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Mass Effect 3


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It took 18 months but they were still developing the game itself so it wasn't a straight port. I'm pretty sure I read someone, I think it was dark sides actually wh said they ported it in a matter of days and been spending th rest of the time sorting the gamepad.


You're right. Can't find a link, but generally developers seem to be saying they can get ports up and running in days. Even at this late stage EA could package in ME1 and 2, but I doubt it.


The reason I'm completely ignoring Mass Effect 3 on WiiU is because its a series that's notable for its use of saves across the titles; I am not a complete moron, so why on Earth would I choose to have gimped experience?

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I really was going to pick this one up, but obviously not anymore now.

I only own nintendo consoles, so I never have had the chance to play a game of the series, and I was looking forward to check it out! But the way EA deals with this is just unacceptable, it's like they are just giving people a reason to not buy the wiiu version...

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This is a frakking disgrace and an outrage.


I wasn't planning to get ME3 on launch day but I was certainly planning to get it round January, I was looking forward to it having not played any ME games yet.


This news of a Trilogy collection for PS3 and 360 is just a slap in the face to WiiU, Nintendo fans and Nintendo themselves.


I hope to see Reggie or someone from nintendo getting asked about this in an interview soon.


This trilogy didn't just get pulled from thin air today, it must have been in planning for awhile.

They've just ensured a negitive reaction to ME3 on teh WiiU now, unless they somehow announce that the WiiU game is actually a Trilogy and that crap about getting an interactive "recap" of teh first two games was actually all bull cause they were waiting till they revealed the trilogy set.


No frakking way now will I be getting ME3 on WiiU, hell if EA know what is good for them they will delay it and get ME1 and ME2 on teh disc with the same Upad features they made for ME3 and then give us teh Trilogy set. If they still release ME3 on day one and then months later bring out a Trilogy set I may very well boycott that too.


I think everyone here should get onto Twitter and let @EA and @Bioware know what a mess they've made. :mad:

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You know what makes matters even worse? The one platform where the trilogy is really needed is the Wii U. All the other platforms have had some of the games if not all of them. Whereas alot of Nintendo fans like myself are new to the series and would be more interested in playing the trilogy. I doubt many Xbox owners want to pay again for something they've already played. Never have liked EA, this just ensures that ME3 for the Wii U bombs faster than a lead turd. If you do buy it for Wii U, you'll be given a recap of the first 2 games so if the trilogy is later announced for Wii U then they'll have ruined the previous stories surprises. EA= Effing Assholes.

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What takes the piss, as Zechs said, is that we're expected to pay full price for ME3 when the trilogy comes out on other consoles not long after for the exact same price!


That is completely fucked up right there. We're getting a third of the content for the same fucking price? Fucking rip-off! Screw you EA!!!

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You know what makes matters even worse? The one platform where the trilogy is really needed is the Wii U. All the other platforms have had some of the games if not all of them. Whereas alot of Nintendo fans like myself are new to the series and would be more interested in playing the trilogy. I doubt many Xbox owners want to pay again for something they've already played. Never have liked EA, this just ensures that ME3 for the Wii U bombs faster than a lead turd. If you do buy it for Wii U, you'll be given a recap of the first 2 games so if the trilogy is later announced for Wii U then they'll have ruined the previous stories surprises. EA= Effing Assholes.


Exactly it doesn't make sense


"Lets give players who have played all 3 a Trilogy pack and lets give players who've likely not played any just the one game"


Anyone know which EA and Bioware facebooks are the official ones?

Only so much you can say in a tweet...

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So I'm genuinely up for turning this fully on EA and helping an effort to completely VITO this edition. Anyone who is buying a Wii U needs to understand who poor value for money this is going to be.


No need. EA have already VITOed it themselves. This version will bomb harder than MGS3D (and that's exactly what they want to happen...)


It's just like the Capcom tests that you can't win. If it sells, then it means that EA can get away with shovelling shit at us with no value at full price and will probably give us Mass Effect On Rails Edition. If it fails, bye bye support all together...


The only thing we can hope for is that Nintendo do something about this themselves. They're the only ones who can do something about this situation (be it sorting out some sort of temporary moneyhat deal, a dedicated Origin store on eShop, or publicly shaming EA and denying them the right to publish on their platform altogether)


Oh and now this comes out of EA...




Lol! Who is ME3 WiiU aimed at then?

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The thing that pisses me off most is the timeline of events:


- The WiiU was officially unveiled at E3 2011.

- ME3 came out in March this year 9 months after the WiiU was unveiled.

- As MET includes the porting of ME1 to the PS3 the decision to make MET was no doubt made before ME3 even came out on the 360 and PS3.

- Despite all this ME3 on WiiU will come out weeks after MET comes out on the other systems


Bearing all this in mind, EA have known for a long while that MET trilogy would be coming out. They've had plenty of time to allow the other games to be ported and to make things right - and if needs be delay the release of MET on WiiU for a month or so.


It's obvious to anyone that releasing MET a week or so before the Special Edition of ME3 will:


- Completely kill any chance of gamers who have already played ME on another console picking up the special edition as they'll just get MET.

- What's more people who haven't played ME yet and want a taste of the series won't be getting ME3 on WiiU when they can buy the whole trilogy for the same price.

- Finally, the Nintendo fans who haven't had a chance to play ME will now not be picking it up either as they realise they've been given the short end of the stick and will boycot it (and rightly so).


So the three biggest groups likely to purchase the game have basically been either tempted away or pissed off and won't buy it.


If I can figure this out, EA and their strategists certainly can. So if as this is clearly a poor release strategy why are EA doing it? I think there has to be something in this where EA either don't give two shits about the WiiU and Nintendo or are actively trying to have an excuse for not developing more of thus type of game for the system.

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To be clear, the PC and 360 versions are the ones coming out in November and they're a simple repackage of games that already exist. The PS3 version is the only one that requires actual development by virtue of ME1 being ported for the first time, and we don't even know when that's releasing; "a later date" is the official word.


I'm not contesting that forgoing the Trilogy on Wii U is an odd decision, but for all we know this trilogy pack was only greenlit last month whilst the development budget for ME3 on Wii U would have been worked out before its announcement. By all means call EA out for a lack of foresight and don't buy their game if you don't think it's worth the money, but please stop with all the conspiracy nonsense; it's not really any different to the complaints about the Bayonetta 2 announcement that you were deriding not long ago.

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Fun fact: Mass Effect Trilogy is supposed to cost 49,99€ in Europe, whereas Mass Effect 3 for Wii U is listed at 69,99€ among many retailers


Yeah. ME Trilogy comes out earlier and is cheaper than ME3 Wii U.




PS: Regarding this conspiracy "nonsense" That old Reddit rumour did actually mention a release of Mass Effect Trilogy on Wii U...


As an reward, EA received development kits even before Ubisoft, Valve or Tecmo Koei. Many of EA's studios were interested, especially Bioware who have been wanting to put their own games on a Nintendo system for ages and finally had the technical ability to do it with a Mass Effect Trilogy port and Dragon Age 3 on slate for the system.


Oh and this was several months ago, LONG before knowledge of this collection was made public...

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To be clear, the PC and 360 versions are the ones coming out in November and they're a simple repackage of games that already exist. The PS3 version is the only one that requires actual development by virtue of ME1 being ported for the first time, and we don't even know when that's releasing; "a later date" is the official word.


I'm not contesting that forgoing the Trilogy on Wii U is an odd decision, but for all we know this trilogy pack was only greenlit last month whilst the development budget for ME3 on Wii U would have been worked out before its announcement. By all means call EA out for a lack of foresight and don't buy their game if you don't think it's worth the money, but please stop with all the conspiracy nonsense; it's not really any different to the complaints about the Bayonetta 2 announcement that you were deriding not long ago.


I'd say it is different to Bayonetta 2, in that case Nintendo picked up the game when by the developers own admission no other publisher would touch it. If not for Nintendo making B2 WiiU exclusive it would not exsist.


With ME and EA here is a situation where when ME3 was announced on WiiU people first might have been somewhat upset that it was just part 3 and not all 3 games, but eventually got over. (Like me)


Then out of almost nowhere EA announce a trilogy set for every console except the WiiU and will be selling it at the same or lower price as ME3 will cost on WiiU. I just find that an insult. They talked up ME3 on WiiU saying how great it is to introduce the series to new players who might not have played it before but then offer a trilogy set to markets that have played it before not to the market that would benifit most from a trilogy set and likely see the better sales for a trilogy set.



Oh and I found the official ME facebook page, Zechs hope you don't mind I copypasted the end of your last post into my reply to their announcement of the Trilogy set

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Oh and I found the official ME facebook page, Zechs hope you don't mind I copypasted the end of your last post into my reply to their announcement of the Trilogy set


No not at all :)


I hope EA get a ton of abuse, they certainly are over on NeoGaf.


EA have behaved like utter c*nts on this. I can just hear them now:


"Our future support for the WiiU depends on the performance of our core launch title Mass Effect 3".


I have left my thoughts on several EA Facebook pages and will continue to do so.

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How can I not believe they didn't send that tweet on purpose? How? The cleaner mans their twitter feed... that's all I can come up with!


Or it's the team who makes the game...who don't actually have anything to do with the Wii U version.

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Well, bearing in mind that we're not only getting ME3 at full price rather than MET, the WiiU is getting FIFA 13 but it's actually only FIFA 12 re-branded with new rosters, it is NOT the same as the other consoles.


I have had a dig around and found an explanation for EA's shitty attitude:


8 months before E3 and many months after this is what it was like between EA and Nintendo. Nintendo noticed that many people commended EA's online system and netcode they did for their Wii games (Madden, Medal of Honor, ect) so they asked them if they could work on contract to help build the core online ecosystem for their next gen console. EA provide a ton of consoling to Nintendo, such as how to make low-latency net code, username account systems, social networks and more. While other companies did provide input as well, EA made sure to provide the most input and support for the Wii U's R&D.


As an reward, EA received development kits even before Ubisoft, Valve or Tecmo Koei. Many of EA's studios were interested, especially Bioware who have been wanting to put their own games on a Nintendo system for ages and finally had the technical ability to do it with a Mass Effect Trilogy port and Dragon Age 3 on slate for the system.


Here comes the problem. At a meeting in Kyoto, a month or so after Peter Moore visited them, Nintendo of Japan showed EA their new Nintendo Network and Miiverse online system for Wii U. They wanted to congratulate them helping them with the support and paid them for their counseling.


This is where reportedly EA according to my friends who were at the meeting the core executives at EA got greedy. They then offered this deal to Nintendo where EA could go further with the online system adding smartphone/tablet functionality, communities, Facebook and Twitter interactions and more. Better netcode and something that would truly rival X-Box Live and PSN.

The catch? Nintendo would have to make the Nintendo Network for Wii U officially part of Origin and run Origin's interface and netcode. Ergo, Nintendo Network would be an Origin-exclusive network.


Nintendo actually did debate for a minute if they should accept EA's deal, but they quickly decided (and put their foot down) that there was WAY more harm than good doing this. Even though Nintendo Network can link to Origin and it's servers, having the core network running on Origin would provide quality control issues. For example, if EA wanted to sell some low end DLC for $50 each when realistically consumers would buy it only for $5, EA could do this without Nintendo having any say since it was their network and not Nintendo's. Also, if a rival company let's say Activision wanted to put Modern Warfare 4 on Wii U, EA could give Activison the WORST netcode and support resources while putting all their back into Battlefield 4, thus making a rival look worse than EA"s products.


These unfair business possibilities and consumer complaints on Origin for PC made Nintendo reject EA's offering for Origin and instead opted to keep the platform open to it's own internal network and able to link/patch in other networks such as Steam and uPlay.


This, like the PSN vs. Capcom incident that caused MH4 to jump ship, destroyed any momentum that Nintendo had with EA for Wii U. While EA still likes Wii U and will support it, from what I understand unless the launch titles or future titles sell way beyond expectations, EA will simply "throw Wii U bones" by putting some multiplatform games without giving them any real budgets. This means we are going to get low quality in terms of budget and manpower ports of various EA games with no soul behind them and thus the original agreement of ME3, FIFA and Madden are gimped and the developers have only that small budget to work with.


Ironically, the good thing that came out of this is that other 3rd parties praised Nintendo. This especially pleased Ubisoft, who was head over heels with the system to begin with and this move further solidified their partnership with the Big N. In a way, Nintendo lost EA and gained the entire good side of Ubisoft instead.


This also gave props to Valve, who also loves the system and since they are hard at work for 5 games in the next three years next year they will show off games for Wii U, starting with a multiplat Left 4 Dead prequel announcement for Q1/Q2 2013.


Hence bitter EA are trying to sabotage the WiiU due to sour grapes over the Origin deal.


Personally, I'm happy that Nintendo didn't go for Origin. If Nintendo had gone down the Origin route for their online it could have left them at the mercy of EA and also made it harder for other developers to bring their titles to the WiiU.

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EA are cunts but this conspiracy theory is getting ridiculous. If true they just wouldn't release anything on the system


Their stock is tanking, the current gen console market is in tatters and there's a new console on the horizon that is breaking all pre-order records (which is also coming off the back of one of the most successful consoles of all time and one that EA publicly admitted that they missed out on) and is perfectly capable of running their games without breaking a sweat - and also where PS360 ports cost relatively little to produce.


You try justifying not releasing anything on the system at all to your pissed off investors ;)


The ME3 port was a sweetheart deal to try and gain Nintendo's trust in the first place, to get their foot in the door and wriggle their way into negotiations to get Origin on that system as the backbone of Nintendo's online service, where they take a cut of royalties (just like the stunt that Sony almost pulled on Nintendo that ended up destroying the SNES CD attachment and creating the Playstation). Once that plan failed, they fast tracked development of MET/ME1 PS3 in order to get it out of the door and kill ME3 Wii U stone cold dead.


Why else do you think they would release a trilogy pack just a mere 9 months after the launch of ME3? (before even the GOTY edition of ME3 got released!) - releasing before ME3 Wii U and at a cheaper price to boot!


EA are not stupid, they know what they're doing here. The ultimate proof will be seen when the inevitable excuses come out about how ME3 Wii U's failure means that they won't be supporting the Wii U in the future. Don't expect any significant support throughout the console's entire lifetime (if it gets any EA support from beyond this point at all!)

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Very interesting, explains a lot. It still seems very silly of EA to do this. If other 3rd party titles sell well and the WiiU is a hit they will lose out more than anything. What an absurd strategy to render one of your flagship titles on a system redundant! Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!


I think twitter comments etc should stay within sensible levels of outrage. Otherwise facile and ridiculous comparisons will be made to the Bayonetta 2 saga (it should be clear to anyone that this is a completely different scenario to a game being saved from oblivion on a different console).

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Their stock is tanking, the current gen console market is in tatters and there's a new console on the horizon that is breaking all pre-order records (which is also coming off the back of one of the most successful consoles of all time and one that EA publicly admitted that they missed out on) and is perfectly capable of running their games without breaking a sweat - and also where PS360 ports cost relatively little to produce.


You try justifying not releasing anything on the system at all to your pissed off investors ;)


The ME3 port was a sweetheart deal to try and gain Nintendo's trust in the first place, to get their foot in the door and wriggle their way into negotiations to get Origin on that system as the backbone of Nintendo's online service, where they take a cut of royalties (just like the stunt that Sony almost pulled on Nintendo that ended up destroying the SNES CD attachment and creating the Playstation). Once that plan failed, they fast tracked development of MET/ME1 PS3 in order to get it out of the door and kill ME3 Wii U stone cold dead.


Why else do you think they would release a trilogy pack just a mere 9 months after the launch of ME3? (before even the GOTY edition of ME3 got released!)


The ultimate proof will be seen when the inevitable excuses come out about how ME3 Wii U's failure means that they won't be supporting the Wii U in the future. Don't expect any significant support throughout the console's entire lifetime (if it gets any EA support from beyond this point at all!)


I think you're utterly insane :)

No way would they purposeful sabotage sales of a game because of a grudge, it's just ludicrous on absolutely every single level. If like you say they are in tatters then they will want every single success they can get.


And where did you read the wii u is breaking records?! Unless you mean shopto saying its outsold other preorders... but where they even about when the wii and ps3 came out? If they were they weren't as big and known as they are now.

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Very interesting, explains a lot. It still seems very silly of EA to do this. If other 3rd party titles sell well and the WiiU is a hit they will lose out more than anything. What an absurd strategy to render one of your flagship titles on a system redundant! Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!


Oh, hi Wii! Completely forgot that you ended up getting shafted the same way...


I think you're utterly insane :)

No way would they purposeful sabotage sales of a game because of a grudge, it's just ludicrous on absolutely every single level. If like you say they are in tatters then they will want every single success they can get.


And where did you read the wii u is breaking records?! Unless you mean shopto saying its outsold other preorders... but where they even about when the wii and ps3 came out? If they were they weren't as big and known as they are now.


Well... more extreme examples have happened before... [cough]EA shafting Dreamcast after being denied complete exclusivity - Tales of Graces being released on the same day as FF13 in Japan and then conveniently having an enhanced PS3 version ready to go less than a year later[/cough]


Nah, obviously EA are just stupid and don't realise that they're killing off a project that they actually believe in...


But it doesn't matter. I don't expect EA to provide any Wii U support whatsoever after this debacle. They've set it up to fail for a reason and all that's left for us to do is to look elsewhere at the likes of WB Games, Ubisoft and Activision - the publishers who are actually supporting the console...

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