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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U


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This game is looking truly great.


This would be the perfect launch game for me along with the others I'm plumping for (NSMBU, ZombiU and the bundled Nintendo Land).


I love how you can switch to the Game Pad. I truly hope this turns out well as Sega could be onto a winner.


What's giving me hope is how good the first one was. I loved that game - probably more so than Mario Kart on Wii if I'm honest.

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Ay update on the 5 player online quote? The trailer doesn't give that impression. Worried it was an error. Even 2 player online like mario Kart wii woud be decent.but 5 player would be really really good. Looking forward to seeing how online works, DNA you set up rooms, can you create a party and hunt for games etc

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This looks fantastic, definitely not a lazy port judging by that new trailer.


Starting to regret keeping this back for my birthday now.


When is your birthday? This game is climbing down to near £25 too. Hope it turns out to be a bargain and not reflective of the quality.

This could be the perfect filler until mario Kat comes out

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Did you guys play the first? Loved it. :)


I may ask for this as a Christmas present actually, but it is looking so good I almost want it at launch!!


We could have an All Stars Racing league should all be well with the game! Ha.


I didn't play the first, not sure why now. I must have read a dodgy review or something.


A league is fine, as long as it isn't on Thursdays and I don't have to organise it. :o

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I didn't play the first, not sure why now. I must have read a dodgy review or something.


A league is fine, as long as it isn't on Thursdays and I don't have to organise it. :o


Ha oh yeah! :laughing:


Maybe we could just get a group of us together as and when for some online play rather than a full blown league!


The first game was really enjoyable. Some of the tracks left a little to be desired but it was a nice alternative to Mario Kart as it offered some nice single player touches like missions etc. It was all quite simple but it was a really solid racer.


I just really hope they've built on that for this game! I would like to think they would though, as they should have the game mechanics nailed from the first, so all they would need to do is add new features, possible missions, tracks and characters! So all looks well so far!

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IGN Review 8.6 (PS3/360) :D




More than just another kart racer, Sonic and All-Stars Racing is a bright, handsome and thoroughly enjoyable ride.
The Verdict


Beyond its obvious appeal to Sega fans, this is a rich, bold and substantial arcade racer that demands your attention. It might not be quite as finely tuned as Mario Kart, but it’s a good deal more ambitious, and different enough that it deserves a place alongside it in your gaming library.


It's quite likely the Wii U version will score even higher too, what with the exclusive content!


I'm tempted to pick this up now for the PS3, but thankfully I have other games to play so think I'll definately buy this with the Wii U whenever I get one (and hopefully cheaper at the time too, being a Sega game :p).

Plus I like the idea of driving with Mii's (which I presume you can do? given you can drive with avatars in the 360 version)!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Oh really?... where did you here that. Framerate drops and the like or?


Might end up getting the PS3 version at some point in that case, but I'll wait to here about the Wii U build.


Just all the hands on and such have said the same thing. They promised theyd sort it out and it was early builds but we'll see. Hope it's okay, definitely getting this. 5 player local play, off tv play?! I'm there!

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Dazzy, the devs have said since those hands-on (now a couple of months old right?) that the WiiU version is the closest out of the 3 to their ideal framerate and the extra ram allows for higher res textures.


I know that's what they've SAID. But no one's played it to confirm yet. I hope they're right, but the only people have played have said its choppy to buggery! I'm sure it'll all be good, but I'm always expecting the worst when it comes to Nintendo consoles and third parties :)

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ONM have put some reviews up - I say reviews it's more initial thoughts but they have given a score next to the games.


This didn't do so well... 62%




Not sure why so low compared to IGN - they didn't mention any technical issues which is what I first thought may be the case compared to the PS360, but they just go on to say it's bland.


Hmm :hmm:

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So thus far, no games to blow us away. I'm thinking of getting a Wii U for christmas, so I hope there are some more intriguing titles out by then.


I'd argue that a 90% score for Nintendo Land counts as "blown away". With the launch of the new machine (and a new look ONM to accompany it) we're treating it like a blank reviews slate. Games are going to have to work much harder for higher scores than before - personally, I think NSMBU is the best NSMB game to date, but it's still not a 90% - and hopefully people will see the merit in lower scores as a result. One thing we've introduced in the new magazine is a medal system: gold (90+), silver (80+) and bronze (70+), as we want to reclaim the 70s as respectable scores. By this logic, these are all pretty strong games. And Sonic is still above average. Just.


This is the comment from Matthew from ngamer. Sounds like they are trying to reduce scores a bit to be closer to what ngamer was. That said, they clearly don't like this.....

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