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NINTENDO @ E3: Penguins Approaching. It's Just a Box!

Fused King

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I take it you've been checking the Gaf E3 Gif thread? It's freaking fantastic! :yay: There are so many talented people on that board it's unreal.


In the WiiU thread they are getting hyped because the days till E3 are down to the teens.





Man, I love Gaf. :D

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Is that Reggie Fils-Aime' son? It looks like he was front-row at the most legendariest E3 ever and witnessed his fathers company own the show, thus why my awesome lip-reading skills can capture him saying: "I, .. *takes deep breath* LOOOOOVE U POPSSS *then cums fireworks Brock Lesnar-style*"


Most excellent. :laughing:

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Right, you guys better make a seatbelt for your desk chair real fucking fast because I've just got back from testing my time machine. Instead of doing useful things with it like stealing television sets in the future and taking them into the past with me making an IRL duplication glitch, I instead went straight to JUNE THE MOTHER FUCKING 5th.


Ignoring the fact that me publishing the script will no doubt alter the future of this time line because they'll have to change it, HERE IT IS


Numbers and shit. Iwata goes over the surprise rocketing in 3DS sales, admits tough lessons have been learned from the awful launch. Bulk & Skull theme starts playing as he compares 3DS & Vita sales during their respective launch periods, [continued laughter].


Wii U named Wii We. Comments made how the family aspect that made the 'Wii' successful needs to be carried over, and the 'U' needed to be dropped because Nintendo still believes a group experience is more appealing to an individual experience. And U, individually, are a self entitled bastard for complaining about anything in a video game ever much like you did with the Wii.


Wii We now supports 7 simultaneous screens. Frame rate is pretty shit on the screens, but it shuts the fanbase up and puts the audience in hysterics thinking back to the 7 controller support the PS3 was announced with in 2006.


Pikmin 3 announced, will be the final instalment making Pikmin into an EPIC TRILOGY. The finale with have you FINISH THE FIGHT. Iwata comments that he wishes to capture COD audience.


Luigi's Mansion 2 trailer plays, no longer coming to 3DS. Developed now for Wii We. Controlled completely by motion and touch screen, because using buttons isn't innovative.


Activision come on stage to demonstrate Black Ops 2. Standard port. Representative whips out genitals and places it on the screen to trigger a tea bag taunt. Feminist outrage for being locked out of the new feature.


NFC capabilities of the controller shown. A figure of a NES with a mushroom on top placed on the controller allows you to play Super Mario Bros. Do this with many console figures and with a "One last surprise for NFC", a zoom in of a mini 3DS model. Crowd starts gasping. They place it on the controller and the gasps get louder. Finally, the screen flashes "ERROR". Reggie mentions how the 3DS feature wont perform very well at launch and advises fans to leave the 3DS figure on the controller for half a year.


The mysterious vitality sensor makes its debut. Will be included with the console. Doesn't interact with games, it'll just make sure you're healthy enough to play the Wii We and will lock you out of playing any games until you exhibit improvement.


Launch date and price revealed. Expected worldwide in November. US price of $300, JP price of 30,000 yen. European price to be decided by the retailer, Game immediately puts a pre-order price of £500.


Planned software teaser starts. Nintendo show: New Super Mario Bros Wii We, Kirby Air Ride 2, Mario Sunshine 2, F-Zero FPS G-X. Ubisoft show: Generic FPS, Rayman:Other Origin, Imagine: Good Games, Yellow Iron, Assassins Creed 3. Can't remember the rest, will go back to the future soon and finish this up.


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Another prediction: Mass Effect: N7 Operations


- A squad-based Mass Effect game.

- Gameplay taken directly from Mass Effect 3's surprisingly good multiplayer mode.

- Will focus on a 4-player co-op campaign, about 7 or 8 hours in length.

- Will have speech options, but not much in the way that will actually affect the story in a big way. Will be similar to The Old Republic's group conversation mode (everyone picks an option, but one is randomly chosen to say the line they picked)

- Will have a similar wave mode to Mass Effect 3, but with more options. Will also be alternative game types.

- Will have competitive modes, but not deathmath. You will compete with other players but you won't fight them directly.

- Wii U controller will be used for easier squad commands when you have AI allies, and map/radar. Conversation options will be on the controller screen.

- Will have greater customisation than Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. You will be able to edit the face, have suit options, etc.

- Will be on Wii U, 360, PS3 and PC.

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Yeah, thanks Queeny. You have your street parties, I'm having some Nintendo love by live stream.


You ungrateful bastard. Well to show our appreciation to have been granted the honour and privilege to catch our highness that is Nintendo at the biggest event, like ever, I shall stay in-the know regarding the royal highness' Diamond Jubilee up until the point the E3 music begins and you can see camera-view of eager bastard steaming around the building like hype trains. All attention will then be on E-frwii - thanks Queeny. :geek:


Another prediction: Mass Effect: N7 Operations


- A squad-based Mass Effect game.

- Gameplay taken directly from Mass Effect 3's surprisingly good multiplayer mode.

- Will focus on a 4-player co-op campaign, about 7 or 8 hours in length.

- Will have speech options, but not much in the way that will actually affect the story in a big way. Will be similar to The Old Republic's group conversation mode (everyone picks an option, but one is randomly chosen to say the line they picked)

- Will have a similar wave mode to Mass Effect 3, but with more options. Will also be alternative game types.

- Will have competitive modes, but not deathmath. You will compete with other players but you won't fight them directly.

- Wii U controller will be used for easier squad commands when you have AI allies, and map/radar. Conversation options will be on the controller screen.

- Will have greater customisation than Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. You will be able to edit the face, have suit options, etc.

- Will be on Wii U, 360, PS3 and PC.


'Ow 'bout all that creativity is reserved for F-zer0, Metroid or even some kind of Star Fox (or all fuckin' 3) and it'll only be on Wiiu?

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It's more of a "somewhat likely" prediction. EA would get the code that BioWare made for the surprisingly good and popular multiplayer mode for Mass Effect 3 and pass it on to another developer to create a spin-off game.


Not sure what it has to do with creativity or any of the franchises you mentioned. For Mass Effect it would be fairly uncreative and linear.

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I take it you've been checking the Gaf E3 Gif thread? It's freaking fantastic! :yay:
Yep. :hehe:


Man, I love Gaf. :D
It is pretty awesome, yeah.

Mind you, there's a lot not to love about it too... :woops:



Also, @RedShell or other creative bastards on this forum, could we get a


Sounds like a plan:


: peace:

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WOAH SH!T, AN E3 TIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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If we get this s**t again, I'm going to kill myself. Or someone else. Or a fluffy kitten (and I quite honestly am a cat lover). Whichever will be the easiest and most satisfying at the given time with the given tools.

Another prediction: Mass Effect: N7 Operations


- A squad-based Mass Effect game.

- Gameplay taken directly from Mass Effect 3's surprisingly good multiplayer mode.

- Will focus on a 4-player co-op campaign, about 7 or 8 hours in length.

- Will have speech options, but not much in the way that will actually affect the story in a big way. Will be similar to The Old Republic's group conversation mode (everyone picks an option, but one is randomly chosen to say the line they picked)

- Will have a similar wave mode to Mass Effect 3, but with more options. Will also be alternative game types.

- Will have competitive modes, but not deathmath. You will compete with other players but you won't fight them directly.

- Wii U controller will be used for easier squad commands when you have AI allies, and map/radar. Conversation options will be on the controller screen.

- Will have greater customisation than Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. You will be able to edit the face, have suit options, etc.

- Will be on Wii U, 360, PS3 and PC.


I don't know how I'd react to this TBH. I absolutely adore the ME franchise and most certainly want more. But the combat isn't really the heart of the ME franchise. The characters and story is. Perhaps if the campaign would tie in to the main franchise in a clear way, or if the game in one way or another will contain the characters of ME1-3, I might go for it.


Also, there MUST be an option for you to play offline.

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I'd absolutely love a new, proper Mass Effect but I don't expect one for a good few years (about 4 or 5). Something like that seems like the best way for EA to cash in on the franchise until that happens.

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I don't know how I'd react to this TBH. I absolutely adore the ME franchise and most certainly want more. But the combat isn't really the heart of the ME franchise. The characters and story is.


Also, there MUST be an option for you to play offline.


Precisely. This is just me but that's why I think it'd be more fun if game-play was Haloified (not too crazy mind you), but keeping the third-person view for taking cover and other sort of things.

It may aswell've been a friggin' movie, man.

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Precisely. This is just me but that's why I think it'd be more fun if game-play was Haloified (not too crazy mind you), but keeping the third-person view for taking cover and other sort of things.

It may aswell've been a friggin' movie, man.

Define "Haloified gameplay", please.

I'm not objecting against what you say in any way, I just don't realy know what you mean. I must admit, I'm probably the only Xbox 360-owner whom doesen't have anything with Halo written on it.

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Define "Haloified gameplay", please.

I'm not objecting against what you say in any way, I just don't realy know what you mean. I must admit, I'm probably the only Xbox 360-owner whom doesen't have anything with Halo written on it.


I have three Halo games on the 360 and I'm not quite sure what it actually means. Back in the day it just meant recharging health and only two guns at once.


The Mass Effect multiplayer mode showed that the Mass Effect gameplay is just as good a other shooters.

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Define "Haloified gameplay", please.

I'm not objecting against what you say in any way, I just don't realy know what you mean. I must admit, I'm probably the only Xbox 360-owner whom doesen't have anything with Halo written on it.


Oh well I just suggested that Mass Effect should be a little more similar to Halo because they're both similar games but ME's stories more there but Halo's gameplay is more in-your-face. So maybe the perfect game for Mass Effect would be to be in first-person view, more mini race-wars in epic locations but not so Haloey in regards to weapons and unrealistic super jumps etc. You want both games to remain unique and believable in their own pov.

Not sure if I explained that well, but hope you get what I mean a li'l.


Hero-of-Time you're ripping my abs with those giffy gaffy thingies, that pokemon themed one was great. keep em coming :laughing:

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Oh well I just suggested that Mass Effect should be a little more similar to Halo because they're both similar games but ME's stories more there but Halo's gameplay is more in-your-face.

I kind of understand and don't.

You want a more fast paced, mobile experience, rather than the cover based mechanics of the current ME games? Interresting, although I'd prefer ME to return to its roots and be more RPG-like. But regarding the N7 ops idea, a first person view could very well work.

However, from what I've been taught, a first person view is good for putting you in the shoes of a character, but not very good for story telling.

So maybe the perfect game for Mass Effect would be to be in first-person view, more mini race-wars in epic locations but not so Haloey in regards to weapons and unrealistic super jumps etc. You want both games to remain unique and believable in their own pov.

I can sort of agree. Mass Effect has some epic settings, but unfortunately they're used as hub-worlds rather than missions. The most memorable part of ME1 is the interior of the Citadel. In ME2, Illium and Omega are really awesome. But the actual places where the missions take place are sort of forgettable.

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Well that's what I mean - a bit of both. Not so fast and hectic so that it's still rpg-like. I totally agree with that camera pov theory that you heard, but I do think it could still work well if executed superbly. Surely you can still take cover in first person view right? But when you do, possibly it goes third person. Battles can still be quite slow paced, just a bit more lively and engaging. Kind of have the characters staring into the camera/screen at you, speaking to your character/the player for you then to choose what options to select. Not saying this should happen, just wondering if it's a cool possibilty :bowdown:

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I kind of understand and don't.

You want a more fast paced, mobile experience, rather than the cover based mechanics of the current ME games? Interresting, although I'd prefer ME to return to its roots and be more RPG-like. But regarding the N7 ops idea, a first person view could very well work.


A first-person Mass Effect has already been tried. It was quickly canned.

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