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Nintendo Land


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Watched a bit of gameplay on that weird live stream yesterday, I'm seriously looking forward to getting my hands on this. :bouncy:

Good job too, seeing as it'll be the only Wii U game I get at launch. :hehe:


Particularly looking forward to Balloon Trip Breeze, as Balloon Fight is one of my favourite NES games. :love:



the 8-Bit Pachinko mini-game looks/sounds fantastic.

Can't wait to experience that in glorious HD! :laughing:

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I expect I will play this just as much as I played Wii Sports.


So maybe once, if I can find someone else to play it with.


Bring on Pikmin 3, I say!




Nobody liked Wii Play, Aneres. Stop trolling. :p

Truth of the century!


Also: pleasflop, pleaseflop, pleaseflop, pleaseflop! Plus, hope that this game bombs, tanks, fails and the discs spontaneously combust. BONUS: I hope the person who decided to have this made instead of virtually any better game of comparable budget, catches a disease.

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Truth of the century!


Also: pleasflop, pleaseflop, pleaseflop, pleaseflop! Plus, hope that this game bombs, tanks, fails and the discs spontaneously combust. BONUS: I hope the person who decided to have this made instead of virtually any better game of comparable budget, catches a disease.


Are you being sarcastic or intentially trying to troll?

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Any info does this game need any patches etc before you can play it?


Also: dontflop!


Looks like a legit fun, which seems to be forbidden in this way-too-serious world of ours.

I heard there is a small patch when you boot this, and Mario, up. I believe it's for the Miiverse functionality to be activated

Edited by Serebii
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Any info does this game need any patches etc before you can play it?


Also: dontflop!


Looks like a legit fun, which seems to be forbidden in this way-too-serious world of ours.


I don't really picture how 3D Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Waverace, 1080, F-Zero, Starfox, Earthbound, Mario Kart or Excitebike is less fun or way too serious.


I respect that you think that this is fun, but the bottom line is that the first party line up is way too too short term distraction-ey, if that makes any sense. I can't imagine myself sitting down and playing either New Mario Bros or Nintendo Land for a week straight.

If Nintendo had launched with one party game and a second, meatier game, I wouldn't complain. Heck, if Pikmin would've been a launch title, that would probably make me happy to. Or if Nintendo would've done as with the Wii and said "You'll be playing Zelda, 3D Mario, Smash Bros and Metroid within 18 months of release", I'd be happy too. But what I'm seeing now is three announced games: 2D Mario, Nintendoland and Pikmin.


I recently watched an episode of Play Value regarding the console war between Sega and Nintendo and I think they hit the nail on the head. Sega used to churn out lots of solid B-titles, crafting new franchises all the time, while Nintendo released two A-titles every year. Nintendo are still releasing very few games each year, but they are no longer A-titles across the board.

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I believe any of those games could be fun, altough I don't find all of them interesting. To me, Nintendo Land does great what it was meant to do: demonstrate the console and the new controller to the audience. True, I haven't played the game, so I can't be sure, but thats how I feel. Personally, I'll take this over any racing-game, as I find them shallow.


Also, wishing a game to flop, just because you personally do not like it... To me it feels the same as publicly wishing someone to die just because he's not the kind of person you would like him to be.

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Also, wishing a game to flop, just because you personally do not like it... To me it feels the same as publicly wishing someone to die just because he's not the kind of person you would like him to be.

The thing is that it's not just that I don't like it. I've got LOTS of Nintendo loving friends and the general consensus when looking through Nintendos first party roster over the last console generation is: "WTF is this s**t?".


Your analogy is WAY off. If we're to make an analogy, it's more comparable to wishing for a certain political party X to flop during the coming election, so that no other party in the government will ever try to copy the policies that party X stood for.


Or if the analogies need to regard killing people, it's more like killing an awful person which has the ability to amuse people for five minutes while attempting to exterminate a nations unique culture, so that a great, innocent person loved by milions can come back from the dead.


Look at my list and try telling me exactly how many of those games even came out for the Wii. Despite the Wii being Nintendos most profitable and widely sold consoles for over a decade, the sad answer is: no more than half. Not to mention that the Wii didn't see a single darned new core IP from Nintendo themselves.

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By requesting a game flop, you are hoping that a business fails. As such, you're wishing for the jobs of thousands of people, to be in jeapordy, and as such, their families


As this to my knowledge is developed by an in-house studio: no.

What I'm asking for is for them to make something in no way whatsoever similar to Nintendo Land (apart from perhaps making a true game based on one of the IP's that the minigames are based on) next time. Like ANY of the things I mentioned. Or something completely different, like a new core IP.

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I can't imagine myself sitting down and playing either New Mario Bros or Nintendo Land for a week straight.


I can, especially with 3 or more people playing with you, that's one of the major positives about NintendoLand and NSMBU.


I do see your point, not enough top-notch 1st party titles from Nintendo. They did say they planned to support the console with games next year, but you have to remember that there are a number of highly anticipated, excellent games coming out for the 3DS aswell within the same time-frame.

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Man, the Miiverse aspect of Nintendo Land looks amazing! icon14.gif

Imagine how great it'll be once the Wii U is out worldwide, and there are even more Miis from all over the world gathering in the plaza. :love:

I thought that'd be all there was to it (along with the message that appears when close to a Mii), but you can actually interact with them and see all their Nintendo Land stats too!:


That is exactly the kind of online functionality that I originally hoped to see on the Wii, it's great that Nintendo have finally got it up and running with Wii U.


I can't bloody wait to see the online features for Mario Kart U/8! :bouncy:

Nintendo are on to a real winner with Miiverse I reckon. :awesome:

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Man, the Miiverse aspect of Nintendo Land looks amazing! icon14.gif

Imagine how great it'll be once the Wii U is out worldwide, and there are even more Miis from all over the world gathering in the plaza. :love:

I thought that'd be all there was to it (along with the message that appears when close to a Mii), but you can actually interact with them and see all their Nintendo Land stats too!:


That is exactly the kind of online functionality that I originally hoped to see on the Wii, it's great that Nintendo have finally got it up and running with Wii U.


I can't bloody wait to see the online features for Mario Kart U/8! :bouncy:

Nintendo are on to a real winner with Miiverse I reckon. :awesome:


How do other peoples Miis get to your NintendoLand? Is it only people from your friends list or is it like that Mii Parade thing on the Wii and they could come from anywhere?


Looks like you can set something for your Mii to "say" when in someone elses game, this is awesome cause I just realised I can use this to advertise my Youtube Channel and N-Europe, hahaha :D


Ooh, will I get a Union Jack or a St. George's Cross? I wonder how regional it will go?


I'd imagine the Scots and the Welshie's might want their flag!


If the 3DS location settings are anything to go by ye'll likely get a Union Jack, you'll prolly be able to pick "Country - United Kingdom" and select your region from between "England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland"


Which I think is a little unfair as other countries get to be more in dept on their location settings.


Like here when you pick "Country - Ireland" you can then select between each of the 26 counties for your Region.


I remember some people in the StreetPass thread in the 3DS boards getting confused when I said I streetpassed some from who was from County Dublin for example, asking how I knen exactly which county the Mii was from as ye have the various countries of the UK as the Region options.

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The theme tune to Nintendo Land is dangerously addictive! I've got the 8-Bit version of it embedded in my brain (and also in my sig)! :heh:


I'm starting to wish that I didn't get myself on the hype train for this now though...

It's just making the wait until the 30th unbearable. :shakehead


How do other peoples Miis get to your NintendoLand? Is it only people from your friends list or is it like that Mii Parade thing on the Wii and they could come from anywhere?
As far as I'm aware it's like the Mii Parade, so yeah, just loads of random Miis from all over the place! :hehe:


It'd be awesome if it was influenced by friends that you have added as well though. I mean if the Miis of people that you've already added get sent out along with your own.

For example, if we added each other as friends, and you already had a bunch of other peeps from N-E added, that I would then find them in my NL plaza.

Because it looks like you can also register people to the friend roster directly from the NL plaza too. :awesome:


Looks like you can set something for your Mii to "say" when in someone elses game, this is awesome cause I just realised I can use this to advertise my Youtube Channel and N-Europe, hahaha :D
And the best thing about doing that on the Wii U is that people will easily/quickly be able to check out your YT thanks to the awesome browser. ;)
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Yeh I'm less bothered about complete randoms. I want it filled with my friends, people I follow on miiverse then friends of friends.need SOME connection. Then maybe just a few complete randoms. Worried you wont have that option though, same wit he plaza, I won't care about randoms. Weird for nintendo to do this though...


Also, anyone said anything about sharing achievements on mario with miiverse and Nintendoland high scores? Can you compare scores with friends in the game? How has no one looked at this yet?

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Probably a stupid question, but can extra players use the Pro Controller with this game, or does it have to be Wiimotes?


Just wondered as I'll be having 4 friends over soon, and only have 3 Wiimotes.

Has to be Wiimotes.


For the Zelda and Metroid games, they have to either have Motion Plus, or be a Wii Remote Plus

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That's pretty ridiculous. Even if I just want to play Luigi's Ghost Mansion? All the other players need is a D-pad and A button.


I don't really know much about the other minigames and whether or not they use motion controls, as I just played the Ghost Mansion game at Play Expo last month.

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