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Pokémafia 14 : Fate of the Omni-Verse


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It's the middle of the night and I'm not fully awake, but seriously, I know nothing of the reductions, and I can't see how what I've been doing can be anything but good. Wasting investigation/tracker powers? Hardly.


Not got my target list on me, but one night I redirected Peeps and Eddie to each other as they were the strongest townies - I believe that this prevented the kill that night. Why the fuck would I do that if I were mafia? I think before this, I believed Yvonne to be a protector (not just a power one), so tried redirecting them to Tales. I was dragged underground and Tales died. That was when I was saying I thought I could have prevented the kill if there wasn't a roleblock! I realised we knew nothing about Frag Grimes, thought the mafia may be sending targets for him. So I sent Eevil to him thinking he could track him (didn't fully think this one through that there could be bad effects on EEVIL, but at least we could trust eevil on what he said happened to him.)


And the last night, I used my power to ensure one of the most important townies (Cube) was protected, and that one of the other most important townies (Eddie) had someone reverse tracking her in case she got killed. Yes, I got it wrong. Maybe I should have used it on two random people. Maybe I should have got Eddie and Peeps together. But I didn't want him to have to investigate people he already had before. And after the night before I left eevil free to target whoever he wanted. My targets have had nothing but good intentions.


I just create a psychic corridor. This weakening stuff is either someone else, or some nasty side effect that I haven't been informed of.


For the record, I think Rummy is a strong lead if he's been manipulating PMs. Can explain some dodgy results investigators have been getting. I also suspect DuD and Diageo. Back to sleep. Will wait to see what he has to say before voting.

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Jeeez, alot's going on! I'm going to london like soon, but I'll try and reply to all I can. Yes, I am Sandile. The reason I didn't respond to Dohnut is because Danny answered, I was originally going to ask why he wanted to know who I was. Long and short, I'm the guy who's been taking people underground. It's not a roleblock, and a number of people can confirm this as having gotten to their targets.


Who would pick Sandile, really...


Anyway I'll put a Vote Rummy down to get info out of him.


Have you watched black and white! He's a little renegade!


Well, out of those three, Rummy is the only one I have no info on. And I did notice he isn't posting much, which he does when he's mafia.


I do it when I'm busy, actually :p I'll draw your attention to the cloak and dagger mafia when I was plenty active!


Sméagol didn't appear evil because of mr-paul. Sméagol has some sort of appear evil power that he was unaware of, I'm sure of it. I know because my power is to view pms. I viewed Tales' pm the night before and it said the next night he would not be able to distinguish neutral players. It's another reason why I said earlier in the game that Eddie was definitely town. Might as well reveal this since it's now relevant and I don't mind revealing my power since mafia may know it now anyway (I got connected to Dannyboy and Diageo last night). Which brings me to my next point!


Rummy is probably mafia. I think he is able to take pms and replace them with something else. I know this because I viewed his pm last night and it said what Dannyboy's pm should have been, and then said what it was replaced with. I can't quote pms here but Danny and Diageo saw the full thing. The pm Danny received was a generic message which said he was redirected and found Rummy to be sandile. Combined with Dohnut saying Rummy is not sandile, I think it's pretty solid.




@Rummy to see what he has to say.


This certainly isn't the case. I guess it's time for a full reveal. I do get PMs/information, though last night I couldn't find my target.


Night 1: Targetted DuD - he was either roleblocked, or what looked more so like a protection.

Night 2: Targetted heroic - he targetted Tales.

Night 3: Targetted Smeagol - didn't find my target.

Night 4: Targetted mr-paul - he targetted Yvonne and Tales.

Night 5: Targetted Danny - he targetted Eddie.

Night 6: No target due to being asleep during the short night.

Night 7: Tried to target DuD again but didn't find him.


I haven't said much because I have yet to actually catch anybody out as lying about what they've done, and saw no reason to reveal myself in this case.


I'm going uptown now, but I'm only one from majority by my thinking. I'd ask someone who's voted to give people a chance to see my post before someone seals my fate with a final vote.

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Fact remains that I got to heroicjanitor as proven by his ability to contact me, meaning someone replaced my PM. Also, the underground power is a roleblocker, not a tracker, and conveniently enough all your results have already been revealed in the thread. Strangely enough, heroic wasn't roleblocked the night you claim to have targetted him ... maybe because you actually didn't?


There is, however, the possibility that it has all been orchestrated by heroicjanitor (who might be immune to roleblocks) to get Rummy lynched. Some things admittedly still bug me about the scenario:


To what purpose did Rummy replace my PM? If Sandile is a townie, it's to be assumed he would speak up, and then where'd things go? If Sandile is a mafioso, why would Rummy claim as him?


Also, it was quite convenient that heroic managed to grab Rummy's PM the exact night Rummy replaced mine and I targetted heroic.


On the other hand, suspicion would immediately fall onto heroic if Rummy turned out good, so it wouldn't be worth it unless the mafia has some super power that allows them to win the game the following night.


If it turns out this is an elaborate plan by heroic, it also throws suspicion onto Jonnas, mr-paul and Eddie, who together with heroic have all backed each other up.


Basically, I don't know. :hmm: I have overthought things to a point where I have become paranoid and see conspiracies everywhere.

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Fact remains that I got to heroicjanitor as proven by his ability to contact me, meaning someone replaced my PM. Also, the underground power is a roleblocker, not a tracker, and conveniently enough all your results have already been revealed in the thread. Strangely enough, heroic wasn't roleblocked the night you claim to have targetted him ... maybe because you actually didn't?


There is, however, the possibility that it has all been orchestrated by heroicjanitor (who might be immune to roleblocks) to get Rummy lynched. Some things admittedly still bug me about the scenario:


To what purpose did Rummy replace my PM? If Sandile is a townie, it's to be assumed he would speak up, and then where'd things go? If Sandile is a mafioso, why would Rummy claim as him?


Also, it was quite convenient that heroic managed to grab Rummy's PM the exact night Rummy replaced mine and I targetted heroic.


On the other hand, suspicion would immediately fall onto heroic if Rummy turned out good, so it wouldn't be worth it unless the mafia has some super power that allows them to win the game the following night.


If it turns out this is an elaborate plan by heroic, it also throws suspicion onto Jonnas, mr-paul and Eddie, who together with heroic have all backed each other up.


Basically, I don't know. :hmm: I have overthought things to a point where I have become paranoid and see conspiracies everywhere.


I was dragged underground on night two, but I wasn't roleblocked. So he isn't lying there. I happened to target Rummy last night, so I suppose it's convenient :) I disagree with suspicion falling on me, I showed you the pms in the other thread and you acted on them yourself. As did Diageo. Still confident he is mafia though. No idea why he replaced your pm, but clearly you should have gotten one saying you reached me. I think Rummy is hiding something about his power...


@Rummy how come last night the pm you got said what Danny's pm should have been, and then said what it was replaced with. That's the important part and I don't think you explained it!

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I'm done. You got me. I'm Ho oh and I been fuckif with you all. Watch out for th reverse. Danny diageo and heroic can communicate on a forum seperately. Most people have been quite honest. Heroic is a pm intercepter, all above targets are true, though I did target Danny last night. I was a neutral surviovor! Watch the eevees!


For th eevees, not the reverse! You guys should have left me to survive and win, I'd have served you all! Damn heroic fucked up all my shit, maybe the eevees are the mafia? Or there is a mafia too. I just don't knoooow. Ive enjoyed this shit!


Mr Paul is the corridor, Eddie is wiailmer! I don't know who's town or not. I don't caaaare! Ho-oh lolololol, best role yet.


Good luck and godspeed pokefiends, no lynchbomb lol. Silly mafia.

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I was dragged underground on night two, but I wasn't roleblocked. So he isn't lying there. I happened to target Rummy last night, so I suppose it's convenient :) I disagree with suspicion falling on me, I showed you the pms in the other thread and you acted on them yourself. As did Diageo. Still confident he is mafia though. No idea why he replaced your pm, but clearly you should have gotten one saying you reached me. I think Rummy is hiding something about his power...


@Rummy how come last night the pm you got said what Danny's pm should have been, and then said what it was replaced with. That's the important part and I don't think you explained it!


Yeah, but the more I thought about it, I realised there was the possibility that it was all an elaborate plan by you. You could have replaced the PM and then shown us a fake PM sent to Rummy in order to throw suspicion onto him. But I admit it was rather farfetched; while writing a short dismissal to Rummy's protest I ended up contemplating all the possible explanations, and with doubts both ways and no hard evidence I became very, very paraoid. :heh:


I'm done. You got me. I'm Ho oh and I been fuckif with you all. Watch out for th reverse. Danny diageo and heroic can communicate on a forum seperately. Most people have been quite honest. Heroic is a pm intercepter, all above targets are true, though I did target Danny last night. I was a neutral surviovor! Watch the eevees!


For th eevees, not the reverse! You guys should have left me to survive and win, I'd have served you all! Damn heroic fucked up all my shit, maybe the eevees are the mafia? Or there is a mafia too. I just don't knoooow. Ive enjoyed this shit!


Mr Paul is the corridor, Eddie is wiailmer! I don't know who's town or not. I don't caaaare! Ho-oh lolololol, best role yet.


Good luck and godspeed pokefiends, no lynchbomb lol. Silly mafia.




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Heroic said it himself, I got dannys pm. I am a neutral survivor cos I asked for a joker role. You'll see it. But as I said, I got Danny's pm and as he said he targetted heroic, I KNOW he can communicate with heroic outside the thread on a forum, and logically assume diageo is the same given his eevee line. I'm dead regardless, so I have no agenda but to joker this shit right up!


Wow I totally called that! So proud that I managed to get it that right! although I still think Rummy is lying about being neutral :p


You'll see it as I'm dead, but Tbh heroic got me more than you. Spent th entire game crafting my lie, only to be undone in a night :(


(this doesn't even excuse dohnut as not being mafia, despite the fact I'd have equally served their cause)


(the mafia wouldn't know I'm a neutral survivor, and thus think I'm a viable target to kill off, my death excuses basically no one, and if anything incriminates any faction against town interest, such as the mafia, and the secretly communicating eevees!)

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You didn't target Sméagol on night 2. EEVILMURRAY, Dannyboy-the-Dane and Eddie Coleslaw did.


Well, that's...odd. My power clearly didn't fail, and the one time I was redirected, I was told about it, so I'm pretty sure I got to Sméagol.


Isn't there a "catch" to your power? Maybe there are certain players you simply can't spot? Because nothing in my role says anything about me being invisible, or anything.

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Wow I totally called that! So proud that I managed to get it that right! although I still think Rummy is lying about being neutral :p


Just realised you meant the ho-oh, Yeah I totally did. Still, I'm giving solid an honest advice to you all, I serve in death if not in life!


Yeah, but the more I thought about it, I realised there was the possibility that it was all an elaborate plan by you. You could have replaced the PM and then shown us a fake PM sent to Rummy in order to throw suspicion onto him. But I admit it was rather farfetched; while writing a short dismissal to Rummy's protest I ended up contemplating all the possible explanations, and with doubts both ways and no hard evidence I became very, very paraoid. :heh:







Posting after my lynch is sealed to pretend you aren't suspicious/working with the eevees is classic...tactic, you know you can communicate with them, and you know he isn't lying, because you can talk to him! I'LL TAKE YOU ALL DOWN GODAMMIT!


For everyone else, you must ask yourselves; why would they be able to communicate if they aren't all working towards a common goal?

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To wrap up the whole Eddie might be a roleblocker thing, I just noticed that it was Frag Grimes who dropped on top of people.




So I will say again (for Cube's list in particular) that Eddie is definitely good :heh:


mr-paul is also good Cube, since he redirected Eddie to Peeps on night 5, and it prevented a kill. Referring back to my quote after night 5:


If we agree the final paragraph is the killer, then mr-paul, Eddie and Peeps are good.
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