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what i want to know, is there a multiplayer mode or something?

even if it doesnt i still buy it lol.

i didnt follow the news lately kinda busy.


There is a local one-on-one multiplayer mode, where one player has a pro-controller playing as a survivor, the other on the gamepad placing zombies by using the touch screen. All this is in a kind of capture the flag mode. Sounds a bit weak, but looks a lot of fun, especially with upgrades to your zombies, etc.

Edited by londragon
extra info.
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There is a local one-on-one multiplayer mode, where one player has a pro-controller playing as a survivor, the other on the gamepad placing zombies by using the touch screen. All this is in a kind of capture the flag mode. Sounds a bit weak, but looks a lot of fun, especially with upgrades to your zombies, etc.

wow is that really true? it sounds cool.


i just looked for the video for the multiplayer mode, it looks cool now i am really convinced

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that first video had me feeling really apprehensive, which is exactly what i want from a survival horror game, haven't felt that in a zombie game for a long time!


Yeah, amazing. It's on the edge of your seat stuff. The vid with the safe house is cool. It looks like you have to make your safe house safer, by cleaning out areas and locking them down, etc.


SO, cool.

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Multi-player video from Gamesradar; at 2:25 in the video it mentions controller options for player 2 (the survivor). Interestingly, it confirms WiiMote and Nunchuk as an option for playing in multiplayer, as mentioned before.



Cheers @Mokong X\-C don't know why the embed was ballsed-up.

Edited by Mokong
fixed video embed
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Cheers @Mokong X\-C don't know why the embed was ballsed-up.


You just put the video ID from the url inside the tags, not the full url.


The video ID is the bunch of letters and symbols that appear after the "v=" and before he "&" if there is an "&"





Just the underlined bit




Just got round to watching that vid, damn the Multiplayer actually looks better than I expected.

With the different Zombie types and stuff makes all the difference.


And just listening to those guys play it sounds like a good laugh.

Can imagine some good local multiplay on this now

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It's pretty decent, but I guess most things would look pretty decent compared to Nintendo UK's ZombiU one.


You can always judge how good adverts are by how the layman reacts. My dad saw the Nintendo UK one and just asked "What are the numbers for?" (the keypad puzzle on the GamePad).

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ZombiU - Video interview with the lead tester.



- single player: normal mode and survival mode. Multiplayer is 1:1. 3 modes, capture the flag, killing box, 3rd mode unlocked after completing survival mode.

- possible DLC to come.

- Story is a bit like Metroid and RE. Player can delve deeper into the story if they wish.

- 13-15 maps.

- revisit maps when you have more experience.

- no differences in reborn character. e.g. men aren't stronger than women.

- no real life London characters as zombies. No zombie queen getting her head caved in. Boo!

- "chicken mode" available via patch. For non hardcore gamers.

- strong support from Nintendo, different than other titles. If they needed help from Nintendo, they got it.

- gamepad was absolutely essential to the making of this game, seems very enthusiastic. Need to really focus on both screens.


Ubisoft launches ZombiU web comic.







ZombiU survival guide: 5 things you didn't know about the GamePad


Editor-In-Chief Chandra Nair fills us in on his 15+ hours with ZombiU


Want to know if ZombiU will be one of the best Wii U games? You'll have to wait until Sunday 18 November to find out. As you wait for our verdict, ONM Editor In Chief Chandra gives us his five chilling GamePad lessons In ZombiU survival based on his 15+ hours he spent playing on the game. Read on and you'll learn new things about Ubisoft's survival horror title, but make sure you return to this article when the game is released as this guide gives you some top ZombiU tips for survival.


1. Addicted To Radar




It's been shown in one of the recent trailers but most people haven't noticed the fact that there's a radar blip on the GamePad status screen.

Tap the radar button, (which appears on the bottom-right, just under the area where it highlights which floor you're on) and you'll send out a pulse.


This pulse acts as a motion sensor, giving you live feedback on movement in your vicinity. It's an essential resource and while you might not always be able to see more than foot in front of you, you can rely on the motion sensor to keep you more informed.


2. Stop, Look, Listen!




We've just told you about the motion sensor but don't rely on it too much. Sometimes, if an infected soul is stood very still, you won't pick it up. You'll then stroll into an area thinking it's clear before coming to an untimely death at the hands (well, jaws) of an inadvertently stealthy foe.

The trick then, is to use all that is available to you. Firstly, use your eyes. You will be able to see many of your potential death-givers. Then, stand still and use your ears. You can often hear groans even if you can't see where they're coming from. Then use your motion sensor. If a foe is hiding silently in the dark this will help root them out. Done all that? Good, but you'll still have to be on your guard.


3. Incoming! Not




The motion sensor is great but you have to remember that it picks up all movement. You'll be put in situation where you see multiple red dots rushing towards you and, Aliens-style, you'll crap yourself as you struggle to comprehend where they're coming from. They're all around us man!

You'll feel more than a little foolish when you realise that you've just had a pant-wetting experience over a few rats that happen to be coming your way.


4. Scan To Save Your Life




Many of you will know that you can scan your surrounding area by holding the GamePad up in front of the TV screen. Tapping on highlighted areas of interest (enemies, ammo, food, documents etc) will analyse said area and add any important information to your map screen. More importantly you can also scan an enemy from a distance and see whether it's holding anything useful.

This kind of info is vital in planning your exploration. Every second you spend attacking or looking down at your GamePad is potentially fatal, so if you see that an enemy (dead or 'alive') is empty-handed you may as well stay well away from it.


5. Save On Juice




Your head-torch has it's own little meter in the top-left corner of the GamePad map screen. As soon as you switch it on the numbers will count down from 100, showing how much life it has left. Running out of light in a pitch black basement is not only massively terrifying but also disastrous to your health. Once an enemy is upon you, it's already too late to fight back.

You can use the scanner to see the immediate vicinity in another light of course but while you're scanning you're completely defenceless, so it's not a great idea.


With that in mind you need to keep a close eye on your torch meter. Luckily it charges back up within 20 seconds when switched off, so your best tactic involves switching it off at every opportunity and only using it when absolutely necessary.


In lighter areas it's easy to forget you've got the torch on, only discovering your fatal error when the lights suddenly fail and you're stood in the middle of zombie central with your pants down. Not literally of course but hey, you get the drift.



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I didn't really have any intention of picking this up launch day, but now...but now the more I read and after the little hands on I had, the more I think it may have to be 4 games on day one :-D reading through all the previews and watching videos etc this really could be the big launch game, very interested to see what reviews start coming out! Also love the caption from the comic book series that Wii posted - "the BLIGHT"; a blight in Blighty no less!

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