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The Nursery area? Tat a hell of an area to have the demo on (it's about 75% into the game)


But I guess it is a good area for getting across the atmosphere and fear the game instills.

Man, you can say that again.

I played through the demo last night with the lights off and sound on full blast... holy sheeeeeeeet! :o Ubisoft absolutely nailed the atmosphere with this game. icon14.gif


Anyway, I managed to survive and escape from the nursery area (with just 1 survivor :cool:), which was the end of the demo. The trickiest part was definitely the bit with that weird electrified Zombie/Ghost bitch. :heh: Why does it take like a million cricket bat hits to kill her!? :laughing:


Are there many enemies like that in the full game?

Also what's the largest number of zombies that you can encounter at once?

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Man, you can say that again.

I played through the demo last night with the lights off and sound on full blast... holy sheeeeeeeet! :o Ubisoft absolutely nailed the atmosphere with this game. icon14.gif


The Nursery area? That a hell of a place to put the demo....


Anyway, I managed to survive and escape from the nursery area (with just 1 survivor :cool:), which was the end of the demo. The trickiest part was definitely the bit with that weird electrified Zombie/Ghost bitch. :heh: Why does it take like a million cricket bat hits to kill her!? :laughing:


Are there many enemies like that in the full game?


1st well done.... second...if you really want to know open the spoiler


The nursery area is actually the first time you meet such a zombie and that is after the halfway point of the games "story". Around the 75% mark I think (when you finish the nursery area)


Don't know what equipment the Demo gives you but when I first played that part on Survivor mode she went down with 8 Carbine Rifle shots (note I used more than 8 bullets in the whole "fight")


But I worked out a much easier, stress free, way to kill her and other like her when I first got there on Survivor mode.


molotov the bitches :D Set her on fire, she'll continually take damage from teh fire and continually phase in and out of being visible and won't be able to attack you :D

Using a flare to distract her to make sure you hit with teh molotov helps too




Using what I did in teh spoiler makes those kind of zombies less a threat compared to other types of zombies in the game (what other types did teh demo throw at you?)





Out of curiosity at what point does teh demo end? Beating that "bitch" or after you get outside?


Also what's the largest number of zombies that you can encounter at once?


I'll spoiler again just in case


I think it goes up as the game goes on. But I think 10-12 is the most....one part might have had 15 at once, I'm not sure I never stopped to count :heh:


The first "horde" you enounter has I think 8 zombies but you can either draw them out one by one (but you might get the atention of more than one) or avoid them altogether.


The first (and 2nd) time you are forced to "face" a horde is in a confined space and I think 5 come at you but if you don't panic you can "run away"


The first time where you must fight and kill a horde they come at you I think in 3/4 waves of 5 or 3 at a time.


That is all pretty "early-ish" in the game. As I said the more you move forward the more "hordes" you'll encounter. Some you can avoid or try thin out one at a time. Others you'll need a cool head to be kept and not panic!!!!!!!


And remember Flares are your best friends.... but also you don't want to over use them...you always might need one later


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what other types did teh demo throw at you?

There were a few with riot gear and an exploding one in the kitchen area (that one was particularly funny on my first play, as I didn't realise and hit him with the cricket bat!
:woops::laughing:). Most zombies at once was around 4 or 5.


Out of curiosity at what point does teh demo end? Beating that "bitch" or after you get outside?
Once you get outside.
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There were a few with riot gear and an exploding one in the kitchen area (that one was particularly funny on my first play, as I didn't realise and hit him with the cricket bat!
:woops::laughing:). Most zombies at once was around 4 or 5.


Haha what did you do with the riot gear ones? I honestly hate them more than the Ghost bitch. Especially if they are accompanied by even one more "normal" zombie. Even worse if there are 2 riot gear zombies :shakehead: Can force you into wasting ammo you do not want to waste :heh:




I'd say if you enjoyed the demo you should definately go get the game ASAP. You'll love it more than RE:R (least I do :D)


And the nursery area while pretty "far" into the full game is actually a pretty short area (considering you didn't have to get to it or get back to the safe house in the demo) they've certainly not given much away on you. DO not think just cause you finished teh nursery you'll know what to expect from the full game in terms of what it'll trow at you in it's attempts to make you panic and scared as it tries to kill you :D



I must remember to stay up to 11 this evening to set the Wii U to download the demo. I just want to see if and what the differences to the full game might be.

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Haha what did you do with the riot gear ones? I honestly hate them more than the Ghost bitch.
Cricket bat... over and over... and over. "Oh look, helmet fell off!" Cricket bat... :laughing:


I'd say if you enjoyed the demo you should definately go get the game ASAP. You'll love it more than RE:R (least I do :D)
Damn it Mokong don't say that! I'm really trying to be good and get the most out of every game before moving on to the next one. :shakehead Only just got Tekken.

Must.. wait.. longer.. for.. ZombiU. :hmm:

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Cricket bat... over and over... and over. "Oh look, helmet fell off!" Cricket bat... :laughing:


Damn it Mokong don't say that! I'm really trying to be good and get the most out of every game before moving on to the next one. :shakehead Only just got Tekken.

Must.. wait.. longer.. for.. ZombiU. :hmm:


Mokong is right, you should get the game, it's brilliant!

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Mokong is right, you should get the game, it's brilliant!
Indeed he is, and indeed I am... just not yet. ;)


thought there were two together? unless they turned down difficulty in demo. normally taking on two of those with just the bat is near suicide
I took on 2 riot gear ones and a regular zombie at the same time, with only the cricket bat.

So yeah, either they turned down the difficulty, or I'm just an awesome zombie killer. :awesome: I like to think it's the latter. :hehe:

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Indeed he is, and indeed I am... just not yet. ;)


I took on 2 riot gear ones and a regular zombie at the same time, with only the cricket bat.

So yeah, either they turned down the difficulty, or I'm just an awesome zombie killer. :awesome: I like to think it's the latter. :hehe:


The bat is awesome, you can "shove" immediately after you swing the bat, you can even interrupt the swing animation at any point with a shove. I deal with multiple zombies like this. Swing at one and as soon as it hits, turn to the other and shove. It's almost like one animation itself and is really handy when facing two or more zombies.

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The bat is awesome, you can "shove" immediately after you swing the bat, you can even interrupt the swing animation at any point with a shove. I deal with multiple zombies like this. Swing at one and as soon as it hits, turn to the other and shove. It's almost like one animation itself and is really handy when facing two or more zombies.



I actually never (or very rarely) ever use the shove....maybe cause when I'm using the bat I tend to keep holding down ZL and tapping away on ZR to keep swinging.


My main tactic is to lure zombies away from groups one at a time and just keep bashing them. You can back them into a wall or corner and be right in front of them. As long as you keep swinging they won't get a chance to try hit you.



If ever I had to take on more than one, depending on the situation I'd likely use the silenced handgun if it was 2 or 3, any more and I;d chuck a flare followed by a molotov or gernade. Then back to bat or gun depending on how many survived :D


I'm very close to finishing Survivor mode for the 2nd time too. Just gone past the Point of no Return and did "that first part" of "the end"


My game acually froze on me halfway into it so had to do it again. Good thing too though as on the return I found a zombie @Ashley who had 2 gernades in his bag which was exactly what I needed for what was coming up :D



Nah, lure one away. Or hit, shove, hit shove :)


I always ignored them and just went for the fire escape on he 2nd floor :heh:

I actually only found out they were there recently. I never went in that hallway on the way out of teh nursery on either my Normal mode play or my first time there on Survivor mode (which was the time I finished survivor mode). It was only on my next time at the nursery on survivor mode when I killed myself with a gernade after the nursery. On that occasion when I was leaving I was heading for the fire escape. I knew from the radar there were some zombies in the hallway but never checked to see how many. I always assumed it would be loads and that they would break the door down if I didn't hurry up and get out :heh:


On that play when I did check the hallway it was only cause I noticed I didn't hear door banging so got curious. Opened teh door saw the 3 of them 2 being riot zoms, closed the door and ran for the fire escape :D

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Survivor Mode finished for a 2nd time and this time my score on teh leaderboard updated instantly :D


Score this time 20,280 has me ranked 63rd on Survivor Mode :D


Now I just need to find my name on a dev wall post.... where are they putting the "These people have completed Survivor Mode" posts?

I might even find myself on Best score of the day posts for survivor mode...must go looking :D

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There we go


My Name on the Wall in the game :D





This is the list of "Best scores of the day" for Survivor Mode...annoyingly I only made 2nd :)

But It is my name on the wall IN THE GAME. WOOT.


If anyone wants to venture to find it to see my name on teh wall in their game I found this in the room on the way to Brick Lane at the start of the game.

It's the room where you have to crawl under a fallen shelf and scan the door to get the Prepper to open it to let you out into Brick Lane.


Hurry up it'll only be there for 24 hours I guess :heh:



I can't seem to find the List of People who completed Survivor mode though?

I think it only appears in Normal mode cause I've never seen it whenever I played Survivor Mode. But when ever I did see it, it was on the red wall behind the manhole in teh safe house...that wall is empty now :(


I know it is probably too long a list to put everyone there but I figured they'd just post the most recent 20/30 people or something....that or they have moved which wall they put it on and I haven't seen it yet.


Anyone here see it anywhere while playing?


Also here's a picture of my ranked 63rd IN THE WORLD on Survivor Mode :D






But do not think just cause I have now finished the game 3 times (once on Normal, twice on Survivor) that I am done with this gem. I'll (try to) take a break from it for now and finally start up Trine 2 which I d/l'd before the sale on it ended. But I will return to ZombiU and I am aiming to get a score to rank me in teh top 10 at least....if not NUMBER 1, mwahahahahaha....but which mode to do that on? Survivor or Normal?....hhhmmmmm choices

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But do not think just cause I have now finished the game 3 times (once on Normal, twice on Survivor) that I am done with this gem. I'll (try to) take a break from it for now and finally start up Trine 2 which I d/l'd before the sale on it ended. But I will return to ZombiU and I am aiming to get a score to rank me in teh top 10 at least....if not NUMBER 1, mwahahahahaha....but which mode to do that on? Survivor or Normal?....hhhmmmmm choices
Hopefully that will coincide with when I finally get the game so I can encounter Zombie Mokong and steal some of your supplies in my first playthrough. :D

I take it people need to be playing the game at the same time in order for friend zombies to appear in each other's game, or does that not matter? :hmm:

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Hopefully that will coincide with when I finally get the game so I can encounter Zombie Mokong and steal some of your supplies in my first playthrough. :D

I take it people need to be playing the game at the same time in order for friend zombies to appear in each other's game, or does that not matter? :hmm:


That'll only happen if I die :heh:

Which liekly will only happen by my own hand (like not tossing a gernade far enough :heh:) which means I don't become a zombie (cuz not biten) and don't go to others games :heh: haha




Friend Zombies can populate out to all friends on a persons list (eg: I die, my zombie populates out to all people on my FL) BUT once one person finds and kills that zombie it is then gone from everyones game (unless I guess they found him/her at the same time)


I'm only assuming this but given how on Normal Mode you get notifications whenever a friend zombie is in your game and the same system also tells you when your zombie gets killed by a friend and who killed it (also tells you if your zombie kills one of your friends :D)


"Random" peoples zombies can enter your game too though :D

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That'll only happen if I die :heh:

Which liekly will only happen by my own hand (like not tossing a gernade far enough :heh:) which means I don't become a zombie (cuz not biten) and don't go to others games :heh: haha




Friend Zombies can populate out to all friends on a persons list (eg: I die, my zombie populates out to all people on my FL) BUT once one person finds and kills that zombie it is then gone from everyones game (unless I guess they found him/her at the same time)


I'm only assuming this but given how on Normal Mode you get notifications whenever a friend zombie is in your game and the same system also tells you when your zombie gets killed by a friend and who killed it (also tells you if your zombie kills one of your friends :D)


"Random" peoples zombies can enter your game too though :D

So I might never get to meet Zombie Mokong? :cry:

Oh well, I'll always have fond memories of putting you out of your misery in RE:Revelations. :grin:


BTW, what's with the gold/silver stars on this list?:


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So I might never get to meet Zombie Mokong? :cry:

Oh well, I'll always have fond memories of putting you out of your misery in RE:Revelations. :grin:


BTW, what's with the gold/silver stars on this list?:


Oh yeah I forgot RE;R did something similar, haha.




Scores don't upload to the leaderboard till you either die or complete the game.


The Gold Star indicates the player completed the game with that score.


A silver star indicates the player died with that score before completing the game.




Oh yeah I forgot to mention I also tried the demo yesterday. Nice little demo. Not a lot of differences from the full game at the same part of the game. There is A LOT more items to be found in the nursery in demo than in the full game. But if you are doing well on the full game you should have similar or more (I prep for more) going into the nursery.


Was surprised they gave you the crossbow though. That is not at all a place you would need or get a proper chance to use the cross bow. But I guess they wanted people to see how the scoped weapons work with the gamepad. (small tip: I do still bring the crossbow with me on teh way to the nursery as it can be handy for the section just before entering it :wink:)


I did notice a bit of "furniture" missing in the demo from the full game though. Just in one section...the bit under the stairs with the hidden crawl space. Full game it has a fallen shelf there.


Oh and in the demo the fire escape doesn't open :mad: That surprised me on the way out :heh:

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Really not feeling this game, would anyone like to consider a swap for another Wii U title?


Apart fom Mario or Nintendoland. (already got those)


I have no Wii U games to trade but maybe something on Wii, DS or 3DS? Either that or I could be tempted to buy it for a low, low price ;)

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Really enjoying this game, think the atmosphere is thrilling and gameplay is very solid, however not been particularly scared as of yet, considering my jittery disposition, however little nursery tip if anyone is interested:


So the invisible zombie was a slight let down, if only because I had seen people talk about it on here and built myself up to essentially shit myself when it appeared. However when I walked into the room in the basement where she is, I took a door to the right that lead into a mini corridor. Whilst here she appeared in the door way I had just walked through, and I hit her with two shots from my double barrell shot gun (the first one you find) did that once more and she died...4 bullets! bit of an anticlimax if I'm honest, and whether it was a slight glitch I don't know, but if you can, get in the corridor, let her appear at the door then blow her bloody head off!


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I just completed the demo. It may have taken me 5 attempts, but it took me a while to get to grips with the controls. I have to say I'm still not 100% sure if I'd buy it. From the demo, I think I'd get a bit frustrated (that invisible zombie in the basement). I managed in the end using the shove-with-bat-then-hit method, but for a while it just kept getting the better of me. But overall I did like it. Had one moment where it gave me a jolt. Not a full on scare/jump, but made me jolt back.


I think I'd definitely pick it up cheap. For now, I have 28 more uses out of the demo.

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