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The Happy Days Mafia


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The playstyle of Sheikah in this game is almost identical to his play style in the Lego mafia. Making long posts with lots of reasoning about the same thing. After that game he admitted that he had done that to try and distract everyone from himself, hoping that long posts wouldn't be read by people and they'd move onto something else. His posts are similar here.


Me saying he is the most suspicious based on this day alone is completely valid. Who else would you say is suspicious based ONLY on today's posts? Animal hasn't posted much, and neither has anyone else. Sheikah, however, is agressively trying to get someone lynched. Yesterday he did the same, and it resulted in a townie lynch. Surely it would be better to go for a no lynch vote today if there is no solid evidence? There aren't many players in this game, and lynching townies will definitely lose us the game. So why so eager? There's no actual evidence!


I haven't posted much because the magazine I work for is on deadline this week - I'm going to be exceptionally busy all week. And then at the weekend I have a wedding and a day out, so I probably won't be on much then, either. Still, I'll try to post here as much as possible.


Also, it's not crazy to suggest that. And I love how you completely ignored my points about there being protectors and potentially more, unknown roleblockers, who could've stopped the kill. You're just guessing. It didn't work out yesterday, and if it doesn't work today, I reckon we've lost.

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The playstyle of Sheikah in this game is almost identical to his play style in the Lego mafia.

lol. Bollocks. You haven't even identified the 'scum post' that apparently gave me away in this game. Because there isn't one. I get worked up just generally, everyone knows that. It's the way I am.


Making long posts with lots of reasoning about the same thing. After that game he admitted that he had done that to try and distract everyone from himself, hoping that long posts wouldn't be read by people and they'd move onto something else. His posts are similar here.


Hello! Earth to Nintendohnut! That's not happening here at all. I've used logic throughout all my posts when pushing for the Jonnas lynch. If he wasn't a logical lynch then no one else would have voted him.


NB - For balance, Nintendohnut is not playing anything like how he was in Lego Mafia (he was town in that). Here he has barely posted a thing until now. So his very logic he's using against me is kicking him right up the backside.


Me saying he is the most suspicious based on this day alone is completely valid. Who else would you say is suspicious based ONLY on today's posts? Animal hasn't posted much, and neither has anyone else.

Most, MOST retarded logic I have ever heard. Not posting much is a classic Mafia tactic, one you have demonstrated brilliantly here. Anyway let's cut this post short because apparently if it gets too long you'll have a panic attack about me being Mafia. But let's end on:


I haven't posted much because the magazine I work for is on deadline this week -




People should never claim real life circumstances. I'm simply not interested and if you're that busy then resign, I'm not giving you a free pass to sail through to the end via inactivity.


Bloody joke tbh that being inactive lets you get far in these games while apparently people like me who post lots are obviously Mafia, etc.

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Haha, he suggested more unknown roleblockers. Seriously more than two? And he wants to the day to go to a no lynch when we are two townies down. And the point about no evidence, there's plenty enough against both Animal and Peeps and you(general term) lynched Jonnas for less!


I'm at the point of considering Peeps as town because Cube and Nintendohnut certaintly don't do much to appear town.

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Wait, are you saying that the magazine I work for isn't on deadline this week? Would you like to know which magazine I work for, and for me to post publication schedules for you?


I have to say, there's a fine line between 'getting worked up' as part of the game and just being rude. Please don't call my posts retarded, it's unnecessary.




The whole 'you haven't identified a scum post' is a little strange - no, I haven't, but that doesn't mean your general demeanor and play style hasn't been scummy. In my opinion, it has been.


Point about you being most suspicious - you're most suspicious today because of the way you've posted. Others have posted less than Animal today, but I can't judge their alignment based on their number of posts. As I've said, I have real life things that are stopping me posting a lot. I'm town, so why would people posting less than me automatically be mafia?


Your final point is both rude and incorrect. Your original post:


Also I'd like to know why you've been keeping your head down in this topic. You're normally one of the top posters.


I answered your question, and you instantly shouted that it was bollocks. You want to know why I can't post much, but you don't want to hear about me being busy in real life? What should I say, then?!


Basically, you need to stop being rude. It's a game. And don't just keep saying 'oh that's just the way I am' - if that's the way you are, tone it down in the game. It's getting to the point where you're stopping this being fun and, frankly, I'll lynch you for that alone. I play these games because I love them, and I don't need someone saying my post is retarded because I've got a lot on at work.

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I also like how he tries to accuse me of having the same playstyle. I've had what, two other Mafia games? And the one which I was town I was killed off early. So how he can pretend he knows my 'Mafia playstyle' is absurd after one game where I was Mafia and not even much of a Town game to compare to.


Anyway, 10 player game, let's say 5-6 town remaining (2 town dead, and assuming 2-3 Mafiosos).


Question @mr\-paul



VERY easy for us to lose this given how small this game is. Animal is most likely since he was roleblocked on the first night and it can't have been Jonnas since he was town. Get voting!

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Haha, he suggested more unknown roleblockers. Seriously more than two? And he wants to the day to go to a no lynch when we are two townies down. And the point about no evidence, there's plenty enough against both Animal and Peeps and you(general term) lynched Jonnas for less!


I'm at the point of considering Peeps as town because Cube and Nintendohnut certaintly don't do much to appear town.


I never voted for Jonnas.


We are two townies down. Want to lynch another one based on what is ultimately guesswork? Be my guest. But if we lose because we voted off two townies, I'll be asking you some questions at the end of the game.


You point to some actual evidence that Animal is evil, or some actual evidence that there are only two roleblockers, and I'll vote for him.


Urgh my god enough of this.


Vote: Sheikah


Just so I don't have to deal with the rudeness any more. You're literally ruining this game for me.

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You point to some actual evidence that Animal is evil, or some actual evidence that there are only two roleblockers, and I'll vote for him.


What about the fact we voted off Jonnas based on Peeps claims of Jonnas being roleblocked by Peeps? There are only two possiblieties. There are two roleblockers, or Peeps lied. Either way Peeps lose.


Nintendohnut, can't you just ignore stuff like that. Reacting to it is what ruins the game. People get worked up in mafia games, accept it and deal with it.

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Wait, are you saying that the magazine I work for isn't on deadline this week? Would you like to know which magazine I work for, and for me to post publication schedules for you?


I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, it has no relevance to me. If you're inactive, you're inactive. Mentioning that you'll be inactive due to reason X to get people off your back is wrong, it's so easy to abuse and we have no idea whether you really do have a deadline or not. You probably do, but that's besides the point. Just as an added thing, I have no problem if people want to find a replacement because they can't play the game properly any more.


I have to say, there's a fine line between 'getting worked up' as part of the game and just being rude. Please don't call my posts retarded, it's unnecessary.


I honestly was just gobsmacked that you tried to use inactivity as a plus point to why you weren't instead focusing on Animal.



The whole 'you haven't identified a scum post' is a little strange - no, I haven't, but that doesn't mean your general demeanor and play style hasn't been scummy. In my opinion, it has been.


Well, in a few days you'll realise that you don't know my play style and should pay closer attention. :p


Point about you being most suspicious - you're most suspicious today because of the way you've posted.


Again, I'm not. This is the way I post. You can't judge the way I post based on a preconceived singular identity of a 'Townie'. People are different, people have different play styles. I think you're taking my posts too seriously to be honest, I'm calling your posts out and you're taking it personally. Lighten up.



Basically, you need to stop being rude. It's a game. And don't just keep saying 'oh that's just the way I am' - if that's the way you are, tone it down in the game. It's getting to the point where you're stopping this being fun and, frankly, I'll lynch you for that alone. I play these games because I love them, and I don't need someone saying my post is retarded because I've got a lot on at work.

Again, it's not relevant to the game, and there's no way for anyone to know whether you're really inactive due to work or not. I'm not saying you're not. It just bears no relevance on the game, and is too open to abuse.

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I don't understand your point - are you saying that Peeps isn't a roleblocker? Or are you saying he is a roleblocker, but that because there are two he must be the mafia one? He said he roleblocked Jonnas and, rightly I think (the rest of the town thought so) voted off Jonnas because he might've been the blocked killer. As it turns out, but that doesn't instantly make Peeps evil.


My ultimate question: how do you know that the kill wasn't stopped by a protector?

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Vote: Sheikah


Just so I don't have to deal with the rudeness any more. You're literally ruining this game for me.


There you go people, I think there's a strong case for voting for me. Cube just thinks I'm suspicious, whereas Nintendohnut doesn't like my personality. Very strong case, nothing can go wrong with this one. :p

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Again, it's not relevant to the game, and there's no way for anyone to know whether you're really inactive due to work or not. I'm not saying you're not. It just bears no relevance on the game, and is too open to abuse.


I wasn't using it as a way to dodge suspicion, as you suggest. You asked me why I hadn't posted much, so I answered. You said that it was a load of bollocks.


If you had accused me of definitely being evil because I hadn't posted much, I could understand your point. But you didn't. All you did was ask why I hadn't posted much, and when I told you my reason you became unnecessarily rude.


I don't need a replacement, thank you.


And I'm not saying I don't like your personality, and I'm certainly not voting for that reason - I'm saying you're being unnecessarily rude. And, as I've already said, I find you most suspicious today and that it was between you and Animal. Well, you just talked yourself into a vote from me! You want me to take it off? Probably just stop talking ;)


Wait...what was that about you not making long posts? :p

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It's a bit meta, but there's a far stronger case against Peeps and Animal than Sheikah, Cube and Nintendohnut. Do you really want to vote off people based on behaviour compared to what we have against Animal and Peeps?

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It's partly behaviour, along with the suspicion he raised yesterday pushing the lynch, and the potential information that Cube has that makes him so convinced that Sheikah is more suspicious than Animal. I'd like to know why he (@Cube, that is) really trusts Animal, tbh, because if he has actual reason to trust him I'll happily go for Sheikah.


I do know what you mean though, Tales. I just have a sneaking suspicion that there's more information around than people are letting on.


There are plenty more people I'd like to hear from today. Get talking, people!

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I wasn't using it as a way to dodge suspicion, as you suggest. You asked me why I hadn't posted much, so I answered. You said that it was a load of bollocks.


Yeah, I just don't buy people giving reasons for inactivity. Especially when they come after the inactivity. It's not that I don't necessarily believe you, it's not that at all. I just don't think it's quite fair on the game mechanic because inactive people tend to get through easy and it can make it hard for town. My apologies for saying 'bollocks', the way I picture it in my head when I say that is more inbetweeners-esque than necessarily hostile. :p


And I'm not saying I don't like your personality, and I'm certainly not voting for that reason - I'm saying you're being unnecessarily rude. And, as I've already said, I find you most suspicious today and that it was between you and Animal. Well, you just talked yourself into a vote from me! You want me to take it off? Probably just stop talking ;)


Wait...what was that about you not making long posts? :p


Right, well I'm going to apologise for being rude to you. It was wrong of me to say some of those things. I'll tone it down from now on.


Buuut...I ask you review the case. :p If you're really town, you can see how it might be considered suspicious that Animal was roleblocked and there's no night kill, right? I'm often like the way I am, so I wouldn't say I'm being altogether suspicious. Animal also hasn't spoken up for himself yet which is not boding well for him.


It's partly behaviour, along with the suspicion he raised yesterday pushing the lynch, and the potential information that Cube has that makes him so convinced that Sheikah is more suspicious than Animal. I'd like to know why he (@Cube, that is) really trusts Animal, tbh, because if he has actual reason to trust him I'll happily go for Sheikah.


I know it might appear that way, but really, do you think I'd push so hard for that lynch if I didn't really believe it and also at a stage when there was a full roster of Townies (almost like day 1)? What if I told you I had reason to believe that Jonnas had targeted me as well as apparently being roleblocked?

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Right, sorry for being away but I've been at work from 12-9:30 so obviously haven't had a chance to post in this thread. I initially thought I was redirected to Yvonne as that's what my PM said but Jimbob has since told me that I was roleblocked so if Tales didn't roleblock me, that's a third roleblocker we have. Need Jimbob to respond to my PM to see exactly what's going on.


And now I'm going to read through all the posts I've missed.

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Well if you couldn't reach Yvonne then, thinking about it, there's no chance he could've been protected. I mean, if he'd been protected he wouldn't have died! So either there is some kind of protection that prevents people from reaching the person who has been killed, or you were indeed role blocked. Or you're lying.


We need to clear this up before we go any further. If he was roleblocked, it's likely that the final roleblocker is a mafioso.

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Sorry for not posting in here. Hectic stuff going on but that's no excuse. Down to the nitty gritty, quite frankly, I can't believe how flimsy all of this supposed evidence is against me saying that I am Mafia. If you want proof that I'm town, wait until tomorrow:




Also, I'm an investigator and I'll know who's lying because I targetted mr-paul and found out that he targetted you, Sheikah.

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Right sorry, been at the Olympic Park from 7am to 10pm. Catching up now. Slightly less suspicious of Sheikah from some of what I've skimmed over, but still find his big posts too aggressive. I'm sorry that I haven't had much time for this game yet, it's had an insane number of posts for very little info. I go onto later shifts from the weekend so should have more time in the mornings to look at this.

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Well if you couldn't reach Yvonne then, thinking about it, there's no chance he could've been protected. I mean, if he'd been protected he wouldn't have died! So either there is some kind of protection that prevents people from reaching the person who has been killed, or you were indeed role blocked. Or you're lying.


There could be a protector who protects against everything but kills.

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Right, sorry for being away but I've been at work from 12-9:30 so obviously haven't had a chance to post in this thread. I initially thought I was redirected to Yvonne as that's what my PM said but Jimbob has since told me that I was roleblocked

See this is suspicious as you already revealed this apparent roleblock shortly after the kill was posted so I'm not sure why you're repeating it now as if Jimbob made a mistake and sent you a new PM since. Yes, you admitted you were redirected to Yvonne as to deny it would have you being caught out as a massive lie. This clear lapse in your story and a different story used to cover it up as well as you being directed to Yvonne (by me) couple with your dirty mafia double vote paints the disgraceful picture of what you really are.


I urge everyone to lay the shit down on Peeps now.

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What lapse?


If you're going to paraphrase what I've already said in the thread, at least get it right =\


I originally said I was redirected to Yvonne (with no mention of a roleblock) because that's what my PM says.


I have since been told by Jimbob that I was roleblocked and that's what I said in my last post. I am still waiting to hear back from him so I really don't know if I was redirected or roleblocked or both.


There's been no lapse at all except for in your own memory.


Of course, without me defending myself, who would bother to check the actual facts? Let's just dump on Peeps because he's easiest to get lynched.

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You said the following:

Before the redirector comes out, I'll say it myself. I was redirected to Yvonne BUT before I couldn't reach him because he was surrounded by police and ambulances


You didn't consider this to be some sort of roleblock and had to ask for clarification? I might expect something like this from a mafia newbie, but not you Peeps. You're more than experienced to read between the lines.

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I would consider that "you didn't reach him because he was dead".

Perhaps, but the added "I was later told I was roleblocked" is most unusual.


But this bit is intriguing:

Need Jimbob to respond to my PM to see exactly what's going on.

What else do you need clearing up?

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Ok, I've had a more thorough read through and I don't trust Animal. I want your character, results, everything please. I have a very good reason to suspect you are evil. Sheikah, you need to stop being so aggressive as it makes you look scummy even if you aren't!


Vote: Animal

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