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Halo 4

spirited away

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I actually added you about three months ago......but the request is still pending :cry:


I kid, i'm not actually crying - i'm above all that.


I'm KwetlaJ


Oh god! I thought you were some noob who tried to add me from seeing me in a game! I'll add you on tonight! Sorry :x


Multiplayer starts off easy, from my experience you get paired with similarly ranked players for a while. Then once you hit SR 10 they start putting you in matches with ranks of 50-60 then you get spanked a lot.


Rank isn't always worth much, I'm a 54 and I still can't really play for shit. We kicked the crap out of a team with a 119 the other day too.

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Aha! I found you Rummy! And no, I didn't have a microphone which was why I was so very stoic. Good games though!


Couldn't work out why people weren't running for the weapons around the map until I realised that presumably they spawn with whatever weapons they want most anyway... still, meant more sniper rifles for me!

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Aha! I don't tend to get map ordanance, unless it's awesome/I just happen to be passing it, kidna written it off in my mind as either somewhere to get killed, or something someone else'll get to first. We(me and my friends) started to hit a slump a while after you joined hence we disappeared to try and win something else lol(not because of you at all, I see how this reads), I swear we must have lost like 8 games in a row until we all just gave up. I was going to invite you to join us, but worried about how crap we were doing.


Then Zell was on! And I thought, one last game of the eve with Zell and I might be able to get a win before I sleep. Needless to say, I think we only won like 2 but I ended up staying on for another three hours having a good ol' chat with him as he's found a mic, which was quite nice. Definitely didn't help my halo skillz any more, though.

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The Grifball playlist is arriving next week and promises to be a lot of fun. Had a good ol' chat with Rummy last week and we discussed how it would be nice to see a group of us having a Halo session.


I'm thinking if we arrange a time next week where we can all be on at the same time, we could get a team going. It would be nice to get 4 of us, but the more the merrier and if we get 6 we could probably do some custom games.


What say you?








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No live and, currently, no xbox!"!"!"!??!$>!"I V>QT




Pfft, stop making excuses.


Btw @Zell, unrelated, but I've been meaning to ask - how exactly did you die with that sticky launcher fail? I just can't work it out!


I'm fairly free methinks, but the sooner we can set an actual day, the more definite I can be.

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Yeah i've never played grifball, but it should be a laugh.


@Rummy sorry about my general terribleness last night - I stopped being so cautious (like i was in my first two games) and just started trying out some of the new guns and stuff. Hence i failed a lot and we lost. Hope your friends weren't too annoyed at me :p You should have seen me after you left though, i got even worse. Tried out a Banshee on Valhalla (or whatever it's called now) and forgot how to pilot it. Accidentally hopped out whilst in the air, and landed between these two enemy guys. They actually looked surprised as to where i came from (dropping out of the skies) and then presumably pissed themselves laughing when a Banshee dropped on my head a killed me.


Starting to get into the game a bit more though. The way the loadout things work, do some higher level people actually spawn with rocket launchers then? That seems a tad unfair? I realise that you can just level up and do it yourself, but then everyone would end up with rocket launchers and it gets a bit silly no?

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Oh @bob, not at all! We were tiring a bit anyway(was just me and my friend claire), I felt bad dragging you into those test maps, but we were just after some freshness. That banshee tale sounds brilliant lol. Which stage is Valhalla(I'm fairly halo noob), is that ragnarok?


You can't start with a rocket launcher afaik, just start with whatever you can buy for the loadouts. You get ordanance drops as you kill/score though, and those can be all sorts(not sure I've seen a rocket launcher on it though).



I got reverse pedo'd yesterday too - an 11 year old said he wanted me to be his friend. It was quite strange. I felt bad, but I felt so weird about it I apologised and said I couldn't be! We promptly backed up afterwards. Despite this, I'm fairly sure I'll be on tonight; probs from around 6 or so(as I always get distracted by Pointless when I get in).

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Alrighty then, how does this Monday at 8 sound? Everyone just add my gamertag and join me in the lobby around then.


Pfft, stop making excuses.


Btw @Zell, unrelated, but I've been meaning to ask - how exactly did you die with that sticky launcher fail? I just can't work it out!


I'm fairly free methinks, but the sooner we can set an actual day, the more definite I can be.


The dude I was shooting shot the sticky projectile thing with his DMR. It exploded right in my face, and since I fired the sticky launcher it counted as a suicide.


I haven't played Halo in ages, explain what griffball is again?


Grifball is basically neutral bomb on a small empty map where everyone has hammers and no shields.


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Grifball is basically neutral bomb on a small empty map where everyone has hammers and no shields.



Wow that sounds... terrible. Sorry guys you can count me out. I'm more a fan of the tactical battles that require a lot of team work, shooting, learning the map and how to play it.

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Wow that sounds... terrible. Sorry guys you can count me out. I'm more a fan of the tactical battles that require a lot of team work, shooting, learning the map and how to play it.


We wouldn't just be playing grifball! My intention was that we would rotate gametypes and playlists. After all, variety is the spice of life. It would obviously be a group decision over what we end up playing. Besides if there's more than 4 of us we can't do grifball anyway because it's 4 per side.


Also, don't knock it before you try it! Grifball is very fun and easy to get into. I suggested it because obviously not everyone is going to be at the same skill level and this would perhaps level the playing field.

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Monday at 8? I guess I'll be there! I might be on a bit earlier too if anyone fancies a warm up. What exactly are we looking at? Who, too? So we know how many? Was going to ask if it's ok if I have a few other folks with me too? Like 3 max, possibly 1/2/just me.


(also I really like being mic'd up, can we all be mic'd up?)

Edited by Rummy
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Tuesday would probably be better for me, but I suggested Monday because I know that there's premier league on this Tuesday. I'm not fussed either way, we can do Tuesday instead if it's better for people. Or we can do both days if people are up for it.

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