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From what I've read - the singleplayer is good but the multiplayer is fantastic. Keep the faith flamey!




Oh I should have my copy tomorrow (can't wait).


Yeah I'm keeping the faith....just my initial impressions thats all. I'm sure once multiplayer is up and running I will be good. Hopefully enough of the old crew are picking it up like the Last Saved Loaded guys etc....I won't be using a head set all the time just because I live with the in laws now but when I am I'm looking forward to some fun times!

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Yeah I'm keeping the faith....just my initial impressions thats all. I'm sure once multiplayer is up and running I will be good. Hopefully enough of the old crew are picking it up like the Last Saved Loaded guys etc....I won't be using a head set all the time just because I live with the in laws now but when I am I'm looking forward to some fun times!


Yeah I can't wait - I'll get in touch with Joey and the other Last Save Loaded guys to see if they are getting the game. Too bad you can't use mic all the time but dust off the PSEye so you can your pictured plastered all over billboards etc.


Gulp I wonder if @MATtheHAT will expose his arse on cam again? *shudders* :hmm:



Yeah I can't wait - I'll get in touch with Joey and the other Last Save Loaded guys to see if they are getting the game. Too bad you can't use mic all the time but dust off the PSEye so you can your pictured plastered all over billboards etc.


Gulp I wonder if @MATtheHAT will expose his arse on cam again? *shudders* :hmm:




Oh my god, I'd fucking erased that my mind only for it to be back in my mind again...I never expected that I would see someone at Eurogamer and then the year after see their arse!!!

Posted (edited)

Having just got back from the vets - had to put my dog to sleep after he took a turn for the worse this morning (He was 17) and decided to take rest of day off work. I came home to discover that Need For Speed Most Wanted had not been delivered despite being despatched yesterday morning. Talk about a shitty day eh?




Took this pic before taking Sonny to the vets this morning.




Bye bye Sonny Gonna miss you.

Edited by Cookyman
Having just got back from the vets - had to put my dog to sleep after he took a turn for the worse this morning (He was 17) and decided to take rest of day off work. I came home to discover that Need For Speed Most Wanted had not been delivered despite being despatched yesterday morning. Talk about a shitty day eh?




Took this pic before taking Sonny to the vets this morning.




Bye bye Sonny Gonna miss you.


Oh no :( I feel like I know Sonny, reminds me of us playing Burnout Paradise and Killzone 3 as you spoke to him. Sad times :( poor guy.

Sorry to hear that Cooky. Looks like a beautiful little guy. :(


Oh no :( I feel like I know Sonny, reminds me of us playing Burnout Paradise and Killzone 3 as you spoke to him. Sad times :( poor guy.


Thanks fellas - some kind words there.


Aaaaaannnnnyyyway - who's getting the game tomorrow - I should be if Royal Fail don't fuck up again! :angry:


Really sorry about your dog Cookyman!


The advert gives me a boner but I just got Halo 4. :(
Whaaaat? Since when are you an Xbox gamer... let alone a Halo gamer!


This does look really great, but I might hold off for the Wii U version, and also hear a few more thoughts and impressions of the game.

Really sorry about your dog Cookyman!


Thanks for the kind words.


The advert gives me a boner but I just got Halo 4. :(




Just kidding the games getting great reviews. :bouncy:


Spent a few hours on this today. I'm loving it so far. The city is amazing, the controls feel great and there's a lot to do. I know I'm going to be a completionist with this game, so the singleplayer alone will last me a very long time. The mods for the car actually do make quite a bit of difference and I lot of it is more to do with preference - I prefer lighter cars with faster acceleration so I can move most of the cars over to that if I want.


For the "5 events per car"...I actually like it. Usually in racing games I tend to only play with quite a small amount of cars because I get used to two or three. This method encourages you to get used to every single car in the game - especially if you want all the best upgrades. The events so far are great, too. The races are much more planned out than Paradise - full of checkpoints rather than "head to X" - the city has been designed for this rather than the simpler layout of Paradise City. The events also take full advantage of the off-road sections. One of my Ford Focus events was an amazing 3-lap circuit around an aeroplane graveyard, with some very sharp turns and cliffs that you could fall off.


I only tried a bit of multiplayer, but it was brilliant. The playset that the host chose was mostly races. The way they start (a timer counts down when the last person gets there) is quite interesting, and on top of that you can actually start before the countdown finishes, but if you go to far you'll go past the first checkpoint before it's activated, meaning you have to turn around. One hectic race was a very small figure eight track.


I know I'm going to be spending a very long time playing this game.


I've got it! Still definitely feel some of my complaints above are legit but god it lures you in to just whizzing around just to find billboards and explore and discover new cars.


I've spent a couple of hours on this so far and I'm already loving it, I can see my time being torn between this and Forza Horizon for the next few weeks ahead in-between all the other big game releases. :D

Posted (edited)

@Cookyman and @MATtheHAT I'm up for that and everything but I currently have a problem with autolog, keep getting this message:


you have previously connected to autolog with a different account please sign in to that account to connect. If that account was used in error please contact Customer Service


So I am currently on hold with customer service...waiting time just went down from 15-20 minutes to 10-15 so I'm getting somewhere lol.


likely part of the problem I have with my dual accounts....I registered the code with my canadian account like I did with FIFA but when I launched game on UK account I still got the welcome to mulitplayer and thank you for registering your online pass only to be told I couldn't connect hmmm...


Ok so after making me delete my game data and save data and all other kinds of bullshit EA tried to say it was ISP.... Here is the end of my conversation...




I have checked UO trace file and would like to inform you that currently your connection to our servers is below par as you are experiencing excessive data loss. You will have to contact your Internet Service Provider to resolve this issue. You may wish to show them the results from your trace route as it is proof that connection is having issues.



but how does that effect only need for speed? i was playing fifa onlne just this morning? It does answer the question as to why autolog is saying



you have previously connected to autolog with a different account please sign in to that account to connect. If that account was used in error please contact Customer Service


doesn't answer the question



It depends on game and server which we are playing.



I am sure this issue will resolve. So please contact with your ISP.



ok but why is it saying my autolog is attached to another account? that has nothing to do with my ISP



We get autolog error when there is problem in connectivity.



my issue comes if i start explaining to them how i can play online with every game except for connecting to autolog on one particular game they will not have a clue what I am talking about



i can understand if it was falling to connect to autolog outright but that is not the nature of my error code



or message


I have checked UO trace and there is loss in internet connect. If UO trace would fine then I never had told you to contact with your ISP.



ok well i will contact them but i do not see how that will resolve an autolog account issue



Once internet speed will be resolve by ISP it will automatically resolve.



If still you will face any problem then please feel free to contact us again.



Ok I am currently on a live chat wth my isp



they are double checking but say my connection is working within expected parameters



You may wish to show them the results from your trace route as it is proof that connection is having issues. Attach your UO trace file and send it to them to check.



it's weird actually thinking back i didn't have any problems with autolog on ssx oon the same internet connection....



I will



Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?



I just want to check if this is not related to my internet connection what are the next steps? As currently I am with a game that does not function as intended.



I do not feel this issue has been adequately resolved when my autolog is clearly not attached to another game



account i mean not game



Your account is fine. Once internet speed will be resolve and still you will face same issue then please contact us again. We happy to help you.



How can my account possibly be fine when I am clearly getting an error message that says my autolog is attached to another account?



I have checked your PSN Id. So it is correctly linked with your account.



so 100% my need for speed most wanted online pass is attached to the account flameboyNE?



Yes, It is attached.






Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?



no thank you



If you need help with anything else, please feel free to contact us anytime!






Have a good day.



good bye


fucking lying tosser clearly wanted rid of me. clearly to my mind whilst online passes pipe though origin autolog doesn't.

Edited by flameboy
Automerged Doublepost

How interesting. Think I spoke to the same person about an issue with Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Was just as helpful. It's a shame EA have lost even MORE money as there are clear indicators of where they need to invest.

How interesting. Think I spoke to the same person about an issue with Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Was just as helpful. It's a shame EA have lost even MORE money as there are clear indicators of where they need to invest.


Yep....I spoke to ISP and there is nothing wrong what so ever with it so they are talking out of their arse. How can a problem that says my Autolog account has been used by another account have anything to do with an ISP? Idiot!


Is anyone actually enjoying the multi player, it seems to be played by a bunch of numb nuts, people that can't even get to the meet up point. Then how is it fair you can choose any car. Makes it about as fun sticking a rusty needle in your eye.


Do the cars you unlock in single player unlock for multi player? How do I unlock cars online if not? Ranking up?


Haven't tried multiplayer yet but I'm sure some PS3 players will be up for some online fun tonight :grin:


I hope you all know you can upload any pic to the need for speed autolog website and have it as your pic in the game!

Is anyone actually enjoying the multi player, it seems to be played by a bunch of numb nuts, people that can't even get to the meet up point. Then how is it fair you can choose any car. Makes it about as fun sticking a rusty needle in your eye.


Do the cars you unlock in single player unlock for multi player? How do I unlock cars online if not? Ranking up?


I have had a few very frustrating games where people either don't try to get to the meet point and even if they do they take out people which in some cases when the meet is up on a building or something means you have to work your way back up. It's very telling sometimes in certain games that as soon as a round ends near on everyone drops out. Once you are in with a good crowd though it's awesome!

I have had a few very frustrating games where people either don't try to get to the meet point and even if they do they take out people which in some cases when the meet is up on a building or something means you have to work your way back up. It's very telling sometimes in certain games that as soon as a round ends near on everyone drops out. Once you are in with a good crowd though it's awesome!


So we'll have to have a little get together tonight then - who's up for it? 8 or 9 o'clock fellas? :bouncy:

So we'll have to have a little get together tonight then - who's up for it? 8 or 9 o'clock fellas? :bouncy:


Good games before! Can I ask you what do I show up as on autolog? FlameboyCA or flameboyNE because the only people showing up on mine are people like you who have both accounts added. It's such a fuck up lol.

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