note, just found out Simmons is a friend of a friend of a friend so I guess I'm basically famous.


My brother's friend is friends with Joss Whedon :awesome: there has to be some way for us to cash in on this!

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