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A most votes mafia?


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Hello all. Quick background, me and @Marcamillian are planning to run a mafia at some point, intended to be fast, and to combat inactivity. This thread isn't quite for that.


One major thing we're going to implement is a most votes system, rather than majority votes. Majority should still realistically hold, but essentially at the end of the day the person with the most votes regardless if it's below majority will be lynched.


It's a major mechanic, and so we thought having never run a mafia before and before putting lots of effort into roles and stuff only for that to massively break the game, we'll try doing a small/simple fast mafia using that mechanic and see how it goes/what we learn.


So, to the main point; who would be interesting in playing in this first mafia to help us get a feel for things? It's our very first mafia, and running it collaboratively I'm thinking getting a preliminary idea of numbers that we can then sit down and work with roles etc wise might be good. As for a theme, I don't know what it'll be, Marc might handle flavour whilst I focus more on logistics(PMs, keeping track, etc).



Interested players:

1. Cube

2. Nintendohnut

3. Yvonne?

4. Diageo

5. The Peeps

6. Jimbob

7. Frag Grimes

8. DuD



tl;dr - Who wants to play in a mafia using most votes system rather than majority votes?


To clarify the major changes to rules from this, it'd be as follows:


1. The person with the most votes at the end of the day gets lynched. This therefore also makes the No Lynch vote actually more used at a day beyond day one. It should encourage people to post more too, rather than try to wait out a lynch.

2. If just one person votes for someone, and nobody else votes at all, that voted for someone will get lynched. Here I'm wondering from you guys, would you want a minimum of 3 votes or something?

3. Breaking ties - this is as of yet not quite considered. Probably first to the even number goes. Or coin flip final decision by GMs.

4. I think majority being reached will still end the day. This still leaves the standard win condition for mafia.


Game will play to fairly solid time limits, ideally with regular updates of votes and when days will end to keep people informed. Given the greater chance of lynchings, the game shouldn't run for too long either(so a nice little burst of mafia, really).


Also likely won't start until at least after Weather, and probably pokemafia.


(hopefully gotten everything right, let me know if anything's wrong @Marcamillian)

Edited by Rummy
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You would have to ensure that there was some way to stop the mafia just dropping a couple of votes onto a townie before the end of a quiet phase. If there are five mafia members, and a few players have two or three votes (one of them a townie) then the mafia could wipe out the town within a few days. I suppose it would be up to the town to either vote no lynch or vote for someone else, but yeah.


That said, it sounds awesome and I'd definitely want to play.

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That's what the No Lynch votes are for.


You would have to ensure that there was some way to stop the mafia just dropping a couple of votes onto a townie before the end of a quiet phase. If there are five mafia members, and a few players have two or three votes (one of them a townie) then the mafia could wipe out the town within a few days. I suppose it would be up to the town to either vote no lynch or vote for someone else, but yeah.


That said, it sounds awesome and I'd definitely want to play.


:p words words words

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In this game, even though there could be a lynch with less than majority, would a day end if majority was reached, or can it reach majority but people can change their minds (ie. lots of people voting can't end the day, they have set times and whatever the vote is at that time stands??)???

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In this game, even though there could be a lynch with less than majority, would a day end if majority was reached, or can it reach majority but people can change their minds (ie. lots of people voting can't end the day, they have set times and whatever the vote is at that time stands??)???


This is the thing I was wondering. I feel like leaving the hitting majority thing in(as in the first post), but I guess it's up to you guys. If the mafia still get majority, they'll still win so it doesn't have to be day ending majority. I'll see how marc feels, but I thought first game keep it at day ending, if people want it more flexible, we make it like that in the next game.


If that makes sense.

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I like the idea of no inactivity.


As long as it doesn't start this week.. in please


Won't start for quite a while, want to see at least Weather finish up first, possibly pokemafia too. However if we have an idea of numbers we should be able to get started pretty swiftly afterwards.

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I think obvious co-ordinated vote moves will be strong mafia tells. I suspect this vote ruleset will fix the problem of inactivity and improve the daytime tension which is sometimes a little too low to have those really big discussions until mid/late game

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