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I'm really nit seeing much reason for me to keep playing this game... I find it too lacklustre as most of the attractions are just not to my taste.
Have you played the Advanced stages on Metroid Blast? :blank:

If they're not to your taste, then you might as well call it a day. ::shrug:

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Thank you.


Shame though, it's lame that you can't use it for attractions like Animal Crossing and Mario chase.


Also it's pants that there's no online leaderboards etc. I'm really nit seeing much reason for me to keep playing this game... I find it too lacklustre as most of the attractions are just not to my taste.


You need to give it time. At first most of the attractions are very easy and simplistic, but as you get into them the difficulty goes through the roof later on.


At first I thought Metroid and Zelda were too easy, when I got to the later stages I was proved wrong! The same applies for Donkey Kong (which was never easy) and several of the other games.


The only game I really don't enjoy is Yoshi's Fruit Cart. I've even started to like Octopus Dance and try to best my score each morning before work!


Have you played the Advanced stages on Metroid Blast? :blank:

If they're not to your taste, then you might as well call it a day. ::shrug:


The advance stages are pretty tough. I think the advance stages on Pikmin and Zeloda are amazing too.

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Have you played the Advanced stages on Metroid Blast? :blank:

If they're not to your taste, then you might as well call it a day. ::shrug:


No, I can't bring myself to play it as I'm not a fan of the controls. If I could tweak them I'd play it but as they are they just peck my head so I'd rather not.

In all honesty, I want to trade this in because I find that when I put it on I stand in the plaza at the entrance of the attractions and think "fuck that, I can't be arsed with it, it's just not enough fun"... the game could've been a lot better if they'd given us some options in regards to fine tuning controls etc.


It's a sad state of affairs when Nintendo of all developers set out to make a game that's fun but I just don't find it fun at all (except when played with others... but given it's not online this ruins the experience for me).

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No, I can't bring myself to play it as I'm not a fan of the controls. If I could tweak them I'd play it but as they are they just peck my head so I'd rather not.

In all honesty, I want to trade this in because I find that when I put it on I stand in the plaza at the entrance of the attractions and think "fuck that, I can't be arsed with it, it's just not enough fun"... the game could've been a lot better if they'd given us some options in regards to fine tuning controls etc.


It's a sad state of affairs when Nintendo of all developers set out to make a game that's fun but I just don't find it fun at all (except when played with others... but given it's not online this ruins the experience for me).


This is the same issue I have with the game. I would have loved it if I could use a normal pad for the games as I would have enjoyed them so much more. Then again that's never the point of these types of games, the control scheme not the enjoyment issue. :D

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No, I can't bring myself to play it as I'm not a fan of the controls. If I could tweak them I'd play it but as they are they just peck my head so I'd rather not.

In all honesty, I want to trade this in because I find that when I put it on I stand in the plaza at the entrance of the attractions and think "fuck that, I can't be arsed with it, it's just not enough fun"... the game could've been a lot better if they'd given us some options in regards to fine tuning controls etc.


It's a sad state of affairs when Nintendo of all developers set out to make a game that's fun but I just don't find it fun at all (except when played with others... but given it's not online this ruins the experience for me).


You're being far too harsh on some things. I was sceptical about the controls, then I played it. Zelda works well and the pacing for a game that's on rails is immense, plus you decide when you move and how far you move.


However you are 100% correct on the online issue. Playing Metroid online or joining up for a game of Luigi's Ghost Mansion would've added immense value to the product. The other unforgivable fail is the total lack of online leaderboards! Why can't I see how well you guys are doing? Or how well the world is doing?


The days of uploading a picture to a website so you can compare your high scores should be long gone.


I often feel with Nintendo that they hobble their own products. I think Nintendo Land is in many ways utter genius, but never followed through to a logical conclusion that would raise it's value exponentially.

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You're being far too harsh on some things. I was sceptical about the controls, then I played it. Zelda works well and the pacing for a game that's on rails is immense, plus you decide when you move and how far you move.


However you are 100% correct on the online issue. Playing Metroid online or joining up for a game of Luigi's Ghost Mansion would've added immense value to the product. The other unforgivable fail is the total lack of online leaderboards! Why can't I see how well you guys are doing? Or how well the world is doing?


The days of uploading a picture to a website so you can compare your high scores should be long gone.


I often feel with Nintendo that they hobble their own products. I think Nintendo Land is in many ways utter genius, but never followed through to a logical conclusion that would raise it's value exponentially.


Because Nintendo is scared of the big bad world.

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Because Nintendo is scared of the big bad world.


But it's crazy. When Mario Kart Wii has weekly challenges and online leaderboards why can't Nintendo Land?


I mean f****ck, games like Donkey Kong's Crash Course are against the clock and all about high scores! DKCC is so old school you have to play through from start to finish - no saves and no level selects. This is all about the challenge of making it through from start to finish and getting the highest score possible. But then, what's the point of grinding for high scores if you can't show them off!

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You need to give it time. At first most of the attractions are very easy and simplistic, but as you get into them the difficulty goes through the roof later on.


At first I thought Metroid and Zelda were too easy, when I got to the later stages I was proved wrong! The same applies for Donkey Kong (which was never easy) and several of the other games.


The only game I really don't enjoy is Yoshi's Fruit Cart. I've even started to like Octopus Dance and try to best my score each morning before work!




The advance stages are pretty tough. I think the advance stages on Pikmin and Zeloda are amazing too.


It's not the difficulty that bothers me. As mentioned above, for Metroid it's the controls, for Zelda it's that it on rails (I HATE on rails with a passion) and Donkey Kong I just simply find crap and boring, regardless of how challenging it is... I'd rather play Cut The Rope on my iPhone, it's much more fun. The same applies to things like Balloon Trip, Capt Falcons Twister Race, Octopus Dance, Tak's Ninja thing and Yoshi's Fruit Cart. Out of which I prefer Yoshi's Fruit Cart funnily enough.


The only one I'm yet to try is Pikmin Adventure, I can imagine that being my favourite of the lot but I do wish the game was online so I could actually enjoy it!

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No, I can't bring myself to play it as I'm not a fan of the controls. If I could tweak them I'd play it but as they are they just peck my head so I'd rather not.
What is it specifically about the controls? :wtf:

The gunship controls are pretty much your standard dual analog setup, and the on-foot controls of Nunchuck for player movement + Wii Remote for aiming are basically the best shooting controls in existence. :hmm:

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What is it specifically about the controls? :wtf:

The gunship controls are pretty much your standard dual analog setup, and the on-foot controls of Nunchuck for player movement + Wii Remote for aiming are basically the best shooting controls in existence. :hmm:


The gunship controls are ok, the Wiimote controls are iffy. They need fine-tuning, I don't like them as they are. Wiimote controls are excellent if they're customisable as I can fine-tune them to how I like.

You have to point much too close to the edge of the screen to turn. I don't like the holding A lark... they're just a bit unrefined.

Edited by Kav
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The gunship controls are ok, the Wiimote controls are iffy. They need fine-tuning, I don't like them as they are. Wiimote controls are excellent if they're customisable as I can fine-tune them to how I like.

You have to point much too close to the edge of the screen to turn. I don't like the holding A lark... they're just a bit unrefined.

Fair enough (I'm not a huge fan of holding down A either), but it's not like they're broken or anything.


You should at least try to play through to the first few Advanced stages. Chances are by the time you get there the controls will feel a bit better, and the game becomes absolutely awesome on Advanced too. ;)

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When playing shooters with the Wiimote I don't use a bounding box, I set it to as small as possible. For whatever reason, I just find controls with a bounding box a mess and dual analogue becomes instantly preferable. It's the sole reason I can't bring myself to play it. It does feel broken to me.

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Ok, n00b-alert!


Why does DKCC stop after I finish Course 1? Shouldn't I automatically progress to Course 2? :confused:


Or am I missing something?


Sadly you open up the ability to get to Course 2 AFTER finishing Course 1. Therefore you have to do it all over again to see Course 2!

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Sadly you open up the ability to get to Course 2 AFTER finishing Course 1. Therefore you have to do it all over again to see Course 2!


Oh wow, hadn't thought of that before. I have finished course 1 three times, but maybe with different Mii's then... :hmm:


Thanks anyway Phube!

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Oh wow, hadn't thought of that before. I have finished course 1 three times, but maybe with different Mii's then... :hmm:


Thanks anyway Phube!


Once you've completed the course you have to travel to course 2! This stumped me the first time.


if you watch the TV the bottom of course 1 changes, enabling you to move left and back over the big bump to course 2!

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  • 2 weeks later...



An interview with the composer of Nintendo Land... (Ryo Nagamatsu)




On DK's Crash Course...


The melody in the music for Stages 2 and 4 is simply the reverse (from the end) of the melody in Stages 1 and 3. I wonder if anybody has noticed."


You brilliant bastard! :laughing: Can't believe that I never noticed that!

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Thanks Dcubed, was going to post that too.


Ryo Nagamatsu is definitely one to watch. Some of Galaxy 2's most original tracks came from his pen, like Puzzle Plank, Fated Final Battle and particularly...


Broadcast Yourself



He did a really great job on Nintendo Land - the music is one of the game's (many) strong points. I thought his quasi-orchestral arrangements for Metroid Blast and and the Balloon Trip variations were fantastic. He manages to observe Nintendo's 'house style', while injecting an element of surprise and originality. Frankly, I'd be fine with him taking the helm on 3D Mario or even F-Zero.


Looking forward to part 2 of the interview!

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The music in Metroid Blast is so good, it's one of the reasons I keep going back to play it :p and I have to disagree about the controls, I thought the wiimote controls were amazing. That said, I usually hate dual analogue so I suppose it's just what you're used to.


I totally agree about the lack of online, it's ridiculous, with Miiverse and such, that friends high scores don't appear on the minigames!

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This game is amazing. Like old-school arcade titles, tough as **** to get all the stamps as well. They've somehow made it appeal to the casual and hardcore Nintendo crowd.


Anyway just wondering if anything special happens if we collect all gold stars / platinum trophies. No spoilers though please.

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This game is amazing. Like old-school arcade titles, tough as **** to get all the stamps as well. They've somehow made it appeal to the casual and hardcore Nintendo crowd.


Anyway just wondering if anything special happens if we collect all gold stars / platinum trophies. No spoilers though please.


Yes to starring each attraction.. not sure about the platinums as I'm miles off!

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Just got to level 12 on Metroid Blast, it's so fun. I hope they make a Metroid game along these lines with co-op online!


I played it co-op today, but instead of the vs battle we usually have, we went through the single player levels. My friend was the gunship and I used the (amazing) Wiimote controls. T'was a lot of fun.


My favourite part, grabbing on to the bottom of my friends gun ship and shooting away and he flew over all the enemies!

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Metroid and Zelda in particular are fantastic experiences. The final battle in Metroid was heart-poundingly intense and Zelda's last level in the Advanced section was very tough. Those spiders!!!!!! Satisfying to complete though.


Yes to starring each attraction.. not sure about the platinums as I'm miles off!


Thanks. Is it anything decent. ie. not just that crappy fireworks animation? ;)

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Metroid and Zelda in particular are fantastic experiences. The final battle in Metroid was heart-poundingly intense and Zelda's last level in the Advanced section was very tough. Those spiders!!!!!! Satisfying to complete though.


Thanks. Is it anything decent. ie. not just that crappy fireworks animation? ;)


I haven't managed it myself yet because I haven't had a chance to play the exclusive multiplayer games enough, but I remember RedShell saying it was pretty sweet. Think the words were "Nintendo Magic" ;)


Edit -Also Octopus Dance is a nightmare for someone with terrible co-ordination who can barely tell left from right at the best of times! Will I ever do it?! :shakehead

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