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NEW! Super Mario Bros. U


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In all fairness though 91% does seem awfully high for a game that's lacking quite a bit.


But if it's a recommendation based on the games available on that system at this point in time( let's face it this or nintendoland) then I suppose it's hard to argue it.

Going on what's said in the review, it's a recommendation relative to NSMB games and to other platformers.

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It's not just me thought is it? Quite a lot of people are with him, theres a reason for that. I have no idea why you've been defending him so vehemently the past few weeks. He's handling himself. Isn't that what forums are about? I'm sure we don't all want it to turn into a slagging match, but I also think people should be called out, he is ruining this place for a lot of people, I know that for a fact.
Chat Roulette maybe, but not this forum!
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Have you ever known a mario game to come down in price?


Hahaha, I was going to post that!


On the other hand a person looking at the WiiU console as a purchase will be looking at this as well. It doesn't do anything the wii version doesn't really


Have you not been keeping up to date:


1) Five player

2) New seamless overworld

3) Coin editor allowing the gamepad user to change the level layout

4) Gamepad user can add blocks to assist or hinder other players

5) Boost rush mode

6) Challenge mode

7) Miiverse integration allowing high scores and leaderboards


These are pretty major changes and don't detail all the other smaller new things like new power-ups and enemies.


I can understand that people might have been cautious about this title and I get it that people may have thought this was just NSMBWii in HD.


But I've played - so have others on the forum and people have enjoyed it. The press were posting positive previews and now have posted positive reviews. There has been a lot of praise for the difficulty of the challenges and the boost rush mode. What's more fan favourites like the seamless overworld have returned.


But instead of people now being actually happy that the game has turned out better than some expected there's actually people complaining that the reviews are too good for a game they haven't played. What a load of crap!


It's like some people are actually desperate to find any fault what-so-ever with the Wii U. If anything these reviews of NSMBU should have eased concerns and made people happy that the game is better than expected.

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I wouldn't worry about the G4TV review - seriously what kind of games site has a scoring system that only goes up to 5? - as they seem to be rather flawed, for instance they give LBP Karting 4/5 - pretty sure it's down as being average elsewhere - plus they only gave the downloadable version of Jet Set Radio a 3/5...



... need I say more? :indeed:


G4TV are also notoriously biased against Nintendo


In all fairness though 91% does seem awfully high for a game that's lacking quite a bit.


But if it's a recommendation based on the games available on that system at this point in time( let's face it this or nintendoland) then I suppose it's hard to argue it.


On the other hand a person looking at the WiiU console as a purchase will be looking at this as well. It doesn't do anything the wii version doesn't really


It's not lacking that much...

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New Super Mario Bros. U DLC Confirmed


Speaking in a special edition of Iwata Asks to celebrate the game's impending US release, Takashi Tekuza explained that Nintendo is "planning additional courses" for the Wii U launch title.


“The mechanism for adding courses is already there, so please stand by for an update on what they'll be like.


Tekuza went on to explain that the courses will be different in terms of play style from those offered for New Super Mario Bros. 2, though the team isn't sure how just yet as they haven't started making them.


He revealed, "We're trying to think of ways of play that are different from New Super Mario Bros. 2, but we haven't made anything yet!


"The mechanism for adding courses is already there, so please stand by for an update on what they'll be like."


I wonder if it will be possible for them to expand the World Map in any way at a later stage, and add new areas?


Otherwise they might just focus on Challenge Mode.

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I wonder if it will be possible for them to expand the World Map in any way at a later stage, and add new areas?


Otherwise they might just focus on Challenge Mode.

New Challenges could be cool, but I'm not opposed to a 9th/10th/364th world coming :)


Seriously though, adding DLC to NSMU and even NSMB2 should calm those who think they're going to turn NSMB into a yearly franchise. Rather than release a new game, they can add new levels, even new powerups

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Any DLC that gets released will be limited to the alternative modes (Challenge, Boost, Coin Battle etc) only.


That's Nintendo's style. They only add DLC to the extra modes of their games and the main "story mode" if you will is complete and unchanging.

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But instead of people now being actually happy that the game has turned out better than some expected there's actually people complaining that the reviews are too good for a game they haven't played. What a load of crap!



Just about sums it up.


Any DLC that gets released will be limited to the alternative modes (Challenge, Boost, Coin Battle etc) only.


That's Nintendo's style. They only add DLC to the extra modes of their games and the main "story mode" if you will is complete and unchanging.


Yeah, I agree with this. Doesn't stop us dreaming though! :love:

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It's not lacking that much...


That's right. NSMB has changed so much since the DS game? NSMBU is really pushing the Wii U graphically, never mind current generation but it's truly next generation and all that new music, fully orchestrated as well. Fair play for including a full level editor as well. The gamepad use is absolutely innovative. Must have taken ages to incorporate all the new gameplay ideas. Fully online, co-op play included. How did it even make it out for launch in time?


To the stupid comment about crying, the only people crying are those that think I've no right invading Happy Happy Ignorant Land and questioning anything Nintendo does. How does your tea taste? Nice and pissy I hope. :weep: Deal with it!

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Hahaha, I was going to post that!




Have you not been keeping up to date:


1) Five player

2) New seamless overworld

3) Coin editor allowing the gamepad user to change the level layout

4) Gamepad user can add blocks to assist or hinder other players

5) Boost rush mode

6) Challenge mode

7) Miiverse integration allowing high scores and leaderboards


These are pretty major changes and don't detail all the other smaller new things like new power-ups and enemies.


I can understand that people might have been cautious about this title and I get it that people may have thought this was just NSMBWii in HD.


But I've played - so have others on the forum and people have enjoyed it. The press were posting positive previews and now have posted positive reviews. There has been a lot of praise for the difficulty of the challenges and the boost rush mode. What's more fan favourites like the seamless overworld have returned.


But instead of people now being actually happy that the game has turned out better than some expected there's actually people complaining that the reviews are too good for a game they haven't played. What a load of crap!


It's like some people are actually desperate to find any fault what-so-ever with the Wii U. If anything these reviews of NSMBU should have eased concerns and made people happy that the game is better than expected.


No you're right, I haven't been keeping up to date to be honest. I have watched the IGN review and had watched the trailer at launch.


Call me a person looking at this from the outside point. I haven't posted on this Wii forum for a long while and I'm looking to see if I'm interested in buying this new fangled WiiU console. I know the basics of the console and I am willing to put a bit of research into seeing if the console is for me.


my conclusion is: I would buy this game if it was on the regular wii and I would expect many of these features on the Wii version( Except HD which thankfully you didn't list), but this is a brand new console and this is a launch game from a first party. I would expect a game like this to show off what the new console has to offer. I don't necessarily mean force touch screen into it or whatever. To it's credit the game is using almost all the console to it's potential without ruining it it seems. I guess what I'm looking for is not new features.. it seems to have that but I want what it has to be polished to a Ps3 or 360 level graphically and audio wise.


This isn't the wii anymore guys... Even though on the Wii we expected these features too.. The Wiiu is a system released 6 or 7 years after the 360 and if it's first party developer is not up to the task of propelling it's main franchise to use the system to it's potential then who is?


I don't doubt this is a very fun game and I will end up playing it and loving it ..but it hasn't sold me on the WIIU just yet.:)


Does this make sense? Just my thoughts, I'm not really in a position of knowledge to argue to be honest.


I was never sure why they couldn't ever make these 2d mario games as epic as the excellent galaxy games.


This does seem to be going on the right track with it's "world" map. That's one of my complaints on the "new" games scratched off at least.

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OK - once we had a guy on here called Kurtle Squad who used to post aggresive, often unnecessary posts and really rub people up the wrong way.


The same thing is happening here - and even though I've ignored him, I can still see him pissing people off. Rather than us just ignoring him, which is difficult to do when every thread he is posting crap that is winding people up, why is he not being banned? Like seriously.


It is ruining more than one of the Wii U threads and it's not fair on the people who just want to come on and see what's happening with the games rather than post, and have to witness an argument all the time. People are rising to it because it is annoying and this is a discussion board. However it's difficult to discuss anything with this guy when he is repeating his point (which we have all grasped) several times over, despite it being unjustified most of the time.


There are several members who aren't impressed with some of Nintendo's choices or launch games and they've expressed that - and we've all read it and discussed it, some agreeing, some disagreeing. But then you get this idiot with his aggresive posts who thinks its ok to slate something or someones opinion whenever a new gameplay video or reviewers opinion is posted, and it's just ruining being part of a board that is generally (in my experience) fun and often helpful.


You only need to look at all the arguments in the last couple of weeks and see where / why they've originated. Ignoring him is not really helping either which is why I raise the point. Sorry if it upsets anyone (not my intention), but I'd just like to see consistency across the boards and Kurtle was banned for very similar actions and I just think the same needs to be done here.

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He shouldn't be banned because he's not doing anything wrong. Just posting his opinion. One that's quite understandable to be fair.


So you think that casuing arguments through the way he is posting his opnion, which has resulted in people who have been on the boards for a long time having to ignore him, is productive for the discussion in the threads?


If so, and if other people feel the same way as you, then I apologise for raising it and suggesting it.

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OK - once we had a guy on here called Kurtle Squad who used to post aggresive, often unnecessary posts and really rub people up the wrong way.


The same thing is happening here - and even though I've ignored him, I can still see him pissing people off. Rather than us just ignoring him, which is difficult to do when every thread he is posting crap that is winding people up, why is he not being banned? Like seriously.


It is ruining more than one of the Wii U threads and it's not fair on the people who just want to come on and see what's happening with the games rather than post, and have to witness an argument all the time. People are rising to it because it is annoying and this is a discussion board. However it's difficult to discuss anything with this guy when he is repeating his point (which we have all grasped) several times over, despite it being unjustified most of the time.


There are several members who aren't impressed with some of Nintendo's choices or launch games and they've expressed that - and we've all read it and discussed it, some agreeing, some disagreeing. But then you get this idiot with his aggresive posts who thinks its ok to slate something or someones opinion whenever a new gameplay video or reviewers opinion is posted, and it's just ruining being part of a board that is generally (in my experience) fun and often helpful.


You only need to look at all the arguments in the last couple of weeks and see where / why they've originated. Ignoring him is not really helping either which is why I raise the point. Sorry if it upsets anyone (not my intention), but I'd just like to see consistency across the boards and Kurtle was banned for very similar actions and I just think the same needs to be done here.


Why would you call for me to be banned? This is a discussion board with people of all differing opinions. Just because you don't like my opinion. "Idiot"? I don't remember calling anybody any names and I'm not being aggressive. Thanks, what did you just do? If you don't like my opinions just click ignore and you go along in blissful ignorance of my existence. I have posted as much positive as negative in this thread. I have posted many a link to videos and reports. If people keep bringing up points that I disagree with I'm not allowed to say anything? My point of the last review I posted was this. While it scored 70% which isn't bad nor great, it does recommend the game but it also doesn't gloss over its shortcomings and give it a bloated score.


Make no mistake: this is still a solid 2-D platformer, with some great Wii U co-op experiences that show off some of the unique features the Wii U can bring to bear. But the core game, the World Map and the Level 6-3 and the Things You Can Jump On, is a reminder of how conservative gameplay design can sour a once-winning formula. These are levels you’ve played before…in high definition, I guess.


Despite all that, though, the question, “Is it fun?” is easily answered: yes. NSMBU is one of the best reasons to go out and buy the newest kid on the console block. If you want more Mario, this is where he’ll be for a little while.


See it recommends the game.

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Though I find some of Wii's views dismissive and narrow, he is entitled to them. He's been a bit rude and offhand at times, but I don't think it's crossed into banning territory yet - though I do get a sense at times that he is enjoying trolling as much as genuinely expressing his opinion and seeking discussion.


This forum is a relative haven from the usual snark, ad hom attacks and bullshit. I hope we can keep it that way.

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So you think that casuing arguments through the way he is posting his opnion, which has resulted in people who have been on the boards for a long time having to ignore him, is productive for the discussion in the threads?


If so, and if other people feel the same way as you, then I apologise for raising it and suggesting it.


I don't see what line he has crossed. If people don't like his opinions and the argumentative way he expresses them that's their problem, and that's what the ignore feature is there for.


Has he called anyone an 'idiot' like you just did? I genuinly don't know.

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Just because you guys don't agree with Wii's opinion doesn't mean he should be banned. Are we only allowed to say positive things about Wii U and its games on this board or something?


That's not the point I'm making sorry.


It's not about having to say positive things - it's how you say the negative.


I have been vocal in the things I don't like / agree with about the Wii U this launch - but has it resulted in an argument or a series of back and to angry messages? No.


Have soe of his opinions and posts done that? Yes. I can link you to serveral.


This is what I'm saying. Be as negative as you want - everyones opinion is valid. But don't do it in a way that doesn't actually offer anything to anyone or is just being negative for the sake of it - like he has been. I know I am not alone in thinking that, and as I previously said, someone was banned on another board for a similar thing. All I want is a board that is pleasant and approachable to members and new people, and I have to say it hasn't been for the past couple of weeks. It's hardly a good message if a visitor thinking of signing up reads the last few pages of this and other threads. Coz I for one wouldn't join.


That's when I think something has to be done. But hey, that's just me.

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It really does astound me though, how people (not just you but others) can see loads of positive reviews and claim they're wrong, and indicate that the one more negative one is "Finally, someone speaking the truth". It's not just you, it's many people on the internet doing it with many games reviews



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I don't see what line he has crossed. If people don't like his opinions and the argumentative way he expresses them that's their problem, and that's what the ignore feature is there for.


Has he called anyone an 'idiot' like you just did? I genuinly don't know.


Maybe a little harsh from me, I admit.


However I have ignored him. And yet I still see carnage in other threads from other people being wound up by his posts. It's not what I'm used to with this forum and I just think it needs addressing.


Like I say if tyou don't agree with me then it's fine - and I apologise for any offence to anyone in suggesting it.

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That's not the point I'm making sorry.


It's not about having to say positive things - it's how you say the negative.


I have been vocal in the things I don't like / agree with about the Wii U this launch - but has it resulted in an argument or a series of back and to angry messages? No.


Have soe of his opinions and posts done that? Yes. I can link you to serveral.


This is what I'm saying. Be as negative as you want - everyones opinion is valid. But don't do it in a way that doesn't actually offer anything to anyone or is just being negative for the sake of it - like he has been. I know I am not alone in thinking that, and as I previously said, someone was banned on another board for a similar thing. All I want is a board that is pleasant and approachable to members and new people, and I have to say it hasn't been for the past couple of weeks. It's hardly a good message if a visitor thinking of signing up reads the last few pages of this and other threads. Coz I for one wouldn't join.


That's when I think something has to be done. But hey, that's just me.


I'd prefer a forum with debate and one without fear of being censored, within reason of course. You keep referring to other people thinking the same as yourself as if to validate your opinion. Stand on your own 2 feet. I know who have a problem, you, zechs, dazzy and serebii for the most part being the most vocal. Waiting for zechs inevitable weigh in despite being told to ignore. I stand my ground.

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